MTL - Qizi-Chapter 25 Ming Wang

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"The two flowers will die when they are taken. The mushrooms here are all grown in pairs. It can be seen that they can't survive if they leave each other. Only then can they be taken together at the same time."

"Is this difficult?" When he heard this, Ling Xiao immediately changed his strategy and picked up a pair of mushrooms in one hand, but quickly sprinkled his hand.

"Does this mushroom bite?" he was astonished.

The hurricane noticed an abnormality, "Your hand."

"What happened to my hand?" Ling Xiao looked down to see his hand. "What is this? How can there be red powder?"

On his finger, there is a faint layer of red fluorescent powder, which will glow when viewed in the sun.

"I have it too," the hurricane also looked at himself, but the powder on his hand was white.

"Maybe it is related to the mushroom we just picked?"

The hurricane tried to touch the red mushroom, and there was no feeling. He touched the white again, and there was a sting from the fingertips. This is probably the so-called bite of Ling Xiao.

The instructor saw that the position of the two people on the monitoring equipment had not changed for a long time, and the time was almost the same. He used the communication equipment to send reminders in a timely manner.

"Right, forget to tell you that this mushroom has a memory function for killing your own murderer. Once you have caused the death of a certain color mushroom, it will leave a mark on you, within twelve hours. You can't touch the same kind of it, this is also their species protection mechanism."

Ling Xiao is very speechless. "Instructor, such an important thing, why don't you say it earlier?"

"I accidentally forgot," the instructor said innocently. "But if you haven't returned before other students reach the summit, I can only reluctantly cancel your achievements today."

In contrast, the hurricane is more calm. "Instructor, is there any important message that you previously "forgot"?"

"Let me think about it... yes, the mushroom must be put into the box in time, and if you put it on the ground or anywhere, it will die."

“What kind of mushroom is this?” Ling Xiao complained. “It’s just fine.”

"This kind of mushroom will only grow on the lake where you are. The soil that leaves it will not survive, so it is very repulsive to the relocation. It is better to die in your hometown than to be taken elsewhere. I will give it to you. The box is specially made to hold the mushroom. It was originally designed by biologists for research, so that they can be safely transferred to the institute."

The hurricane sorted out the known information, "Okay, I know what to do."

After the communication was cut off, Ling Xiao was excited to pick it up. "I also know what to do!"

"You said."

"I pick your mushrooms, you pick my mushrooms, pick them at the same time, so you won't die."

The same is true of the hurricane. "You have to be prepared. You must not make a mistake. If there is any difference in the pool, the mushrooms that are harvested will die again. You and I will have no chance."

"Do not worry," Ling Xiao vowed to assure him.

Some two mushrooms under a tree suddenly chilled, and behind them, there were two eyes that were stunned.

Two people, one by one, carefully pinched the roots of the two mushrooms.

"Are you ready?" asked the hurricane.

"Yeah!" Ling Xiao solemnly nodded.

"If you count one, you can do it, three, two, one!"

The two men tried hard at the same time, the mushrooms were uprooted, the red mushrooms did not wither, the white mushrooms did not blew, and there were no strange creatures. The two waited quietly for a few seconds, nothing happened.

"We are... successful?" Ling Xiao did not believe, "Is it so simple?"

The hurricane only spoke at this time, "Look at their roots."

After listening to his words, Ling Xiao discovered that the two mushrooms buried in the ground were actually connected. "It turns out to be the same root? No wonder it will grow together."

"Hurry up and transfer to the box, leave the soil for three minutes, they will die."

After such a reminder, Ling Xiao realized that it was not a good time to study the biological ecology. Both of them took out the box that the instructor gave them, and then they stopped at the same time. In the size of this box, only one mushroom can be loaded in a box, but if you disassemble them, it will be the result of burning like jade.

"Why do you feel like you were cheated by the instructor," Ling Xiao whispered.

"You don't feel wrong," the hurricane repeatedly checked the box with one hand to see if there was any mechanism.

"Do you hear anything?" Ling Xiao said on the side.

The hurricane stopped moving, and the ears listened, and suddenly the face changed. "Look!"

Ling Xiao subconsciously bowed his head with him, saying that it was late, and at that time, a gust of wind swept from his back neck, with a whistling, slammed into the opposite tree, and actually broke it. The fallen tree made a loud noise, and Ling Xiao only felt the back of the tree cool. If this did not hide, the consequences were really unimaginable.

Then there was a pair of black furry hands in Ling Xiao’s field of vision. He looked up his arms and looked up. A king-size cockroach that was twice as big as the ordinary cockroach screamed at the two, at such a close distance. This voice is simply deafening.

"What is this again?" Ling Xiao felt that he was just picking a mushroom, how to provoke so much trouble.

"It seems to be the guardian of this area," the hurricane stared at the other side quietly. This is a common expression when he is absolutely alert. "It doesn't want you to take its mushrooms."

He was screaming again, and the two hands were hugged together and the two men squatted down. Ling Xiao and Hurricane tacitly jumped at the same time, and half of them were holding mushrooms.

"Friends, the instructor said that the mushroom pull out | can not be planted back, you let us bring it back."

Ling Xiao tried to reason with it, but he couldn’t understand it.

"This is not the case," the hurricane quickly analyzed the situation. "Our actions can't be kept in sync forever. If you separate, the mushrooms will die."

"What do you say?"

"Only one person can let go first," he said, and the hurricane let go of his hand.

Ling Xiao holds the mushroom alone:......

"Give me a chance to re-select?"

"Don't let go, loose your hand and die, now give me your box," the hurricane half commanded.

"Oh," Ling Xiao handed the box to him. "And then?"

"With mushrooms, run!"

Ling Xiaofei generally went out, not because he listened to the hurricane, but he had already rushed toward him. He heard his voice from the mountain to the east and west. rustic……"

The hurricane looked down at the two boxes in his hand and completely ignored his words. "Don't be too close to me, don't let irrelevant things spread to me; don't be too far away from me, or you won't come back; don't touch it hard, Protect the mushroom, the one in your hand will blew."


"Can you do it in the end?" Ling Xiao jumped up and down in the woods. Although he entered the woods, he returned home, but after all, he was the home, not to mention that he only had one hand to use, and the flexibility was discounted. On several occasions, I was almost stunned.

"If I can't think of a way," the hurricane didn't stop. "When the time comes, you will throw the mushroom at the guy behind you and throw it over. This is better."

"No!" Ling Xiao was chased by the wolf and escaped. He refused to give in. "I want to take the best. If the time is coming, you can't solve it. I will throw it on your head!"

The hurricane is also urgently deconstructing two boxes. Since the instructor said that the box is specially made for this mushroom, it must have the means to hold two mushrooms at the same time without causing them to die.

Ling Xiao is more and more skilled, and he can flexibly shuttle between the trees with only one hand. He also makes provocative voices from time to time in his mouth. He can't catch up with him, and he is always screaming.

The time limit is approaching, two people in a forest around the circle, moving like a monkey does not touch the leaves, one standing in the center of the circle, stable if the mountain does not change the face, on this mountain lake, a sharp contrast.

Since the mushrooms cannot be separated, put the boxes together! The hurricane was flashing, and the lid was quickly removed and thrown aside. The two boxes were snapped together, and the two immediately joined together in a private and seamless manner.

He checked the reassembled box face by face and finally snorted, one of which opened with a sound, and the deadline was ten seconds.

"Come back!" he cried.

Ling Xiao and so on are the words. He swayed a little, and led him to the other direction. He went straight to the hurricane.

"Put it in!" The hurricane will open the front of the box towards him.

Ling Xiao bounced with the trunk, and in the last second, the explosives in his hand were properly placed in the place where he should go. The lid was hurriedly buckled, and the mushroom finally entered the box safely.

"Take it up!" After the hurricane said this sentence has already rushed up, Ling Xiao has been stunned for a long time, but he was only chased for the first time can only escape and can not fight back, this time will give this opportunity to Hurricane, U-turn is a fat.

The giant 狒狒 is stronger than the mobs that have just been brushed out. Even if the two people join hands, it still takes a lot of effort. Ling Xiao can understand the meaning of the actual combat in the instructor. This is probably the result they have encountered so far. The strongest opponent.

It is a pity that although it is only two sacred faces, it is the top player in the sacred form. After a hard fight, it finally fell to the ground. On its body, a pale brown crystal appeared. thing.

"What is this?" Ling Xiao picked it up from the ground.

"I don't know," the hurricane had never seen. "Go back and ask the instructor."

The two men came back earlier than the instructor's expected time, and successfully completed the task. The instructor only nodded his head and expressed his approval, but his heart was greatly surprised.

"It’s good to eat this tonight," Ling Xiao gave the brought back the mushroom to the instructor. He turned to see the hurricane and looked at himself with contempt, and quickly explained, "I am joking."

The instructor took it with satisfaction and said, "Good job." If this is the entrance examination, these two people are already prepared for Yutian.

"The instructor's task is so simple, I am going to fall asleep," Ling Xiao said at this time.

“Is it simple?” The instructor took the box and knocked his head. “Do you know how many excellent students who applied for the Royal Academy last year passed a variety of abnormal tests and were brushed at the simplest level. ”

“Is it?” Ling Xiao couldn’t understand. “I think it’s okay, right, what is this?”

He showed the instructor the spoils that had just been killed.

"This is the crystallization of life. Some people also call it the soul stone. Every beast has a soul stone in it. This is a very important raw material."

“Materials? What are you going to make?”

"A kind of combat consumables is also the secret weapon unique to our people. Only by mastering it, you really enter the door of the way of the heavenly people."

Ling Xiaoque wants to try, "How can we master it?"

"The original state does not have the ability to use this kind of props. Only after you are adults, if you enter a higher education institution, you will formally come into contact with its use."

Ling Xiao was disappointed.

The instructor rushed to the scene without saying anything. "Today your mission has been successfully completed, but don't be proud. Go back and prepare well. Tomorrow is the highlight of this internship."

The next day came soon, because with the instigation of the instructors, everyone was carefully prepared to bring everything that might be used.

The location of the internship was a densely distributed mine area with wild beasts. The land was poor and the grass was not born. It looked like only one dark hole.

"The content of the internship in the first two days is just to let everyone have a basic familiarity with the environment in the wild. Today's training content is the focus of this field internship."

“In the biology class, we have introduced the hazard level of various wild animals in detail, and this mine in front of everyone is the main habitat of e-class to b-class beasts. It is our right to beat b-class beasts alone. The minimum requirement of the tenth grader, a strong individual, must have the ability to defeat the a-class beast alone, which is the goal that each of you should work hard."

"So, in this area, there are occasionally more difficult a-level creatures, but with my understanding of you, it is not difficult to eliminate them if you want to cooperate."

"Different beasts will drop different levels of Soulstone. We will score according to the results of hunting. Among them, e-class soul stone counts 2 points, d-level counts 10 points, c-level 25 points, b-level 50 points, a level 100 points, the team with the highest total score is the winner. As for whether you want to fight alone or with you, it is your freedom."

"Every student's personal terminal is equipped with an alarm. The method of use must be clear to everyone. This is for the students to use at a critical juncture, but I hope you have no chance to use it."

"The school didn't give you the armor. We always don't bother with the equipment. They only drag our speed. As for the weapons, do you have them?"

Everyone has a neat wave on their right arm, and everyone has more daggers in their hands.

“Very good!” The instructor waved his right hand, “Go!”

Dozens of people have jumped into the air and disappeared into each hole.

"The quality of students this year seems to be much better than last year," the team doctor came over and asked.

“Because there are two overalls that raise the average,” the instructor replied.

"Is it the two that were sent to you to pick up the mushrooms yesterday?"

"Yes, the requirement for the average student is b-level pass, the excellent students will rise to the a-level, but yesterday they both did it, it is the s-class guardian. This beast is not the most difficult in the s class. Wrapped, but not a good opponent."

"You actually let the singularity face the s-class creature alone?" The team doctor was shocked by his boldness.

"Because of their ability, as long as they join hands, killing a s-class creature is nothing to say. I just let them go because they are familiar with their strength."

"You are also very risky."

"That depends on who is the subject of the adventure," the instructor thought of the a team that even the capital was unstable. "If every classmate is like someone's level, I will definitely shut them down on campus. I don’t let them go out in one step. Every time I see such a level, I doubt if he is our kind."

"Then you are sure that there will be no beasts of level a or above in the mine hole?"

"You're kidding," the instructor said. "Even if the field internship is a military-grade experience, the college will not forget that they are a group of people who will die when they die. Of course, it is absolutely not allowed to have a surprise. ""

"This area is well investigated by us. In the past 100 years, there have never been more than s-class creatures. Even if the level a is no more than one hundred, it can make them suffer a little injury and suffer a bit. How can it be possible? Let them be in danger of their lives?"

"You don't want to be too young to be able to do this. Don't forget, we are in the galaxy, but we have the kind of fighting machine. If a few beasts can knock them down, it would be too shameful. Know the current The principal, at their age, has been able to single-handedly kill a s-class creature, which is a legend of hollowing out."