MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1397 One fight!

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Su Ming's eyes were invisible, and the raised right hand paused in the air. The sun's eyes looked at the back of the eyes, and the corners of his mouth gradually revealed a smile.

This smile made me look back and immediately stunned. Compared with the coldness of Su Ming before, he was even more afraid of this expression, which made him guess that Su Ming’s mind could not guess the next step. What to do.

But he can think that this Su Ming will definitely ask himself how he knows his name, and how he sees that he has changed his appearance now, it will be Su Ming!

"Su Ming·····How do you see that I am Su Ming?" Su Ming smiled and looked at the reciting, did not deny it. Instead, it flashed with a gaze. The pressure brake is shrouded in the back.

"I said, I said..." is hesitating, but after looking at Su Ming, I still bite my teeth.

"You·················································································································· There are so many, this makes Su Ming silent, and the light of both eyes is more intense.

"Three thousand years ago, the three emperors of the ancient burial country left the imperial capital for a six-thousand-year tour. In this tour he was lost, immersed in the ancient Sangxiang era, where he lost me.

It’s not just him who lost him, but he also made all the friends in the tour, but anyone who had a causal connection with him was lost for his sake.

And although I am not a high-level person, I am a descendant of the ancient burial country, I have a lot more life than the ordinary people, and I also participated in your lost in that year.

But I am waking up faster than others, and after I wake up, I found that... Maybe because of my blood, I still have lost memories after I wake up, but I found that other people who are waking up They are all in the air, there is no memory in the lost...·····

It seems to be a meditation, once awkward, can also be seen as a part of the soul in your lost world, they are them, in the ancient country, they are still them.

But there is a difference...··················································································

"The world of Sang Xiang is fake..." He sighed and bowed his head.

Su Ming was silent. After a long time, there was no change in his look, but a faint opening.

"You said so much, but still did not answer, how do you see that I am Su Ming."

"If I look at you now, I can't see that you are Su Ming. It was the three emperors of the year. But... You didn't have the body in front of me before, it was a shadow of your practice.

People can be different, but the shadow ...····... Everyone’s soul seems to be different in the sun, but few people know that the black in the shadow can be seen by the heart of the person!

However, there are not many people who know this technique, and I have the blood of the Heavenly Master, so I can see the difference, because I recognize your identity. "Reciting the bitter smile, it seems that there is a sigh in the way, as if regretting the fact that Su Ming’s identity is being seen.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and the shock and unbelief that he had seen before he saw his own thoughts seemed to give a perfect explanation.

"I have already said all the truths I know, and after years of waking up, I have been pondering that your lost things were closely related to the Second Emperor and the Great Emperor. It should be that they are joining forces to start your work. A lost block!

Three emperors, you······ wake up, everything in the time of the mulberry phase is fake, it is not true, it is not true, all the people you meet in the Sang Xiang world can be The ancient burial finds traces in the country, they are real, and the sang Xiangli, they are just a lost soul, it is false! !

As long as you wake up, they... will immediately wake up and immediately think of you, such as Lan Elder, she is one of them. She met you three thousand years ago when she went out, but she can't think of you now because... You have not yet awakened.

Three emperors, whether for yourself or for other friends, wake up, as soon as you wake up, everyone will remember you!

I don't know what you experienced in the world of Sang Xiang in the later days, but even if the people in that world are dead, as long as you wake up, then you will find that they... Still at your side! "Reciting Su Ming, with a hint of mercy in his eyes, whispered."

"I have finished, if you don't believe, you can search for my soul. I have a lot of lies in my life, but this time only... I don't lie!" He looked up and looked at Su Ming with attachment.

Su Ming was silent. The outsiders couldn’t see what kind of thoughts he was twirling at the moment. He looked up and did not look at the reciting in front of him. He looked at the distant sky and looked at the blue sky with clouds. The sun between the clouds, everything is so real, looking into the distance, there is no end between the heavens and the earth in the distance! Only a long trace of the earth and the sky is connected. !

Looking at it, Su Ming’s right hand was lifted up in an instant, and when he was still not responding, he had already pressed the reciting Tianling. Under this press, Su Ming’s repair was instantaneously scattered, directly covering the back. The whole body of the cockroach, following his consciousness into the mind of the reciting, to search for all the memories in this person's memory.

In that memory, Su Ming saw a lot, until he saw everything he said before he recited it, but this time it was not a discourse, but a picture.

The back of the body trembles, this kind of soul search is very harmful to a person, but his eyes are open and obsessed. It seems that he wants to understand. Since he can’t hide, since fate has arranged this meeting, then simply... · Awaken Su Ming to let him know what is true and what is false!

Until the time of the semi-column incense, Su Ming raised his right hand and gently put it down. In the memory of his reciting, he did not see traces of falsification. Everything seems to be a memorizing past.

"Three Emperors ······" The back is pale, and the body looks very weak at the moment. When you look at Su Ming, you are about to speak.

"You can go." Su Ming said faintly, closing his eyes, the right hand waved immediately, the black wind turned soft, and the reeled body instantly shuttled through the layers of heaven and sky and sent it to the first floor. July in the sect.

When the recitation of the body appeared on the first layer of the sky, the wind around him dissipated, but he did not leave immediately, but stood there and looked up and looked at the mountain where Su Ming was in the mountains.

Although he can only see the first layer, it seems that he can see the figure of Su Ming’s loneliness at the moment on the overlapping peak of the fifth layer of the sky.

Look, watch, sigh and sigh.

"It turns out that it is not how powerful the Great Emperor and the Second Emperor are. You can't wake up because of the pressure, but... You don't want to wake up...·Indulge in the world of Sang Xiang, preferring to sink into the land, not willing Believe in nine days." When shaking his head, the body of the reciting seems to be more and more old, turning to go far.

His shadow was pulled long, at his feet... but the shadow seemed to be vicissitudes, but it was faint, it seemed to be wearing a coat, with a fight, it seemed to be slowly faded until it seemed to be There has been an overlap in this shadow, but nowadays, it is slowly dissipating, but it is never seen.

On the mountain peak, Su Ming closed his eyes and sat there silently, until the distant sky became the sunset. At dusk, there was a woman outside the house where he was.

It was Lancome. For the first time in eight years, she appeared here, standing by Su Ming and watching the distant sunset.

For a long time, she looked down at the closed Su Ming, did not speak, turned and left.

Until the night falls, the sky is starry, and at midnight, Su Ming······ opened his eyes.

His eyes are calm, but in the depths of the calm, but there is a strong attachment that makes people look good. This is as persistent as fire, as if you can burn the world and ignite the night sky.

"His memory is not traced of falsification. This shows that his memory is real, and the truth that can be remembered does not mean that it is!" Su Ming slowly opened his mouth.

"Because, my memory has not been tampered with. If he is true, then I am also true! There can always be one, and it will be fake..." Su Ming's eyes are exposed in the eyes, shining brightly.

"And, he reveals one of the biggest flaws, and it is this flaw that makes his seemingly perfect words, and there is a flaw.

He should call me Mossu, not... Su Ming! After all, when I was in the Fengzhen tribe, I changed my name to Mosu. After that, I left, and I did not meet this person. When I checked his memory, the scene in the world of Sangxiang also ended in the Fengzhen tribe! "Sui Ming's eyes reveal strange awns."

"But him, but I called Su Ming..." Su Ming’s mouth showed a meaningful smile.

"Xuan burial, this is your world, or my world, this matter... I know you well, my Su Ming's will is not so you can easily change.

This is just a fight between you and me... When Su Ming faintly opened, there was a thunder in the night sky. He couldn’t see the dark clouds hidden in the night, and gradually condensed. In this night, the raindrops fell.

The rain began to be small, but it was just a blink of an eye. Like a torrent, the rain curtain shrouded the mountains and shrouded the earth, covering the July sect.

But...···Only on the first floor, and on the fifth floor of Su Ming’s place, he can see the rain, but he can’t feel it.

Uploaded a picture of the master brother and the bald-headed crane, the master is very mighty ~ ~ bald cranes, holding the spar on the claws, slightly wretched ·············································