MTL - Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning-Chapter 18 sound

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After the system reminded him that he had been breathing without interruption for more than 20 years and had some understanding of breathing, he found that his breathing suddenly became much smoother, and he could quickly recover his strength while maintaining the rhythm.

If a skill can be formed, there will definitely be a considerable improvement.

He asked Zhang Kui and Yan Zhenghua, both of them were very strict about the breathing method, and said that if it was not true, the true breathing and breathing method would not be taught.

I just mentioned a few words, but in Lu Ren's feelings, breathing that has not been systematically adjusted is more vigorous. Breathing and breathing plays an extremely important role in the practice of martial arts, and it is the secret of the boxing school.

It is an important aid for adjusting the body up and down and mobilizing everything.

Lu Ren also asked if the breathing technique could cultivate the inner strength and true qi.

body, spirit.

These two are the only ones in martial arts practice.

The breathing method is a secret method that can help people to break through the limit and break the shackles.

But in many cases, success is not only achieved by the secret technique of breathing and breathing. To be extraordinary, one's own talent, perseverance, and luck are indispensable.

Minutes and seconds passed, the sky outside had completely darkened, there was no moon in the sky, and without any lights, I could not reach my fingers.

The faint screams and screams that were faintly heard before have disappeared, and there was no movement.

Lu Ren glanced at the six people who were muttering in the distance, but didn't pay much attention to them for the time being.

He just needs to spend the night quietly and safely, but he can still vaguely hear their conversation.

He also heard the name of the team formed by temporary distress when they announced their names.

The cool-looking woman in the OL outfit is called Li Shu, and there are two high school students, one is Wang Chengliang, the other is Ren Zhoucheng, the middle-aged man is called Chen Jin, and the mean-looking woman is called Zhao Hui, and The taciturn man in tooling was called Feng Zicheng.

All of them expressed concern and despair about the current situation without exception. The only thing that surprised Lu Ren was that Li Shu and the two high school students seemed to be full of fighting spirit.

These two young men have read a lot of novels, and they feel that I am the protagonist and my body is full of power.

Brave Niu Niu~

Using the faint light of the mobile phone screen, he closed the tempered glass door of the small room where he was, and then used the desk to hold it back. Under the eyes of the six people with different emotions, Lu Ren lay calmly. Slowly fell asleep on the sofa.

Until the middle of the night, a small voice suddenly came from the corridor outside the room, causing Lu Ren to suddenly open his eyes and quickly roll over to get up.

blah blah~

The crisp sound became clearer and clearer, much like the sound of high heels touching the floor tiles, quite crisp.

But in such a dark and silent environment, it seems extremely strange and terrifying.

Lu Ren gently moved the desk away silently, and slowly pushed open the glass door to make sure that there was no sound, so he leaned against the door and waited quietly.

The six people next to him were also awakened by shock. They didn't dare to speak up, didn't make any movement, their faces were full of panic, and it was too terrifying to make a sudden noise in such a place!

blah blah blah...

As the footsteps of the other party became clearer and more rapid, the other party was obviously approaching them, until at the end, the footsteps stopped abruptly at the gate they were blocking.

Bang dong! Bang dong!

The surroundings were so silent that only the sound of his own heart could be heard.

Lu Ren took a deep breath and tried his best to remain calm, his brain spinning rapidly. He glanced at the six people who were curled up in a ball, and stared at the blocked door.

He had a bad premonition in his heart, afraid that the other party had already discovered them.


A dull and heavy loud noise suddenly came, making the heart twitch violently, and the door against which the furniture was pressed was obviously shaken.

Lu Ren's pupils shrank suddenly, the stack of furniture weighed at least five or six hundred kilograms, and when it was hit by this door, it actually shifted. What's even more heart-pounding is that the sound of the impact was extremely dense. After the first impact test, it started. Keep hitting violently.

Luckily, it wasn't something superficial, so Lu Ren felt relieved for no reason.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and block the door!"

Li Shu's voice trembled, stumbled, and rushed forward with soft hands and feet. Wang Chengliang and Ren Zhoucheng, the other two high school students, also gritted their teeth when they saw this, with a sense of fear spreading on their faces, but they still went up. Arrived in the past.

Seeing this, Lu Ren didn't hesitate at all, and rushed forward in three steps to support him with his shoulders.

On the other hand, Chen Jing, Feng Zicheng, and the acerbic-looking woman Zhao Hui shrank back desperately, not daring to take a step forward, and their faces were full of fear.

In this terrifying environment, anyone who can come forward can be regarded as having extraordinary courage.

Fear is human nature, Wang Chengliang and Ren Zhoucheng really made Lu Ren look up to him.

Lu Ren couldn't help but look at Li Shu, who was struggling beside him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The forehead impact of the increasingly loud impact made Lu Ren unable to resist shaking his body, causing his shoulders to feel a little sore. UU reading www.

"I can't stand it anymore, so let's go away first."

Lu Ren let out a low voice, Li Shu and the two teenagers hesitated after hearing the words, and after seeing Lu Ren Kongwu's strong hand holding the iron sheet, they didn't hesitate. Different from looking for death.

After Li Shu and the others quickly retreated, Lu Ren could no longer bear the impact of the huge force, and quickly retreated with the help of the force.

When the door was pulled back, Lu Ren couldn't help but change his color when he saw the other person's figure.

This riding is so ugly!

The other party is a fat woman wearing high heels, or Roshan is not an exaggeration. The movement of her hands and feet caused the fat on her body to shake for a while. She was wearing a worn purple dress, but her legs were strangely thin and her skin was dry and cracked. The gray color, the sparse fangs and saliva exposed between the open mouths are wanton scenes.

It made Lu Ren's stomach churn for a while.


Lu Ren couldn't help but stunned his ears when the monster's shrill voice roared, causing Chen Jinyi and the others behind him to panic, and they fled in shock.

Lu Ren stopped, stretched out his hand, picked up the chair next to him, and threw it out, slamming the other side hard. However, to Lu Ren's helplessness, the other side had no effect except for the fat on his body being shaken.

When the opponent is too horizontal and wears a pair of high heels, although the strength is huge, it looks cumbersome.

Seeing that he threw a chair over and successfully attracted attention and rushed towards him, Lu Ren did not hesitate, took two steps forward, and then jumped into the air, narrowly avoiding the other party while twisting his waist in mid-air. With the waving arm, the sharp iron piece in his hand was inserted through the torticollis of the monster, and the iron piece sank deeply, piercing the heart.

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