MTL - PUBG Online Romance of the Century-Chapter 19

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When Yi Ran entered the live broadcast room, the anchor was playing pubg. Seeing this situation, it seemed that someone was attacking the building.

And the anchor side ... only he is alive.

"Xiao Yan, there is one more! Only one left!" Lu Xiuhe's voice went through the live studio.

"I saw."

"The man still wants to attack--throw thunder and thunder again! You can hide, you can hide again!"

Yu Yan suddenly closed his gun and turned and ran to the house.

[? ? ? What happened 】

[Three people who attacked the building, you killed two of them, which makes no sense. 】

"No counsel." I saw him open the settings and blocked his teammates directly. "Lu Xiuhe was infected by passers-by a few days ago, it was very noisy, I could not hear the steps."

After that, a rush of footsteps sounded, not far away, but it didn't sound like it was made indoors.

Yu Yan raised an eyebrow: "He's not coming up?"

[This story tells us: Do not attack the building without losing grenades. That team lost at least five hands / thunder? One did not hit, what broken technology? 】

[It was mainly when the first wave of attacking the building was killed by the anchor, and the other side was scared and dared not charge directly. 】

[Everyone has two teammates in your hands, and they attack a barren hahahaha]

After blocking his teammate's voice, his ears were finally quieter. Yu Yan glanced at the barrage, and Yu Guang swept out of the window to the enemy who was about to escape, hopping through the window and jumping downstairs.

"No offense? I won't allow it."

After finishing speaking, the game character descended from the sky, the movement of the gun head facing down was very skilled, the action of shooting was crisp and clear, and there was almost no hesitation. Even in the air, his gun was still very stable.

The other party did not expect that he dared to jump down like this, waited after eating the gun, and then reacted. As soon as he was about to pull out the gun, he was knocked to the ground.

At the same time, Yu Yan's screen immediately jumped out a line of white text.

[You eliminated humiyada with akm]

[7 kills]

Yi Ran was sitting on the sofa holding her hand, and was stunned when she saw this operation.

This **** is really a fairy ...

He subconsciously focused on one.

[Ha ha ha ha ha I don't allow it! !! 】

[Anchor gets a lot of my God]

[When can the anchor announce a quiz? I'll come to you for stable financial management in the future. 】

Guessing is one of the live room games. Each player can get Starlight Coins through sign-in, recharge and other special methods. Starlight Coins can be used to participate in the quiz. If you win, you can get more Starlight Coins.

The quiz items are determined by the anchors. The quiz items for chicken-eating anchors are usually "Can you eat chicken", "Can you kill five?"

Yu Yandao: "Guess ... I'll take a look, it's only twelve."

[Twelve? That boss will be enough to come a few more times. 】

[So why haven't you seen your boss these days? Empathy and love? 】

[No, no, I went to see / trap the boss's column, and there is only this anchor on the boss' star list! (Seems to be exposed)

Can I still see / treat others?

Yu Yan didn't hold back, and looked at this barrage a few more times.

1 did not come for a few days, so that after the water friends mentioned it, he always thought subconsciously, was there anything he could not do in the four rows that day?

It doesn't seem to be ... Before he left, he even gave him a shooting star.

"Hey, hello? Can you hear me? Hello?" Lu Xiuhe's voice came out, "I fuck, brother, are you too embarrassed, even you shield yourself?"

Yu Yan returned to God and said, "Your voice covers all footsteps."

[1: How many starlight values ​​can be used in a vest during this live broadcast? Can we charter? 】

As soon as this line of barrage appeared above his head, Yu Yan's eyes were immediately hooked.

But he quickly looked back.

The id of this 1 is colored. Like autumn, it is a star aristocrat-level audience-not the 1 he knows.

"On the yellow horse in 2000, you can jump in at any time when you bring water friends."

Just after he finished speaking, the exaggerated meteor effect jumped out.

The newcomer 1 lost him a meteor with great boldness.

[This ... Is this the owner's vest? 】

[Impossible, how can a boss ask how much money to put on a vest? 】

[I think 80% is true, otherwise there is no such thing as a coincidence. 】

[Whether it is or not, it is always right to say something about the boss! 】

"Thank you for the shooting star of 1." Yu Yan glanced at the barrage, paused, and asked, "Are you getting on the bus now? The last bus."

"Ah? Are you still playing?" Lu Xiuhe interrupted in a timely manner. "Don't you have 20 minutes to play it?"

Yu Yan: "It's okay to broadcast for a while."

[1: Play. 】

[1: But I still have someone, okay? 】

After Yu Yan saw the other party talking on the public screen, his original look suddenly disappeared.

1 Usually chat with him, basically using private chat.

"... Yes, I have two of them."

Yi Chen came out wearing a nightgown and saw Yi Ran wearing headphones. He walked to the table, picked up his mobile phone, and glanced at him casually: "What are you sitting here doing silly?"

Yi Ran was frank: "I dare not go into your room blindly."

"Then you were happy when you entered my house." Yi Chen stopped in front of him, turning the topic and asking, "I'm about to graduate, what's your plan?"

Yi Ran laughed and said, "Idle, let's talk for a few years."

"Come to the company," Yi Chen said, "I'll arrange a position for you."

Yi Ran's smile stayed stiff on his face for a few seconds, and soon returned to normal: "Don't, brother, I really can't do it, the company side ... just leave it alone."

"Moreover, those old men are so annoying that I can't stand it."

If anyone in the Yi family is best qualified to compete with Yi Chen, it is Yi Ran. They are both grandsons of Grandpa Yi, and Yi Ran is just a few years younger than him.

However, Yi Ran had been skinning since he was a child, and he was extremely skinny, and he chose to do things that would not be carried out of the big basket, but he was very disgusting, and he was not beaten by his father. At first, the old men also expected to train Yi Ran to compete with him, and finally evolved to shake Yi head when they saw Yi Ran.

A short while later, Yi Chen retracted his gaze: "It's up to you."

Yi Ran laughed, and his tone resumed as usual: "Brother, let's hit two chickens?"

Yi Chen: "No, I will have a meeting."

"That's it, okay ... I also made a special trip to charge the anchor and take the black spot."

Yi Chen didn't say a word, turned around and was ready to enter the study.

The person on the sofa unplugged the headset, and the sound from the computer came out.

"Why don't you show your face? ... because the camera is broken. It's been a few months and I've been too lazy to buy it, yes, mainly without money."

Yi Chen paused.

"I'm a technical anchor, my face doesn't matter ... 1, if you're OK, just send me the private ID message."


The private message box flashed, and Yu Yan opened it for a moment and froze.

[2: nirangg-1]

It took him a long time to respond, it was only the boss who changed the user id.

... but what's the point of changing 1 to 2? ?

After pulling people in, Yu Yan explained: "Sorry, you changed the id, I didn't recognize it all at once."

In the game, the boss's microphone logo flashed: "I often change my name, it's okay, you will recognize me by my rainbow-colored cool id later.

Yu Yan: "..."

[How do I feel like listening to this tone is not like another 1? 】

[Surely not, the sound is different. 】

[The new boss is unpretentious, simple and rude, I like it. 】

"Can you wait five minutes? He is on the computer."

Yu Yan: "Okay."

Taking advantage of the five-minute gap, he got up and made a cup of coffee. There were already four people in the game room when I returned.

He didn't watch much and quickly started the game: "Sorry, I just went to make a cup of coffee."

It was not until he entered Quality Plaza that he discovered that the barrage assistant in the upper left corner swiped the screen particularly well.

[Boss, I want to die for you! 】

[It turned out that the two bosses were friends. No wonder the names are the same. 】

[Ah, ah! !! I was so excited that I immediately put on the headphones! !! !! 】

Before Yu Yan could react, he heard an auditory storm suddenly in his ears.

"It's ok."

The man's voice is as deep and mellow as ever, with some sloppy, "Where to jump, little anchor?" 2k novel reading network