MTL - Prehistoric: A Stable Life, Starting From the Journey To the West-Chapter 16

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Well, even if he could become a land fairy in three or five months, it would be useless.

After all, in the opening scene of Journey to the West, Guanyin Bodhisattva, a Buddhist great master, is personally in charge. If a small land fairy dares to emerge, is he not afraid of being slapped to death?

Besides, Tang Seng is not a grandson monkey, and following him, there is no elixir to pick up, but it is very dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may be shot to death by the Buddha, captured and eaten by demons and ghosts, anyway, there will be no good end.

Therefore, Chen Qi didn't take it to heart at all that he might miss the opening scene of Chang'an Westward Journey in the near future.

There's no benefit, let alone the danger of him. Whoever wants to get involved, Chen Qi doesn't want to get involved at all.

After 14 years, when Tang monks got the scriptures, wouldn't it be good to borrow them by himself?

That is the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures of Buddhism. If you can read it through, how can you get a few Buddhist supernatural powers and 180 million experience points.

"However, in the opening scene of Journey to the West, is there really no benefit at all?"

Chen Qi touched his chin, and he couldn't help thinking of an old dragon who had blood mold and was sacrificed to the sky.

It is said that the Dragon King is a local tyrant. A Jinghe Dragon King must have a lot of collections.

He thought he might be able to get a piece of the pie, or get some wool off that old dragon.

Chapter 29 "Analects of Confucius" reading, analysis of the reading progress of the book! (for collection)

The duel between the champion and the concubine did not last long.

After all, the people in Tianyin Pavilion are not stupid, and it is impossible for them to have an accident in Tianyin Pavilion.

Seeing that the two of them were going to see blood, a strong man from Tianyin Pavilion took action and forcibly separated the two.

Of course, the two seem to be evenly matched.

In fact, Chen Guangrui was a little weaker.

This is also normal. Chen Guangrui's martial arts level may not be worse than Fang Yi'ai, but how can his combat experience compare with Fang Yi'ai, who has been transferred to a military commander.

If the two fight to the end, they will definitely win the love of Fang's wife.

Maybe the people in Tianyin Pavilion also saw this, so they separated the two directly when Chen Guangrui was about to fall into a disadvantage.

Others may not have noticed this, but Chen Qi, who has mastered the secret technique of the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow, can see it clearly.

This also made him understand that there must be some kind of trickery between Chen Guangrui and Tianyin Pavilion.

Then think of the methods of Tianyin Pavilion and the feeling that the teacher fairy gave him.

Chen Qi couldn't help but flash the name of a sect in the novel: Cihang Jingzhai!

Of course, there is no Cihang Jingzhai in this world. Chen Qi only felt that the organization behind Tianyin Pavilion was very similar to the Cihang Jingzhai in the novel.

Thinking about the possible Buddhist forces behind Chen Guangrui, Chen Qi had to wonder if there was a Buddhist force similar to Cihang Jingzhai in this Journey to the West world.

This also made Chen Qi wary of Tianyin Pavilion and the teacher fairy.

"However, what does this have to do with me, whoever likes to lick whoever licks, I won't be a licking dog anyway!"

Chen Qi shook his head. Compared with the high-ranking fairies in Tianyin Pavilion, he felt that the young ladies in Thousand Demon Pavilion were more dedicated to their work.

Failing to defeat Chen Guangrui in the martial arts, Fang Yi'ai has no face to continue to stay.

The next thing is even simpler, Shi Xianzi acts as the judge, and judges the best poems for tonight's banquet.

That is, the "Fairy Fu" written by Chen Guangrui, the champion, directly made his name even higher!

If you want to come to Chang'an City tomorrow, there will be another topical story that can be circulated.

Like Chen Qi, it naturally becomes the back version of the story, without a single line, not even a trick.

And our concubine and grandfather's love is a proper villain, and he has become a stepping stone for the champion Chen Guangrui to become famous.


Returning to the Yang residence, Chen Qi did not fall asleep, but picked up the "Analects of Confucius" by the bed and read it again.

The Analects of Confucius can be divided into twenty chapters with a total of 15,918 characters.

In the past two days, Chen Qi has read The Analects 25 times in total, and has achieved a total reading progress of 97%.

Through the research in the past few days, he also has a new understanding of the reading progress of his strongest reading system, and summed up a set of his own understanding.

Through the comparison of reading various books, Chen Qi guessed that the reading progress of the books is related to the individual's understanding of the essence of the books.

Of course, for some books that are really difficult to be immediate, the system will also have a minimum progress value guarantee of 1%.

That is to say, every time you read it carefully, whether or not it can increase your personal understanding, the system's reading progress of the book will increase by 1%.

And instill the essence of the book to the host to help the host understand.

The first category is Buddhist scriptures, or the classics written by sages such as "Book of Changes", which are books that are very difficult to understand. Ordinary people don't understand the essence of them, I'm afraid they don't even understand some professional terms. .

For Chen Qi, it belongs to the kind that must be assisted by a system to read.

However, although such books are difficult to read, they are real sage classics. Once they are read, they may be rewarded with powerful supernatural powers and secret techniques. They belong to the kind with rich experience and rich rewards.

The second category is the books that contain various meanings and subtle meanings, such as "The Analects of Confucius", "Left Turn", "Spring and Autumn", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "Fei Gong" and other classics written by hundreds of scholars.

Although these books are not difficult to understand when reading, it is a little difficult to thoroughly understand the essence of them and understand the thoughts of hundreds of scholars and others.

Therefore, this type of book can quickly increase the reading progress at the beginning of reading, but it will be difficult to wait until later, and the system needs to be assisted in reading.

The reward for reading completion is unknown, and the reward for experience value is unknown. I think it should be much better than books such as "Journey to the Immortal World".

The third category is books such as "Journey to the Immortal World", or books such as "Nine Chapters Essential Techniques", "Luban Book", "Ink Books", martial arts exercises, and immortal arts.

The reason why this type of book is difficult to understand is that although the book does not contain the essence and thoughts of the sages, it also records a certain skill.

For example, the book "Journey to the Immortal World" seems to be a biography of a certain warrior who traveled to the immortal world, but the book is a detailed description of the realm of martial arts and how ordinary people can guard and survive after encountering monsters and monsters, which is very practical. of skill books.

Therefore, after reading the book "Journey to the Immortal World", it is not difficult for Chen Qi to understand the reward of basic human body refining.

Chen Qi guessed that as long as you finish reading this kind of book, it is possible to get related exercises and skills rewards.

The fourth category is the kind of books that do not contain the thoughts of sages and do not record skills, and belong to the kind of books that even ordinary people can understand and understand quickly.

Books such as online novels, legal books, bulletin books, personal notes and other books in previous lives are all books that are purely memoirs, with no big ideas and no big skills.

This kind of book is best to read, just read it once or twice, and you can read it.

It's just that this kind of book is the least rewarding for reading, at most it is a little experience value reward, there are few additional rewards, and it is a book that simply brushes experience.

Of course, the above classifications belong to Chen Qi's guesses. As for whether it is true or not, he needs to keep trying and sum up.

But one thing is certain. After a certain analysis and summary, Chen Qi also has a clear direction and future plan for his reading career.

This is undoubtedly a huge help to him.

(New books for newcomers, online collections, flowers!).

Chapter 30 Martial arts entry, different body refining techniques! (for collections, for flowers)

"You have read the book "The Analects of Confucius" and gained experience value +300!"

The lights are on at three nights, and it is when the man is reading.

An hour later, Chen Qi finally fully understood the book "The Analects of Confucius" and understood the meaning of the small words in "The Analects of Confucius".

The only pity is that after reading the Analects of Confucius, he did not get the reward of the magical powers, but only got 300 experience points.

Coupled with the reading in the previous test, Chen Qi's attribute panel information has become:

Host: Chen Qi

Realm: mortal

Cultivation Techniques: Human Race Basic Body Refinement Technique (Level 1, Not Getting Started), Blue Stone Body Refinement Boxing (Dacheng), Acquired Sixty-Four Trigrams (Xiaocheng)

Supernatural powers: none

Experience Points: 350 points

Books currently read: "Mencius (27%, "Book of Songs (16%

Library entry books: 4!

I have finished reading, and the books that have been entered in the library include miscellaneous notes "Journey to the Immortal World", martial arts low-grade exercises "Qingshi Refining the Body Boxing", the classic "Book of Changes" written by sages, and "The Analects of Confucius" edited by Confucius disciples.

Among them, in the book "Journey to the Immortal World", he obtained the basic body refining technique of the human race, and the experience value was 30 points.

In the book "Blue Stone Body Refinement Boxing", the experience value is 20 points.

In the book "Book of Changes", he obtained the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after the secret law, plus one thousand experience points.

The book "The Analects of Confucius" received 300 experience points.

It can be seen that the book with the highest evaluation by the system is undoubtedly the book "Book of Changes" written by King Wen of Zhou.

The "Analects of Confucius", which is hailed as fundamental by Confucianism, in addition to the experience value, the harvest for Chen Qi is not even as good as the biographical novel "Journey to the Immortal World".

Of course, this may also be because the book "The Analects of Confucius" was not written by Confucius himself, but was compiled by his disciples based on his remarks.

In the end, it was "Blue Stone Body Refinement Boxing" that brought Chen Qi 20 experience points.

This exercise can be regarded as a book about martial arts skills, so it is easy to understand, and it does not contain any profound ideas, so it is easy to be read and understood by Chen Qi.

Of course, this does not mean that the gains from reading the exercises are less.

Although there are not many experience points obtained by reading the practice manuals, and there may be no other additional rewards, as long as you read them, you can get the assistance of the system and thoroughly understand the secrets.

Such auxiliary functions are not too helpful for a martial artist.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the Qingshi Body Refinement Fist, which was originally only a small achievement, has become a great achievement.

Chen Qi looked at the 350 experience points on the attribute panel and couldn't help but put down the Analects of Confucius, took a deep breath, and meditated in his heart: "System, raise the basic human body refining technique to the first-level entry level! "

As Chen Qi's voice fell, his consciousness stretched infinitely, and finally he entered a strange space and turned into a light man exactly like him.

Under the control of some mysterious power, the light man Chen Qi transformed into began to cultivate in a straight-forward manner according to the first-level action diagram of the basic human body refining technique.

At the same time, Chen Qi's body also began to vibrate with a strange vibration rhythm.

A strange force appeared out of thin air from his body, like the medicinal power of the supreme medicine, nourishing the entire flesh membrane along the limbs and bones.

I don't know how long it took, when Chen Qi's consciousness in the sea of ​​​​consciousness dimmed, his consciousness returned to his body, and he instantly felt a powerful and explosive force flooding his body, but he was completely controlled by him.

This power is like he has cultivated bit by bit, and it is not difficult to master at all, and he can send and receive freely.

"The first level of Human Race Basic Body Refinement Technique, the early stage of the ninth grade of martial arts, tempering the skin!"

Chen Qi's mind moved, and he instantly realized his current situation.

The first level of Human Race Basic Body Refinement Technique corresponds to the ninth rank of Human Race martial arts.

In this realm, it can be further divided into three small realms, namely skin quenching, tendon training, and bone forging.

In the end, if the three can be integrated and the strength of the muscles, bones, and skin can be condensed into a single rope, then the ninth-rank perfected martial artist.

Therefore, the four small realms of Human Race Basic Body Refinement Technique, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Consummation correspond to the early, middle, late and complete realms of the ninth grade of martial arts.

At this time, Chen Qi entered the first level of basic human body refining, and naturally he became a martial artist in the early stage of the ninth rank.

At the same time, his property panel becomes:

Host: Chen Qi

Realm: the early stage of the ninth grade of martial arts!

Cultivation method: Human Race Basic Body Refinement Technique (Level 1, Beginner), Bluestone Body Refinement Boxing (Dacheng), Acquired Sixty-Four Trigrams (Xiaocheng)

Supernatural powers: none

Experience Points: 250 points

Books currently read: "Mencius (27%, "Book of Songs (16%

Library entry books: 4!

It took Chen Qi 100 experience points to get started with the first level of Human Race Basic Body Refinement Technique.

And if you want to complete the first level of Human Race Basic Body Refinement Technique, you need 200 experience points, and the consumption is directly doubled.

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