MTL - Princess a Lives By Kissing Me Every Day-Chapter 20

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Lin Moran was carried back by Qin Yuci last night.

Because she inexplicably became the eldest princess's personal maid, she took up the post so suddenly, so even today, Lin Moran has not had time to move out of her previous residence, and still lives with other low-ranking maids.

Although it is a bit crowded, and the environment is a little worse than the residence of Xixue Chaoyun and the others, but it is also beneficial——


Lin Moran was busy serving the eldest princess during the day. Although there was a system to chat with her, after all, she couldn't be by her side all the time, and sometimes she would inevitably feel sporadic loneliness.

Fortunately, at night, I can still secretly chat with the other sisters who live with me.

But there are also disadvantages, such as now...

Lin Moran sat there in shock, listening to the rest of the maids chattering and secretly recounting what happened last night to him, including how Qin Yuci carried her back, how he put her on the bed, and how he ordered everyone Take care of her.

The words were vivid and vivid, with a great sense of imagery, which awakened Lin Moran's still hazy memory after being drunk.

Delicious wine, chestnut cakes, her begging in a daze, Qin Yuci's warm embrace...but she couldn't remember exactly what happened afterwards.

Facts have proved that drinking can really make things wrong.

Lin Moran only imagined for a while, and felt a chill in his neck, and his face instantly turned pale. He wished he could find a crack in the ground and get into it so that Qin Yuci would never find it again.

It's a pity that these things only exist in the beautiful imagination, even if he doesn't want to, Lin Moran will still appear in front of Qin Yuci on time.

So this time, Lin Moran slid and knelt again quickly: "My maidservant apologizes to the princess!"

Qin Yuci always got up early, and for some reason he got up even earlier today. He had already washed up and was sitting by the desk reading a book. Seeing her kneeling here with a plop, chirping suddenly like a bird, he still felt a little nervous. funny.

"What is Mo Ran's crime?"

Lin Moran heard the words and said hastily: "This servant is so bold, not only drank the princess's wine, ate the princess's cakes, but even..."

And let you take me back or something.

It's hard to say that.

Lin Moran felt ashamed when he said this, and had no idea that something even more shameful happened afterwards, and suddenly shrank into a quail again, his small face was also stained with colorful clouds, and he froze in place, stunned.

It seemed that he didn't fully remember what happened last night.

Qin Yuci looked at her silently with downcast eyes, and affirmed his guess after a while. Although there was a tinge of rejoicing in his heart, he also faintly felt a little disappointed. After a long while, he gently waved his hands: "It's okay, you can get up."

Is this forgiving her?

Lin Moran was a little dazed, looked up at Qin Yuci, obviously didn't react, and was still wondering why she had such a good temper today, when he suddenly heard the person in front of him curl his lips and opened his mouth again, with an imperceptible smile in his tone meaning.

"Why is Mo Ran unmoved? Could it be still want to ask Bengong to hug you and get up?"

Ah, as expected, it was still the usual Qin Yuci.

Lin Moran was like a frightened bird when he heard it, and quickly shook his head to thank the eldest princess, and then got up quickly.

Seeing that the tea in her cup was about to bottom out, she refilled a cup with great insight, and after finishing all this, she picked up the golden fan beside her, wanting to fan her.

But before he could move, he was stopped by Qin Yuci's words: "Let's not be busy with this."

"Here." Upon hearing this, Lin Moran quickly stopped the movements in his hands, and stood obediently on the spot to watch Qin Yuci raise his hand, and asked the maid at the side to present something.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a large stack of books, each of which was quite thick and looked heavy.

Inexplicably, a bad premonition emerged in Lin Moran's heart.

Qin Yuci raised his hand and randomly took out a book and handed it to her: "Read it."


Lin Moran was dumbfounded, and didn't understand what she meant at all, but after all, his literacy has been exposed, and it's not good to try to evade, so he finally accepted it.

Looking through it, although most of the characters are recognized, the grammar in ancient times is different from the modern ones. The characters that were still recognized at first become inexplicably a heavenly book when they are connected together. It is easy to not understand without careful study.

Lin Moran blushed immediately, and after stumbling through a few pages, when she looked up, she saw Qin Yuci frowning at her.

After a long while, Lin Moran faltered and choked out a sentence: "Mo Ran is ashamed, embarrassing for the princess..."

His tone was pitiful, matching his expression, he seemed to be about to cry.

After a long while, Qin Yuci slowly shook his head: "It's okay, it's not bad for you to be able to do this. If you study hard, you will eventually be able to read it through."

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do recently." She said, raising her eyes to glance at Lin Moran, her expression was very meaningful, "If you don't know anything, you can tell me about it."

This is the mistake of being a good teacher again. I taught her how to play the piano before, but now I want to teach her to read.

When Lin Moran heard it, a deep bitterness filled his heart. He was obviously just a maid, but he had to bear so much for no reason. But since Qin Yuci was going to start teaching her to read, then the matter of playing the piano...

"Qin also needs to be practiced." Before Lin Moran finished thinking, Qin Yuci saw through her thoughts at a glance.

What made Lin Moran almost cry, he was silent for a moment and could only helplessly respond: "Here..."

Lin Moran originally thought that Qin Yuci was just a whim, and maybe he would forget it after a while.

But I didn't expect her to be very persevering, she did what she said, and really started to urge her to study. Lin Moran removed some necessary work during the day, and spent most of the rest of his time studying, and even found time at night Practicing the piano, I can't wait to be busier than those princes and princesses.

"Why?" Lin Moran couldn't figure it out, so he could only cry with the system in his mind.

"Who knows." The system said, thinking for a moment and silently spit out three words: "Let's be free."

There may be no more reasonable explanation than that.

Although Lin Moran has been serving her by her side these days, and has only a lot of contact with her every day, but if he understands her, Lin Moran really dare not make a judgment.

Does she understand Qin Yuci? You should understand, you know that she likes sweets, you know that she doesn’t sleep well every night due to illness, and you even tell yourself some bedtime stories, and you know that although she is broken and damaged, she is sometimes patient and gentle, Especially when teaching her to read and play the piano.

But if you really understand...

Lin Moran fell silent after thinking about it, as if she had never understood Qin Yuci before.

It was too difficult, really too difficult.

Lin Moran shook his head, looked up and saw Qin Yuci walking towards him, he didn't have time to think about anything else, so he quickly showed her the results of his studies just now, and she said "hmm" in a flattering way, hanging My heart finally let go.

He was about to ask her about tomorrow's arrangements, but before he could speak, Qin Yuci interrupted him: "Tomorrow, the Japanese Palace has something to do, so I can't teach you how to read. Mo Ran can make arrangements by himself."

"If you're tired, it's good to take a rest."

He even told her to rest.

Lin Moran was overjoyed when he heard it, and was about to thank the eldest princess, but he remembered something later, and suddenly realized what Qin Yuci meant when he said there was something wrong.

Tomorrow seems to be her eighteenth birthday.

Qin Yuci always likes to be quiet, even on birthdays, except when Jiji had a big celebration according to the custom, he didn't want to make too much publicity during the rest of the time, and usually just had a lunch with the emperor.

As for why Empress Xiao didn't come together...

According to rumors, it seemed that her health was really bad, and Qin Yuci's birthday was usually in midsummer, so the heat was unbearable, and it would be bad if her condition worsened.

However, every time Qin Yuci had dinner with the emperor, he would always take the initiative to visit his mother in the Fengyi Palace. Rounding up, it could be regarded as celebrating his birthday together.

Lin Moran thought a lot for a while, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He quickly and respectfully answered, and served Qin Yuci to bed, carefully blew out all the candles, and then slowly backed out.

The night passed quickly, and Lin Moran really didn't see Qin Yuci in the early morning of the next day, but gifts from various princes, princesses, famous families and important officials came in continuously.

Although she didn't need to move around with her personally this time, it took a lot of effort after all.

Inadvertently, I was busy until the evening.

Finally got some free time for myself.

Lin Moran sighed, and said goodbye to Xi Xue Chaoyun, before thinking of going back to take a good rest, but within two steps, he bumped into Qin Yuci head-on.

She seemed to have drunk a lot of wine, although her figure was still upright and her expression was not much different from usual, but the roots of her ears and cheeks were stained with light red.

Although it was getting dark now, there were still a few rays of sunlight that shone from the sky and shone on Qin Yuci's body, covering her whole body in a soft and lonely light.

It is obviously beautiful, but it is inexplicably sad.

"Princess." Seeing that no one was following her, Lin Moran quickly walked up to her and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Qin Yuci raised his eyes to look at her in response: "I'm fine."

His tone was as calm as usual, and it seemed that nothing was wrong.

But Lin Moran was still worried, this place was still some distance away from Qin Yuci's bedroom, fearing that she would not be able to hold on, he suggested going to the gazebo to rest first.

Fortunately, Qin Yuci had no objection.

Having been with Qin Yuci for so many days, Lin Moran was no longer as terrified of her as before. Seeing this man leaning on the railing and looking up at the moon, he was afraid that she would be bored, so he even took the initiative to talk to her: "How is the princess's life today?" Are you happy?"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yuci looked over.

Only then did Lin Moran realize that even though he drank a lot of wine, Qin Yuci's beautiful eyes were still clear and deep. Maybe he didn't expect her to ask such a question. Qin Yuci was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips Smiled: "It's still possible."

It's okay, that should mean it's not bad.

Lin Moran rolled his almond eyes and laughed with her, and continued: "Did the princess eat any special delicious food?"

This question is indeed a greedy cat.

Qin Yuci responded, "There are indeed several."

Lin Moran was suddenly curious: "What is it?"

Qin Yuci smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Secret."


Lin Moran's smile froze when he heard that, and he kept secret what he had eaten, this person is really bad.

That being the case, he is also greedy for her.

Lin Moran snorted softly in his heart, and quickly told her some of the procedures for celebrating Hyundai's birthday, but in order to prevent Qin Yuci from being suspicious, he made a slight revision and said that he had heard it himself.

What cakes with candles, what exquisite and beautiful gifts, and there is a special saying that in fact, eighteen years old is called adulthood.

It was three years later than Jiji's fifteen years old.

Qin Yuci seemed very interested when he heard the words, and a strange emotion flashed in his eyes: "Is what Mo Ran said true?"

Lin Moran nodded immediately: "Really, really."

"Really." Qin Yuci stared at her for a while, then retracted his gaze after a while and stood up again: "It sounds good to be able to grow up later."

The voice was very small, and it quickly dissipated before reaching Lin Moran's ears.

Lin Moran didn't hear clearly for a while, and when she saw her get up, he hurriedly stood up along with her. As soon as he got to Qin Yuci's side, he clearly noticed that she seemed to be leaning towards him.

"It's nothing." After hearing her speak quickly, she shook her head with a smile, "It's just that I suddenly feel a little drunk."

"Moran help me go back."
