MTL - Pretending To Be a Holy Place, I Was Signed For a Thousand Years-Chapter 177 clap clap clap crunchy and pleasant

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  Chapter 177 Papa Papa, crisp and pleasant

   Taiyin Peak, Qiyun Palace.

  Today is the last day of the mission, Zhang Mingjing sat in the main hall, waiting for the mission to settle.

【Ding! 】

  【Congratulations on completing the adventure mission! 】

  【You got 2 lottery chances! 】

   Zhang Ming moved in his heart and even gave two rewards. It seems that the difficulty of this task is indeed not small.

  Longyang Peak, Yin-Yang Peak, Hehuan Patriarch, White Deer Academy, Jiuze Heihuai, Hanging Temple, Taiyi Xianmen... For everyone else, everything is a moat.

   "It turns out that I have become so powerful."

   Zhang Ming sighed a little.

   Not long ago, he and Qingquan were two little Taoists in the Qi-nourishing realm on Zhuoguang Mountain.

   Today, it is the difference between cloud and mud.

   "Daoist Qing Hui, I am waiting to report something!"

   At this time, Qu Feiyan, Ruan Xiu, and Qing Yu entered the hall and saluted respectfully.

   Zhang Ming couldn't help suspending the lottery, looked up at the three and asked, "What's the matter?"

  The matter of the Four Sacred Mountains is over, and when they finish reporting, it is time for them to leave.

   "Reporting to Daoist Master Qi, the things you asked me to inquire about last time have already gotten some eyebrows."

   Ruan Xiu took a step forward and said, "This first thing is the deeds of Taixuzi watching the Lord."

   "There have been rumors in the Dajin Dynasty. Two years ago, a Taoist priest from Lingshuguan was born, and he passed through three counties, seven cities and ten houses, and defeated nine great Confucians in a row."

   "Finally, I stopped at Dongming Academy and asked 1,300 sages to the sage Haoran. He narrowly defeated the opponent. This caused the mental state of this contemporary Confucian sage to be damaged, and he is still recuperating to this day."

   "From then on, Confucianism and Taoism declined!"

   When she reported the report, there was awe in her eyes. She did not expect Taixuzi Guanzhu to have such a brilliant record, fighting Confucianism alone and conquering the world.

  Lingshu View is really unfathomable!

  But, she had never heard of it before.

   Zhang Ming was also surprised. He lost nine Confucian Confucians in a row, and was the only Confucian in the world. Is this my Master?

In front of his eyes, Tai Xuzi's generous and majestic face could not help but plastered the broken doors and windows of himself and Qingquan in the cold wind, once cheated the young woman's eggs at the foot of the mountain, and told the two boys hungry in the stream Catching fish to replenish his body, he once said solemnly in front of the full moon well, "Follow the precepts of the ancestors, and do not enter the WTO if you cannot live in a dry well"...

   "No, Master, how did you join the world?"

   At this time, he was startled that something was wrong.

  What is the situation, you fool me and Qingquan not to go down the mountain, but your old man is happy at the foot of the mountain? !

   "Is there any evidence?"

   Zhang Ming looked at Ruan Xiu with a stunning face.

   Ruan Xiu's heart skipped a beat, feeling that her whole body was about to move, and the sign of slavery was untimely agitated.

   "Reporting to Daoist Master, as soon as Ben Gong got the news, he has ordered eyeliners from all over the world to investigate. The disciples of the three counties have repeatedly inquired, and all of them have confirmed the deeds of Taixuzi Guanzhu."

   She did not dare to look into Zhang Ming's eyes, and pretended to drop her brows, "Seven cities and ten mansions, time has passed and there are many traces left, which cannot be erased at all."

   "However, since we can find out these things, all the forces of the Jin Dynasty can naturally find out. Now the name of Lingshu Guan Taixuzi is known to the world!"

   Zhang Ming was stunned. He didn't expect that Master would be even more famous than himself?

   He devoted himself to the news and didn't notice Ruan Xiu's abnormality at all.

   Qu Feiyan's eyes were surprised, as his disciple became more and more unrestrained, how could he be emotional in front of Daoist Qing Hui.

   However, her heart was also sour.

  Compared to Ruan Xiu, he didn't even dare to show his feelings.

   "Axiu, let's go to the hot spring together later."

   She took advantage of Zhang Ming's dazed stall and said close to Ruan Xiu's ear.

   Ruan Xiu panicked in her heart, and immediately thought of the comfort of practicing together in the master's room last time, she couldn't help but nodded in response.

   "The name of Taixuzi is known all over the world..."

   Zhang Ming was still thinking about the impact of this matter on Lingshu View, and asked, "Peak Master Ruan, is there any news about me killing Wang Jinglong, the mentally retarded Zen master, and Ziyang Laodao?"

   There are no impervious walls in this world.

   In fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

   However, it still needs to be verified.

   Ruan Xiu recovered and said, "This is the second thing this palace wants to report. The matter of my Taiyin Peak returning to the Lingshu Temple and abandoning the devil to cultivate the Tao has been announced to the world through the eyes of all places."

   "However, during this process, I don't know where the news came out, and the matter of Wang Jinglong of Bailu Academy, Puhong and mental retardation of Xuankong Temple, and the real person Ziyang of Taiyi Xianmen were spread out."

   "Now the two sects are furious, and the whole world is in an uproar. I'm afraid it will have a big impact on the Taoist priest...!"

   She peeked at Zhang Ming with a little worry in her eyes.

  The three sects have always been sharp swords hanging in the sky of the Jin Dynasty, no one dared to provoke them, and no one dared to frustrate their edge.

   But now they are going to take action on Qing Hui Daochang...

   He... can you stop it?

   However, upon hearing this news, Zhang Ming seemed to have expected it, nodded noncommittally, and continued to ask, "What about the Confucian lineage?"

   What he valued most was the Confucian response.

   Whether it is Master Taixuzi or himself, they have already offended Confucianism to death.

   They are the ones who hate Lingshuguan the most!

   "Qing Hui Daoist, when it comes to Confucianism, this is where this palace is puzzled."

Ruan Xiuyin removed the worry in his eyes and pondered, "All three sects responded, and some people even saw people from Yaowang sect in Luocheng, but both Bailu Academy and Dongming Academy were quiet, like I only read the books of sages and sages, and I don't hear what's going on outside the window."

  Zhang Ming frowned: "They... unexpectedly didn't respond?"

   This is not normal!

   The person who hated Lingshuguan the most actually stood still and didn't react at all!

   "No, either they really didn't move, or the movement was too big and hidden deep behind the scenes!"

   Zhang Ming believes the latter more.

   is like an undercurrent in the depths of a calm lake, surging but not revealing the slightest.

   "It seems that the Confucian lineage has a great plan..."

   The second thing Zhang Ming explained to Ruan Xiu before was to ask her to send someone to pay attention to the trend of Confucianism.

   Now it seems that they have not noticed their movements.

   "Could it be that also a chess player?"

   Zhang Ming froze in his heart, inexplicably feeling that there is a possibility.

   Today the world is in turmoil, the Great Jin Dynasty worships Buddhism and refrains from Taoism, the family is hidden, the court and the military are even more turbulent, I am afraid that there are many forces stirring up, plus three conflicts...

  Perhaps the current queen is not the only one playing chess!

   Even, the current empress is just one of the chess pieces, and the real chess player is someone else.

   In his heart, the situation of the Jin Dynasty became clearer.

   "Master Ruan, continue to send people to keep an eye on Confucianism. If there is any movement, immediately send a message to me!"

   Zhang Ming calmed his voice and commanded.

   Ruan Xiu understood the importance of it, and replied, "Yes, please follow the order of the Taoist priest!"

   Qing Yu added on the side: "Daoist Qing Hui, apart from the two things just now, the disciple has other discoveries."

   Zhang Ming looked at the bright and clean girl, nodded and said, "Tell me about it."

   "The Taoist priest once explained that we should pay attention to the movements of several forces."

   Qing Yu respectfully reported, "The first place is the Wang family of Dongling County. We have already found out his relationship with the Imperial Beast Gate, and the reason for his action on Lingshu Guan Yiqing."

   Zhang Ming was a little surprised: "Oh? So fast."

   These things were just arranged by him a few days ago, and I didn't expect this to come to an end.

   At this moment, he had a profound understanding of Taiyin Peak's intelligence capabilities.

   "It seems that the Acacia Sect has existed for so long, and it must have its own capabilities and areas of expertise. I was able to destroy them so smoothly, perhaps because of surprises."

   Zhang Ming secretly rejoiced.

   Qing Yu nodded and continued: "Yes, this Dongling County Wang Clan is a branch of the Kyoto Royal Family, and its Patriarch had an affair with the Great Elder of the Royal Beast Gate in the early years."

   "To be precise, it was Fan Yuhua, the great elder of the Imperial Beast Gate, who was eating the tender grass, and fell in love with Wang Juzheng, who was young and elegant at the time. However, this is not the reason why they started."

   "The real reason is actually because of Taoist Taixuzi!"

   Zhang Ming was taken aback: "Because of my master?"

  Why is this Wang Clan of Dongling County related to Master Tai Xuzi again?

   Qing Yu said with a smile: "Yes, just now, the peak master has said that Taixuzi Guanzhu passed through three counties, seven cities and ten mansions, and defeated nine great scholars in a row.

"The king's family in Dongling County is subordinate to the king's family in Kyoto. They are all Confucian and Taoist, and their disciples are all studying in Dongming, Bailu and other academies, and their relatives are all over the court and military. They can be said to be the first fans of Confucianism. ."

   "And Taixuzi Guanzhu is the number one enemy of Confucianism."

   "Other people don't know the secret two years ago, but how could Wang Juzheng, the head of the Wang family in Dongling County, not know."

   "That's why he set up a plan to kill Daoist Yiqing in Dongling County. To this end, he even hired a life-shaping killer from the Xuesha Pavilion, but it failed."

   She quickly explained the situation of the Wang family in Dongling County.

   It turns out that the root cause is indeed Taixuzi, the Wang clan of Dongling County wants to take the head of Lingshu Guan Yiqing Daoist to exchange for the credit of the Confucian lineage.

   Therefore, they took the risk and dispatched Xuesha Pavilion killer, Lici scholar and Wang Wenqin, the ancestor of the Wang family.

   And this blood evil pavilion is one of the three sects and seventeen sects that is proficient in assassination.

   They collect money to do things and are active among the aristocratic families.

   "What about the Imperial Beast Gate?"

   Zhang Ming remembered clearly that there were seven people who killed him at that time from the Imperial Beast Gate.

   Including that they later led all the beasts to besiege Qingquan and Baiyao.

   "Qing Hui Daoist, although this Imperial Beast Gate is related to the Wang family of Dongling County, their motives should be different."

   Qing Yu nodded and said, "According to the reports of Nanchang County's eyeliner, this Imperial Beast Gate is located in the deep mountains and lakes at the junction of Nanchang County and Dongling County. It has always been in the company of monsters and rarely set foot in the ordinary.

   "And they have already cut off contact with the Wang family of Dongling County."

   "Therefore, the disciples guessed that they should have shot at Lingshuguan for other reasons. Unfortunately, please forgive the incompetence of the disciples, and the secrets have not been explored yet."

   She shook her head in shame.

  Zhang Ming was stunned, this is normal.

  If anything can be done by you in two or three days, that is really scary!

   "It's okay, keep investigating, and let me know if you have any news."

   he commanded calmly.

   Qing Yu nodded quickly: "Yes, the disciple obeys!"

  Qu Feiyan also shook his head in shame and said, "Daoist Qing Hui, this palace is incompetent, and we haven't found out the origins of old monk Xuanjing and Xingshizhong."

   She's been addicted to hot springs recently, and hasn't gone out to check it out.

   Zhang Ming naturally knew her situation, nodded lightly, and said, "This matter is not urgent, Elder Qu is bothered, I am afraid it will take more time."

   The same thing happened to Zhou Yimo of the Scarlet Fire Demon Sect, so he didn't ask any more.

  Qu Feiyan secretly made up his mind, and when he finished soaking in the hot spring with Ruan Xiu and the others today, he would resign and set off to complete the two things explained by the Qing Hui Daoist.

   "One last thing."

  Qing Yu pondered and said, "Daoist Master Qinghui, the disciples were ordered to pay attention to the situation of the current empress. But it's a little strange. The matter of the Lingshu Temple's destruction of the Xiaohanshan Temple, the Hehuan Sect, and the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism was all the rage."

   "But it seems that Her Majesty the Empress has been fishing in the Royal Lake, without any disturbances or decrees."

   "I heard that in the morning court, the Minister of Rites, Sikong Yu, mentioned this matter, but he was brought up by Her Majesty the Empress, and he didn't seem to care. The disciple speculates, does she have a deeper intention?"

   This disciple who is in charge of Taiyin Peak’s affairs rarely sees a person clearly.

There is also a person like    in front of him, the Taoist priest of Qinghui.

   is as immobile as a mountain, unfathomable.

   "I'm afraid I can only guess what he thinks if I understand everything about Qing Hui Daoist in a simple way..."

   Qing Yu's heart was slightly turbulent.

   At this moment, she suddenly thought of Zhuoguangshan Lingshu to see what kind of place it was.

   "She's waiting..."

   Zhang Ming suddenly said in a condensed tone.

   The three were startled: "What?"

   Zhang Ming glanced at them, and then his eyes swept to the gate of Qiyun Palace, to the unknown distance.

   "If Pindao guessed correctly, Her Majesty the Empress is waiting for the reaction of some people, waiting for the reaction of some forces."

   His eyes flickered, as if he had never understood the thoughts of the current empress.

   "Just like Confucianism, if there is any action, its disciples and disciples are all over the court and the military, and someone will jump out to give advice. However, except for Sikong Yu, no one else appears."

   "Just like the three sects, the two angry sects, and the Yaowang sect who deliberately revealed their traces, I am afraid they all have deeper intentions."

   "And the noble family...what do they want to do?"

   "The situation in this world, all into her eyes, is like fishing in a royal lake, first see the turbulence and trend of the water surface, and then choose the bait and hook!"

   Qu Feiyan, Ruan Xiu and Qing Yu looked at each other.

   They are a little confused at the moment, what does Daoist Qing Hui say... What does it mean?

   "Who is the bait?"

   Qu Feiyan was the first to ask with a delicate mind.

   Ruan Xiu also raised her head in horror and stared blankly at the man in front of her.

   But the handsome Taoist just smiled lightly and spat: "Pin Dao...that's the bait!"

   This time, he finally saw all the situation clearly.

   Or, he thought he had seen all the situation.

   Or, it is the people who play chess who let themselves see a certain situation they deliberately created.

   But that doesn't matter.

   "In that case, Pindao will walk in this deep water to see who can keep me."

   Zhang Ming clapped his palms indifferently, "Maybe he can also pull the fisherman off and spank his legs for three days. Hehe, that must be very interesting!"

   The three girls' ears seemed to have a "papapa" sound.

  Retribution is unhappy.

   is crisp and pleasant.

  PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Tea Fragrance and Drunkenness" and "id7218", thank you big guy, big guy makes a fortune!

   (end of this chapter)