MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1270 The princess has changed

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Houyi gave up the immortal immortal for Chang'e, King Wang lost a country for the sake of himself, King Zhou You played the princes for the Huohuo, and Wu Sangui led the Qing army to Chen Yuanyuan to enter the customs and cause the Chinese life to be painted ...

In this way, in the eyes of future generations, it seems like a joke, is a woman as beautiful as a country?

However, Bai Yang understood at this time and fully understood their mentality. When a woman is beautiful to the extreme, her appearance alone can bring disaster to life!

The princess of Tianxin in front of her eyes is a living example. Bai Yang feels that if she stays with her again, she may not be herself, and she will completely sink into her looks and lose her mind.

This has nothing to do with feelings and desires, just like a woman has no resistance to a diamond with a big fist.

Feeling that Bai Yang couldn't wait to leave, the baby couldn't understand it at all, and she felt very sad and sad. She asked with tears in her eyes and pitifully asked: "Since you say that I look beautiful, why don't you look at me at this time?"

"His Royal Highness, the minister said, dare not," Bai Yang bowed his head and replied.

Biting her tongue again, at this moment, every word of the baby seemed to seduce Bai Yang to look up at her like a curse, but Bai Yang knew that if she looked up, she would never be able to move her eyes again.

"I like you looking at my silly expression, I don't blame you," the baby choked.

This is an endless loop.

"If nothing happens, the minister will leave," Bai Yang said, almost gritted.

When he said this, Bai Yang's heart was so painful and painful, just like a beggar saying that the one trillion yuan in front of me was not rare at all.

"You are not allowed to go!" The baby stopped immediately.

Poplar is tangled in his heart. There is no end to it. Do you know how much courage I have set before I want to get rid of you?

"His Royal Highness, I beg you not to play with me anymore? Really, please."

Bai Yang almost cried. He never thought that one day he would not dare to face because a woman was too beautiful.

With tears falling, the baby didn't know how much courage it took to choke and said, "Poplar, I like you. I have figured it out all these years. I like you. I can't hold anything other than you in my heart. I really Like you, can I stay with you? "

He shivered, and aspen coldly sweated. Hearing the baby's words, especially when she thought of her appearance, he almost wanted to look up and answer.

The mind almost loosened completely, and Poplar resisted, and said conscientiously, "Please don't make a joke, Your Royal Highness, it's not funny at all!"

She smiled suddenly and let the tears fall. The baby stepped forward two steps and came to Poplar. She held out a trembling hand and held Poplar's face and said, "Poplar, you are not stupid, I don't believe you can't feel my heart for you You know, you actually know it. From the time of Jagged City, you know that you are just a subconscious negation. Because you think it is impossible at all, so you do n’t want to admit this fact. I am right. ?"

Bai Yang was stiff as a near enemy, feeling the touch of his face. He almost sank. He never thought that the baby would take up his own face, but Bai Yang didn't dare to look at her. I closed my eyes for a while.

I really dare not look at it. I don't look at myself when I look at myself.

Shaking his head gently, Bai Yang said, "I don't understand what the princess is talking about."

"You know, in fact, you always understand, you just do n’t want to believe it, I have already admitted to like you, even for you, I gave up killing Jiang Nan, what do you want me to do?" The baby stared Aspen closed her eyes and closed her cheeks with infinite grievances.

Aspen was silent.

In fact, as the baby said, Poplar is not a fool, and there are still a few confidantes, how can he not feel the baby's mind?

Bai Yang knows this, but he is unwilling to admit it, and can even be said to be extremely repulsive to believe it. With such prior conditions, he insists that it is simply impossible.

But at this time, the baby told everything.

With her eyes still closed, Aspen gently shook her head, got rid of the baby's hands and took two steps to take a deep breath and calmly said, "I confess, I actually felt your mind vaguely long ago. Impossible, your looks are unforgettable ... but, but ... but I don't like you, I already have someone I like, and more than one ... "

"I know, I don't care. It's normal for a man to have three wives and four widows. You don't like me. You can slowly like me later. I have few requirements," the baby said steadily.

"Also, I already have children, a very cute daughter ..." Bai Yang said to himself.

"I don't care. I care about you. As long as we are together, your daughter will be treated as my own daughter," said the baby again.

After living a few thousand yuan, Bai Yang broke into her heart, occupying her entire heart. She was completely lost in the relationship that she loved a person for the first time in her life, so that her baby completely lost her mind.

"But I care, you are Jiang Nan's life and death enemies. Jiang Nan and I have a guilty friendship. We cannot do that alone. He will not give up and kill you. How can you let me be with you? You are The daughter of Emperor Tianyuan, your identity is paramount. The Emperor does not allow us to be with you. Moreover, you are the princess of Tianxin. If I live with you for less than a day, too many people in the world will try to put me to death, which will harm me. Fuck me, so ... we are impossible! "Bai Yang shook his head.

With his eyes closed, he could not see the magic face, but he calmed down instead.

"Promise me, let me be with you, OK, Jiang Nan can't kill me, as long as you promise me, I will let go of this grudge and not care about him, and I will find a way to resolve this grudge, you believe me, I You can do it. As for my father, you can rest assured that he will not stop it. As for the people who want to kill you in this world, they dare not touch your finger unless they have enough life! "Said the stubborn gaze of Bai Yang.

She was completely cut out. At this step, she could not turn back.

Raising his head slightly, the poplar took a deep breath and then took a deep breath.

When the endless trouble continued, he resolutely strode to the door and said, "Hi Princess, we are impossible. I believe that in this world you can find someone you like and like, and leave."

"Don't go!" The baby shouted shivering.

Bai Yang didn't answer. She reached out the door and pushed it away the next moment.

The baby was in a hurry, and she almost screamed, "You are not allowed to go. I order you not to go. If you hear nothing, if you dare to open the door and go out and try!"

The motion was a little, and Poplar took a deep breath. Now that he had made up his mind, there was nothing to hesitate to push the door open and let him flood.

With a little force, the wooden door creaked open and stepped forward resolutely.

Faced with this situation, the baby froze, her whole body became cold and desperate, and her whole heart became cold and desperate. In response, her voice trembled, "You stand still for me!"

Alas, the baby's voice fell, and the baby's four guards surrounded the poplars, and did not dare to look inside.

Being surrounded, Aspen was close to his enemy, and frowned slightly, and asked, "Is there anything else for the princess?"

"You ..." The baby was at a loss as he looked at Bai Yang's back.

Outside the door, Poplar nodded and said: "Since Her Royal Highness is okay, then Weichen will leave."

Having said that, Poplar almost ignored the four strong men around and moved forward, alert to the extreme, and ready to shoot at any time.

However, the four guards who surrounded Bai Yang were entangled in their hearts. How could they not know how Her Royal Highness liked Bai Yang? But I didn't dare to say much. At this time, the poplars had to leave. Did they stop or not?

The princess didn't let Aspen go. They didn't dare to let Aspen go, but they didn't dare to do it. As a last resort, the four of them simply surrounded Aspen in hand.

"..." Bai Yang was silent, and said with a bitter smile, "His Royal Highness, leave!"

After speaking, the poplar figure flew into the sky and disappeared into the distance.

In the room, the baby looked numbly at the empty doorway, she didn't know why it turned into this, which was completely different from her expected ending.

After suffocating for almost a minute, she screamed with tears in her eyes, "Ah ..."

This scream, desperate to the extreme, heartbreak to the extreme, pain to the bone marrow, the voice spread throughout the deserted city, nearly 90% of the creatures covered their ears and rolled on the ground after hearing the scream.

The sound was so harsh that almost half of the creatures couldn't make a sound of seven holes.

Princess Tianxin, the pearl of Emperor Tianyuan, has unpredictable strength. At this moment, the power revealed by a scream is shocking.

Ang ~!

At this moment, the wind was surging across the entire Great Waste City, and a horrible dragon-shaped ghost in Jinxia roaring in the sky was roaring, so that everyone in the city was out of breath.

Princess Tianxin, the pearl of Emperor Tianyuan, the only daughter, according to the emperor's life style, if Emperor Tianyuan falls, it is a matter of nailing her to become an emperor.

Her mind was disturbed by the vision of the heavens and the earth, and all the people in the city looked trembling with horror here.

A scream lingered for a long time. When the sound disappeared and the vision over the barren city disappeared, the baby wiped away his tears in the room and his eyes became extremely cold ~ ~ whispered to myself: "I will not give up of!"

After speaking, the baby instantly recovered to the ordinary look. He stepped outside the door and didn't even look at the four trembling guards kneeling on the ground. His voice was cold: "Pass my order, let ours in the desert city People closely monitor every move of Bai Yang. If anyone dares to hurt him and kill him without amnesty, in addition, he will fully trace the whereabouts of the fountain of life and pass the message to ask the father and the emperor to send masters. I must get the fountain of life and hear "

"Observe!" The four guards shivered.

At this moment, Princess Tianxin changed and became scared and scared.

They didn't know what the princess and Aspen had gone through to make such a terrible change.

"Don't you take action when you hear me?" The baby said coldly.


Looking at the front with cold eyes, the baby whispered to himself: "You come here without risk, it must be for the fountain of life, I like you, and I will give you what you want, not only the fountain of life, you I will give you whatever you want ...! "