MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1395 Gate gauge

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"You are..." You are Wang Tao!! At this moment, those outside the disciples! In the middle of the hesitation, I remembered Su Ming's look and remembered the legendary blood moon!

Almost in the moment when his words came out, the other disciples around him immediately looked strange and looked at the name of Su Ming and Wang Tao. They can be said to be like a thunder.

Regardless of the time of the July catastrophe, Wang Tao was elected to the inner sect. Although there was no news from this time, every time Ye Long challenged the gods, he said that he wanted to challenge Wang Tao. The name Wang Tao, in the July sect, although its people seem to be forgotten, but its name ....

"Wang Tao, actually he!"

"I remembered that the reason why Chen Da’s deacon was advanced was because Wang Tao was elected in his guidance, and Wang Tao was elected to the inner sect, making Chen deacon a senior deacon!"

At the same time as the people around this time were stunned, Su Ming looked as usual, and looked at the look that seemed to be nervous, but in fact there was a surnamed Chen surnamed old man.

"I want this person!" Su Ming raised his right hand and recited.

The back of the face changed, and the body subconsciously stepped back, and the look was terrified.

The old man surnamed Chen was silent. After a long while, his look was decisive. When he looked at Su Ming, he smiled and opened his mouth.

"The old man has not seen for many years. It doesn't matter if such a small thing is natural. However, this is a disciple of the old man. This is a brother-in-law who is forced to take the door, but he has committed the door rule." While opening, one of the right hand secretly took out a jade slip. After a pinch, the face smiled and the heart had a decision.

"Wang Tao, Wang Tao, said that you have come under the door of a certain elder, do not say true or false, even if it is true, you must also abide by the rules of the door, such as the foreign disciples, you are the door Regulations!" The old man surnamed Chen sneered inside, and at this moment he suppressed the previous tension and turned a killer.

However, he is going to kill the imperial court to use the rules of the door to sanction Su Ming. In this way, even if there is an elder to interfere, there is a rule, and he is standing on the side of the rules and regulations.

Su Ming looks as usual, no longer sees the old man surnamed Chen, and walks toward the back, reciting his face and changing his body is about to retreat, but he is caught by the old man surnamed Chen, pushing forward, pushing the piggyback Su Ming there.

"Don't be afraid, if you don't want it, no one can force you. He is not an elder, nor a deacon. He is not qualified to take you away! If he forcibly takes you away, he will commit the rules!" Su Ming, the opening of a word.

"可············································································································ I was leaving when I was alive.

"Wang Tao, you are so courageous, you dare not to rule the rules, although the old man is old with you, but you can't ignore your violation of the rules!" Chen surnamed the old eyes, immediately take a few steps, drink a mouth .

"Gateway Article 37 In the July section, except for the elders, no one can interfere with the practice of foreign disciples, and it must not be forced to act. This is the protection of foreign disciples. Because of the foreign disciples, it is my July sect. Constantly strong foundation!

Wang Tao, if you don’t stop, I will report to the sect, and impose sanctions on you! And everything you have done at the moment has been recorded by the old man! "The old man surnamed Chen took a few more steps. The whole body was repaired and shouted. When the right hand was lifted up, the jade in his palm was revealed!

Su Ming looked coldly at the old man surnamed Chen, did not speak, grasped the screaming reciting, and his body turned into Changhong and was about to leave.

"The teacher respects the life, the master respects, the villain...he...he has no shadow. He is the sect of the sect of the seven-story!!" Out, immediately the disciples around him looked at Su Ming one by one, and the old surname Chen was also a glimpse.

"Even if you are practicing the seven life techniques, you can make a violation of the rules of the door! And... Wang Tao, you have violated a door rule. In the July sect, you can't fly except the elders!!

Unless I wait for the deacon, I have the right to fly temporarily to deal with the important things! ! "The old man surnamed Chen bite the door gauge, and the body jumped up and went straight to Su Ming. Just as he flew away, there were dozens of long rainbow moments roaring in the distance.

Among the dozens of Changhong, all of them were foreign deacons. They received a letter. At this moment, they came quickly. The first person was the former white scribe, who was a deacon in the past, because of Ye Long’s reasons. At the moment, he is already the lord of the foreign sect. Now, when he comes, he looks not angry.

"Stop!" The sound of his voice roared like a thunder, and after a moment of resounding, he saw the recital in the hands of Su Ming and Su Ming.

"The Sovereign, this person has repeatedly violated the rules of the door. He first came to the outside to force his disciples without any reason. Then he was not a deacon, but he was not an elder, but he flew without permission. The old man persuaded him not to do so. He also asked the lord to decide! This is evidence." When the white scribe came, the heart immediately sneered, and the dark road must make Wang Tao have a lesson here, let him know that he is not irritating.

Between the words, he waved the jade, and the jade went straight to the white scribes. After being caught in the hands of the scribe, he frowned and looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming was in the air, but he was not in a hurry to leave, but stood there calmly, watching the old man surnamed Chen there become the arrogance from the previous tension.

The white scribes frowned and glanced at the ground below. At this moment, many disciples have been around. They are watching the scene. He has some inner feelings about the old man of Chen. The so-called door rules, though Obey, sometimes you will not care too much.

For example, if the inner disciple appeared, he would take a foreign disciple. As long as it is not particularly excessive, they will not care. After all, the inner sect itself is more noble, and this often happens, such as the need for the furnace, such as It takes a foreign disciple to become a servant, etc. These things are too many to be managed.

But now the old man surnamed Chen actually grabbed it, and this middle-aged scribe was also somewhat difficult. If he followed Su Ming according to the rules of the door, he would naturally offend the elders behind him.

Moreover, this middle-aged scribe also recognizes that Su Ming was the disciple of the same year with Ye Long. In addition, the middle-aged scribe has his own news here, knowing what the outsiders don’t know about Su Ming’s here, faint I heard that Su Ming was worshipping the elders of Lan.

"Wang Shidi, this is the case. You should first hand over this foreign disciple to me. I will deal with this matter. You can see it well. As for other things, Wang Shidi has not returned for many years, and he is impulsive. This is a good thing to say." The middle-aged scribe smiled slightly and spoke to Su Ming.

The old man surnamed Chen flashed his eyes and chilled.

"The Sovereign, this matter is not possible. Since Wang Tao has scoped the rules, he needs to deal with it. Otherwise, if others are always coming to school, how is this matter? Now, in the presence of many disciples, please ask the patriarch to be impartial!" The old man immediately spoke. Since he had already offended Su Ming, since he had caught a handle, he could not easily let go. As long as the handle was caught, he would be safer in the future. At the very least, if Su Ming is against himself, I have something to say here.

"Oh, I don't know where Wang is here, what is the rule of the door?" Su Ming smiled slightly in the air, and his look has not changed at all.

"I want to talk about the old man again. First, you violated the rules of no-flying. Second, you took the foreign disciples, you..." "The old man surnamed Chen sneered, and the words have not been finished, suddenly he The face was changed like never before, and the eyes were unbelievable. Even the white scribes and the deacons around them, they all changed instantly.

As for the disciples around, they are still awkward, even though they also saw... Su Ming left his hand and there was a blue token in his hand!

This token they don't know what it is, but Chen's old man and the white literary clerk, as well as the dozens of foreign deacons, are clearly aware that this token represents what!

This is the July sect, it can be said that the supreme type of token, this token can only be owned by the elders, once possessed, the status can be said to have entered the July sect!

On top of it, only the elders in charge, and the twelve elders who are sleeping, except for these thirteen people, no one can surpass the person who owns this token in the identity of Zongmen, at most...just Equivalent.

In front of the person who owns this token, what rules and regulations, what patriarchal, are jokes! He wants to fly and fly, but he said that if he is a foreign disciple, even if they are a few of them, they also have the power to kill them. It is also a sentence to drive out the sect.

"The foreign sect belongs to the lord Xu Yi, and he meets the elder Wang." In the change of the white scribe, he did not hesitate to bow down to Su Ming.

"I will wait, see the elders of the king!" Behind the white scribes, the dozens of deacons, at this moment one by one look nervous and awe, Qi Qi to worship Su Ming.

As for the foreign disciples around them, at this moment, they are all stunned and hurriedly bow down one by one.

"Seeing the elders of the king." Even the people around the old man, Chen, are nervously bowing to Su Ming. Only the old man surnamed Chen is pale at this moment, and his face is unbelievable. He has no idea. Think of it, Su Ming here... actually will be an elder!

This is something he can't think of in his dreams. In his opinion, the other party is at most a disciple of a certain elder, but now he is shaking, and he quickly bows his head, and the horror and the horror suddenly return to him. A deep worship to Su Ming.

"See... Elder Wang..."

Uploaded the picture of the second brother's character, behind the ninth peak, the demon-like man, and... uploaded the picture of Li Muzhen today! !婉儿······

In addition, some female pictures before the paintings have been redrawn by the people who painted them. The previous ones such as Xu Hui are too exposed. Now the redrawing is very classical and conforms to the artistic conception. You can reply and review.