MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1000 Housing scheme

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  Chapter 1000 Housing allocation plan

  The official blushed and bowed to salute, "Your Majesty, Zhao Yushu, see Your Highness!"

   Li Yanqing was stunned. Isn't Zhao Yushu the same scholar who had conflicts with him in Xiangzhou back then? It seems that the bridge of the nose was broken by myself.

  Li Yanqing laughed loudly, patted him on the shoulder and said: "So it's Brother Zhao. I haven't seen him for many years. Brother Zhao is also in the court. I really didn't expect it!"

  Zhao Yushu heard that Li Yanqing's tone wasn't very bad, so he quickly said: "This official is now a member of the Ministry of Rites, Wai Lang, and today I followed Zhou Shilang to visit the official building."

  Li Yanqing has long forgotten some past grievances. Now that he sees Zhao Yushu, he is a little happy to meet a fellow villager. Li Yanqing smiled and said, "Let's go to see the apartment, let's chat!"

  Zhao Yushu immediately felt flattered, and hurriedly followed Li Yanqing and Zhou Chun to the first official building.

   "When did Brother Zhao become an official?" Li Yanqing asked with a smile.

   "The next official is a Jinshi in the third year of Xuanhe. Later, he has been an official in Xichong County, Guozhou. He successively served as the county magistrate and county magistrate. The year before last, he was promoted to Chizhou Sima. Last June, he was transferred to Beijing as a member of the Ministry of Rites."

Li Yanqing nodded. After seven years in office, he was promoted to a member of the sixth rank. It can only be said to be a normal promotion without any background influence. Of course, Zhao Yushu was transferred from a remote county in Bashu to Chizhou in the south of the Yangtze River. Is there anything in it? Li Yanqing didn't want to ask any more questions.

   "Where does Brother Zhao live now?" Li Yanqing asked again.

   "Xiaguan lives in Ping'anfang. He rents a small yard and has four rooms. His wife and three children live together."

   "It's not cheap to rent a small yard! One month's rent is about six or seven!"

   "Ping'an Square is a little bit out of the way, and the rented yard is relatively old. The rent is 50 yuan a month, which is equivalent to 30% of the salary of a lower official. The pressure is really great."

   "Then let's look at the one-and-a-half-acre official residence first!"

The one-and-a-half-acre official residence is exactly the official residence of an official of Li Yushu's level. It is also a single-family house with small courtyards at the front and back. A wintersweet is more delicately built.

  Li Yanqing saw a young woman with three children running into the inner house to look at the house, so he smiled and asked, "Is that Ling Zheng?"

   "It's my wife, from Linzhang County, Xiangzhou, and a matchmaker made by Zhou Shilang."

   Zhou Chun laughed beside him and said, "I am ashamed to say it! After Yushu was admitted to Jinshi, many people wanted to marry their daughters to him. Unfortunately, Yushu was already married and had children. If I had known, I would not have been a matchmaker."

   Li Yanqing's heart moved. He never thought that Zhao Yushu and Zhou Chun had such a good relationship. They were also rivals when they took the exam!

  He vaguely guessed that Zhao Yushu was transferred from Guozhou to Chizhou, and entered the imperial court after serving as a Sima for a year. It is estimated that Zhou Chun was behind it. Since Zhao Yushu's wife is from Linzhang County, it is likely to be a relative of Zhou Chun.

  Li Yanqing smiled and didn't say much. He looked around the house and asked Zhao Yushu, "How about this official house?"

   "This is the best one. Of course I like it, but I heard that the house is drawn by lottery. I hope I have better luck."

  Li Yanqing didn't know that there was a lottery, he turned his head and looked at Liu Fang, Liu Fang hurriedly said: "The humble staff is only responsible for the construction, and after the construction is completed, it will be handed over to the official department. The humble staff doesn't care about the specific distribution."

Zhou Chun said with a smile on the side: "The issue of the allocation of official residences, the provinces, temples and Taiwan parties have become arguing, and there is a fight. Finally, after consultation in the Zhizheng Hall, it was decided that no private distribution is allowed, and the method of drawing lots will be used to solve the problem. The noise will subside."

   "Could it be that the official residence is not enough?" Li Yanqing asked again.

Zhou Chun shook his head, "The official building is enough. The problem is that everyone wants to live in a good house. For example, this official building has a pond on the left and a pavilion with plenty of sunlight. Compared with the official building in the middle, the scenery is much better. Everyone wants to grab this one, so what should we do?"

   "I see. It seems that only the lottery is fairer."

Li Yanqing also wanted to help Zhao Yushu by allocating this official residence to him, but as soon as Zhou Chun said that, Li Yanqing dismissed this idea. This kind of housing allocation issue is too sensitive and slightly unfair. All the hard work was wasted.

   "When will the lottery start?" Li Yanqing asked again with a smile.

   "Registration started at the beginning of the year. I heard that the lottery will start at the end of this month. Everyone is looking forward to it. After talking about it for so many years, I finally waited for this day."

  Li Yanqing went to the Chrysanthemum Garden and Heyuan Garden for a walk, then finished his inspection of the official residence and returned to Zhizheng Hall.

Li Yanqing's official office is next to the Zhizheng Hall, which was the original provincial official office, but now it is renamed Jian Guo Tang. Li Yanqing also serves as the Generalissimo of the Military and Horses in the capital, so there is another sign in the Jian Guotang, the Mansion of the Generalissimo of the Military and Horses. .

  As soon as Li Yanqing arrived in front of the official office, Bo Caoye greeted him, "His Royal Highness, Wang Dutong, Liu Dutong and Wu Dutong have all arrived."

   "Please wait a moment, I'll go there!"

  Li Yanqing went back to the official room and changed his clothes before heading to the meeting hall.

  Since Li Yanqing became the regent of the country last year, the Northwest Army has also undergone a major reorganization. First of all, the military and government have been completely separated, and there is no longer an economic envoy.

The Jingzhao Army still exists, and the Marshal of the capital is still Li Yanqing, but the following six guards have been upgraded to the Sixth Army, and the six first-level commanders have also been promoted to the capital commander. Liu Kai, Wang Gui, Cao Xing, Wu Jie, Liu Ziyu, and Tang Huai all Promoted to the command of the capital, controlling the 300,000 troops in the northwest.

  This time, Wang Gui's 100,000 elite troops were transferred to Jiangnan. At the same time, the six capital commanders will also come to the capital to report on their duties in batches. The first batch is Wang Gui, Liu Kai, and Wu Jie.

  Li Yanqing walked into the meeting hall, and the three generals stood up together. Li Yanqing smiled and hugged the three of them, "We broke up for half a year, and it feels like we were still drinking together yesterday. Time really flies!"

Wang Gui smiled and said: "Time doesn't pass quickly, but the imperial court has undergone tremendous changes. Who would have thought that Du Tong, who went to Beijing to report on his duties, would become the regent of the country in a blink of an eye. Du Tong, we should let the brothers drink!" Mouth soup!"

  Li Yanqing punched him on the shoulder, "What soup do you want to drink? The Zhizheng Hall is next door, do you want to arrange a seat for you?"

  Wang Gui quickly waved his hand, "We don't have that ability in Zhizhengtang, but at least give us a promotion!"

  Li Yanqing nodded, "It's easy to be promoted, it depends on your next performance."

  The three of them all heard that there was something in Li Yanqing's words, and asked in unison: "Are you going to attack the Kingdom of Jin?"

   "It's hard to say now, I will give you an official answer tomorrow."

As the government affairs gradually stabilized, Li Yanqing will start to rectify the military. What he wants is the absolute allegiance of the generals of the military to him, which is obviously impossible at present. Apart from the Northwest Army, there are still people in the world. The four capitals are Yue Fei, Liu Guangshi, Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun.

Don't sit in his position, don't seek his position. Now that Li Yanqing has taken the position of regent of the country, he finally realized the disadvantages of generals holding military power. For example, Li Gang, Zong Ze and other literati hold military power. They will be loyal to the court no matter what. , They lost their military power and they were able to get rid of the generals and enter the prime minister, and started another brilliant life.

Military generals can't do it, they can't squeeze into the civilian group, and losing military power means losing everything, so they value military power so much, they refuse to easily enter the court, refuse to accept the transfer of the court, and try to achieve financial self-reliance. It became a de facto independent regime.

  However, mastering the military power of the world can only be achieved step by step, there is no rush, and one cannot expect to grasp the military power of the world in ten and a half months.

  Li Yanqing pondered for a while and asked Liu Kai, "How is the matter with Li Yungui?"

  Liu Kai shook his head, "Jin Guo admits that Li Yungui is in Datong Mansion, but they said that there is a protection agreement with Xixia, so Li Yungui will not be handed over to us."

   "It seems that Jin Guo doesn't want to follow Zhang Jue's path, so it's good to give us an excellent excuse to attack Datong Mansion."

  Liu Kai has already understood, "Is Jian Guo planning to start with Datong Mansion?"

  Li Yanqing smiled lightly, "Don't you think that if you take Datong Mansion, you can copy the back road of Yanshan Mansion?"

   Liu Qi and the three looked at each other, and they were all refreshed. It seemed that they still wanted to fight the Kingdom of Jin.

Datong Mansion is indeed a malignant tumor, threatening Xiazhou Mansion, Shaanxi Road and Hedong Road at the same time. This cancer must be pulled out, but Li Yanqing has to think about how to fight it. As the regent, Li Yanqing has to consider all aspects. It's not just as simple as going out to fight.

  (end of this chapter)