MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1482 Waiting for the silence of the sky

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Su Ming looked at the sang sang, which was horrified, and his eyes closed when he opened his mouth. When he closed his eyes, Su Ming’s majestic will, he left the body and went straight to the moment. Sangxiang butterfly went away.

The sheer degree of this will make Sang Xiang compare with it, like the moon and the fireflies, so that the sang phase is simply unable to struggle and resist, only let Su Ming's will in the next moment, comprehensively covering this mulberry Phase, the full range is integrated into its four wings.

At this moment, the four boundaries of the four wings of the mulberry phase, the stars and the sky are shaking together, the world is momentarily still... In this stillness, Su Ming’s will has swept a life like a storm, and did not hurt. They are, but to find the traces he needs.

After a few breaths, the four boundaries in this sang phase are all restored as usual, and Su Ming’s will has dissipated. Only the sang phase itself knows, it makes it feel terrible, even in There are some impressions in the depths of memory. The will has not left, but has been turned into several parts and is condensed in the boundaries of its four wings.

Hey, it doesn't know what traces Su Ming is looking for. Only in this panic, I hope that Su Ming can leave here as soon as possible. The kind of horror and power from Su Ming makes it not at all. The power of resistance, even it understands that to erase yourself, perhaps only need the other side to point.

Time, slowly passing...

Su Ming’s body sat on the compass and floated in front of Sang Xiang’s body. His will was turned into several copies, each of which was found by the people with traces he found.

Instead of taking this trace directly, they are accompanying them. As the years go by. It has been a long time since the past. Until the wings of this sang phase began to overlap until the four worlds began to destroy...

When the destruction alternated with the nascent, Su Ming left, with the traces he needed, and accompanied them to an era, his will left the always sorrowful sang, and returned to the body on the compass, Su Ming . Open your eyes.

He raised his right hand, and there were several faint souls in his palm. There were masters, two brothers, tigers, Canglan, Yu Yu, Xu Hui, Agong... and so on.

These people, they only have a trace of traces, but they are not what Su Ming wants.

When the wings of the Sangxiang butterfly were unfolded again, Su Ming had already sat on the compass and went on, in this sky, continued the lonely and lonely journey, and passed for another thousand years...

a thousand years. 20,000 years, 30,000 years... the passage of time. There is no sign of the slightest. In this calmness, when the second hundred thousand years came, Su Ming opened his eyes again, because in front of him, there appeared... the lucky one never encountered the first funeral Nine mulberry.

It floats in the sky and is full of vitality. Its four-winged world has multiplied many beings.

Even when I noticed the arrival of Su Ming, this sang phase may have existed for too long, so that I forgot my instinct and tried to show hostility, but the moment when the hostility was almost revealed, it was immediately The will of the direct smash, trembling, panic, and stunned, suddenly appeared on this mulberry body.

Without paying attention to the emotion of this mulberry phase, Su Ming’s will directly covered the four wings of this mulberry phase and spread it in. After finding the traces under the sweep, they dispersed and condensed.

In this tension of mulberry, Su Ming is the same as before, he did not immediately choose to take away the traces he found, because such a take away is equal to the killing of his own hands, he can not, not want, he can wait, wait for this When the destruction of the world of the mulberry phase, take this trace away.

The passage of time, accompanied by the tension of this mulberry, until the end of this period, Su Ming did not stop, with the traces he found, left the four wings and began the re-born of the world, the sang The tension and sorrow of this mulberry phase, Su Ming left.

A hundred thousand years later, Su Ming met the mulberry butterfly that he gave life to, and changed from the beads, and began to look for traces again.

A butterfly, looking for time and again, the passage of time seems to be eternal until the past ten epochs.

I searched for the butterfly and found all the traces that Su Ming could find in the world of the mulberry phase. It was just... When these traces were all in the hands of Su Ming, they sat on the compass and took the vicissitudes. Su Ming, but there is a sigh of sorrow.

Each of these traces is independent. If they are forcibly merged together, the brand of life that is transformed into a life is still lacking the familiarity in Su Ming’s memory. He can resurrect them, but they will not remember each other after the resurrection. In Su Ming’s heart, he became the most familiar stranger.

This kind of thing, Su Ming does not want, and does not want to, he hopes to resurrect the faces in memory, those who hope to be resurrected, or themselves, and their own memories, not just faces, even the soul, But it is stranger.

"The reincarnation is like the sea. Only in the reincarnation of the times, to find the traces left by them when they first dissipated, can they be merged together to become the brand of their lives." Su Ming stared at the palm of his hand, for a long time, whispering After holding the palm of his hand and putting the traces inside him in his heart, he released the palm of his hand and pressed it toward the compass underneath.

Under this press, the compass suddenly trembled and slowly turned itself. As it turned, the entire sky seemed to be pulled and pulled. Until the passage of time, the boundless boundless world became With a huge vortex, this whirlpool whirls into a circle after another.

This circle, in the eyes of Su Ming, the entire circle of the entire sky is a cycle of life.

As the whirlpool tumbling, the sediment of the years was set in the eyes, and the dust that fell into the depths flew in front of the eyes. In the moment when the vortex eternally turned, Su Ming left the compass and walked in the whirlpool. No matter how long the years will go, no matter how many times life will recur, he will go on.

In the years, look for traces of residue when they dissipate...

In the reincarnation, remembering the memories and remembering the memories and not forgetting.

Just for the sake of mutual understanding and seeing each other.

In the dark night when the sang was shattered and the palm of his hand was gone, he already knew that if he did not take it this time, he would probably have no time after the death.

For example, in the palace of the thousands of years, waiting for the silence of the sky, a few times and the soul. And in the world, there has never been a life again.


The motive is over, not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this chapter... two thousand words. (To be continued.)