MTL - Qizi-Chapter 42 Dead

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When Ling Xiao said this sentence, the expression was so bad that the hurricane even had such a moment, never want to know the truth in the box.

What he would not know is that, just yesterday, Ling Xiao had already developed the idea of ​​destroying the things inside. However, today the hurricane maintained his behavior and let him dispel the idea. After agreeing to let the hurricane open after death, it is already the biggest concession he can make, but even then, it is estimated that the hurricane will only think that it is loaded with a bunch of useless ruin.

Then, he saw the hurricane pulling a dagger from his arms, and his eyes were rounded because of the other side's movement.

"Just to look at the things inside, you can't wait to kill me?"

The hurricane heard a sigh of relief, then coldened his face, and turned the dagger back, and the hilt rushed at him.

Ling Xiao stared for a long time, only to realize the intention of the other party.

He tried it with suspicion and suspicion, "Give me?"

The hurricane did not deny it.


"It was broken when I hit Kui."

Ling Xiao thinks of this, the sudden unexpected one after another, such a trivial little thing, has long been forgotten by him.

Knowing that he had misunderstood, Ling Xiao was not very embarrassed to use the dagger to make a cover and bowed his head. Then he saw the pattern carved on it and carefully identified it before he discovered that it was Kui.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Kui," the hurricane replied in a concise manner.

"I know it is Kui... I want to ask why there is Kui?"

"Just make a commemoration."

Because of the appearance of Kui, the life trajectories of the two people have changed. Whether they like it or not, Kui let them have an intersection, so when the owner asked him what to engrave, his first thought was Kui.

Ling Xiao’s words and thoughts are stopped. Now, this situation should be said to be thankful. I can think of what happened in the past few days, and think of everything that the hurricane has done. These two words can’t be said anyway. Just as he struggled with the contradictions, the hurricane had already sat down at the table, ready to flip through the books borrowed from the library.

Ling Xiao knows that the hurricane did not expect to receive a thank you from his mouth, just as he did not expect the other party to say sorry for the things of the past few days, only the brushing of the book was left in the room. Ling Xiao never knew that the hurricane was still such a person who loved to learn. Unfortunately, he turned his back to himself and the book cover was blocked. He did not know what the hurricane was watching.

Ling Xiao was reluctant to stay in the boring atmosphere. He just opened the door, and the hurricane on the other side did not return to the ground.

"Where to go?"

The words "I want you to manage" are constantly spinning around Ling Xiao’s throat, and finally become a sullen "to eat."

This time the hurricane did not stop again, Ling Xiao took the hurricane to his side card to the canteen to brush, and the amount is much more than yesterday, his math is not good, forget it for a long time, this is More than a few people's living expenses, it seems that after the adult, it is not simply to multiply the parental pension by two.

"Oh, come again," the staff at the canteen happily greeted him when he saw him. "Is it the most expensive today?"

Ling Xiao smiled embarrassedly. "Nutrition meal is just fine."

"Your looks are much better than yesterday," the canteen staff congratulated him. "You looked like you didn't eat rice for a few days yesterday. If you don't have good nutrition during development, you won't be taller in the future."

Ling Xiao thanked him for his kindness, and found a place to sit down and start enjoying his nutritious meal.


The hurricane left alone in the bedroom, opened the first book he borrowed, jumped directly to the chapter he was looking for, and carefully read the text above.

——The body of the lord will have different effects on the quilt according to the idea of ​​the lord or the needs of the body of the pledge. Each body has its corresponding effect.

The following are specific examples:

—— Blood: Strengthen the combat power, supply nutrients, refresh the aphrodisiac, and delay the death when the life of the deed is dying.

- Saliva: calming pain, purifying and detoxifying, hypnosis and paralysis, can appropriately reduce the bad mood of the deed, the main inhibition.

——Fine|Liquid: It will cause psychedelic effects and produce strange excitement. It is similar to the influence of drugs on other races and is easy to addiction.

The hurricane recalled what happened the night before and confirmed that he had no idea of ​​aphrodisiac because he did not know that the blood had this effect.

According to the book, the trigger condition is the idea of ​​the owner, and the second is the demand of the child. That means that all of Ling Xiao’s reactions will be caused by the subconscious mind.

If this guess is correct, then the rumors in the logistics staff are not rumors, but facts, the combination is the best way to smoothly pass the dangerous period, but what is the reason for it?

Temporarily let go of this doubt, he turned to the next chapter of concern, which is an explanation of mental damage:

- If the negative emotions caused by hormones are not fully comforted during the disorder/risk period, these negative emotions will remain in the subconscious of the deeds, causing lifelong mental damage.

——Mental damage can be divided into mild, moderate and severe according to the degree. The corresponding deed can leave the time of the independent life of the deed. A child with a completely normal psychological development will not be affected even if it is separated from the client. The one who has a mild mental injury will gradually develop anxiety, anxiety, insomnia and other symptoms after leaving the client for one month. As time goes on, the symptoms will gradually deepen until the dangerous period is reached.

- The moderately acceptable period of separation is about half that of a mild one. People with severe mental impairments cannot leave their own covenant even one day, otherwise they will not fall asleep normally and can only rely on drug hypnosis.

The brows of the hurricane became wrinkled and tighter. I saw the last line and simply detained the book and set off to find Yaotai.

After Ling Xiao finished eating, he just saw the hurricane hitting here. He looked like a dignified look, and he did not even find himself not far away. This caused Ling Xiao’s curiosity. Without being noticed by the other party, he secretly followed him and followed the hurricane to the medical building.

When Yaotai saw the hurricane, the first thing that came to mind was that Ling Xiao had a problem. "What happened to Ling Xiao?"

"His state is much better than yesterday," but the hurricane wants to say this is not the case. "You said that he suffered from mild mental damage. Does it mean that two people must live together forever in the future? Will there be a problem?"

"What kind of answer do you want to hear?" Yaotai asked. "When I first told you about this, are you not very dismissive? If it is a theoretical answer, yes, but in fact, no A pair of deeds and deeds live separately, and all spouses live together. The so-called separation is only short-lived, such as expedition. Unless you join the military in the future and play outside the planet, you need to consider having a spirit in your family. The problem of the damage of the deed."

"Is this injury really impossible to cure?" asked the hurricane.

"Cure is impossible. It is very easy to deteriorate. You will let it go as before. It will be a matter of progress to a moderate or even more serious situation. You have no other way but to control."

Yaotai paused. "You should be glad that Ling Xiao does not know about it now. He has not had a dangerous period. To stay in good mood, he must not stimulate his emotions. After that, I will try to tell him the truth."

Hiding outside the door, every conversation between two people can be heard clearly, and the mouth is tightly held. He had thought that as long as he had persisted in these years, he could fly high and wide, until this moment he realized how much his own thoughts were wishful thinking. The invisible shackles have long put him in jail, and he naively thought that freedom would always come.

I couldn’t hear what the people inside said, and Ling Ling’s soul left the place without hesitation. He walked to a place that made him unforgettable. He jumped here and Pingzong left them forever on that day. It seems that from that moment on, his luck in this world has come to an end.

He lost his best friend, lost his freedom, lost his dignity, lost everything, and he had nothing.

He sat on the position where he once jumped, and looked at the scenery he had seen with his vision. The ground was so far away, but the cloud was within reach.

There has never been a moment, Ling Xiao feels that he is so defeated - he once vowed to become a covenant, but he has become a deed of others; he thought that he could survive the disorder period with his efforts, and finally relied on the hurricane. Power; I used to think that I can live a strong life. In the end, even such rights are deprived. His life has to be attached to another person. Only death can bring real relief.

"Hey," he said to himself. "We will meet again, but the place I don't want to see again is the CDC. I have been waiting outside for you, but if you live, you must rely on the favor of others. Is this persistence really worth it?"

"Do you know that even the last night happened like this, it was my initiative. The face of my life has been exhausted. I have no face to lose in front of him. He is not good to me, I think it is cruel. He is good to me. I think it is alms. No matter what he does, I can't face him. The motivation to leave is supported, but now this power is no longer there."

"Hey, if you and Pingzong are still here, would you persuade me to continue? Or give up?"

It is a pity that neither the 岚晟 nor the screen sect can answer.

"Ling Xiao!" A scream of anger, Ling Xiao looked back and saw a familiar scene. When I was standing here, the big sight I saw was this scene, but the screen sect would no longer appear at the door, and my position was reversed.

When Ling Xiao saw the expressions of the hurricane and Yaotai, they knew that they misunderstood. He didn't want to give them the illusion that they couldn't open. They reached out and supported on the wall. They planned to turn back into the wall and slap the hand. It was definitely out of the wall by accident.

- What a joke, I haven't planned to die yet.

His body lost his center of gravity. The face of the hurricane disappeared a little bit, a little bit, and a little behind the wall. The shock in the other's eyes was clear to him. The original hurricane would reveal such expression.

Ling Xiao’s whimsy, after I die, will he have such a little bit of sadness?

A swaying god, a force slammed him, his body was out of inertia, and then the momentum of the fall stopped.

Ling Xiao looked up and found that the whole body of the hurricane was hanging in the air, holding one hand to the wall, and holding one hand tightly at the corner of his cuff. Although the strength of the hurricane is no longer the same, it is still impossible to use such a small corner. Pulling him all together, Ling Xiao can feel that he is out of the hurricane's fingers a little bit.

Ling Xiao didn’t think he would fly to save himself. In fact, he thought about it. He used to be good to himself. He bought bread for him, spent the hard night with him, and fled with him at the end of the crisis. He was jealous when he died. Open, a person facing death - all this is based on the premise that he is his classmate, not a deed.

Just as he will save the shackles of being bullied by the seniors, he will try his best to pull the suicides. His help is never tossed by any classmate who needs help.

Except for a deed that he does not love.

Why can't we just be classmates?

Because of excessive force, the hurricane’s hand has shaken uncontrollably. Ling Xiao wants to help him, but he wants to help himself. He lifts his still right hand and wants to catch the hurricane, but only After lifting a little bit of distance, you can't move anymore.

At that moment, he recalled the embarrassment. He used to be caught in the cuff by the hurricane. Then he chose to use the free hand, took out the dagger and cut off his sleeve.

He understood the hurricane's move, and if the screen can do this at the time, he would not die.

However, at this moment, Ling Xiao suddenly had a disappointment, whether it was to seize the hand of the hurricane, or to take out the dagger at the waist, no matter whether it was born or died, it was never for him. From the moment when Kui appeared in front of them, he was already destined for his mortal ending, and he wanted to delay his life, and now everything is ready to be repaid.

Deceiving yourself can give up your dignity and live. In fact, the most desirable thing in my heart is freedom.

All the stubborn persistences suddenly lost their meaning at this moment, and all obsessions with life were put down without any attachment.

Let this world be completely over. In the afterlife, whether it is a deed or a deed, I hope to find someone who is happy with each other.

Oh, it’s a pity that with your promise, you can’t cash it.

Pingzong, do not know to go to the base, there is no chance to sleep next to you.

Hurricane, I am most fortunate, if I have not had time to say anything, I will always stay in my heart.

Ling Xiao closed his eyes without distraction and calmly greeted the end of his life. 2k novel reading network