MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 18 How is the food business?

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"Grandpa, are you alright!"

Yang Yuan first helped his grandfather on the rattan chair, and then picked up the teapot on the ground.

The quality of the teapot is good, but a piece of porcelain was knocked off, but it can still be used.

This made Yang Dingbiao feel a little distressed. This was brought to him by the nephew of the third family from Luodu. Now a piece of porcelain is more distressing than a tooth.

But right now, he is not in the mood to care about this. What Yang Yuan said just now really startled him.

"Is what you said true?"

Everyone has already seen what the harvest will be this year. Although everyone is encouraging the rescue of the seedlings, it is a foregone conclusion that the production will be reduced or even no harvest.

Food will be the most precious thing this year.

Yang Yuan also knew that the grain business would be very sensitive this year, but he had no choice. The only thing he could do now was grain.

But this is definitely not a long-term solution. Food is the most important resource. After Yang Yuan summons more soldiers in the future, no matter where the food is produced, it will be the most important resource.

So if you want to be rich, you have to look at industry.

At present, Giethoorn Village does not need to build roads. What it needs is a pillar industry, so that it can continuously generate wealth.

Yang Yuan has two industries to choose from, one is wine and the other is salt.

As long as these two things are produced, they must be able to be sold, and they can be sold at high prices.

Because Yang Yuan has a secret recipe to improve their quality.

Now is the time to take it out.

If there is not enough force to guarantee, Yang Yuan will not take them out easily.

They can bring wealth as well as greedy eyes.

Now Yang Yuan is not afraid of being watched, and he is confident to protect his own interests.

"Grandpa, food trading is definitely temporary, but if we want to make our reputation, there must be some special commodities. I will have more suitable commodities for trading in the future."

"What cargo?"

Yang Dingbiao squinted at Yang Yuan to see what he could say.

It's really outrageous, knowing that this year is a disaster year, you dare to pay attention to grain.

He thought that Yang Yuan wanted to sell the grain in the village granary, so he was already a little angry.

Yang Yuan saw his grandfather's appearance and guessed that he might have misunderstood.

So he quickly explained: "Grandpa, don't worry, I won't pay attention to the village. I have other ways to get the food from the trade."

"What can you do?"

Yang Dingbiao continued to ask, he didn't believe that a doll who had not been out of the village a few times could have such great skills.

This is not one or two wild animals, and food transactions should at least be measured by car.

Yang Yuan knew that empty words would definitely not win Grandpa's trust, and he couldn't explain that his food was grown in his pocket.

So he chose to change the subject, "Grandpa, don't worry about where I got the food, help me think about it first, what should I do for the first transaction? Who should I trade with?"

This is the ultimate goal of Yang Yuan's coming to find his grandfather. The transaction is a matter of two parties. He needs his grandfather to find a safe shipping channel for him.

Yang Dingbiao saw that his grandson didn't want to talk about the source of food, so he temporarily suppressed his curiosity and helped him figure out who to trade.

If Yang Yuan had the qualifications to trade, no matter how much grain he had, he would be able to sell at a high price. This year's drought is a foregone conclusion, and the surrounding four or five counties are facing a shortage of grain. Someone selling grain is simply great news.

But Yang Yuan did not have it, nor did the entire Giethoorn Village.

And even if Giethoorn Village has the ability to obtain a trader qualification at this time, it cannot do it.

Because Na will expose the fact that there is still food in the village.

On the contrary, the village's food can only be sold to the government at a low price, otherwise it will face the government's attack.

It is precisely because the Dashun Kingdom has such an ability that it can resist the northern barbarians and face the attack of the two great powers at the same time.

Therefore, the transaction object he wants to choose for Yang Yuan must not be an official businessman of Shunguo.

Then the choices are very limited.

Yang Dingbiao silently thought about who was more suitable.

The first trading partner is a very important choice, because he is likely to be Yang Yuan's only trading partner for a period of time.

Therefore, he must have a relatively broad channel, and he can sell everything.

Yang Dingbiao suddenly thought of a goal. Who else is more suitable than him?

Yang Dingbiao said to his grandson, "I know there is a person who can buy the grain from your hand, but what do you want to trade?"

The transaction is a matter of both parties. He just knew that Yang Yuan wanted to sell grain and buy things, so he wanted to ask him exactly what he wanted to buy.

Yang Yuan glanced at his grandfather, Jiang was still old and hot, and he ambush me here again.

"This transaction is just to explore the way, just use gold to trade."

Yang Dingbiao didn't think much of it when he heard the words, he just thought that his grandson was still keeping it a secret.

It is normal to use gold for large-scale transactions. Yang Dingbiao guessed that there will not be too much grain in this transaction, but since Yang Yuan wants to use gold to trade, there is no problem.

He would not have thought that one of Yang Yuan's ultimate goals is gold.

"You go to your Uncle Wei, and you say you want to do business with Tie Mian. As for what business you want to do, tell him if you want to. If you don't want to, forget it. You and me will go to Seventh Brother's house in the evening. It's done."

Yang Yuan stood up happily after hearing what Grandpa said, "Hey, thank you Grandpa!"

The biggest obstacle to Yang Yuan's business has been removed by grandfather, he only needs to do business normally.

In the afternoon, Yang Yuan didn't rush to find Uncle Wei, but made a good plan at home about how to do his first business.

Three soldiers are definitely not enough, UU reading www. The remaining sixty-five units of gold on can still summon thirteen people, all of which are used!

He summoned ten archers and three swordsmen.

In this way, he has eleven archers, four swordsmen and one spearman, and this strength is enough for him to guarantee the safety of this transaction.

Then there is the food traded. He needs to ask the soldiers to find a place to build a camp in the Yangjiao Mountain. When the time comes, the skills will allow Yang Yuan to have a place to move freely.

Then there is the price. You can ask Qigong at night, he must know more.

For the time being, there are only so many. As for the vehicles and people who transport the food, there are so many uncles in the village, and you are afraid that you will not be able to find anyone?

Okay, everything is ready, just the east wind!

That night, when Qigong learned that Yang Yuan actually wanted to exchange food for money, he was as incomprehensible as Yang Dingbiao's first reaction.

"How about doing a business with you in the village?" Qigong said.

Of course Yang Yuan would not agree. What he wants more is a business route, so the choice of the first transaction partner is very important.

What can be done by trading with the village?

"Qi Gong, if the village is short of food in the future, I will definitely not stand by and watch. I can't trade with the village this time."

Qigong saw that Yang Yuan's attitude was firm, and he did not force him to deal with the village. When the child grows up, he must have his own ideas.

"Well, you just need to discuss with Awei. Our group of old guys can only cheer you on from behind."

Qigong had to give birth to the mind that he was really old. It was amazing. He was able to get involved in the food business at the age of fourteen.

I just don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for Giethoorn Village?

This is how it should be!