MTL - Qizi-Chapter 31 Hook Chen

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When Hurricane Fangyi came out of the treatment cabin, he found that there were more people in his seat. He wore the uniform of the military. The epaulettes on the uniforms showed that he was not a low rank. A pair of sharp eyes stared at himself like a smile, making people feel uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that although this person is short, it is inexplicably brought to people with an oppressive force. Even if the height is not dominant, it gives people an embarrassing attitude, as if they were born high.

Sure enough, as soon as he spoke, it was the only one that I only respected. "I introduce myself, I am from the military, you can call me the sergeant."

This is a self-introduction of the door, and I think in the wind.

Fuxi didn't care about the psychological activities of the hurricane. He said it himself. "First of all, I want to congratulate you on adulthood."

The hurricane’s unremarkable face sank and immediately confirmed Fuxi’s speculation that he did not voluntarily hold adult ceremonies and was even more reluctant to accept the results of fait accompli.

But Fuxi still has to fill the knife in his pain. "Secondly, I would like to congratulate you on the elimination of Kui. Do you know how many people will eventually see epic creatures, you not only see It’s amazing to have defeated it.”

"Kui is not killed by me," the hurricane retorted coldly. "That doesn't matter to me."

"It didn't matter before, but now it can be related," Fuxi leaned forward. "Because it is your deed to defeat Kui, you have not only a relationship, but also a close relationship."

The hurricane covered a face and did not speak, and Fuxi sat back again.

"Why can you kill me with one person for your deed? Do you want to tell me? Or can you explain to me why he has no burning in the hands of the military?" Second generation?"

Seeing the hurricane still did not reply, Fu Xi stood up from the chair. "I know that you have just experienced some unplanned things. It may not be very clear at first glance. It doesn't matter. I will give you time and think slowly."

After he finished this sentence, he retired from the hurricane's ward. The medical staff saw him out and used an excuse to check the recovery of the hurricane.

"The chief officer who just talked to you was Fuxi, a major general of the military." He checked and pretended to be careless.

The hurricane was not interested in who the man was, but he still remembered the name. The medical staff clearly expressed his willingness to communicate further. The hurricane was only heard.

In the end, the other party finally couldn’t help but curiosity and asked at the door. "You and your deeds really defeated Kui?"

The hurricane thought that this incident had been well known, and some people still didn't know it.

He kindly suggested, "No matter how you get burned, I suggest that you cooperate with the investigation of Major General Fuxi. Although his mouth is poisonous, it is a short-selling graduate. The seniors are your seniors. It won't be too difficult for you."

"Is there a problem with my inspection results?" The hurricane suddenly opened.

The medical staff shook his head immediately. "Your body is very healthy, and you can't see it at all. It is someone who has just experienced an adult ceremony."

"If there is no problem, I hope to take a shower." He is not blood or soil, and he has reached the limit of patience for a somewhat clean hurricane.

"Oh, okay, please come with me," the medical staff took him to the bathroom. "Wait a moment, I will prepare a replacement dress for you."

The hurricane went to the bathroom under the leadership of the medical staff. I didn’t know that in the room I had just passed, Ling Xiao was lying there unconsciously.

The hurricane is almost recovering, but Ling Xiao is not so lucky, and has not been awake until now.

But perhaps for him, nothing knows that it has been comatose, it is really good luck.

Ling Xiao’s attendant and his assistant are discussing the treatment plan, and Fuxi is pushing the door at this time.

"How are you here?"

"The recovery is very stable, but because the injury is too heavy, I will not be able to wake up for a while," the medical staff reported to Fuxi.

"The ingredients of unknown drugs in his body have been confirmed," Fuxi handed them the test results of burning.

"Is it really burning? Or the second generation?" Although they had speculation beforehand, it was inevitable to be surprised after the official confirmation. "No wonder he can kill Kui in a single shot. It is no wonder that his hormones are so disordered. If the second generation is injected, everything can be explained, but I don’t know where he got it."

"This is not anxious. I believe that after he wakes up, we will get the answers we want. The second generation has very strong side effects. No matter how hard the researchers can't improve, it is always forbidden to use. You have to inject it for him. ?"

"No," the assistant replied.

Fuxi had some accidents. "I remember that the military doctors once said that the people who have been injected for the second generation will die if they don't inject the purifying agent in time."

"Those who are the first to participate in this experiment, their identity is the owner?" Indications.

"Yes, because the constitution of the deed is generally better, we are worried that the deed can not withstand its side effects, and it is the subject of the best selection of the military's best physical quality."

"The fact is exactly the opposite," the instructor called out Ling Xiao's physical data. "We found that in the body, there is a more powerful, purer, more natural purification energy that works, completely suppressing the second generation. The negative effects brought about by the current medical level, no artificial purifying agent can match it, we also found this, and did not treat him redundantly."

Fuxi discovered new information and quickly asked, "What is that?"

"The saliva of the Lord has the effect of calming, detoxifying, and even paralyzing. It is a well-known fact, but no one can think of it. Even the second-generation by-products can be purified. If it is not because of this, he may have long been I have already killed the mine hole. It has been a mistake to test the function of the second generation. It may only be the biggest effect of the deed."

Fuxi’s eyes lit up. “It’s an unexpected harvest.”

"If this result proves to be true, then the second generation of the burning of the fire can be officially put into use, presumably a significant improvement in the strength of the military."

Fuxi took his shoulder satisfactorily. "Good job."

Fuxi connected to the military's research institute and walked out quickly. The two remaining people in the house shared the hand to face, and they knew that the Major General was an acute person. This could not wait to inform the relevant departments to test. I believe that in the near future, the second generation of the burning of the snow will officially become a secret weapon of the military. At that time, the level of battle of the heavenly people will rise madly.

"So the whole thing happened. The deeds obtained the second generation of burning through unidentified ways, which defeated Kui and saved the life of the deceased. The detainee who was dragged into the adult ceremony suppressed the side effects of the second generation, and beaten and was beaten again. Saved the life of the deed, so it seems that two people are quite fate."

"I hope they can cherish this fate. I just saw that the person who became the owner of the game has passed through here. His face is not so good."

The hurricane washed away the filth, red| naked body came out of the shower, and when he passed the mirror, his footsteps stopped.

After hesitating for a long time, he reached out and wiped off the condensed water vapor on the mirror. A clear figure suddenly appeared. The wet black hair dripped down the water, and the heavy color occupied the bright mirror. The main body of the picture.

More striking than the hair, it is the same eyes as the hair color under the sea, reflecting all the colored light relentlessly, black and bright, but extremely heavy.

I don’t want to admit it, I don’t want to accept it, I don’t want to recall it, and I’m condensed in this dark-eyed eye, always reminding myself of the facts that have happened.

He still remembers the last thought before he went crazy, and he also vaguely remembers that two people are desperate to fight with each other, and the falling gravel is on them, and they completely ignore the mines that may collapse at any time.

He remembers the feeling that the fangs pierce the skin, and the tip of the tongue still has the sweet smell of blood. I also remember how I lost my mind to do whatever I want. Things I have never touched are instinctively driven by the instincts.

However, the clearer memory is that after waking up, I found out that the person under my body was shocked by the time of Ling Xiao. Even if all the above kinds were deliberately forgotten, I remembered the moment when I saw these eyes in the mirror.

There is only one chance in life, and even the relationship that the best talented researchers can't lift, whether it is willing or not, can't be changed!

The hurricane was dressed neatly out of the bathroom and walked in the corridor of the medical station. He met various uniformed soldiers along the way. Some of them were curious about him, some were mildly nodding, but no one restricted his actions. Everyone seems to think that he will not leave here.

The hurricane has been walking outside the gate, and there is a striking signpost not far away. To see the direction and distance above it, the hurricane knows that it is so close to the Starport, as if it took a step.

He stood there, watching the signs go out, until the youngsters had a crisp voice.

"Are you leaving?"

The hurricane turned around and saw the principal of his college. He had just finished the treatment of his hand. He did not develop as a deed, and his recovery rate was far less than the same suffering.

"Where am I going?"

"I don't know, anyway, I think you will leave." The headmaster walked over to the hurricane and watched the signpost with him.

"In the past, there was a person who was arrogant and arrogant. Regarding the person in his own position, regardless of the wishes of the other party, he had to get his hands anyway. He only wanted to have a deed one day, and he was free to control the behavior of the deeds."

"So he waited until the person awakened and arranged an absolutely perfect enclosed space. No one could escape from it, and no one could break in from the outside, unless the person inside completed the adult ceremony, the space would be opened. ""

"He is confident, conceited and self-righteous, thinking that he can win this battle, but he will not hide his strength in order to get rid of his entanglement, thinking that this will not cause that person's interest."

The principal suddenly asked, "Can you guess the result of this battle?"

The hurricane was silent for a moment before answering the question. "Is that the person you said is you?"

"Yes," the principal admitted frankly. "I personally created a dead end for myself. He wants to go out. Only adult rituals can go. I thought I would win, but I ended up losing. ""

There are many rumors about the principal's deeds, and the hurricane finally heard the most authentic one.

"Those who want to take the blood of their heart, but they have lost their blood, used to trap the space of others, and eventually they are trapped, and they have been trapped for hundreds of years. This is self-confident."

"Then you... who is he now?"

"Going away, when I woke up, people were gone. The place where he left the trail was Star Harbor, and he never returned."

When the hurricane didn't know what to say, he listened to the principal and said something that made him unexpected.

"You look very much like him, almost exactly the same. When I first saw you, I thought he was reincarnation."

The hurricane was shocked, and it was no wonder that the principal and Fuxi had the same face with him for the first time.

"But I quickly denied myself, a soul reincarnated, the appearance of random generation, can be exactly the same as the previous life, what a small probability?"

"More importantly, I believe that he is still alive, in a corner of the universe. As a deed, I can stick to it now, and how can he die as a covenant."

The principal has not spoken to people for many years, and once he has opened his mouth, there is no end to it.

"Although the person who made the mistake at the beginning was me, I was very resentful at first for his departure."

"You are the lord, so you can't feel the feeling of being abandoned. Just like people stay in the same place, the soul is taken away elsewhere, always wandering, never being able to land. No warmth, no sense of security, every time At night, it is a long torture."

"Every day in the CDC, I thought that I couldn’t hold on to the next day. In the days when I spent the day, I gradually realized the unforgivable mistakes I made in the past."

"I am very grateful that I will lose in adult rituals, because if I win, I will not realize my mistakes, and I will be wrong again; I will be as arrogant as I was, I can’t recognize myself. I think that if I have the ability, I can dominate everything; I will ignore the feelings of others and use the rights I have to make my loved ones suffer."

"Thank you for losing, let me know the difference between love and plunder; fortunately I lost, this kind of pain can be borne by me. I regret what I did, but he decided to leave, let me not I said sorry for the opportunity."

"I know that today's accident is not the result of your hope, and you know that you may not want to face the people who caused it. If you really want to go, no one can stop it."

"But after you left, Ling Xiao will take the road I have walked through and experience everything I have experienced. He will be sent to the CDC. Whether you can see the sky is unknown. It will be calculated like me. In the same way, every day can only rely on drugs to spend the day, the kind of pain that has been abandoned, only those who have experienced it can feel."

"I was proud and self-respecting. I have some words that I would not say anything in any way. But now, I have given up a lot of useless things. If I can go back to that day, I will definitely leave." He said a word."

"Hurricane, you look like him very much, sometimes even make me illusion, just saw you standing here looking at the signpost of Star Trek, it seems to see him many years ago, once this step is taken, Never look back."

"I know that the next request may be excessive, but can you please give me a wish, pretend to be his appearance, listen to me to finish this sentence?"

The eyes of the hurricane flashed a few flashes. "What?"

The headmaster turned and looked at his eyes seriously. "Please stay here."