MTL - Princess a Lives By Kissing Me Every Day-Chapter 19

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Qin Yuci's palm was very comfortable, soft and warm, which made people feel at ease.

Unexpectedly, she would touch her head, Lin Moran was stunned for a moment, instinctively felt that something was wrong, but because her mind was not clear due to drunkenness, she couldn't figure out what was wrong after all.

Looking at Qin Yuci, he said softly, "Princess, princess."

Qin Yuci continued to stare at her calmly: "Huh?"

This time, Lin Moran didn't speak, but took the initiative to rub against her palm. It took a long time before he seemed to realize something suddenly, and smiled softly: "That's right, I'm the smartest."

Looking at the expression, he seems very satisfied and praised, and he really smiles like a little fool.

I didn't expect her to be like this when she was drunk.

Qin Yuci was used to the drunken appearance of those famous and important officials. Even if they looked gentle and elegant on weekdays, they would always be beaten back to their original shape when they touched alcohol. If they were really drunk, they would be even more drunk I don't know what night it is.

So it was the first time she saw someone like Lin Moran.

It's just that the amount of alcohol is really not good, but it's only one drink, and I can still get drunk.

Qin Yuci withdrew his hand and poured another glass of wine, but did not pass it to her, but still placed it in front of him: "Mo Ran, do you want another glass?"

As soon as the words fell, the person in front of him really thought for a moment.

It's night now, the system has already fallen asleep, without her reminding herself in her mind, Lin Moran's drunken and somewhat confused brain really can't judge what is right or wrong for a while.

Although he knew that the wine would make him confused, but smelling the mellow taste in the cup, he still wanted to drink it.

Greedy cats are not just talking.

So in the end she nodded lightly, and seriously said a word: "Drink!"

Qin Yuci responded and pushed the cup towards her.

But who knows that Lin Moran didn't pick it up, and looked down at the wine in the glass, and then his eyes quickly returned to Qin Yuci again.

Qin Yuci looked at her with raised eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Lin Moran blinked solemnly: "Just drink?"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yuci laughed at her, and it took her a while to ask her again: "So, what does Mo Ran think?"

Seeing her happy, Lin Moran didn't know what was so funny about it, but he smiled happily with his almond eyes, raised his finger and pointed at the table, and looked eagerly at Qin Yuci's face: "Is there no appetizer?"


Lin Moran was the first maid who could go to the table to drink with her, and she was also the first in so many years to ask her to order food after she was drunk.

Qin Yuci was taken aback when he heard the words, but he wasn't angry at all. He thought he wanted to see what other tricks she had, so he stood up slowly and said with a smile, "Wait."

After finishing speaking, he actually got up and helped her find a plate of chestnut cakes.

Lin Moran was really happy when he saw this, he thanked the princess happily, then picked up a piece and bit it, the chestnuts were soft and sweet, paired with the wine in the glass, it was really delicious and made people linger.

It would be reckless not to enjoy as much of such delicious pastry and wine as possible.

So in order not to waste, Lin Moran took a sip of pastry and wine, half-closed his eyes, and subconsciously swayed his little feet under the table. He really enjoyed eating.

Originally, she was punished to come and drink with him, but now, it looked like a punishment.

Qin Yuci supported the table with his hands, as if he was drinking and admiring the moon, but in fact his attention was all on Lin Moran. Seeing this man drank several glasses of wine at once, even the pastry on the plate was only left.

After that, she was so drunk that she was even more confused, she could hardly sit still, and she was staggering.

"Mo Ran." Qin Yuci called her in a low voice, "You're drunk."

Lin Moran thought for a moment after hearing the words, and finally nodded slowly: "It seems to be a little bit."

"Go back and rest." Qin Yu resigned, raised his eyes to meet hers, and his tone seemed a little helpless, "You drank up all the wine in this palace today, what will you pay for in the future?"

What to pay for.

Lin Moran really thought about this question seriously, and finally said obediently: "Then I will ask the princess to make a serious apology tomorrow."

"What about after that?" Qin Yuci raised an eyebrow.

Lin Moran laughed happily: "Also drink with the princess~"

Not only is he greedy, but he is also very cunning, trying to cheat her of wine openly and secretly.

Qin Yuci snorted softly, and didn't want to argue with the drunkard. Seeing that the night was getting heavier and the wind was getting stronger, and it was time to go back, he continued, "Mo Ran, go back and rest."

"Here." Lin Moran responded respectfully reflexively, and tried to stand up, but because he couldn't use the strength due to drunkenness, he finally sat back subconsciously.

Looking up at Qin Yuci, she seemed to be asking for help, and said softly, "But Mo Ran couldn't stand up."

The voice is very soft, it seems to be begging, and it seems to be coquettish.

Qin Yuci was taken aback when he heard the sound, his eyes darkened inexplicably: "So?"

Lin Moran opened his hand towards her, like a baby bird waiting for its mother to feed: "Princess help me."

He said to help, but this gesture clearly wanted to ask her to hug him.

With such a style, there is no one else in the entire Changle Palace except her. Qin Yuci looked at her, and his previous thoughts resurfaced in his heart. Maybe it was because he was too arrogant and indulged her, so she was used to acting boldly and talking nonsense.

"To be punished."

He said so with his mouth, but his body was very honest, and he really got up slowly, and gently hugged the person in front of him.

It's midsummer now, and it's not too cold even at night, so the clothes on Lin Moran's body are really thin, and now they are stuck together, as if skin to skin.

What's more, she was so drunk right now that she couldn't control Xinyin. The moment she hugged her, Qin Yuci really smelled the strong fragrance of peach blossoms on her body just like that day.

Normally, there is really nothing special about smelling it, but now when I smell it on her body, it suddenly smells good, which makes people feel a little bit inexplicably. Addiction, can't help wanting to hear more.


It was only when Qin Yuci came back to his senses that he realized that he had kissed him again at some point. Lin Moran's lips were already soft, but now they were stained with some wine, which made them feel cold and even better.

Qin Yuci was taken aback for a moment, and was suddenly annoyed at his lack of focus just now, which caused the last incident to repeat itself. Just as he was helpless, he suddenly heard the person in his arms open his mouth again, and asked her in a dazed whisper: "Princess What did you do just now?"

Qin Yuci's ears were inexplicably hot when he asked, and he didn't want to admit his gaffe, so he subconsciously turned his eyes to the side: "It's nothing, but there is still wine on your lips, which almost stained my clothes."

"That's why I will help you..." Qin Yuci coughed lightly at this point, and it took him a while to say the rest in a serious manner.

"Wipe it for a while."