MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 145 I am a dead bird (2)

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On weekends, there are quite a lot of cars on the highway.

The owner's car is a blue BYD. I bought it for a few years and it is well maintained. There are several bright cartoon pillows in the back. It is bought by the ponytail girl online. There is a red pendant in front. Going in and out, the opposite is safe, but she bought it.

Most girls like to buy some gadgets. She doesn't know that it's not safe to hang things in the car.

The bird cage was placed in the back seat, and Chen followed the bumps of the car, and he was a little bit vomiting. Mom||Forcing, he turned out to be a dead bird with motion sickness.

"444, I want to buy two motion sickness drugs."

In the next second, Chen had two more pills in his mouth. He swallowed his saliva. "It's so uncomfortable, when can I get there?"

The system said, "There are more than one hundred kilometers."

Chen Zai, "...say time, don't tell me kilometers, I am mentally retarded."

The system said, "If you don't block traffic, if you don't block it, if you are in an hour, if you block it, it's hard to say. If you catch a traffic accident, then it's even more..."

Chen interrupted it again, "The crow's mouth."

The system said, "Remember to pray every day, your omnipotent Lord will bless you."

Chen was reminded that he quickly prayed to the Lord in his heart. He insisted that the Lord would not abandon him.

The former hostess is chatting with the male host, talking about the relatives’ things, and taking out the difference between the three and the fifth. When the money is borrowed, who is going to come back, is it that you go to Zhangkou, or who I am, who is who? The eldest daughter is almost thirty, but she hasn't found the object yet. This can't be done. I will go back to the old girl to laugh at the dead. Who and who are bragging, saying where I bought the first few houses, how big, and with The swimming pool and the big garden, the courage is to brag and not spend money, really for him.

Chen moved the bird's head to see the ponytail girl. The other party was quietly brushing the mobile phone, and in the WeChat group, she played with her friends and played with her own mother.

He licked the beak and admired the family.

The hostess looked into the back seat. "How do you get on the phone and play with your mobile phone? Don't play, hurry and let your eyes rest, always play with your mobile phone, and your eyesight is not good."

The ponytail girl threw the phone to the side and held her arm to look out the window.

After a while in the car, there was an extremely dangerous scene when driving, that is, the male owner snored.

It is simply a thrilling shot in real life.

The ponytail girl and the hostess in the car did not find it. Only Chen saw it. He saw the male owner’s upper and lower eyelids together in the rearview mirror, separated, closed, and separated again. The next second was tight. Embrace.

Chen’s bird’s gallbladder must be scared. He only remembered it after he knew it. He’s dead and can’t die anymore. It doesn’t matter.

No, I can't think so, there are three big living people in the car.

Chen was anxious to turn around in the cage. He wanted to yell, and he could only make a "big" voice in his mouth.


Chen opened his mouth again, or "big", even a "small" and "middle" could not be made. He shook the bird's head and he was able to do this. He could do nothing.

"444, you think about it, don't let the man sleep."

The system said, "Everyone has a life. If it is hit because of a war, it is also a life."

Chen didn't know what to say. If he had done it, he prayed to the family piously, hoping that the Lord would bless and bless.

Anyway, it is fate.

After Chen’s prayer was finished, the man who drove the car opened the eyelids, let the hostess hand him a cup of water, drank a few large cups of tea, and smoked the smoke.

Fatigue driving harms others, it is best to rest well the day before, take the person jam, and lose your life sooner or later.

After a while, the rest arrived, and the male owner drove the car over to the place where he was refueling. The length of the team was not short or short, and it could not be fixed in a minute or two.

The hostess and the ponytail girl got off the bus and went to the toilet.

The male owner waited in the car, the front staff did not know what to do, and the team stagnated.

Chen in the back seat was squatting. He suddenly remembered something. He was a dead bird. No one could see him. If he pulls a bubble and sprinkles it, he will not be seen. ?

After he stunned, Chen decided to do an experiment, so he sprinkled a small bubble on the toffee board. The color was light yellow, not so obvious, but the taste was there.

The male owner did not seem to find anything, and continued to be impatient with the face of the car horn.

There was a woman who came over and dressed very fashionable. It was the person the male owner knew. He opened the door and went out to chat with the other side.

Looking at the car became a dead bird.

Chen did nothing, he opened his wings in the cage, ready to sleep, and heard a rough voice, accompanied by the sound of the glass, "big star? Hey!"

Who is the starling, no culture is terrible, Lao Tzu is not a starling, is a **** bird, Chen has just wanted to take the bird's eye to smash, and his brain is cold and flashing, he is shocked to stand up in the cage, in the direction of the sound, see A national character face outside the car window, suddenly the excited bird's mouth shivered, tears filled, big brother, can you see me?

Because the ponytail girl hated the smell in the car, the window fell down a little, and the male owner forgot to close when he went out. At this moment, the small piece was just stuck in the eyes and nose of the national character face.

From Chen’s point of view, it seems that there is only half a face left in the face of the Chinese character. He keeps flapping his wings. Big Brother, you have yin and yang eyes, bring me with me, and we will save the world together.

The Chinese character snorted and said, "I really fat."

Chen also saw from the eyes of the national character face that the other side thought "if the braised, it must be delicious", he rolled his eyes, turned to take the fart | | shares against the window.

The **** bird with a shape like a starling is rare, but it is just a bird. The Chinese character face is gone without much attention.

Chen twisted the fart||Shares, sighs loudly, you are waiting for me, the world, only you can see me, this is no coincidence!

Nai Chen broke the scorpion and could not keep the footsteps of the national character face.

Chen Youzhen, "444, it’s weird, I’m dead, but that person can see me.”

The system said, "Yes."

Chen made another roll, but no one saw it. Otherwise, if I saw a big fat bird rolling, I could scare the urine. "Isn't it a special task for me in this world? Play with the black and white impermanence of the underworld?" Help them catch the ghosts?"

The system says, "Your intellectual development..."

Chen immediately stopped. "Don't go down, I don't want to hear."

The system said, "Fortunately, you are a base ||佬, there will be no next generation."

Chen’s beak was pumping. This is the one he has ever heard the most lethality. He is dying and struggling. “Can I change my body?”

The system says, "You can try."

Chen has really tried, can't, his soul|| Pull||Do not come out, "Can I become a person? There is a TV show, the goblin is a person for a while, and the body is a very powerful one."

The system said, "I advise you to pray, this is more practical than being a human being."

Chen is unable to spit.

Is this a punishment task? The last world script made a loophole, and the system was sure that the smoke of the whole body would explode, so as a member of the family, he was also implicated and punished together?

It is very likely that the system has dried up.

Not long after, the male owner came back in the horns and curses of the next few cars, and drove the car to the front to refuel.

The ponytail girl and the hostess bought the car on the bus. The two of them talked and laughed. They couldn’t see the blushing neck last night.

A large truck came up from behind and shouldered shoulders with BYD. Chen saw that the driver was the national character face. He sang wildly in the driver's seat, and his ears were stuffed with earplugs. He was extremely casual and let people watch. They are frightened.

Chen’s bird’s eyes are awkward, big brother, you are so courageous, you drive the road killer, dare to play like this, whoever harms you, is not afraid to stimulate to God, to collect you.

The number of cars driving is not allowed to open the big car, there is no way, if it is really hit, the car is pressed into the bottom of the stomach by the car in minutes.

The former male owner frowned, speeded up the speed, and took the big truck away.

When he arrived at the place, Chen followed the bird cage and was given a car by the ponytail girl. When he entered a compound, he heard several compatriots in the big tree chatting there, chatting about the gossip of the bird world. They were discussing the little gray bird, saying The other party's temper is poor, the character is not good, and the sly love is like, the nostrils are in the sky, and the spirit is so great that they will not play with each other.

Chen called a few more "big", and there was no bird watching the bird watching him, and he couldn't hear his bird.

He remembered the truck driver, the only one who could see himself, hey, just rushed out, and left in a hurry, too late to greet.

The bird cage was hung under the eaves, and Chen grabbed the cage with sharp bird claws. In a short while, an old lady opened the bird cage and put a small gray bird into the cage.

Chen is screaming at the little gray bird in his own home. Brother, you are pretty, there are a few red hairs on the tail of the back wing, unlike me, it’s not black.

The little gray bird can't see Chen, and he is staying at the new home. It is estimated that he is a little afraid of the strange environment and does not move much.

The old lady really likes the little gray bird. When I have lunch, I will not care about it. I put the little gray bird on the perch, holding a small bug in one hand, playing with a small gray bird in one hand, teaching it to talk. .

Chen was squatting in the cage. He saw that the bugs were full. He was very learned by his own death. The senses did not disappear in the other senses of the class. It was no different from a normal bird.

The door of the bird cage is open and the old lady is not closed.

Chen did not fly out. It seems that there is an invisible barrier. He remembered Sun Dasheng. He was crushed under the Wuzhishan for five hundred years. Whoever came to use was useless. Only the three Tibetan masters took the seal off.

Maybe you have to wait for a big **** to come over?

Chen took such a fantasy and spent a day and a night in a strange courtyard.

Nature is very magical. There is a corresponding reason for the existence of each kind of creature. There are different fields between creatures, each with its own and each with its own wonderful.

The news of the gossip in the bird world is not slower than the Internet.

Chen did eye exercises in the cage, and he heard a news from the two shoots of the treetops.

It is said that at 5 o'clock this morning, a truck accident occurred on the **** road, the driver inside the car was thrown out, the car behind was crushed and died on the spot.

Chen is not interested. This kind of news can be brushed up several times a day in the newspaper. If you brush it for a week, you can be numb.

No matter which world, every day is dead, every day new life is born.

The little gray bird is very interested. He is boring in the cage. He wants to know that the outside world is very dry and boring. It rushes to the tree tops of the two hemps|| gar, high cold, still The tone of the order.

Two hemps||The bird doesn't take care of it.

Chen looked at the little grey bird. Really, the bird's eye is low. If you are released, it will be rejected.

The little gray bird probably knows his own problem. It looks at the distance in a melancholy mood. It changes a tone and is willing to talk. "Two little brothers, what happened outside? Can you tell me, I can't go out in a cage, it's very bad."

Two hemps||When a bird listens, that's right. What you want is that you have a bad time. If you have been too good, then we only hate it except for envy.

Terrible, the bird world is doing this. There is no snack machine in this year. I am embarrassed to say that I am a bird.

Two hemps||The birds flew slowly, and surrounded the cage with the condescending and told the little gray bird.

When Chen listened and listened, he felt weird. How could he be familiar with his ostrich eyes?

When you open a big truck, you wear a hat on your head. When you die, you are listening to songs and earplugs in your ears.

Chen and Zhang Dabei, shouldn't that be the national character face yesterday?

He inexplicably took a nap.

I don't know what's going on, the world is not right, Chen wants to hold himself tight, but the bird's paw can't hold it. He can only shrink the bird's head and try to feel the warmth.

The Mawei girl stayed at the house for one night and went to school. She warned the little grey bird. "Don't let the dark house be dirty, can you hear it?"

The little gray bird is not reasonable.

The Mawei girl said to the hostess who came out later, "Mom, you haven’t read the news. The truck driver we met at the rest station yesterday died, and the death was terrible. The face was crushed in half."

The hostess said that she saw it. "Poor, when he dies, how can the family live?"

The ponytail girl teased her backpack. "I think he is alive. Who wants him to drive all night and wear earplugs to listen to songs, isn't that looking for death?"

The hostess said, "I told your dad at that time, don't buy a car and don't buy a car. He just doesn't listen. Now some people don't take their own lives at all. You look at the traffic accidents reported on TV. How much is caused by the driver’s irresponsibility, driving is really unsafe."

The ponytail girl is very speechless. "Mom, you have nothing to look at."||||Channel, go out and be hit by a car, what is it? Don't you go out?"

The hostess sighed, "One person lives."

Chen shook the bird's paw and turned out to be the national character face.

No, he needs to slow down, the Chinese character can see him, and he will die the next day. Is there any connection between the two? Yes or no?

"444, you are coming out!"

The system says, "Hey."

Chen is a good old man who has not studied well since junior high school and rents books in a bookstore. His imagination is still ok. "Is it because I am dead, my body is dead, so people who are dying can See me?"

The system did not answer but said, "In order to open a small stove for you, I have just been criticized by the above."

Chen another, so miserable? He touched Mao and said, "When I return to the real world, come to me, I will raise you."

The system said, "Forget it, you can't even live with yourself."

Chen Zai, "..."

"Don't leave the topic open, you haven't told me why the truck driver can see me?"

The system said, "Are you already thinking about it? When you believe in yourself, you are not mentally retarded."

Chen added, "bye bye."

He walked around in the cage, but he didn't expect it to be the case. Then, can you think that if anyone sees him, that person is living soon?

This is not very fun.

Soon after the horsetail girl walked with her mother, the sky went down and the rain poured out. The old lady came out and took the bird cage back to the house. "Little gray, didn't you pour it? Old man, look at what the **** weather is, The sun is still out in the morning, and it will rain heavily."

The first half of the old lady said to the little gray bird, and the second half said to his wife.

When I was old, I couldn’t bear to turn on the lights, I could save the provincial point. The sky was dark, and the light in the house was not so good. Chen looked at the furnishings in the room through the cage. He smelled sandalwood and didn’t like it. Let him think of an unpleasant thing.

When he was a child, his grandmother died. In the second year of the second year, relatives came over to give a grandma to the grandmother. The hall was fragrant. He was still young, and he was not too afraid of the grandmother’s photo. He ran past the musk.

The result is that the mother took the bamboo sticks and jumped up and down, half dead.

Chen recalled the past, his thoughts were quite chaotic. He turned his head and saw a grandfather sitting on the mahogany chair in front of the table to eat the dumplings. The dumplings seemed to have just been filled from the pot, braving the heat, in vain, Round, pinched very well.

The old man took a bite of the dumpling, and Chen smelled the sesame.

He swallowed saliva, was in the cage, his heart was on the table, and he hadn't eaten the dumplings for a long time. The soft taste, the sesame in his mouth, hehe.

The old man took care of himself, and the old lady did not say anything. He just fed the little grey bird. "Old man, little gray doesn't drink much water today, is it sick?"

"This cage is used by Dapeng's black and black. When I look good, let him bring it to Xiaoshi. Do you think it is appropriate?"

The old man was eating the dumplings, and suddenly he got stuck. The spoon in his hand fell into the bowl, and a face of the skin || skin||song||垮 showed a purple-red color.

The old lady was still squatting in front of the bird cage. It seemed that she had not noticed that her wife had been stuck in the dumplings. Chen was anxious to die. I wished that I would become a man to help the old man to make the dumplings.

The old man grabbed the table and leaned back, and his dry hand grabbed his neck. People couldn't do it.

Chen was anxiously flying in the cage. He inadvertently turned his gaze to a portrait on the coffee table not far away. He paused to see the old man’s face, look at the portrait, and then look at the face of the old man. .

After a few seconds of stiffness, Chen made a scream and frightened and fell into the cage.

Lying in the trough, the mother||Forcing, not only can be seen by people who are dying, he can also see the dead.

This skill, can he not?

Chen wants to cry, he is a big man, seeing this ghost, being scared and crying for sure... It is a normal reaction!

The table swayed vigorously, and the blue-and-white porcelain bowl lacking a mouth fell to one side. The dumplings inside fell out a few, and they braved the heat. The old man struggled a few times, and did not move. He was killed by a dumpling.

Chen’s two small eyes were so great that maybe he appeared in the place where the old man died, so he would see how the other person died.

He used to like watching horror movies. He never feared it, but there is no makeup, no special effects, no editing, no so-called post-production, every detail is really real in front of him, it is really scary. .

The birds of the **** bird in the cage are all erected.

Chen was scared again || Forbidden, he cried and looked for the system, saying that the world is poisonous, why should he do this to him.

System Oh, "Your man is trying to find you, destroying the whole program, all the mission worlds are disrupted, and you are entering the 120 districts of the Spirit."

Chen Zai, "..."

Fuck, I really don't know what the old man is doing. He has nothing to do but to continue playing with his scalp.

"Can you shield my vision?"

"No, remember to pray."

When the system is finished, I hang up and I am busy with other things.

Chen was in the corner of the cage and suddenly heard an old sigh. The sigh was very close, just in his ear. He closed his small eyes and couldn’t look at it.

The old man stood in front of the cage. "Why are you so unpleasant? You looked annoyed when you were alive, and you died."

Chen and silently read, "I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear."

The old lady on the side feeds the little gray bird, and she wants to lie on the inside of the house. When she walks, she says, "Old man, you look at the little gray, don't let other birds come and lick it."

When I went outside the house, the old lady seemed to think of something. "Hey, I have been living for a few years..."

The old man walked back in the hall with his hands on his back, and sat back on the mahogany chair to continue eating the dumplings.

Chen maintained his awkward posture and became a stone bird.

When the rain stopped, the sun came out, and the old lady hanged the bird cage, letting the little gray bird breathe fresh air and bask in the sun.

Chen is crying at the sun, hoping not to meet the uncle again, really.

The sun was gradually slanting and the bird cage was taken back into the house.

Chen’s prayer was not valid. He was ready to lie down. The accident was that there was no grandfather this time. Only the portrait was swayed by incense and was very gloomy.

Is it only seen at some time? When did the uncle die?

It should be, Chen is relieved, that's good.

I don't know if it is because there is yin in the bird cage, or if the hall has yin, after half a month, the little gray bird is sick, the spirit is very bad, the food is less, and the drink is less.

The old lady looked at the birds. She was sullen and sick. She was sick. She said that there was no endless nonsense. What was old and old? I didn’t even have a tea to send water. What are you doing, go with you? Even Chen listened to the horrible content.

The Mawei girl came over and brought a black cat to the old lady.

When the black cat entered the compound, he began to call, and the scream was particularly harsh. Hearing in the human ear, the scalp was numb.

The pony tail was originally holding a black cat. It was particularly smooth at home. I don’t know what happened. The black cat saw the bird cage, not only called more powerful, but also wanted to rush to catch a few.

In the eyes of other people, the black cat wants to eat a small gray bird. Only Chen knows that it is what it feels.

Doesn't it all mean that black cats can see things that people can't see?

The birds on the tree are very sympathetic to the little gray bird. It’s so bad, it’s so bad, it’s going to be a black cat’s lunch.

The little gray bird left sad tears and was dying.

The ponytail girl forcibly took the black cat and took it away. When the black cat left, it was not called.

This strange phenomenon did not attract the attention of the Mawei family. Instead, it even thought that the black cat wanted to eat a small gray bird and was hungry.

The ponytail girl went to find the cockroach and said that the little gray bird might be homesick. It is better to let it go home. "Hey, there will be Xiaohe with you in the future. It is very embarrassing, and it will catch mice, it is very powerful."

The old lady looked at the cat and nodded when she thought about it. "Let's let it go."

The ponytail girl ran to the bird cage, pulled the small door open, and reached in and touched the little gray bird. "Little ash, you promised to let you go home, go, find your family."

When the little gray bird looked at the bird's door, it suddenly resurrected with blood, flew out of the cage, flew into the blue sky, flew out of the compound, and left.

Chen Po is still in the nest.

The ponytail girl touched the bird cage. "Buy you, maybe you can go to the black with the burial."

Chen’s eyes stunned, don’t be sister, you are all in college, don’t be so superstitious, he’s frightened to be taken by a ponytail girl to a place in the yard, and the other is looking for something to dig a pit.

The voice of the hostess came from the house, calling the girl at the ponytail to eat.

The ponytail girl put down the bird cage, and she said to herself, "Let's put it here first. After dinner, see if there is any other place to bury."

Chen’s bird’s back is wet.

Not long after, there was a passing road, and I saw the bird cage on the ground. If I didn’t say anything, I would give it to the snakeskin bag, grab the bag, and leave with my hands and feet.

Chen was dizzy in the bag. I didn't know how long it took. Finally, I didn't shake it. The mouth of the bag was opened. The bright light came in. He couldn't get enough time to get it. He was picked up by several cans.


I smashed the trash can along the road and looked at it on the ground. When I got home, the bag was full. She was very happy. The harvest today is really good, but she didn’t know that a dead bird was brought back. Spitting foam.

Chen’s miserable mouth and ostrich feathers, yes, yes, this is also the instinct of being a bird.

The tattered dragged the big bag back to the basement, sorted out the garbage, and first loaded the valuable garbage to the garbage collection station not far away.

The people there don't want bird cages. "This stuff doesn't stop."

The tattered saying, "Well, it’s iron too, how can you not accept it?"

"If you don't accept it, you won't receive it. Where do you come to talk so much nonsense? If it can be collected, will I still lie to you?"

If you don’t have a penny to see the bird cage, you will not be happy to throw the bird cage to the front.

"Really, the day is coming back!"

The birdcage slammed into a small road and fell into the grass.

Chen fainted for a while before he was awake.

He asked the system, "Is not dead? Why can I still feel pain?"

The system said, "Don't ask me, ask your man."

Chen rolled his eyes and asked what you have to do. When you ask two, I don’t know, and one is to pray.

Someone passed, no one would be interested in the empty bird cage in the grass, taking home and occupying the place.

Summer is the most moody season in the four seasons.

It’s sunny, it’s raining.

Chen was exposed to the sun in the cage, and was thundered by the thunderstorms.

After a few days, a stray dog ​​passed by and stopped in front of the bird cage.

Chen another, finish, brother, you have to go see the king, I wish you a good trip ahead of time.

The stray dog ​​rushed to the fiercely squatting cage, and Chen scared back and shrank. Where did the dog's mouth move? He also moved.

After a few minutes of thrilling, the stray dog ​​did not eat the **** bird, and the angry bark.

Chen’s bird’s hair has fallen a lot, and there is a stray dog’s saliva on the tail. What’s really special is the day|||||The dog is dead, he can still be touched.

It’s unreasonable to die all the time.

The sudden brakes suddenly came out, and Chen’s eyes shook a dog’s shadow.

The stray dog ​​just stood by the tree, the tree was hit by a car, and the stray dog ​​was no exception.

Chen saw the people in the car coming down and found himself hitting the dog. He just broke a bite on the ground and turned the car around.

People have their own lives.

Who can live for a long time, and when it is alive, it is fixed.

Chen looked at the stray dog ​​and fell to the ground to twitch, blood flow a lot, he sighed, brother, although you almost ate me, I still have to say to you, "Go."

In the afternoon, there was a man passing by.

The man was wearing white and black trousers, and he had short hair. He was beautiful, his body was long, and his chest was a leg.

Chen is now looking at the legs and knowing people. The legs are so long, he is excited to flap his wings and make a cry. Is it you? Yes, right?

The man’s footsteps stopped, only a faint sweep of the bird cage, and did not make other moves.

Can't see me? Chen suddenly became a balloon that was punctured.

It turned out not.

So long legs, why not?

Chen’s body was empty, and he subconsciously shouted, and only a string of “big and big” was issued in the blind.

The man walked forward with the bird cage, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and he picked it up with his other hand.

"Well, it’s not going tonight, there is no time in the evening, it’s not good, then that’s it.”

Chen looked up at the bird's head, his eyes glimpsed and found a screen on the top of the man's head. Chang Qin, 27 years old, the owner of the Changxiangsi restaurant chain...

Didn’t look down, Chen kept taking his claws to shoot the cage. Director, look at me, lying down, saying that I loved me for 10,000 years?

I just turned into a dead bird, you don't recognize me? !

Chang Qin put the bird cage on the trash can and opened the bird door. "Come out."

You can see me.

Chen was still dull and his eyes were wet.

Chang Qin frowned, he reached into the cage and dialed the bird's hair of the **** bird. "You are not in a daze? The door is open, what are you still doing inside, closed for a long time, don't know how to fly?" ”

Chen is still staying.

Chang Qin said, "You'd better fly away quickly, or you will be caught back to stew."

Chen saw that the man was leaving. He wanted to catch up. When he reacted, he had already come out.

It feels like a dream.

Chen looked around and there was no limit to the cage. It really came out.

He stepped on the man's head, and the bird's paw bent, screaming like a black hat. "Director, I can find you."

"Do you know that people who see me will die, dogs are the same, and now my mood is very complicated, I am afraid that you will have an accident."

"This world has just begun. You said that you have a big gold man, so you certainly won't have anything, right?"

The weight of the top of the head is not light, and Chang Qin’s face is dark. "You give me down."

Chen is not.

He is a **** bird. It is normal to understand people's words. If you understand it, you will see ghosts.

Chang Qin stretched his chin, raised his arm directly, grabbed the bird's neck of Chen's dead bird, and pulled it to the side.

Chen was torn apart, and he didn’t dare to go and squat, only flying around the man.

"Awkward, wait for the kiss, see how I marry you."

Chang Qin said as he walked, "What are you doing with me?"

Chen Youzhen, I don't want to talk to you now.

They all say that the eyes are the windowsill of the soul, and they can see each other's soul from one's eyes.

What about you? What do you see from my eyes?

You didn't see your fart.

Director, my first impression of the world is very poor, out of 200, you only have a single digit score.

Chang Qin put his hand in his pocket and stared at the **** bird. "I still see the bird like you for the first time. I don't know what kind of variety you are."

Chen and hehe, said to scare you.

Chang Qin crossed the road and a car ran across. He was quick and evasive.

The driver panicked and stopped, sighed and apologized and asked if there was any injury.

Chang Qin’s face was gloomy and he left without saying a word.

The driver’s mistakes were in the same place. In this year, the porcelain that touched the porcelain touched a kingdom. Even the white porcelain was touched, and he did not look at it.

"It's a weird..."

Chen stopped in the air for a few minutes before flying to chase the man.

Have escaped, is it not necessary to die?

He hopes yes.

Chang Qin came to the door of the house, and as soon as the door opened, a dark thing flew over his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Chen died in this way.

Chang Qin opened the door and yelled at the black bird in the living room. "Go out."

Chen shook his head again. We are going to live together. I am determined not to leave.

Chang Qin saw that the black bird was shaking his head. His eyes flashed strangely. Perhaps this bird was raised by the former owner for a long time.

"I don't raise birds."

Chen Youxin said, I know that I know that you have raised a big one, but I am not a bird. If you look at it a little more, you will find that I am your wife and believe me.

Chang Qin sees the black bird, and the blue veins of his forehead are all coming out. "Don't you go out?"

Chen and the chicken nodded.

Chang Qin was surprised again. "Can you understand what I mean?"

Chen continued the chicken glutinous rice. In order to show his side different from other birds, he stood on the ground, separated on one foot and turned a circle.

The next action is that the two birds hold the ground and Chen stands upside down.

Chang Qin’s expression is weird.

This black bird will be quite a lot, will not be pleased with him?

Chen put the bird down and took a breather to pick up the slippers with a long, slender bird's mouth and throw it at the man's feet.

A bird like me, if you don't want to stay, then you can't do it.

Chang Qin frowned, "Do you want to stay?"

Chen also licked his trouser legs.

It’s time to test us. If people and birds can fall in love, what else can stop us?

Chang Qin bent down his back, his hands on his knees, his eyes fixed on the black birds.

Chen looked up and looked at the man.

See no, this black bird is me, your wife.

Chang Qin's face pumping, this bird has a cross-eyed eye, probably because it was discarded by the owner.

At this moment, Chang Qin remembered a person. If he was there, he would keep the black bird. He is so kind.

Half-sounding, Chang Qin said, "You should go to the balcony first, and you are not allowed to fly."

Chen was desperate for a second and cheered up.

Nothing is ok, this progress has been great, he found the script, the script is the mission goal, the edict saw him, but he did not die.

Chen took a picture of one, two, and three, and made a note in his mind, and suddenly he was in a good mood.

Chang Qin twisted his eyebrows, "Don't go to the balcony?"

Chen and another, flew to the balcony and went.

Chang Qin sat on the living room sofa and watched TV. He was playing a replay of a singing program. He seemed to have nothing to watch and was distracted.

Chen listened to the song on TV, his favorite "nunchaku". He happily raised a paw, and changed another one, and followed the rhythm to circle.

The players on the TV sang passionately. "Quickly use nunchakus, hip-hop!"

Chen also sang, and the one that came out was "big and big!"

The living room sounded annoyed, "What is it?"

Chen grievances flew over the potted plants, shrinking his head and drawing circles.

At six o'clock, Chang Qin opened the refrigerator and took the eggs to the kitchen. He made a bowl of noodles. He sighed. "Wife, when did you appear, I miss you."

Chen of the balcony heard it again. He grabbed the glass door that was pulled halfway. I am there, has it appeared, it is your eyes, wrong, blind!

Chang Qin sneered. "If you grab the glass again, you will lick your claws."

Chen whimpered, OK, wait!