MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 878 The Xuanwu Army entered Qi

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The Xuanwu army bravely crossed the Cang Shui and invaded the state of Qi.

Kong Yan, the commander-in-chief of Qi's frontier army, immediately sent troops to intercept him, trying to drive the Xuanwu army back to the west bank of Cangshui.

It's just that the Xuanwu Army was more fully prepared.

When he just appeared, he pretended to be the same as the last time, as if he was going to attack the Qi army again.

The head coach of Qi Jun also believed that this was a sneak attack by the Qian Jun.

He only sent a force of 3,000 troops to drive out the dry army.

One thousand people were annihilated. I don't believe that the two thousand soldiers and horses you smuggled over from Qianguo can beat my three thousand soldiers and horses.

As a result, his 3,000 soldiers and horses were indeed not annihilated by the Xuanwu army, but he also failed to intercept the Xuanwu army.

Because what they intercepted was only a part of the Xuanwu Army, it was another bait to be precise.

It's just that this bait is not to annihilate them, but to prevent them from discovering the Xuanwu army crossing the river elsewhere.

Judging from the current results, Qi Jun has been fooled.

Got a big trick!

As a result, the Qi army failed to stop the Xuanwu army from crossing the river in time and lost the opportunity. It would be very difficult to defeat the Xuanwu army.

Qi Jun's commander's idea of ​​driving the Xuanwu army back to the West Bank was completely unsuccessful.

Now he can only try his best to block the Xuanwu army on the bank of Cangshui and prevent them from attacking the city.

Obviously, this is impossible. Without the Cangshui line of defense, it would be even more difficult for the Qi army to intercept the Xuanwu army!

If Du Ming wanted to do it, he could send an army to attack the city at any time.

Except for the county seat and a few large cities in Cangde and other counties, other cities could not defend against the attack of the Xuanwu Army.

Even a few thousand troops can put a lot of pressure on these cities. If the generals who lead the battle are lucky, they will soon be able to break through the cities.

For a while, the four counties in the northwest of Qi were in a state of turmoil, and even the rebels were much more honest, hiding in the mountains and no longer coming out to make trouble.

They had guessed that the Department of Military Intelligence was from the country of Gan, but when the Xuanwu army of the country of Gan really came over, they didn't want to have too much involvement with the people of the country of Gan.

Still a conflicted person.

It's just that Du Ming hadn't divided his troops to attack the cities at this time, because he knew that even if he broke the Qi city, he could only loot and then withdraw.

The strength of the Xuanwu army is limited, and the fact that the troops are stationed in various cities will greatly weaken the strength of the Xuanwu army, and it is easy for the frontier army of Qi to seize the opportunity to fight back.

Since he knew that the city could not be defended, Du Ming did not let his generals go to capture the city of Qi.

They are the main army of Qianguo, not the rebels. It is better not to do things like looting.

Du Ming still has some understanding of His Majesty's thoughts. In His Majesty's eyes, the land and people of all countries in Zhongzhou will be his sooner or later, and he will not order the soldiers to loot everywhere unless it is absolutely necessary.

At this time, the dry country already had sufficient supplies for its soldiers to march and fight, and they did not need to rely on looting to support the war.

Du Ming looked at the generals in the camp who were eager to attack Qi's city, and said, "Don't be fooled by those petty profits, as long as we can severely damage Qi's border troops, even if we have made great achievements, those cities will sooner or later be lost. It's ours, don't rush to attack."

Du Ming's words calmed his subordinates and stopped staring at those Qi Kingdom cities.

However, the desire to fight in their hearts is getting heavier and heavier.

Qi's city cannot be attacked, so let's go to the frontier army headquarters of Qi!

"Du Shuai, when will we attack the frontier army of Qi State?"

The location of Qi's border army camp has long been known by the Military Intelligence Division, and it is clear what kind of Xuanwu army is inside.

If Du Ming were more decisive and launched a surprise attack on the Qi army camp at night, he would be able to capture at least two camps and wipe out more than 10,000 Qi troops.

Twenty thousand is not impossible.

Du Ming really wanted to do this.

The longer it drags on, the less likely he is to get credit.

The border army of Qi State will become more and more vigilant, and reinforcements from the Qi army will continue to come.

More importantly, the reinforcements of the Xuanwu Army will soon arrive from Qianguo.

It was easier for them to enter the State of Qi than the Xuanwu Army. As long as the Xuanwu Army was still in the country for one day, the frontier troops of the Qi State would not be able to block Cangshui with all their strength.

In the future, the Gan army crossing the Cang Shui is like crossing a small stream, and they can reach the state of Qi by boat.

Du Ming was not competing for speed with the Qi army, but with other legions in the country.

"Fight! Definitely fight!"

This time, Du Ming didn't pour cold water on his generals, and if he poured it on them again, they would really lose their fighting spirit.

It is difficult for an army without fighting spirit to win, even if they have the best weapons and the strongest armor.

Du Ming knew that the soldiers who came to Qi with him wanted to earn some credit, not to deter him.

Deterrence is very important, but is it important to have real military exploits?

The strategic purpose is the commander-in-chief, and the generals need to think about it. The soldiers below are only thinking about how to survive on the battlefield, **** more enemies, and how many rewards they can get after returning home...

Very simple!

Du Ming couldn't let the hearts of his soldiers chill.

"I ordered the entire army to hide and attack the Qi army camp tonight!"

It's as simple as that. Du Ming doesn't need any more plans. With the Ministry of Intelligence and the scout battalion, he only needs to use the simplest actions to achieve pretty good results.

A good fighter has no great achievements. Similarly, the best plan is always the most simple and direct plan.

Du Ming could even find out from the intelligence which Qi army camp would be more suitable to attack after he decided to attack the Qi army.

And that's what he did.

Actions that your own soldiers don't know, and the enemy is even less likely to know.

Du Ming ordered the 30,000-strong Xuanwu army to evade the Qi army's detection and hide in the dark.

Originally, it was a difficult matter. Under the circumstance that the Qi army knew that the Xuanwu army had entered the state of Qi, it was almost impossible for the Xuanwu army to hide from the scouts of the Qi army.

But the Xuanwu Army still did it.

Thank you MISI and Blackwing!

Mainly thanks to Black Wing, they have developed better in Qi. There are also many places to hide. Although it is a little difficult to hide 30,000 people, it can be overcome.

And it doesn't have to be hidden for too long, just one day.

After the Xuanwu army arrived at the hiding place, Du Ming began to seriously plan his actions tonight.

After he knew that he disappeared, Qi Jun must be more vigilant. Tonight's action was not as simple as he imagined.

But Du Ming thinks that Qi Jun's coach will pay more attention to the defense of the city.

He would not have thought that after the army of the enemy country had invaded the country, it would not even want to capture the city, but to trouble their frontier army.

Although they are a little weak, they are definitely not easy to bully.

Qi's frontier army is at least one of the most powerful armies in Zhongzhou.

It's just that there was a disagreement between the capital and the frontier army commander in the face of Qianguo's offensive, so the frontier army's response was a little slow.

Commander Qi Jun: "If it weren't for the Tian clan's rebellion in the south, how could the country of Qi be so passive just because of a newly established dry country!"


As for the fact that before the founding of the Qian Kingdom, several counties in the northern part of the Qi Kingdom were turned upside down, he did not mention it.

After learning that the Gan army disappeared, the Qi army's commander was furious at first, and then immediately ordered the cities to strengthen their guards, and the Gan army might attack them at any time.

Of course, the military camps in various places should also be vigilant and not be attacked by the cadres.

The head coach of Qi Jun thought that he couldn't use common sense to speculate on the dry army, he should guard the places that should be guarded, and guard the places that should not be guarded!

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