MTL - Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning-Chapter 19 wind

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The position is precise, the strength is solid, and the arm does not tremble at all.

very perfect!

Lu Ren was quite narcissistic about his own hand.

His skills, whether it is basic fighting or basic swordsmanship, have given him a deep understanding of the vital parts of the human body, or where hitting can make people instantly lose their combat effectiveness.

When a skill is formed, his body seems to have gone through thousands of trials and practices to practice this trick, and countless mysteries flow naturally in his mind.

One hit to defeat the enemy and one hit kill is what Lu Ren pursues, but unfortunately the opponent seems to have the wrong place for his heart.

The monster who felt the severe pain roared, and both hands frantically grabbed Lu Ren, who was in the air, but Lu Ren had already walked away, his body was slumped and twisted, and he was already like a spider with two feet and one foot. He stepped on the monster's head and shoulders, narrowly avoiding the two sharp claws glowing with metal, jumped away with his hands and feet, rolled forward the moment he landed, and jumped directly five meters away before standing upright.

At this moment, he is already standing in the corridor of this floor.

Lu Ren glanced at the iron piece in his hand. The dark brown blood was dripping with drops of monster blood slowly sliding from the tip of the iron piece to the ground.

"Ding, because of your concentration and high concentration of swinging the iron plate, you suddenly realized something, and your basic swordsmanship proficiency increased by 30!"

This is really...

He glanced back and danced, and the monster swaying with layers of fat roared towards him, but the high heels he was wearing made it seem particularly slow.

It was slow, at least in his opinion.

You can't connect hard, you can only use skill, or rely on agile dodge to avoid.

"Fuck your mother, it's not dead."

He dared to guarantee that he would definitely pierce the monster's heart with that one blow, if the other party's body structure was the same as that of a human.

Lu Ren bowed slightly, and rushed forward with a stride when his back was exerting strength, and then suddenly leaned up on the iron bridge, his legs were half-kneeling, and he slid forward, avoiding the pair of fat hands with strong winds. , the sharp iron piece in his hand is in the middle of the opponent's waist and abdomen, and the handle is wrapped around the end of the cloth.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to feel any pain, he wanted to turn around and rush towards him, but Lu Ren didn't dare to pause at all, and immediately turned around and lay on his back on the ground.

Seeing the other party pounce on him, Lu Ren scolded him angrily, and leaned sideways to avoid him with force between his waist and abdomen.


The hundreds of pounds of fat came into contact with the ground suddenly, and even Lu Ren felt the slight vibration of the corridor on the ground.

Ignoring the series of prompts in his head, Lu Ren turned over and got up, picked up the sharp iron piece and stabbed it towards the fat man's neck.


The soft sound of entering the flesh, accompanied by the twisting force of Lu Ren's arms, waist and abdomen, directly penetrated the monster's neck.

Immediately, Lu Ren didn't stop. The spirit of exceeding the average attribute value could clearly see the monster's movements, avoiding the opponent's claws within the slightest, pulling out the iron piece in his hand, and then falling heavily again.

After more than 20 minutes, he cut off most of the monster's neck, leaving only a little sticky flesh.

It can be said that the head was cut off, and the monster even fluttered for a minute before it calmed down and stopped moving.

Out of breath, Lu Ren stood up straight and glanced at the hard iron piece in his hand. He had to find time to grind it, otherwise it would be difficult to exert his strength.

What shocked him even more was the amazing activity of the opponent's body. After the connection between his head was cut off, he could still unconsciously flutter for a while before he calmed down.

"Ding, because you kept wielding iron pieces, and finally killed the fat monster with difficulty, your basic swordsmanship proficiency increased by 40"

"Ding, because you keep dodging, your agility proficiency increases by 1"

"Ding, because of..."

A large number of system prompts in his mind let Lu Ren manage for a while, which was a bit of a surprise. I didn't expect that the proficiency not only depends on his daily exercise, but also can obtain a higher degree of proficiency by killing strong opponents. numerical value.

This is a temptation to make him take the initiative to find and kill. It's a bit like fishing law enforcement.

For a while in the noisy corridor, the room fell silent, and everything fell into darkness. Except for Lu Ren's heavy breathing, everything returned to calm.

There are traces of strangeness in the silence.

Lu Ren looked at the dark corridors in front and back, and after he came over, he quickly calmed his breath, and walked slowly to the hiding spot in his memory step by step.

He tried his best to open his eyes, only a general outline could be seen in the darkness.

Lu Ren took out his phone, turned on the flash, and then his pupils shrank suddenly, only to see two corpses in the corridor leading to the door of the middle room.

Someone was cut in half!

No, not only was the cut in half, but the neck was also cut off by a sharp blade, so that there was no sound.

Upon closer inspection, it was Feng Zicheng, a taciturn, honest and honest man in work clothes.

What did it do?

Before Lu Ren had time to think about it, he felt a sharp sound piercing the air from the back of his head, which made him change his color.

His whole body was suddenly tense, and before he had time to make any dodging movements, he had to lift the iron piece in his hand, and put a sword on Lu Zu's back and slung it across his back.


Two golden and iron symphony sounds that sounded almost at the same time suddenly sounded in this relatively spacious corridor.

Peiran's force coming from behind made Lu Ren stagger forward uncontrollably for a few steps, and then he used the momentum to pounce forward, rolling around twice, and then twisted his body to stand on the ground.

"Ding, you were attacked by the blade bamboo and successfully defended, your agility proficiency +1"

"Ding, you have suffered..."

Physique, agility, and strength have each adjusted a lot of proficiency, and the achievements between life and death are really exciting!

The raiders are hanging from the ceiling!

Ignoring the system prompts in his mind, Lu Ren's figure hanging on the ceiling showed an extremely slender and tall appearance under the light of the flash of the mobile phone clenched tightly in his left hand.

The overall color is a gray-white carapace. It is more appropriate to say that it is two sharp, metallic-colored iron knuckles rather than two feet. The sharp feet are like stabbing tofu, and they can easily penetrate the ceiling and let themselves fall. hanging above.

A pair of hands, or in other words, the arms with a pair of slender and sharp blades are extremely sharp, and a slight shake can even cause a faint sound of breaking wind.

The head is as sharp as the horns of an iron mountain, without any facial features, like a piece of iron covered with rust.

The whole is like a four-limbed stick insect.

An agile monster.

"Ding, because of the sudden activation of the potential between life and death, you resisted the attack of the blade bamboo knot at a critical moment, and your agility proficiency increased by 30."

At this moment behind Lu Ren, there was already a dense layer of cold sweat. It was really too dangerous just now, and even his thinking did not respond, unable to think, everything could only rely on the most instinctive actions.