MTL - Qizi-Chapter 43 broken

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A figure rushed, and the right hand slammed, slamming a crystal, and accurately grasping it, all the moves in one go. Immediately after the miracle happened, his feet seemed to produce suction. The vertical buildings were flat for this person. In just a few seconds, they climbed from the bottom of the building to the top of the building, and picked up the collar and the two men jumped onto the platform together. .

Ling Xiao has not yet known why he suddenly flew up, his feet have been in safe contact with the ground, and the principal who brought him all over here just let go of his hand and asked the hurricane who was still outside the wall. "You Can you?"

In response, the hurricane clasped the hand of the wall along the wall with a force, jumped back from the outside, and then strode toward Ling Xiao, the impetuous appearance, the Yaotai and the principal on the scene thought he would start to Ling Xiao, Subconsciously blocked in front.

Even Ling Xiaoyi thinks so, but sees the hurricane unscrupulously plucking two people, hands on his shoulders, so he kissed without warning.

Because of the shock, this kiss lasted for a long time, and everyone was shocked and stunned, especially as the party's Ling Xiao, the brain was blank, thinking ability flew to the clouds.

At the end of a kiss, the hurricane let him go. The petrochemical scorpion was in a position of one second, two seconds, three seconds, and then the body fell softly forward. The hurricane was as strong as the foresight. He caught it.

If the two audiences are still stunned, then this moment can no longer be described with a jaw-dropping. It seems that the eyes of two people are not directly gazing at it. The hurricane reluctantly explained the sentence:

“I saw this method in the book to hypnotize and ease emotions.”

The headmaster and Yaotai twisted their necks stiffly, looked at each other incredulously, and twisted back stiffly.

"Do you know?" Yaotai bluntly said in a tone that is definitely not a compliment. "Since you become the covenant, I feel that the only good thing is that you have mastered all the skills of the deed at the speed of God. ”

The hurricane automatically ignored the irony in her discourse and lifted Ling Xiao's waist. She did not take a step and was stopped by the principal.

The headmaster has to calm down a lot. He has already stepped out of the shock. Just "Give him to me?"

The hurricane looked at him inexplicably.

"I want to try to persuade him that we are all deeds and it may be easier to communicate."

The hurricane considered it for a moment, and sent the squat in the arms forward. The principal was a little embarrassed. "I can't hold it."

The hurricane only remembered that he had no power bonus. "Where do you want me to send him?"

"The medical room is just fine, I will be there to wait for him to wake up."

When Ling Xiao woke up, only the principal was around. He didn't know how he fell asleep, but the memory before his fall was still there. The two things were very short. He would rather believe that the kiss was a dream.

"You are awake," the headmaster saw the sneak peek at this moment, and he remembered himself who woke up in vain many years ago.

"President?" He looked down at the bed under his head in confusion. "Why am I sleeping here?"

"You fell asleep, the hurricane sent you here, I asked for it," his equally light gray eyes made Ling Xiao feel at ease. "Do you feel better now?"

Ling Xiao nodded in hesitation, and even forgot that he did not actively jump at the time.

"So, do you want to visit me with me?"


"Your good friend, hehe."


This is the first time that Ling Xiao has come to the Mental Health Control Center. He originally thought that the center should be a hospital. However, after that, he discovered that it is more like a prison.

"Long time no see," a man in white uniform personally greeted them outside the main entrance.

"If you can, I hope that you will not see you in this world," the headmaster smiled and said hello to him. By the way, he introduced Ling Xiao. "This is the director of the 1000th Center of the Center for Disease Control. I was my attending physician. I can’t think of it now. I was promoted to the dean."

"In the end, it is unexpected that the doctor is promoted to the dean, or is it even more unthinkable for the patient to be the principal?" Thousands of sacrifices screamed at him. "The time is a hundred years back. I am still worried about whether you can live. Who can think of the time? Today, you are already the head of a school."

"Then I really failed your expectations," the headmaster joked.

Thousands of sacrifices to his jokes slightly, and then gently shot the back of Ling Xiao, "This is your student mentioned in the newsletter?"


Thousands of sacrifices turned to Ling Xiao, "Your principal told me that the friend who was admitted to the hospital not long ago is your friend? He is a very strong person, I can't let you meet, but I can let you see him."

Ling Xiao knows a little about this. Under the leadership of the thousand sacrifices, he came to the main building from the main entrance.

“There is a big change here,” the headmaster looked at the building along the way. He remembered that when he left, there were some buildings that were not what they are today.

"When you were here, almost all the houses were demolished. As soon as you left, we immediately applied for funding to the higher authorities and rebuilt the entire center."

"Don't listen to him exaggerating," the headmaster reluctantly told Ling.

"I know you won't admit it, so we have kept the evidence," he said before he led them to a ward. "Look, this is the room he lived in."

This room - no, to be exact, the prison is extremely small, except for a single bed that has nothing to hide, three sides closed, and the side close to the corridor consists of cold railings. Ling Xiao looked at it again and found that the material of the wall was exactly the same as that used in the training room. However, it is shocking to see that on such a strong wall, there are traces left by gravity, and some depressions are even deep. Half a foot.

"Why is there nothing in it?" Ling Xiao was unacceptable for a time. He thought that the central environment would be at least comfortable if it was not comfortable.

"Because no matter what, it is the end of the smashed, any object that can't be seen, can be used as a tool for self-harm." Thousands of priests saw the headmaster immersed in the room and sneaked a sneak peek. Signal him to avoid.

"Your principal has lived there for six years," and he walked until the place he could not hear.

"So long?" Ling Xiao was shocked. He felt that it would be unbearable to let him live in that environment for six days.

"From the day he was sent in, until he left, for six years, the day he left was the sixth anniversary of his admission."

"How could this be..." Ling Xiao is unbelievable.

"We used to think that he couldn't come out. I didn't expect him to come out in the end. We thought that he would not live long after he went out, but he refreshed our expectations every year," the appreciation of the thousand sacrifices came from the heart. "Your principal is really a respectable person. Until today, everyone mentioned him with admiration."

Ling Xiao only knows that the principal has lived as an undeveloped deed. He has lived alone for many years, and even secretly targeted him, but he did not think that he lived so hard.

"I thought that in the past, he was also a man of the hollow, and together with Fuxi, he called Tianzhu's tomorrow hope. He was only concerned by the military at the primary school, and he had a promising future."

"Unfortunately, the world is impermanent. Fuxi has found the best companion for him. Now both of them shine in the military. Your principal has not been able to develop his body because of a wrong behavior."

"The two young people who have been eye-catching in the past have a veritable ending, and every time they recall, they can’t help but be embarrassing."

After the thousand sensation was over, I saw the principal coming towards them.

"End of silence?" He deliberately put on a relaxed tone.

"How can you not repair that room?"

"The place with such commemorative value must of course be completely preserved. Every time a newcomer comes in, the center will take you as an example of inspirationality and tell them that they will leave here one day. Although you are gone, your spirit is forever It glows and shines, shining on future generations."

The headmaster smiled slightly bitterly. "That is really my honor."

"Since the past is over, let's move on."

They walked down the corridor, and the people they met along the way gradually got more. Ling Xiao passed through a ward and saw people with strange behaviors. Some people lost their eyes, some people muttered to themselves, some People are violent and roaring. Some people slam their heads on the wall without knowing the pain. The more they look down, the more they are in their hearts.

"Patients who come here for treatment will have to sign a contract when they are admitted to the hospital. There are two kinds of contracts, and they will die for a living, and they will die."

Ling Xiao did not understand, "What is a contract?"

"The so-called birth contract is that the agreed terms are very loose. We will help the patient to survive as much as possible, but once he feels unbearable and wants to give up, the center will respect their decision."

Thousands of sacrifices pointed to those who wore sick clothes but were free to enter and exit. "They are the signers of the covenant, and they are luck, but most people will not go out of this door."

"What about the death contract?"

"The death treaty is a cruel treaty. No matter what happens, no matter how the patient asks, we must ensure his survival, no matter what means."

"The pain of the death contract is difficult to describe in words. Few people will choose to sign. Your principal signed the death contract in the same year. He is also."

Thousands of sacrifices are set at the door of a room. The railings of this ward are falling. When Ling Xiao walks over, I see you.

"Now you know how strong your friends are, you should be proud of him."

When Ling Xiao saw the long-lost person, the tears almost fell. He was forced to press on the bed, painfully mourning and struggling. Around him, three medical staff forcibly shackled his limbs, although it seemed to be laborious.

“Why,” Ling Xiao could not understand, “Why not give him a tranquilizer?”

"What you are seeing now is him during the day, relying on artificial control as much as possible, and the tranquilizer can only be used on nights with more severe symptoms. The resistance of the drug to the drug is established quickly. He is now using the dose of tranquilizer. Ten times more, there is no way to add it."

Ling Xiao felt the sorrow and sorrow of his nose. Now he finally understands why the thousand sacrifices will not let them meet. Now even if Ling Xiao stands in front of him, the other party may not recognize it.

"He has a very serious sleep disorder. It should be said that everyone here is that they can't sleep all night and all night, even if they fall asleep, they will soon wake up. Many people just give up because they can't stand this. The more medicine The more developed, but for these people will never be able to do anything."

"The influence of the deed on the deed is too great. If you lose the deed of the deed, you will not have a sense of security in your life, just like the water plants that have been subtracted from the roots, and drift away day after day until they wither."

"I used to be very puzzled. Why did Tiansu people have such a deformed spouse system? So I checked a lot of ancient books and found that the deed’s absolute **** of the deeds was not a plunder, but a concession."

The "concession?" statement has not even been heard by the principal.

"Yes, although most of the ancient books are unknown, according to a very uncommon historical record, the earliest spouse relationship is not like this. Their situation is much more cruel than us. The ones who love each other must kill each other. Growing up, because later generations can't stand such a tragedy, they have a **** coexistence."

"In the content of the contract, the covenant transfers part of the soul to the deed, while the other half exchanges for life at the cost of abandoning all of its rights, and lives as a deed to live for the covenant. This is why the covenant can manipulate the deed. Because the man he controls is his own soul."

"So on the surface, the deed and the deed are the relationship between oppression and oppression, but in fact the original intention of this blood deed is the concession made by the deed to make his deeds live. It is an active sacrifice. As for why, in the beginning, both parties must fight for your life and death, even the ancient books are not recorded."

"Now you know why it is hard to survive after leaving the covenant in the developmental period, because the soul they got from the covenant can't find belonging. And the ambulance work we are doing now is the opposite. Well, some people said that we did this because of humanitarianism, but over the past 100 years, I have witnessed the suffering of so many people, and I have become less and less aware of the word humanitarian."

He said this and sighed. "I am sorry, let you be forced to share my negative energy."

“No,” Ling Xiao shook his head. “Thank you for telling me.”

Thousands of sacrifices looked at him with concern. "Doctor Yao has told me about your situation. The treatment here is not a contract, but is abandoned. In contrast, you are more fortunate than they are." many."

"Now you have seen everything here, your headmaster said that he never wants to see me again, I don’t want to see him again, and you, and anyone else. The CDC is A place that shouldn't come, even if there is such a small chance, you have to stay far away. Not everyone can be as strong as your principal. Most people will never go out once they come in. ”

As if to confirm his words, there was a commotion in the room at the end of the corridor.

"What is the situation?" Thousands of sacrifices stopped a passing medical staff.

The other side slightly squinted, "The patient on the 31st has decided to give up and is making a final confirmation."

The eyes of the thousand sacrifices also faded. He turned to the principal. "You should be familiar with such a scene."

The headmaster nodded silently.

He turned to Ling Xiao, "Let's go check it out."

A group of people with Ling Xiao arrived with the medical staff. The patient No. 31 in their mouth was in the room next door. A female doctor was asking her questions. Through the glass, Ling Xiao couldn't hear the contents of their conversation. She could only see her shaking her head for a while, nodding her head. After a while, the female doctor retired.

She shook her head gently, and everyone on the scene understood the meaning of the action.

The bell rang in the center, and the sound screamed, long and long. In such a tragic and somewhat bleak bell, everyone collectively bowed their heads.

The doctor took the needle into it, licked the patient on the 31st, and then steadily passed the needle through the white skin and accidentally plunged into her blood vessel.

She looked up, her face, her gray eyes, from wake to death, the color of her eyes was the only change in this world. Soon I will bid farewell to this world and start a new life, perhaps because other people are head down, her eyes are on the only side of the line.

They are four eyes, Ling Xiao is the last scene she projected on the retina in this life, and Ling Xiao’s eyes, she smiled sweetly.

Goodbye, Ling Xiao saw her mouth saying that although they had never met before.

The girl's body was transparent and disappeared a little bit, and eventually turned into a beautiful blue soul, just like the screencaster that morning.

This is the second time, Ling Xiaoyan watched as a soul flew away, from where he was less than two meters in front of his eyes, disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

"Have you seen it?" The headmaster's hand sneaked into Ling Xiao's shoulder. "This is the CDC. Once you have been there, you don't want to get involved in half a step." 2k novel reading network