MTL - Public Enemy-Chapter 17 Punish

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Ugh? well! ? what! What the **** is going on! ? Lord God, please explain to me clearly! Why is there a chance that my memory will be known by the other party? How high is this probability! ?

【Ding! The probability is extremely high! 】

...I¥#@¥#【哗—】【哗—】! Lord God, you [Wow—]

Seeing Chen Yi's frantic expression, "Don't you want to? That's right, every monster has its own personality, it's really troublesome, Lan just started the fight back then."

Yakumo Lan, who was shot on one side, looked at Yakumo Zi helplessly: "Master Zi..." She was about to understand what Yakumo Zi would do next.


Yakumo Zi narrowed her eyes, "Do you want to refuse? Or are you provoking the big monster?"

This... that... Chen Yi expressed that he was under a lot of pressure, and the sweat on his head was rushing.

At this moment, Yakumolan walked around behind Chen Yi at some point, and then...

! bump! Chen Yi was firmly pressed to the ground by two fox paws, struggling! Still motionless (⊙﹏⊙b).

Ahhhhh! Chen Yi went completely crazy! It was a mistake for Nima to come to the world of Gensokyo! In the face of so many girls whose force values ​​have exploded countless times, Chen Yi feels so aggrieved and aggrieved. Since coming here, he has been in the situation of being abused and can't afford to be hurt!

"Sure enough, it's better to use force." Yakumo Zi with a strong malicious smile looked at Chen Yi who was pinned to the ground and couldn't move, "Be good, don't struggle~~~~~"

Yakumo Zi held up a finger, and a magic circle-like spell slowly emerged from the fingertips, as if enjoying Chen Yi's fright, the finger moved forward very slowly.

Looking at the fingers that kept approaching his forehead, Chen Yi became more and more panicked, and at the same time he was a little bit pained. What is the setting of this strong sense of sight? Someone rescue me from danger! Chen Yi felt a little lucky in his heart.

Ignoring the twin peaks that were more protruding because of bending down, Chen Yi watched as the talisman gradually sank into Chen Yi's forehead.

…Sure enough, no one could save me, I watched the spell imprinted on my forehead with tears in my eyes, this feeling of being abandoned by the world is a miracle!

As soon as the talisman entered Chen Yi's brain, it immediately appeared at the core of the soul, like a fly seeing [哗—], it immediately jumped at Chen Yi's soul.

Snapped! In front of Chen Yi's compressed soul, the spell was thrown out like a fly hitting the glass.

"Eh?" Yakumo Zi, who pointed her finger on Chen Yi's forehead, also exclaimed, what a weird soul, this must be the reason why you can resist the influence of Xixing Yao's spirit.

There is a door! Seeing the spell being bounced away, Chen Yi was overjoyed, hold on! Soul Lord! The next moment Chen Yi started to worry, if he failed, would Yakumo Zi pinch himself to death to vent his anger? Chen Yi was in conflict for a while.

The talisman at the core of the soul was bounced away again, and then rushed towards Chen Yi's soul again. This time, the talisman was not ejected, but turned into a big net to trap Chen Yi's soul firmly, slowly. Slowly penetrate into the soul.

"Woo~~~" The severe pain from the soul made Chen Yi cry out in pain. With the infiltration of the spell, Chen Yi also felt that the soul was continuously leaving marks on the soul like a red-hot iron. Out of instinct, Chen Yi's soul also began to struggle violently. The soul trembled and spun rapidly at the same time. Finally, when the spell penetrated half of it, the remaining half of the spell was ejected again. The incomplete spell could hardly maintain its shape and dissipated in the core of the soul. At the same place, Chen Yi's spherical soul also had incomplete patterns covering it.

"Ah!?" The finger pointing at Chen Yi's forehead was flicked aside, making Yakumo Zi very surprised.

Seeing this situation, Yakumo Lan, who was holding Chen Yi down, hurriedly asked: "Master Zi, what happened?" Looking at Yakumo Zi with a surprised face, "Could it be...a failure!?"

Yakumo Zi shook his head, "His soul was unexpectedly tenacious, and he was able to resist the ceremony of becoming a shikigami. It cannot be said that it failed. The ceremony was interrupted only halfway through. It's just a shikigami."

Chen Yi also woke up from a brief absence due to the severe pain in his soul.

【Ding! You become Yakumo Zi's half shikigami, Yakumo Zi's favorability rises, and you get all the memories of your time travel. "]

The reminder from the Lord God gave Chen Yi a sigh of relief. He must know that he knew a lot about Gensokyo before he crossed over. What if Yakumozi gets most of his memories...

Looking at Yakumo Zi who has a mysterious connection with him, Chen Yi heaves a sigh of relief knowing that he has not completely become a shikigami, very good!

Yakumo Lan was also extremely shocked by what Yakumo Zi said, what a tough soul it takes to achieve this level, "Did Master Zi get any useful information?"

Yakumo Zi shook her head: "No, I just got his memory after I first discovered him. I don't have any of the previous ones, but forget it. Although the shikigami ceremony was not completely successful, it was half successful. If you want to know, you will know later.”

Looking at the rejoicing Chen Yi, the blood vessels on Yakumo Zi's forehead bulged, "I didn't expect you to be very resistant! I underestimated you, now! Let's start the punishment for your non-cooperation! Blue! Let go he!"

A bad premonition came, as soon as Yakumolan's paw let go of Chen Yi, Chen Yi ran down the mountain without looking back, and now she has become half of Yakumozi's shikigami, and she would not Will kill myself again, but what the **** is this **** ominous feeling!

"You must survive! My 'shikigami' Chen Yi." Yakumo Zi's voice came leisurely, and the tone of the word shikigami seemed a lot more serious.

What! ? The space under Chen Yi's feet was "eaten" by the gap under his feet, and the gap appeared again. Chen Yi fell to the ground from a high altitude, crushing many sunflowers to death...

Unfortunately! Could it be that I have been possessed by a halo of hemp? Where is this place that fills me with depression? Lying on the ground, looking at the many sunflowers around him, Chen Yi never dared to connect this place with that place, it possible?

Because of the starlight, the surroundings were also illuminated, but Chen Yi was covered by a shadow. Chen Yi raised his head and didn't care about the scenery under the skirt that he could see as long as he moved his body. With a faint red light, the green-haired girl looked down at her condescendingly.

"You... hello, I'm just a soy sauce worker, I'll leave immediately!" Chen Yi didn't dare to breathe, got up and planned to escape from this place of right and wrong.

…Looking at Fengjian Youxiang blocking his front, Chen Yi hahad again: "It's not convenient here? I'll take a detour, detour." Turning around and running in another direction.

Woo! Chen Yi, who was about to run away again, was kicked back, and Fengjian Youxiang said: "As the owner of this place, doesn't it seem too frivolous to let the guests leave so easily? And we still have a debt to settle Qing, now that you're here, let's 'talk'!"

"Don't be frivolous! Don't be frivolous! Besides, I've always been very low-key in my work, and I never take the initiative to cause trouble. We have a debt to settle." Chen Yi added in his heart at the same time, it's too late for me to hide from you!

"Why not? You didn't do anything, but the puppet you made did! I put the account on you for destroying the sun flower field." Kazami Yuka took out a cracked puppet, "You made this, right?"

"Yes..." Chen Yi regretted it as soon as he spoke, "No! No matter how powerful this puppet is, it is impossible to destroy this place!"

Chen Yi tried to excuse, and he also didn't believe that a low-level puppet could be so high that it could destroy the entire sunflower field.

"Don't you believe it? Still dare not admit it?" An excited smile gradually appeared on Kazami Yuka's face: "No matter what, you only have two choices now, first, die here as a flower fertilizer, and second, with me Play a game, and if you win, you can leave!"

Chen Yi cried immediately, "Is it interesting for you to let me fight with you, a mere little monster! Anyway, I begged for it!"

"10%! I only use 10% of my strength to fight you." Queen Youxiang put up a finger coolly, UU Reading "I am looking forward to the skills released by your puppet, by your deity The effect of the release!"

"Skill? Released by the puppet?" Chen Yi suddenly remembered the soaring fire pillar he saw that day, maybe, maybe? Should have such a skill...

Chen Yi immediately wanted to curse at the broken doll in Queen Youxiang's hand! Ya, you drive G to no end! A mere puppet can actually release an awakening skill!

"Ha...ha! My stomach hurts today, can I call another day?" Hmm! Try to say no.

"Can I understand that you are asking for death?"

"I accept it!" Chen Yi cried again, "Let me get ready."

Chen Yi got the tacit consent of Queen Youxiang, and began to throw his body desperately.

Blood Rage, Imprint of Waves, Waves of Murdering Intent, Ghost Shadow Step, Keja of Remnant Shadows, Dark Moon Descending, Summoning Ghosts and Gods and other BOFFs that can strengthen oneself are all thrown on him.

Ghost Whip!

Without hesitation, a pitch-black whip condensed by the power of ghosts and gods pulled towards Kazami Yuka at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Snapped! The powerful whip was easily blocked by Fengjian Youxiang's parasol, Chen Yi was not disappointed when he saw this, if the opponent couldn't stop it, he would not be Queen Youxiang, Chen Yi also knew very well that even 10% of the opponent's strength could complete the whip. torture yourself.

Blocking Chen Yi's attack, Fengjian Youxiang said: "You only have this level, you really let me down! Go to hell!"

The parasol whipped Chen Yi's condensed ghost shadow away, and a fist with strong wind pressure hit Chen Yi's head. If he was hit, Chen Yi's brain would burst.

But will Chen Yi be beaten? One must know that the battle has just begun, Chen Yi doesn't want to say so early on.