MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 879 The Xuanwu Army entered Qi Er

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The commander-in-chief of the Qi army did not frighten the dry army, but he ordered the cities and military camps to strengthen their guards just in case.

The people of the country of Gan have done too many unreasonable things, especially when Yang Yuan led the battle, those who were defeated did not know how they were defeated.

With so many victories, how can people relax their vigilance?

The Ministry of Military Intelligence gave Du Ming a very detailed report on Qi's movements.

Du Ming admired Qi Jun's response, although it brought unknown trouble to his actions.

But an opponent like Qi Jun's head coach is interesting, isn't it?

"If you don't do anything, I will look down on you!"

Du Ming was not afraid that Qi Jun's commander would step up his vigilance. As long as he did not discover his plan, it would be impossible for every camp to be fully defended.

The Qi army still has very important things to do during the day. The soldiers of the Qi army have to search for the cadres every day, guard against the cadres on the west bank of Cangshui, and prepare to fight against the Xuanwu army at any time...

So every night is very important for the soldiers of the army, and this is one of the few times when they can rest in peace.

During the daytime, as long as they were not in the camp, these Qi soldiers would not dare to rest in peace. The daily casualties of the cavalry told them clearly that the Qianguo people were still attacking their land!

Very fierce!

So even if they have time to rest, their minds are tense. Only when they return to the camp can they sleep peacefully.

I really hope there will be more camps on the border.

Unfortunately, this is just their fantasy. Even if the Qi army builds more barracks on the border, they don't have that many troops stationed in each barracks.

The military camps that cannot be defended can only disperse their forces and give the cadres a chance to defeat them.

They can only imagine in their dreams that they can live in the barracks anytime.

But their dreams will be shattered after tonight, and they are not completely safe even in the barracks.

Du Ming looked at all the information in his hand, and finally found two Qi army camps that were very suitable for raids.

"It's a waste of 30,000 people to attack one military camp. Let's choose two, and you can confuse the Qi army commander, killing two birds with one stone."

To make the operation smooth tonight, Du Ming deliberately found two military camps that were far from where they were hiding.

Even if the Qi army is prepared, it will not be too tight on defense.

In the evening, just after the sun set, Du Ming took the Xuanwu army who had just eaten the dry food to the selected Qi army camp.

The road was not smooth. They had to bypass two Qi army camps and avoid countless Qi army scouts in the dark before reaching their destination.

In order not to disturb the scouts of the Qi army, Du Ming mobilized all the secret agents of the military intelligence department in the Qi country operation to attract the attention of the Qi army.

In peacetime, the Ministry of Information did not have to follow Du Ming's orders, but now in wartime, all members of the dry countries must obey the command of the front-line commander.

The commander-in-chief of Qi Jun received information from the Ministry of Military Intelligence and was well prepared.

"The main force of the Gan army is still hiding in the dark, these are just the smoke released by the people of the country. If you want to confuse us, tell the scouts not to be led by the people of the country, and you must find the main force of the army as quickly as possible! "


In addition to the scouts scattered all over the place, the commander-in-chief of the Qi army also ordered three troops of 2,000 men to search for the traces of the Xuanwu army.

It's just that half a day is too short, neither the scouts nor the three soldiers have found any trace of the Xuanwu Army.

Coach Qi Jun did not expect Du Ming to find his target and take action so quickly.

Otherwise, he will definitely make all the soldiers and horses under his command take action, and he will never give up until he finds the Xuanwu Army!

Unfortunately, he was still careless.

He thought that he had paid attention to the Xuanwu Army by strengthening the guards of all the cities and camps.

In the end, he still underestimated Du Ming's decisiveness.

Du Ming: "The soldiers are very fast, we are separated here, Sun Dong, you take 15,000 people to the Qi army camp in the east, and the magic weapon will attack in an hour!"

15,000 people in command of Du Ming went to the south to attack the Qi army camp.

The two camps he chose were not large in scale. They were newly established camps when Qi was preparing to coerce Qian.

Who knew that Qian Guo was not worried about Qi's coercion at all. Not only did he not surrender, he also sent the Ministry of Military Intelligence to fight back in Qi.

Now, let the Xuanwu army enter Qi, directly tearing his face, and preparing to fight against Qi.

It is no wonder that all the countries in the Middle States regard the dry country as a warlike country.

Think of Yang Yuan as the lord of the country who has despised his troops.

It's not wrong to look at the views of the countries in Zhongzhou based on his behavior. Yang Yuan and Qian Guo are indeed fighting non-stop.

Not in battle or on the way to battle.

The lords of Zhongzhou countries wondered why Yang Yuan did this, and Qianguo could still develop rapidly.

Why did the people of Qianguo still firmly support him?

Could it be that when a country starts a war, it doesn't need to recruit the people in the country?

No need to increase domestic taxes?

The dry royal family is only from ordinary people. If there is no tax increase, why would they start a war?

Could it be that the aristocratic families in the country brought out their heritage to help the country wage war?

The monarchs of various countries are puzzled.

They also sent a lot of people to work in the country, trying to figure out the doubts in their hearts.

However, under the strict defense of the Ministry of Military Intelligence and the Security Bureau, spies from various countries were unable to obtain any secrets.

They saw that the country was only flourishing, the people of the country were getting better and better, and they supported the court of the country more and more.

How did King Qian do it?

The monarchs of various countries are very interested in Yang Yuan's methods. If they can learn it, they will definitely be able to develop faster than Qian Guo!

However, they are not Yang Yuan, and there is no room for them to provide endless sources of troops, food and weapons, so they are not destined to become kings like Yang Yuan.

Leaving aside the reactions of other monarchs, Du Ming's raid is about to begin. UU reading

"When is it?"

Du Ming asked the lieutenant beside him.

The lieutenant looked up at the moonlight. Fortunately, the weather was good today, and you could see the moon when you looked up. Otherwise, you wouldn't even know the time.

"Master, it should be the appointed time."

Because you can only tell the time by looking at the sky, it cannot be too accurate.

At this time, Du Ming really wanted to have something called a clock that His Majesty once said. The clock can prepare a certain time and is easy to carry. It is not like the current timekeeping equipment, which is not very accurate and not easy to carry.

"Forget it, that's about it, tell the soldiers to attack the Qi army camp in a quarter of an hour!"

Whether or not Sun Dong launched an attack, it doesn't matter if it is a quarter of an hour earlier or later.

Use this quarter of an hour to take a rest and recover your strength.

After a while, they will use all their strength to rush into the Qi army camp. Du Shuai has an order to break through the Qi army camp as quickly as possible. After eliminating the Qi army, they have to retreat overnight.

This is the state of Qi. Once they slow down a bit, they are likely to be surrounded by the Qi army.

Therefore, they must ensure that they use sufficient physical strength when launching an attack.

It takes a lot of stamina to burst out with all your strength, and you can't wait until the battlefield to consider the issue of stamina.

What can you do in a quarter of an hour?

Smoking three cigarettes, drinking two cups of tea, writing a poem...

The soldiers of the Xuanwu Army told you with practical actions, sleep!

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