MTL - Quanmin Island: My island is alive!-Chapter 357 Joint operations! Surface-to-air artillery! Destruction!

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"It's over!"

Mage Dill stood in the distant sky and sighed.

"Mage Dill, maybe things will turn around again?" an emperor-level mage whispered, "That island doesn't seem to be ordinary!"

"There's no chance!" Dill shook his head. "This power can even destroy the mad shark family. It's just an island... It's a pity!"

Even the two emperor-level Naga standing in the sea in the east, watching the battlefield, could not help shaking their heads when they saw the hordes of flying demonized beasts and the surging ocean demonized beasts rushing towards the island.

The Naga clan and the mad shark clan, like Mage Dill, noticed the changes of the abyss demonized beasts before they followed.

Whether it is the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, the Naga Clan, or the Crazy Shark Clan, they are all very sensitive to the changes of the abyss demonized beasts!

Just when the three forces in the Southern Star Sea had sentenced Xu Chengfeng's island to death, two rays of light, one green and one white, shot into the sky on Xu Chengfeng's island.

The two shining rays of light rushed directly to the hundreds of thousands of flying abyss demonized beasts, and rushed to the three emperor-level abyss demonized beasts.

"Is this courting death at 270?"

Elder White Shark asked in a low voice.

"Maybe I want to die happily!"

Elder Tooth Shark is not sure.

Paradis looked at the blue light and murmured: "I didn't expect that I would fight side by side with the descendants of Stia, and I didn't expect that I would protect Gamir..."

Seeing Janna and Angel of Tears rushing, the three emperor-level abyss demonized beasts immediately became vigilant.

They found that the two enemies that rushed in turned out to be emperor-level powerhouses.

And it seems to be stronger than them!

Whether it's Janna or Angel of Tears, they are all emperor-level top-ranking powerhouses.

"So strong, need support!"

An emperor-level abyss demonized beast said to the red-eyed giant eagle.

"Okay!" The red-eyed giant eagle immediately ordered, "All emperor-level demonized beasts, cooperate with the three emperor-level abyss demonized beasts, kill the two flying enemies first!"

"Big storm!"

Janna looked cold, and spread her hands across dozens of kilometers.

Her hands are like the eye of the storm!

The violent hurricane swept the entire sky with her center in an instant.

The aggressive hundreds of thousands of flying abyss demonized beasts were blown away by Kana's move!

Even the three emperor-level abyss demonized beasts rushing in front were greatly reduced by the wind!

Dill: "Is this woman still human?"

Elder Shark: "It's too exaggerated!"

Red-Eyed Eagle: "Kill those two enemies for me!"

The three emperor-level abyss demonized beasts rushed towards Janna and the Angel of Tears with more than twenty emperor-level abyss demonized beasts.


Jana reminded.

"Yes, Janna-sama!"

The Angel of Tears followed Janna and rushed into the sky.

When flying up with Janna, she was also surrounded by cyan airflow, flying twice faster than usual!

"As expected of Mr. Janna!"

The tearful angel sighed.

And under the two of them, there are also three emperor-level abyss demonized beasts, with more than 20 emperor-level abyss demonized beasts...

Paradis saw that Janna and Angel of Tears easily led away all the emperor-level flying demonized beasts, as well as most of the emperor-level flying demonized beasts, and immediately ordered: "The corps charged with fire attribute energy obey the order and disperse. Shoot, aim at the air, and try to destroy the flying monsters that approach us first!"

"Yes, Lord Paradis!"

As a result, while many spectators were still paying attention to the clouds, during the battle between Janna and the Angel of Tears, a dense explosion sounded on the island more than 200 kilometers away from the flying demonized beast!

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Already ready to go, the long-prepared Nine Hundred King-level energy cannons poured out flame energy wantonly in the sky with accurate muzzles!

The crimson cannonballs shot at the flying-type demonized beasts flying towards the island at a terrifying speed.

The red-eyed giant eagle was a little shocked when he saw the overwhelming scarlet cannonballs.

It did not expect that there would be so many king-level powerhouses on that island!

However, it was experienced in combat and did not panic.

It led a team to destroy the island today, and it was fully prepared in advance!

They are demonized beasts in the abyss, and they can completely beat the sea tactics!

With the number, you can pile up each other to death!

They also brought many king-level flying demonized beasts, and even more oceanic demonized beasts!

Janna and Angel of Tears took away all the emperor-level and emperor-level abyss demonized beasts, and the one that rushed in front was the king-level flying demonized beast.

In the face of the seven hundred energy cannons, even if they don't have much wisdom and are not as smart as the emperor-level abyss demonized beasts, their fighting instincts are still there.

Soon, they rely on skill to destroy all the shells.

But at this moment, the red-eyed giant eagle heard a dense explosion again!


Seeing the 900 crimson cannonballs that came quickly, each of them possessed the destructive power of king-level skills... The red-eyed giant eagle was stupid!

But when it was still in a daze, there was another series of shells fired.

Nine hundred crimson meteors trailed behind the nine hundred cannonballs in front...

"Bang bang bang bang..."

This time, the hundreds of king-level flying demonized beasts rushing in front of them were not so lucky.

Nine hundred shells, they only blocked two-thirds!

The remaining one-third exploded in the flying demonic beasts!

One-third of the shells are also more than 300, which is equivalent to the skills of 300 king-level fire mages!

Terrifying continuous explosions resounded through the sea!

The crimson flames illuminated the sky and the sea!

Countless kings who were charging in front were affected, and a quarter of them were killed!

A quarter was seriously injured and fell into the sea.

But what's even more terrifying is... the cannonballs are coming again!

The ground skill energy cannon is famous for its long range and fast shooting speed!

But in the continuous firing of the energy cannon, there were still three rows of 2,700 flame cannonballs still flying in the sky!

Equivalent to 2,700 king-level flame mage skills!

The sky seems to be exploding!

Exploded into darkness!

The flying monsters rushing towards Xu Chengfeng's island are no longer like dark clouds.

But a cloud of fire, a burning demonized beast!

Countless flying abyss demonized beasts were either blown to pieces, or raging fire was ignited on their bodies!

They have not survived the first wave of shelling by the abyss demonized beasts, and they have suffered heavy losses before they approach the island of Xu Chengfeng for 200 kilometers!