MTL - PUBG Online Romance of the Century-Chapter 20

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Yu Yan knew why the new boss changed the name to 2.

He jumped at his heart, and was obsessed with the word `` little anchor '', raised his hand subconsciously, and turned up the volume switch on the headset: "Jump, jump ..."

"Jump to the airport!"

Yi Ran successfully transferred his position to Yi Chen's study under the pretext of "easy communication", and smoothly connected to his home wifi.

When he was just playing the game, he often looked for accompaniment on the app, and was a frequent visitor in the live broadcast room. It was God who spent money, and he was used to being a team commander.

Yu Yan said, "1, where do you want to jump?"

Yi Chen: "It's up to you."

"Then the airport." Yu Yan marked a point, "jump C-floor."

Lu Xiuhe asked: "What's the building?"

"number 1."

Yi Ran fell to the ground and couldn't help but admire: "Brother, you will actually parachute!"

Yi Chen's eyelids flickered: "Close your free wheat."

Unfortunately, it was too late, the conversation between the two was clearly transmitted to the live room through Yi Ran's headset.

[The two bosses are actually brothers! !! 】

[Ha ha ha ha it seems that 1 boss is really a novice. 】

[This thing tells us that money is not a panacea, and those who are rich again have to learn from skydiving. 】

[When the boss lays down to eat chicken, you will know if money is everything. 】

Yu Yan drew his attention back, quickly turned and turned the window to enter Building 1.

"Xiao Yan, do you have a gun?" Lu Xiuhe said, "I'm leaning. Do I have a row of sickle spatulas on the top of this building to get me to farm in the countryside?"

Yi Ran: "Ha ha ha ha, farming ... you are very interesting buddy."

"That is, boss, when you get to know me in depth, you will find that I can be more interesting."

"There is a gun, m16." Yu Yan picked up the gun, glanced at the map, and went upstairs without thinking.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw 98k lying quietly on the ground.

Instead of rushing to pick it up, he went to the window and knocked down a running enemy downstairs.

"1, you come next door, I have 98k here."

Yi Chen glanced at the map and found that the young anchor did not know when he had come to the room next to him.

He picked up the charge / charge / gun on the ground and said, "You hold it."

"You come and get it." Yu Yan said, "... your sniper is better than me."

[? ? ? 】

[The current anchor can really say anything for the money ...]

[This fart I give it very much! 】

Yi Ran said: "Hey brother, you don't want me, I'll get it right away!"

Yi Chen went to Yu Yan and picked up 98k: "Get off."

When I ran to the room, Yi Ran made a noise, and when I wanted to say something, I heard footsteps ringing all around.

"Brother, someone! You run away!"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Yan, who had been standing beside them, turned back and looked down the window.

Ten seconds later, fierce gunfire sounded, before Yi Ran had time to go downstairs to check the situation, the world was quiet--

"It's over to die jumping this floor." Yu Yan finished licking the bag and changed the bomb. "There is still something in this bag. You can search the floor to lick it. I'll go to Building No. 2 and be careful, someone on the top of the building is opposite."

Lu Xiuhe said, "I'll go with you!"

Yi Ran dumbfounded, turning his voice into a button, and then asked the person sitting opposite: "Brother, this anchor you watched is playing so much 6 ... shouldn't it be a hang?"

Yi Chen seemed to remember something, and suddenly laughed.

"The last time he said he was hung, he was forty shots when he was pressed to the ground, and his head was blown out."


"What can't be said well, you have to say so **** ..."

Yi Chen raised his eyes, then thought of asking: "How do you know I'm watching him live?"

Yi Ran quickly explained: "This is really an accident. I just accidentally saw the push of the app on your phone."

Yi Chen turned on the phone and saw a push.


"I fuck!" Yi Ran drank softly, and before being able to respond, he was snipped by the person in the opposite building. "I've been moving, this can explode me? Brother, help me quickly ... "

Yi Chen squatted down and helped him up.

"Let me see which one is--"

Yi Ran's ruthless words had not been finished, and there was another shot on the opposite side. He was shot again and shot to the ground.


Yi Chen stared at the person at his feet, thinking of it, and didn't rush. He turned sharply: "How much is the red scarf around your neck?"

"It was six or seven thousand when I bought it." Yi Ran noticed wrong. "What's wrong?"

"Pull you, a scarf."


"No, brother, tell me if you want, I'll buy it for you, you pull me up first."

Yi Chen: "Climb over."

Pulled up again, Yi Ran quickly hid to the dead end, and did not dare to say anything against people: "Brother, do you have a first aid kit or something ..."

The people around him had left the room without looking back.

"You're an adult. Be sensible and don't always ask for it."


After clearing the airport, Yu Yan saw Yi Ran staying in the corner for nearly ten minutes, and finally couldn't help but say, "Is the second one off?"

"No, I've been sniped all the time, I dare not move." Yi Ran seemed to meet the savior, "Did you kill the man on the top of the building?"

"Liu Xiu and Snipe were dead. There should be no one at the airport."

"Good job." Yi Ran finally stood up. "Do you have a first aid kit?"

Yu Yan opened his inventory.

2 first aid kits, 2 bottles of cola, 10 bandages.

"Only bandages, would you?"

[? ? ? 】

[Boss he cheats! !! 】

All bandages were given to Yi Ran, and several of them ran towards the circle.

Crossing two bridges, Yu Yan found a house in the center of the circle and stopped.

Yi Chen pursed his lips, and the perspective of the game was fixed at a certain point indefinitely: "I just saw an airdrop."

Yu Yan drove the car between the two houses and hid: "Where?"

Yi Chen: "Huang Dianshan, there is no red smoke."

As soon as the words fell, he saw his three teammates running in the direction of Yellow Dot, with a very regular pace.

Yu Yan looked back at the two people behind him, without stopping.

Lu Xiuhe couldn't help it: "Fuck, you just take the gun, when is the energy full ?! Run so fast?"

The energy bar of the game character is over half, which can not only restore the blood volume, but also accelerate the effect.

Yu Yan didn't answer. After taking a few more steps, he suddenly took out his gun and pointed to the left: "Wait a while, there seems to be someone over there."

The two men who had sprinted behind him had no doubt that he was there. They immediately stopped and opened the mirror to look in the prairie on the left for a long time.

Lu Xiuhe: "Where? I haven't seen it."

Yi Ran: "I didn't see it."

Yi Chen chuckled, ran slowly behind them with a gun, and went straight to the direction of the small anchor.

Yu Yan successfully ran to the airdrop, opened the inventory, and licked the three-level suit in a few seconds.

"Oh? Maybe I read it wrong."

[He's so dirty! 】

[If it weren't for a thigh, it would have been a teammate's gun. 】

As soon as Yi Chen got to the airdrop package, he heard the sound of something lost.

There was an extra tertiary head on the ground.

"1You wear it ... for a while, use it against others." He seemed to be trying to hide something, even his voice was down a bit.

Yi Ran reacted and ran up: "Leave me some!"

When the two arrived, only Yu Yan's broken secondary set was left.

"No, why is this anchor so unprofessional? Good things are for the boss. He doesn't know such a rule?" Yi Ran mumbled and grumbled, but still followed Yu Yan closely. Not too much ... eh? "

"How come you are a third-level head ????"

Yi Chen looked at the black helmet on his body, his mouth still slightly raised.

The small anchor's flattery, without any cover, was inexplicably used in him: "He gave it."


Yi Ran was so annoyed by this unfair treatment, he opened the list angrily, trying to pick up the secondary heads they had previously replaced.

Who knew that Lu Xiuhe was moving faster than him, and rushed to his side to pick it up first, and with a bang, the second head on the ground changed to the first head.

Looking at the back of Lu Xiu and leaving, Yi Ran was even more aggrieved: "Why, is the boss divided into three or six or nine?"

"I lost fewer gifts than you, so you use a three-level head. I can only use this green head, right?"

Yi Chen said: "Yes."


Yu Yan, unaware of the dialogue between the two bosses, returned to the house he had previously picked.

Lu Xiuhe: "Xiao Yan, see if there is a secondary head in the house. My secondary head is badly damaged."

it's time!

Yi Ran seized the opportunity and said, "You're all right, I'm wearing a first-class head, it's still green."

"Is that so?" Yu Yan paused. "Boss, otherwise come over here."

It's pretty much the same.

Yi Ran quickly ran over holding his gun: "Come here."

In the house, I saw Yu Yanti, pointing to the helmet on the ground: "This has a black first-class head."

? ? ?

How dare I run over thousands of miles just to change a color? ? ?


Yi Ran stooped and picked up the black helmet on the ground: "... OK, thank you."


At the end of the game, Yu Yan killed 11 and ate a chicken ass.

With a newbie, eating chicken **** is already pretty good.

"There is less smoke / fog / bomb picking, or you should be able to eat chicken." Yu Yan said, and asked, "Are you still playing?"

Yi Chen: "Stop playing, something, shouldn't you also broadcast it?"

"Ah ... yes." Yu Yan paused. "Then play next time?"

"Well," Yi Chen said, "you don't quit the game first."

Yu Yanyi: "What's wrong?"

"and many more."

"it is good."

He waited for a long time, until the audience raised a question mark, and the other side finally made a noise.

Yi Ran: "Oh, that. I just bet my brother and lost a red scarf. You gave me your account number and I went to the store to buy one for you."


"No, I don't care much about these."

Yi Chen: "Give him, rest assured, he dare not steal your number."

Yu Yan quickly said: "No, I am not worried about this ..."

"You talk to him privately." The man said casually, his voice was not slow, "Go, I managed to give you the advantage."

Give him the advantage?

1 Why should he take advantage of him?

Yu Yan was dizzy with this sentence, and subconsciously sent his account in private.

Five minutes later, Yu Yan's game character, wearing a primitive costume, wore a defiant red scarf.

"I got off too, Xiaoyan." Yi Ran learned Lu Xiuhe and called him, "Let's add a WeChat? It's convenient for me to get in the car and jump in."

"Okay." Yu Yan finished, a flash of aura flashed, and his subconscious blurted out, "Would you like to add 1? You can tell me in advance when you play the game ... I will leave you a place."