MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-v6 Chapter 92 Destroy 9 prisons! Luo Jing

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"Your Majesty Jiu Prison, look at what you said." Dragon Blood Demon Altar Xia Yang said jokingly, "As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes. Now that the human race is strong, it is the general trend to cooperate with each other and win the future together.


The Demon God of Nine Prisons was so angry that his blood surged up, and he almost didn't spit it out.

Its sinister gaze swept across the audience, and then it fell on Moyu Demon God: "Moyu, you are my old subordinate, don't tell me you have betrayed my god!?"

"Your Majesty...I..." The Black Feather Demon God's expression was also very ugly, he was shocked and stunned, obviously he didn't know it beforehand.

It stared sharply at the Dragon Blood Demon God: "Dragon Blood, tell me that this is not true, how could you betray the Demon Race?!"

"Yuer." The Dragon Blood Demon God withdrew the teasing smile on his face, moved to the Black Feather Demon God in a blink of an eye, wrapped his arms around her waist, and said sincerely, "Believe me, I did not betray the Demon Race.

I just want to overthrow the brutal rule of the old dog of the Nine Prisons. Everything I did was for the good of the demons. "

"But..." The Black Feather Demon God's expression was uncertain.

Nothing but. "Dragon Blood Demon God Altar Xia Yang has a serious face, and his tone is domineering yet tender, "Yu'er, you have to trust me. What the old dog of Nine Prisons is doing is undoubtedly pushing our demon realm into the abyss of destruction.

Only I can save thousands of demons in the Demon Realm.

"Well, I believe you." The Black Feather Demon God's eyes became a little gentle.

"Thank you, Yu'er." Dragon Blood Demon Altar Xia Yang looked at her with tenderness, "Don't worry, I will definitely bring a good, peaceful and prosperous life to the people of the Demon Race.

At that time, I will be the Demon God Emperor and you the Demon God Concubine, and we will join hands to create a future that belongs to our demon clan in the Demon Realm, just like I told you before.

Tan Xiayang described scenes of a bright future to her, with longing and anticipation in his tone.

"Dragon Blood, I believe in you, I have always believed in you." The Black Feather Demon God hugged his strong waist movingly, with his cheek pressed against his chest, and his expression seemed calm and ignited with infinite hope for the future. look forward to.

Hmph~ From the looks of it, I shouldn't have come.

Seeing this scene, Yin Demon God couldn't help curling his lips, his eyes faintly displeased.

"No, you came just in time."

Dragon Blood Demon God stretched out another arm, and pulled Yinshi Demon God into his embrace.

In an instant, with the Black Feather Demon God in his right hand and the Yinshi Demon God in his left hand, happiness and satisfaction appeared on his face: "From now on, we will live happily together and build the Demon Realm together.


Such a **** scene made the Demon God of Nine Hells angry again, and finally couldn't hold it back, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Under extreme anger, its voice was almost insane: "Dragon Blood! Black Feather! Yin Shi! This Demon God is not dead yet!!"

"Jiu Prison, what nonsense are you talking about?" Tan Tianxin became a little impatient when he saw them babbling like this, and said with a cold face, "You don't think you still have a chance to survive today, do you?"

After all, she stretched out her right hand, and a brilliant holy sword appeared in her palm, it was the [Tianyuan Holy Sword].

With the sword in hand, Tan Tiange's whole demeanor also changed.

An awe-inspiring sword intent shot up into the snow, and the mighty power spread with her as the center of the circle, causing the surrounding void to faintly tremble.

next moment.

With a flick of her wrist, a beam of sword light slashed towards the Nine Hell Demon God.

This sword is majestic and majestic, earth-shattering and earth-shattering.

As the sword light passed, the turbulent energy tide in the void sea was torn apart a huge gap.

In the gap, the light is annihilated, as if connecting to a boundless hell.

Seeing this, the Demon God of Nine Hells felt a chill in his heart.

When did this Tiange become so powerful?! It’s almost like cheating~!

It didn't dare to be careless, and immediately burned a raging demon all over its body.

Yan, fought fiercely with Tan Tiange with all his strength.

It wasn't until the two sides fought each other that the Demon God of Nine Hells felt more and more how terrifying Tan Tiange was now. Relying on it as a high-ranking demon god, when fighting with it, it was suppressed everywhere, and it was almost powerless to fight back.

Seeing this, the demon king-level personal guards of Nine Hell Demon God were anxious, and just about to step forward to help, but were stopped by Yinshi Demon God.

She looked down at them, her voice was cold and indifferent: "You idiots, are you so anxious to die?"

The surging magic power exploded with her as the center, biting and chilling.

There was a feeling in the hearts of all the demon king-level personal guards, if they really dared to help at this moment, she would definitely strike mercilessly and kill them on the spot.

All the guards looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling chills in their hearts, but the steps they took out coincided with the same and slowly retracted, not daring to make the slightest movement.

In the void, Tan Tiange and Nine Prison Demon Gods were still fighting fiercely.

During the 30 years of returning from the Jingu Research Base, after Wang Shouzhe's continuous treatment, Tan Tiange's blood power has basically stabilized and gradually reintegrated, and now she can basically control it.

In her current state, as long as she doesn't fight with others, and then suffers a life-threatening serious injury, it is basically impossible for her to repeat.

And the power of the fused bloodline was fully displayed in this battle.

True Immortal Realm has thirteen bloodlines, which is a proper qualification for Daozi.

Even if her bloodline was not cultivated by herself, it is impossible to predict whether there are any hidden dangers at present, but the increase in combat power is still very terrifying. This point can be seen from the fact that her current cultivation is still at the fourth level of the True Immortal Realm, but she can suppress the Nine Hell Demon God who is still a high-ranking Demon God.

However, although Tan Tiange has a considerable advantage in the battle, it may not be possible to take down the Nine Hell Demon God in a short time.

Seeing this, Wang Shouzhe immediately said: "In order to avoid complications, let's save time and make a quick decision.

After all, he glanced at his wife.

Liu Ruolan nodded at him.

After being married for many years, although the two occasionally fight and fight, they have already cultivated an incomparable tacit understanding. With just one glance, the two have already understood each other.

next moment.

The two reached out their hands almost at the same time, and the holy sword of Yuanshui and the holy sword of Qinghuang appeared in their hands at the same time.

At the same time as the bright sword light rose into the sky, the figures of the two also rose into the air at the same time, crossing the void to join the battlefield.

At this time, more than forty years have passed since they were promoted to the Lingxu Realm, and both of them have been promoted to the second floor of the Lingxu Realm successively.

With their aptitude, their explosive power on the battlefield is no less than that of ordinary True Immortals, and they have holy swords in their hands. Even Wang Shouzhe, who seldom fights head-on, can fight head-on with ordinary True Immortals. a bit,

Liu Ruolan also has the bonus of Yuanshui holy map and experience in her previous life, and her lethality is close to that of ordinary middle-stage true fairyland powerhouses when she goes all out.

The two teamed up, and the threat was doubled.

Even the Demon God of Nine Prisons, who is a superior demon god, would not dare to be negligent when facing them.

In the fierce sword light, one of the two was the main attacker, and the other was in coordination. Their figures flew up and down, and they suppressed the Nine Hell Demon God in conjunction with the altar song.

At this time, Wang Shouzhe did not use the Jingu elite armor.

That thing is used as a hole card to save one's life, and every battle needs to consume a lot of source crystals or fairy stones. It is really unnecessary to show it in this winning scene, it is better to save and hide it.

Seeing this, Tan Xiayang simply joined the battle group.

At this moment, Tan Xiayang has almost digested the remnant soul of Demon Lord Chilong. Although his strength has not yet been promoted to the level of a high-level demon god, he is still much stronger than the average mid-level demon god.

In addition, now that his face has been torn apart, he doesn't have to deliberately hide his actions anymore. Under the full force, the combat effectiveness is really amazing.

With four enemies and one, and all of them are not easy, in an instant, the Demon God of Nine Prisons was completely suppressed.

Although it kept roaring, various magic tricks and hole cards emerged one after another, and even tried to escape several times, they were all cracked one by one.

half an hour.

Just half an hour later.

The Demon God of Nine Hells was pierced through the heart by Tan Tiange's sword, and his body fell into the sea of ​​void.

However, the demon race was born with extraordinary talents, and almost at the same time as the physical body fell, a demon soul broke out of the physical body and fled frantically towards the direction of the void sea.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Blood Demon God had already prepared for it. It had just escaped from the demon body, but within a few feet, it was caught by the Dragon Blood Demon God, and swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls.

The Demon God of the Nine Hells once devoured the remnant soul of the Moon Eclipse Demon Lord. Although the power of this remnant soul has been fused and digested by the Demon God of the Nine Hells, the genetic information contained in it will not disappear.

As soon as the soul of the Nine Prison Demon God entered his stomach, countless messages rushed to his soul frantically.

However, Tan Xiayang once successfully fused the remnant soul of the Demon Lord Chilong, and he was not an easy person. His expression didn't even change at the moment, and he just silently endured the indiscriminate bombardment of the information flow, absorbing everything frantically. Useful bloodline information.

Gradually, the spirit of Xia Yang, the altar of dragon blood demon, transformed again.

The body of the dragon blood demon also gradually changed, the golden color on the scales became more and more obvious, and the dragon horns on the top of his head became more radiant and flowing. There was an inexplicable sense of dignity and sacredness gradually released from him, which made people feel uncontrollable. Live in awe.

Obviously, the remnant soul of the Nine Prison Demon God brought him a lot of benefits, which raised his strength and potential to a higher level, and he also had the potential and hope to truly be promoted to the Demon Lord.

"Congratulations, young master, you successfully strangled the Demon God of the Nine Hells. But I can let Lao Cai do this kind of thing in the future, why do you have to do it yourself?"

At this time, an old voice came from the void next to it.

Cai Youdao, who had been looting in the dark, appeared out of thin air, his face still full of surprise.

He marveled at the terrifying combat power and infinite potential shown by Wang Shouzhe and his wife, and also felt the unity of the world of martial arts.

He has never seen a world, or a country, or a force that looks like this. It looks like a mess on the surface, but when things really happen, they show an unusual unity.

However, he could see that all of this was due to the existence of Wang Shoutao.

Maybe even Wang Shouzhe didn't realize that he was subtly changing the people around him, and he had unknowingly become the backbone of the entire Shenwu world.

It is a blessing to have him here, maybe, it is also...

"Anyway, it's a win-win situation, so it's time to practice." Wang Shouzhe smiled lightly, and cupped his hands at him, "Thank you for the Cai priest's sneak attack.

"Should, should."

Cai Youdao kept saying humility.

Seeing Wang Shouzhe's calm and calm appearance, as if everything was under control, he felt a sense of peace in his heart, and his confidence in recovering Qixia Dongtian also increased greatly.

While speaking, Xia Yang, who had digested the soul of the Nine Prisons, also woke up.

In a flash, he came to the demon body of the Demon God of Nine Prisons, stretched out his dragon claws and tore off the head of Nine Prisons, held it in his hand and shouted loudly: "The dead dragon blood of Nine Prisons shall stand. Whoever refuses to obey, stand up !"

Under the blessing of demonic energy, his voice spread far and wide in the void, and it was so powerful that it was deafening.

All the demons present were shocked.

"Meet His Majesty Dragon Blood."

Yinshi Demon God took the lead in meeting.

The Black Feather Demon God hastily followed behind. The rest of the guards of the Nine Prisons, base guards, and wise demons all paid homage tremblingly, and tried their best to shout the name of "Your Majesty Dragon Blood".

far away.

In a room of a base, Wang Fugui and Mrs. Huandie were watching this scene through the transparent window.

Seeing the Demon God of Nine Hells slaying him, Mrs. Huandie's eyes trembled, she felt that the fear and hatred accumulated in her heart for many years had finally dissipated, and she felt more at ease than ever before.

She leaned down and bowed to Wang Fugui: "I thank you son for plotting a plot, which made this concubine avenge me, and fulfill my long-cherished wish for many years.

"Madam, you don't need to thank me. When I served as the commander of all affairs in the Demon Realm these years, you also worked hard. You have contributed a lot to the execution of the Nine Prisons." what plan

"From now on, I don't have to live in fear anymore, I'm going to go back and meet Yongyan." Mrs. Huandie said softly, "However, I also hope to continue to work for the Wang family and become Wang's worshipper. , Do something of your own business.

"That's very good." Wang Fugui said with a smile, "Since Ma'am has the blood of the Nine Hell Demon God, it must be the most suitable for the Nine Hell Demon God. I will apply for you."

Madam Huandie was inexplicably surprised: "Thank you, Mr. Fugui.

"You don't have to be happy too early." Wang Fugui said, "You have to pay for what you get. Next, the Demon Realm will usher in a huge wave of reform and development. How to govern the Demon Race and how to balance the relationship between the Demon Race and the Human Race Waiting is a problem,

Everything must be sloppy. You are a hybrid of a demon **** and a human race, and you have a special status. You can assist His Majesty Dragon Blood in managing the demon clan, lest your majesty be too arbitrary.

Mrs. Huandie's eyes moved slightly, she nodded and said: "I understand, I will definitely not let down the young master's entrustment.

With the death of the Nine Prisons, the pattern of the Demon Realm will inevitably undergo tremendous changes. Correspondingly, there are too many problems, especially the Demon Race and the Human Race have been fighting for many years, and the mutual hatred has a long history. Something went wrong.

Of course, this is something to do later, let's not mention it for now.

Right now, Tan Tiange, Tan Xiayang, and the Wang family headed by Wang Shouzhe and his wife have completely taken over the hyperspace corridor base, and Wang Shouzhe also pulled Tan Xiayang aside to discuss with him the handling of the hyperspace corridor.

What Wang Shouzhe meant was to ask Tan Xiayang to make up a "story" to fool around the Demon Clan's base camp, explain the death of the Demon God of Nine Hells, and then gain their trust as the new leader of the Demon Clan, and continue to maintain information exchange with the Demon Clan's base camp on the opposite side , and then bury their wool.

Over the years, the base camp of the Demon Race has sent a lot of supplies here, and the wool is neither white nor alcoholic.

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the same time period.

Luojing, the capital of God.

Above the Nine Heavens, the Divine Tower.

Dingyun Shrine, in the study [Singshen Pavilion] of Emperor Cangping.

Emperor Cangping sat behind the large table as usual, handling the complicated and complicated government affairs of the gods.

And ever since he sat behind this desk, his frown has never been loosened. There is no way, the government affairs that can be handed to his table are basically all kinds of difficult things that are difficult to decide, and most of them are not good things.

Ancestor, Gangbadish Shichui, the leader of the Giant's Stone Hammer Department, has taken his wife and children to sit and protest outside Shenque for ten days, claiming that he came to demand pension and wage arrears. "The member of the royal family [Dingjiang Holy King] who is in charge of the affairs of the barbarian tribes of different races drooped his face,

With a sad face, he complained to Emperor Cangping, "My child managed to calm them down temporarily after exhausting my tongue, and persuaded them to return to the [foreign embassy] to stay."

Otherwise, you always summoned Gangbadish·Shichui once, even if you calmed them down with golden words, it would be nice to draw a cake.

"Hmph! No see." Emperor Cangping waved his hand in annoyance, "That barbarian Shi Hammer looks honest on the outside, but in fact he has always been cunning and scheming. He dared to come to Luojing to make trouble at this time, not because he saw the situation on the front line Corruption, deliberately taking the opportunity to make trouble, wanting to take this opportunity to blackmail and ask for benefits?"

"If my emperor does what he wants and opens this hole, what will the other barbarians think? In the future, this emperor's entrance to the divine tower will be peaceful?

"I don't see you. I need to hang that thing for a while, let him clear his head. Dingjiang boy, step back~"

The holy king of Dingjiang also knew his ancestor's temper, and knew that the barbarian king's attack this time had aroused his suspicion. He didn't dare to persuade any more at the moment, and after saying "here", he withdrew by himself.

After the people left, the Emperor Cangping seemed to be still angry, and his expression was a little dissatisfied.

Yue: "It's unreasonable, really unreasonable. The Emperor has never treated the Stone Hammer Department, but they are always favored and spoiled, and they always make errands/issues at critical moments. Is it really necessary to force the Emperor to expel them from the country?

"Your Majesty, calm down first." The **** Lao Tan hastily stepped forward to persuade, "Maybe the Stone Hammer Department has encountered some difficulties, why don't you let the old slave inquire secretly and see what's going on before making a decision? "

"What's there to inquire about? It's the wolf's ambition, feed the unfamiliar white-eyed wolf." Cangping Emperor said displeased, "Okay, okay, I asked you to inquire about Lici a while ago, how is the situation?" "

Your Majesty, this old slave is about to report this matter to you~" Eunuch Lao Tan smiled and took out a stack of documents and handed them over, "I heard that Lici's child is the bloodline of the Miao family of the Tianrui Holy Pilgrim Family. Jue Lun was later accepted as an apprentice by the Holy Venerable of the Sea of ​​Clouds and the Cave of Heaven.

What is written on the information is Lici's "since her debut", including the incidents of her being kicked out by Miaoshi and her coming back.

"Rui Miao is too shameless today." Divine Emperor Cang Ping flipped through the information and said dissatisfied, "Just because of some petty things that are pretentious, and because she thinks that Li Ci'er eats too much, you kicked her out? It doesn't count if you drive out, but you still have the face to come back afterward?

This is too shameless. No wonder the girl felt so empathetic when she mentioned being kicked out of the house.

"Tianrui Yi's is indeed too much." The **** Lao Tan also helped Sui Sui read, "after all, he is a little saint from the countryside, and the structure is a bit small. However, this also shows that Lici's child is kind-hearted and has a big heart. Broad. She persuaded His Majesty that every meal and porridge are all kindness.

It's really not easy for this girl to have such a mentality. "Shenhuang Cangping nodded, "By the way, how about the permanent residence that the emperor asked you to find? Did you send the address to Lici?

The old slave has found a suitable place, and the address has been sent to Lici. But I heard from the servants who stayed behind that Lici has already visited you twice. "Old Tan said with some guilt, "I see that His Majesty is busy, so I dare not disturb you.

"You old bastard, why didn't you say it sooner?" Cangping Divine Emperor reprimanded Daolici several times for not being able to find the emperor, can she not be in a hurry? That's all, you and I have nothing to do now, so I went to visit her. By the way, You go to the food cold storage to get a fifteenth grade dragon leg,

It was the one that the emperor personally hunted and killed in the sea of ​​void last time.

"That child is not easy, the emperor can't lose her.

"Your Majesty...this matter is absolutely wrong." Lao Tan hastily persuaded, "You are playing a down-and-out poor man, didn't you reveal your truth all of a sudden?

"Shenhuang Cangping was speechless for a while, "Then cut a small piece of meat that is hundreds of catties, and treat it as a treasure handed down by this poor ancestor.

Old Tan was speechless, and couldn't hold back a burst of thoughts in his heart.

Which poor ancestor can pass down a small piece of fifteenth grade dragon leg meat?

"Why don't you go soon?" Divine Emperor Cangping glared, "Based on what I know about Li Ci'er, how could she think so deeply when she has enough to eat?

"Yes Yes Yes."

Eunuch Lao Tan hastily took orders and left.



The square in front of Yingxian Tower was crowded with people, and the stands were surrounded by people who seemed to be watching something exciting.

I saw Wang Lici, the "famous" big eater in recent decades, is accepting the challenge of a young warrior of the giant tribe, who can eat more.

The Stone Hammer Department of the Giant Clan is quite famous in Dongxia Shenzhou. Their family has always been famous for their great strength and can eat, and they are also famous warriors on the frontline battlefield of the Void Sea.

The young giant Yong Gong who was fighting with Li Ci, even though his figure had been reduced by magical powers of size and size, he still exuded a wild and ferocious aura.

At this moment, big pots of steamed stuffed buns were quickly disappearing into his mouth.

But Wang Lici seemed wilder than him. She imitated the trick of "Old Cang" a while ago, and sucked fiercely with her bulging belly, and the huge buns were poured into her mouth like an overwhelming sea.

Her belly is like a never-ending abyss, no matter how many buns are poured into it, it will be easy.

"Okay! As expected of Luo Jing's big appetite." Seeing this, the melon-eating crowd of the human race immediately cheered Wang Lici up and cheered continuously.

Although they usually have a lot of dissatisfaction with Wang Lici, who relies on the big stomach king competition to make money, but this involves the competition between the human race and the giant race, and they are naturally on Wang Lici's side.

"Young patriarch, come on, you have to be strong." A group of strong men from the giant stone hammer department were standing on the edge of the stands, and they were also cheering for their own families at the moment.

The young barbarian giant who competed with Li Ci is the young patriarch of the contemporary Stone Hammer Department. Although he was still young, with only eleventh-level strength, in the void sea battlefield, he had torn apart a terrifying existence of an injured demon god.

At the same time, he is also the pride of the Stone Hammer Department and the hopeful star of the Stone Hammer Department in the future.

On the sidelines, a burly giant with a calm demeanor was standing with arms folded, watching all this quietly.

This one is none other than Gangbadish Stone Hammer, the king of the giant clan.

Seeing that his son's face gradually turned pale, he sighed and shook his head and said: "Ya Mie, I'm afraid I'm going to lose.


As soon as the words fell, the young patriarch Yamie Shichui, the young barbarian giant, stepped back a few steps, and threw up with a disgusted "wahwah".

"Lici is mighty, Lici is domineering!

The melon-eaters of the human race cheered immediately, as if they were happier than they won the game themselves.

"I don't accept it!" Yami Shichui finally vomited, and looked up at the girl with a pale face on the opposite side with a pale face, full of anger, "What's the use of eating? If you have the ability to compare strength with me .

As soon as these words came out, a lot of people below immediately taunted the young patriarch of the barbarian giant. Why do you, a barbarian giant, compete with the human race? Why don't you compare with the void dragon?

No, the Nether Dragon is not necessarily stronger than the Giant.

However, Wang Lici didn't care, instead he gestured to him enthusiastically: "Come on, let's do wrestling and see who is stronger."

After finishing speaking, she kicked on one leg and rushed forward first, and actually wrestled with Yamie Shichui in Yingxianlou Square.

Bang, bang!

Amidst the loud noises, huge pits were smashed into the ground one after another.

There is nothing fancy about their competition, it is purely a wrestling, whoever is stronger can fall. Even if the construction materials of this square are quite good, and a solid formation is arranged, the two perverts can't help but wrestle.

Before they knew it, the square had been smashed to pieces by the two of them, and it looked miserable.

However, at this moment, apart from the people from Yingxian Tower, no one has the time to feel sorry for the square.

Wang Lici's simple-minded strength and fighting ability are actually similar to those of Yamie Stone Hammer! The two of you throw each other and I throw them, and it looks like it's hard to tell the winner.

The people who eat melons in the human race were shocked.

The strong men of the giant race were also stunned.

Even Shenhuang Cangping, who was secretly watching from the sidelines, had the corners of his mouth twitching.

He didn't expect that the girl Lici could be evenly matched with the barbarian young patriarch. You know, that Yamie Stone Hammer is not an ordinary barbarian boy, but the successor of the barbarian king of the Stone Hammer Department. Even the Emperor Cangping has heard of his youthful bravery.

"Don't compare, don't compare, if you continue to compare, it will be difficult to tell the winner." After dazzled, Yami Shichui finally waved his hand to stop, and looked at Wang Lici with admiration, "You are a respectable warrior , Losing to you, I am not ashamed at all.

The giant giant king on the side couldn't help but leaned forward, and looked up and down Wang Lici in amazement: "Little girl of the human race, don't you have the blood of the ancestors of our giant race? I haven't seen any human race before You have so much strength in your cultivation.

"No, no, I can eat a little bit, I have a little more strength, nothing special." Wang Lici quickly denied.

She couldn't help but patted the young patriarch's shoulder, and said with emotion: "You can~ I haven't seen you yet."

A guy who is as strong as me at the same level as me. Although your appetite is a little smaller~~ But I think you are still quite pleasing to the eye.

"Really?" Yamie Shichui touched his head and was very excited, "I have never seen a warrior like you before. Why don't we sworn brothers, and we will be life and death brothers in the future."

"Sworn marriage, sounds interesting, alright..."

Wang Lici was about to nod her head in agreement with a look of approval, but was grabbed by the Cangping Emperor who rushed up: "I said Lici girl, you fight as a fight, what's the point of sworn marriage?"

He was unhappy seeing the giant race, and of course he didn't want Li Ci to sworn worship with Yamie Shichui.

"Ouch~ old man, we haven't seen each other for a while." Wang Lici happily patted him on the shoulder, "Is your new home not going to live anymore? I've been looking for you for several times and I won't tell you about my money-making plan... .?

"Let's talk about the plan first. I went back to my hometown and brought you some delicious food." Emperor Cangping said mysteriously, "I promise you will applaud after eating it.

Unexpectedly, Wang Lici, who usually loves food the most, swallowed his saliva, but shook his head and said, "I'll talk about this later. Ya Mie, let me introduce you, this old man is my partner. Let me tell you, Don't look at him as wretched and greasy, but he can eat better than me."

Really? Can't tell. So edible, must be a warrior. Yamie Shichui looked shocked, and then patted Emperor Cangping on the shoulder and said, "Since there is a destiny, let's make a vow together. From now on, I, Yamie, will cover you all."

Cangping Shenhuang's eyelids bulged for a while.

Is the emperor's shoulder something that can be photographed? Believe it or not, the emperor ordered you to expel your entire giant clan from the country?

"By the way~ Yamie, I heard that you are here to ask for salary this time?" Seeing that the old man seemed unhappy, Wang Lici changed the subject and said, "Is the money coming?

"Oh, don't mention it." Yamie Shichui sighed after hearing this, "We haven't even seen that guy on the divine tower.

Is it so excessive?" Wang Lici frowned indignantly, "Are debtors madder than creditors these days? No! This matter can't be left as it is! Let's go, I'll treat the giant warriors to dinner. Tell me about the matter, and I will help you with ideas. UU Reading"

"Wow, wow~"

The people in the giant stone hammer department are very happy.

They all liked this bold and brave little girl, and felt that she was particularly appealing to their clan. If it weren't for the different races, they might have proposed for their own kid.

"Old Cang, let's go together." Seeing the Emperor Cangping standing still, Wang Lici put his arms around his shoulders, and dragged him to the Yingxian Tower regardless of whether he wanted to, "Let's denounce God together." Que that guy who didn't pay his debts.

Emperor Cangping was dragged forward by her, but the expression on his face was quite indescribable.

Right now, he just felt extremely wronged, even a little wronged.

When did the emperor fail to pay back his debts? Obviously, these giants were greedy and intentionally troubled him. How could it be his fault?

They actually have the face to bury themselves, is there any reason for this?