MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 175 The real world (14)

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Li Yan spoke to the doctor in the study room. He talked about Chen Weidong’s recovery treatment. He heard Chen’s panicked shouting. He missed the tea on the table and couldn’t even get the wet documents. Get up and take a big step out.

The doctor stunned and never saw this person panicked.

In this way, he has to do his best. The patient is the other person's old man, and the relationship is complicated.

Strictly and quickly walked to the room, seeing the teenager sitting in front of the computer, there was no trace of scar on his body. His madness was fading away, and there were a few words in his throat. "What?"

Chen turned his head and looked at the strictness. Then he looked at the computer and looked awkward. "You, you, you see what it is."

Strictly leaned over and leaned closer, his eyes swept toward the open text, his glimmer of light flashed, and something came out there, in a fleeting moment, and made a comeback.

The atmosphere in front of the computer is weird, except for the two breathing sounds, only the slight fluctuation of the mouse wheel rolling.

Chen kept swallowing his mouth, his two hands unconsciously rubbing on his trousers||蹭, inexplicably hit a cold war.

It’s so funny, lying, I’m dying?

Also bound to a 444 system, do tasks in multiple task worlds, and finally return to the real world? Isn't that the common setting for wearing novels? It’s all the way to flip a book out of any website.

So, I will not just be fascinated by which novels to wear, can not control, and I also wrote an article in the computer to satisfy myself?


Chen made a cold war for the second time. He felt a chill crawling up from his ankles. He instantly ran through the whole body and drilled into the bone marrow. He pinched the ring on the ring finger and slammed it out. The sterling silver had a word on the inside of the ring. , cq, is the last task world, the first letter of the name of the protagonist Chang Qin.

There is also a word on the inside of the ring that is worn on the hand. It is cy, his name, and all the written in the text, there is no slight error.

I don't know how long it took, the text has been pulled to the end.

Chen also squatted at the bottom of the signature, June 13, 2017, Chen, his breathing stopped, and jumped in a moment between the moment, his memory in the first half of last year, often playing games, sometimes in a row day.

He didn't have any impressions on the characters that appeared in the text, but the person who did the task was a lot of content that was his own life.

The big hand on the mouse left, and it was finished.

What Chen suddenly thought of, he quickly flipped the mouse up and stopped in the fourth world, looking at a word and a word, mom||Forcing, really similar to the "Fifth World" script, is to put Xuemei changed to a younger brother, and Gu Sheng changed to Gu Yu.

That is to say, the identity of the writer is a problem, who is it? Is the system 444 in the text? What does it want to do?

If you have already completed the mission, why bother to hold it?

It is the protagonist of the mission world, and it is also a virus that can make the data all embarrassing, it wants to kill it.

Chen was suddenly dragged into this whirlpool, and the brain was not dominated. When he realized this, he took a sigh of coolness. This text is poisonous and can be fascinated.

Deleted it, deleted it, and did not read it.

Chen retired from the text, clicked on it, chose to delete it, but he couldn’t press it. "Strictly, you said, what is going on?"

Silently silent.

"I do have lost memory."

Chen’s fingertips trembled. He grabbed his hair and licked his dry mouth. “I don’t know when the ring was bought, why buy it, why the size of the two rings is just right for you and me.”

"I have depression, and I don't always feel that I have this disease. My life is very good. I am happy every day. I really can't think of it. What is so depressed? But I often get insane. There is a blurry picture in my head, and I will also make strange words."

"This is written on it. Everything is written very clearly. I will be like this. When I am doing the task for the third time, the soul is pumping||It takes too long from the body, causing a certain degree of trauma to the spirit and also affecting it. Memory."

Chen shook his face with his hands, squatted a few times, gave up the struggling squatting on the chair, and looked at the ceiling with his eyes. He said to Li, he also told himself, "Everything that bothered me during this time." I can find a relative explanation, so I really died, and now I am alive, it is an opportunity to get the task, and I will be born again."

"The virus, is it you?"

Li Yan is still silent.

Chen was about to open again, his arm was caught, and the force pulled him away from the chair and pushed out the door. The door was closed behind him, followed by the anti-locking sound.


Chen stabilized his body and yelled at the door. "Strictly, what are you doing? Open the door."

There is no movement in the door.

Chen shouted several times, and it was a result. He wiped his face, meaningless, and the medicine was strictly controlled. He didn't know where to put it. He wanted to take some medicine and calm down.

The voice of the housekeeper came, and Chen listened to what he said, and ran to the south-facing room on the first floor. "Dad, what are you doing?"

Chen Weidong held the table corner and "go back."

Chen’s face changed. “Where are you going, is it not good to live here?”

"Going out is the garden. No one is sitting with you in a chair. You won't see spitting, littering people. If you want to dance, you can jump in the garden. You don't care if the volume of the recorder will be noisy. I can dance to the fullest, I am not busy, I can dance with you, isn’t it? Dad?”

Chen Weidong's style is not very good, but his attitude is obvious, and the emotions between words are also very clear. "The place of others is no better, and there is no comfort in their own home."

Chen looked at the butler and left. He sighed. He just found a big secret. He didn’t slow down. He suddenly shut himself in the room. He didn’t know what to do. Dad is stubborn and wants to go home.

One thing is a stack of things, I don't know when it is a head.

Chen Youyi’s child’s tone said, “Liefu Xiaojin has been taken over. I have brought you all the clothes for you. There are some furniture at home, Dad, you are going back, it’s not easy to get it, right here. Live, let me stay with you."

Wen Yan, Chen Weidong bowed to his son, "You are used to playing first and foremost, right? Are you still looking at your dad?"

Chen grievances, "Yes, why not, I not only put you in my eyes, but also in my heart."

Chen Weidong snorted. "Then play your dad as a monkey."

Chen laughed again. "I don't want to tell you. I don't know how to open that mouth. Dad, you sit down and give me the bag. Let's talk for a while."

Chen Weidong grabbed a bag and stuffed his two scorpions and watered the tank. "You either go home with me, put the family rules on twice, swear that you will never go back and forth, and you will recognize it in front of your mother." Wrong, promised to start again, or just stay here, when your little Mr. Chen, Mrs. Broad, don't go back."

The words of Mrs. Broad made Chen face twitching. He was angry and grabbed his bag.

Chen Weidong’s body is not good, but his strength is not great, but he has to take out the majesty of a father.

Chen shouted, "Not loose!"

Chen Weidong is also angry. "You rushed to your father, and you have a long way to go. You can’t be without the sky, who made it?"

Chen is still floating in the pot, "strict."

He grinned. "I can be lawless in him."

Chen Weidong was stuck in the eyes of the blind man. The more his son was close to the man, the more he panicked and felt that his son was getting farther and farther away from himself.

Seeing that Dad didn't talk, Chen thought that there was a play, and he quickly said, "Dad, I have a strong career, never spend outside, I am very good to me, I don't lose my temper, I have never said a word, he is not only a Male, can't give us a big fat grandson, Chen Jiasheng, there are no shortcomings in other aspects."

Chen Weidong said, "If he is a woman, it doesn't matter if it is the same."

Yes, I have returned to the issue of gender. Now even people || demon can have the right to pursue true love, how can men not do it? Chen said yes, "Dad, what you mean is that your daughter-in-law is only a woman, even if it is nothing, go out to play all day, mess with other people outside, yell at your son, slap at home, even Do not respect you, can you?"

Chen Weidong stunned and said it for a long time. "You are already confused. I don't want to talk to you. You give me the bag. I will go back. When do you want to be clear, come back to see me."

Chen didn't give it, Dad went back, and wanted to get it again, unless he was stunned, he couldn't compromise. "It's raining outside."

Chen Weidong said, "Is there a car?"

Chen added, "The car broke down."

Chen Weidong said, "I am taking a taxi."

Chen said, "Yes, but the nearest road is a long way from here. I usually have to run for ten minutes, not for about half an hour. Dad, with your current physical condition, half of it can't go."

Chen Weidong, "..."

He sighed and sighed in his words. "And again, even if you tie your dad here, Dad won't agree with you. You are still young, don't know what is affection, and cheated by his rhetoric. After a few years, you will understand that you are only being seen by the eyes of you. If you want to stun your mind, you will regret it."

Chen sneaked his eyes and whispered a ghost. He did not say it to him once, "I will wait until I regret it."

Chen Weidong said, "It’s too late!"

Chen added, "If you have time, Dad, as long as you live well, you are not sick and have nothing to do."

Chen Weidong frowned, for a moment and a half will ponder the deep meaning of his son's sentence.

Chen suddenly said, "There is something, I haven't told you yet."

While observing his father's expression, he said, "The last time you fainted, when I sent you to the hospital with strictness, I was photographed and put it on the Internet. Although it was quickly removed, it was still passed. Going out, you also know that there are more people on the Internet who are okay, and they are all capable people.

"My information was dug up. Hu Wei told me the decision of the company. At that time, there was no way. I agreed to hold a press conference to explain the photos and acknowledge that I was dealing with Li Yan."

Chen Weidong's shortness of breath, dizziness, people began to shake.

Chen reached out and helped, and was waved away.

Chen Weidong gasped and his face was blue. "Okay, very good. You have read a few years of college books in your dog's stomach. Then, when the press conference goes out, no one knows the relatives. The face of the old Chen family is You lost your light, you are my good son, I can't find it so good with a lantern."

He said with a smile, "I don't want to hold this breath when I see it. Go to the ground and see your grandparents. Anyway, I have no face to live in this world."

Chen’s heart is not a taste, but also very sad. “Dad, sorry.”

Chen Weidong sneered, "Don't, your dad can't afford it."

Suddenly a thump in his ear, Chen Weidong did not turn around, he pressed the bedside table, his fingers trembled.

Chen is on the ground. "At that time, you didn't wake up. The situation was forced. I can only do that. Dad, you can't take it seriously and treat him as a son, so you won't be so unacceptable."

Chen Weidong threw the bag to the back. "You don't need to think about it for me. Now you give me out."

Chen was scared, and the conditioned reflexes escaped. He looked at the baggage at his feet and couldn’t help but reveal that he was crying and crying. This is the instinct of human beings. Hard to live on the glass that the father came over.

Unfortunately, Dad does not eat bitterness.

Chen went to the bedroom and the door was still closed. He looked for the housekeeper and asked if there was any way to get the door open.

The butler said that there is a way, but it must be the instructions of the gentleman.

Chen and the housekeeper stalemate for a moment, and they stepped back, rushed to the door and raised a leg, vigorously slammed up, the door did not move.

The housekeeper quietly watched the teenager smashed a dozen times.

Chen was tired and became a dead dog, holding the wall and gasping, "...fuck!"

His face changed dramatically. "I made such a big move. There is no sound in the fierceness inside. Do you not feel very wrong with the housekeeper? Ah?!"

At this time, the butler obviously also noticed that he quickly went downstairs and Chen followed.

Down to the bottom of the building, the butler flipped the balcony by hand, one floor, two floors, three floors, and Chen, standing in the same position on his neck, was stunned.

Say a good photographer? This he||mother|| is the gecko.

Chen ran up and slammed the door, and the housekeeper opened the door. He went in and saw that the computer was black, and he slammed at the table and lost consciousness.

The doctor came quickly and couldn't find anything.

Chen Youzhen was at the bedside, and his heart was turbulent. Isn’t this the same as the situation at the time of the dance? There was no problem in all aspects of the body, but I couldn’t wake up. After a few days, I died in the hospital inexplicably.

He smoked himself, mother, what a few thoughts, how can it be the same as the dance.

The butler saw the palm print on the boy's face, and the brow was screwed.

Chen moved to a chair and sat, "housekeeper, bring me the door, and ah, no one on my computer."

The housekeeper responded.

I didn't wake up on the day, the same the next day.

The doctor said that the strict physical function is very good. Besides this, I also said that something came out.

Severe coma, Chen did not think so panic, it seems that this situation is not the first experience, do not know when to accumulate experience, he feels that his state is very good, sometimes can sing two songs, but do not know Others are worried about him.

The housekeeper went to Chen Weidong. "Mr. Chen’s condition is very serious. He usually gave him medicines and gave him food on time. Now that Mr. is lethargic, he has not eaten a single medicine from yesterday afternoon to the present."

Chen Weidong’s face is ugly. “Why should I take my son’s medicine?”

"The medicine is not carried on the patient. This is a dangerous behavior. He won't know?"

"It's not taken away." The butler corrected. "It was Mr. Chen who did not take the drugs according to the dose before, and Mr. Intervention came in."

The anger on Chen Weidong’s face is stiff. “What are you talking about?”

The housekeeper said, "Mr. Chen is very easy to get out of control during this time. Once there is such a situation, he will take medicine and use a lot of medicine to try to calm himself down. The efficacy will disappear and he will fall into endless self-blame. To make a self-mutilation move."

Chen Weidong slammed it up and said with a sullen face, "Why do I believe in you?"

The housekeeper said for a few seconds, "This is what Mr. talks with the doctor."

Chen Weidong looked at the past and questioned the tone and said, "A housekeeper, eavesdropping on the owner's conversation?"

The housekeeper does not change color. "I personally think that this behavior is contrary to professional ethics, and will show it to the gentleman later."

Chen Weidong stared at the housekeeper, not like a mess, he did not say anything.

When the purpose of the housekeeper is reached, it will not be said more.

After a while, Chen was called in the past, and this day and night, his whole person's state changed, and both sides had abnormal red on the face||swollen, and there was a bruise in the corner of his mouth.

When Chen Weidong didn't say a word, he raised his hand and slapped his son.

Chen was fanned again.

Chen Weidong grabbed the sheet and his body was ups and downs. "When your mother left, I must take care of you. I have been giving you good things all these years. I have managed to raise you so much. I have not died yet. You Start to spoil yourself?"

Chen Youxin said that he didn't have it. He is narcissistic. How can he get rid of his own things? It is absolutely impossible. "Dad, are you listening to nonsense?"

Chen Weidong asked, "What is your face?"

Chen’s mouth was pumping, “Allergies.”

Taking advantage of his son, Chen Weidong suddenly felt that he could not help himself. He was old, and he sighed. "And again, I see that you are mad at me."

Chen also sighed and said how it would be. He said that Dad, don’t think too much, "I am waiting for it. If nothing happens, I will go and watch it. If he wakes up, he will see me for the first time."

Half a ring, Chen Weidong called his son, "sleep with me at night."

Chen, er, ah, he said, he quickly left, mom||Forcing, it must be what the steward said in front of Dad, he did not wake up, he could not find medicine, and did not do something to restrain himself. Will crash.

Back in the bedroom, Chen put the computer on the table and turned it on. He clicked into the f drive, the text was gone, and the recycle bin did not.

Is it severely deleted?

Chen is still in a daze at the computer, and so on, let him sort out the order, assuming that the content in the text is true, then, he is smashing through the game, encountering the system 444, going to the mission world to get close to the target, and later discovering the target. Is the same person, the system gives him a key to clear the data memory, then he retrieves the memory, with the target, from the system to determine the target is a virus, system antivirus, the target disappears.

His mission is completed, with a ring back to the real world, another system tells that the virus has not been completely destroyed, km in this world, 444 will complete the destruction work, and he affects memory because of insanity, and soon after seeing it, Familiar with familiarity, the tacit understanding outside the room is full, the size of the ring is also very suitable, the other party may be the virus target to escape.

Strictly stunned for some unknown reason, perhaps the content of the text stimulated him, this situation appeared.

Is that the case?

Chen held his chin again, and now he has all recovered his memory. He told the doctor that he can find it.

He said, when I first saw Li Yan, how could I blurt out whether we had seen it or not, and we were full of tears.


Going around, still together.


Unconsciously reading these three figures, Chen suddenly turned his head. "Who? Who is here?"

He immediately opened the curtains, opened the closet, the bathroom, and found the place where he could hide. He did not find anyone, and there was no one.

"Strictly, I have hallucinations, and I think I have more people in the room."

Chen sat on the edge of the bed again, slid open the quilt and put his hand on the man's waist. His head rested on his shoulder and said everything he had assumed. "You are almost OK. If you have questions, tell me. Let's study together, remember together, don't think about it if you don't understand it."

"I am going to sleep with my dad at night. He must let me take the family rules and give me an ideological education class. I don't have much peace of mind. My position is absolutely firm, and I will swear to defend the foundation||佬's identity is unwavering."

Chen took a sip on the man's face. "I should like you more than I thought."

So brother, don't play with me, I can play anything, but this can't be played, it really can't.

Chen did not eat any dinner, he has already said hello to the brain, ready to take the plunge, fight a battle here, dad, and wait until you are serious, you can see the show, I think you look great, I didn’t expect dad to do anything. Did not say, let him sleep.

In the night, Chen Weidong heard the sound next to him. He was shocked to touch the remote control and turned on the light. He saw the pain on his son's face. He was depressed, struggling, and desperate.

"And again, you wake up."

Chen opened his eyes and asked awkwardly, "Dad, what are you doing for me?"

Chen Weidong’s heart was blocked and boring, and his son’s problem was more serious than the housekeeper said. “Nothing, sleep.”

Chen snorted and continued to sleep after playing two yawns.

Shortly after he slept, there was a situation in the previous moment, which seemed to be a dream.

Chen Weidong did not sleep for a night.

The day is not yet bright, Chen and even the slippers did not wear and ran to the bedroom, he was on the road to make up, he pushed the door into it, saw that he was wearing clothes, or just woke up, said to him with a lazy voice. , come to bed.

As a result, Chen made another push, and the strictness was on the bed, but the eyes were nothing.

A huge loss descended from the sky, lingering over Chen’s head, he was stunned and stunned, and he still had some vomiting. He didn’t know if he was getting out of bed too quickly and ran very fast.

In the morning, the dull atmosphere enveloped the big house.

The state of Laifu is very abnormal. He is very embarrassed. He has been calling today, and he is still very loud. He is more anxious than Chen.

The housekeeper came to Chen and said that he would not let them come close, and asked if he would call Dr. Lin and let him come over to see if he was sick.

Chen was bothered, sitting down in front of the bed and going downstairs. When he passed, he would not call for the blessing, but he still recognized the Lord.

"Your father is not obedient, you are too."

The little yellow dog licked Chen’s trouser legs, and the tail swayed from side to side. Wang Wang made a few sounds and had something to say, but he didn’t know what it meant.

Chen bent down and touched the dog's head. If you forget it, go out, maybe you will wake up when you come back. He asked the butler to hug the snake, and the brothers went out for a walk together.

Upstairs, Chen Weidong is relieved and can go out and distract himself.

Chen did not go far, went to the nearby lake, there is a large piece of green grass, the blessing is chasing a butterfly and running, the snake crawling in the grass, they like outdoor, the air is good, the vision is good, play There are also many things.

Looking for a stone, Chen did not get dirty, but he sat up with his elbows on his elbows and his eyes on the blue sky and white clouds. "It's a good weather..."

The wind is also very big, it is very suitable for flying kites. If you don't sleep well, they can come here to play.

When the footsteps approached, Chen never noticed that the cry of the blessing had already sounded. He looked for the sound and saw one person. The man, the figure was long, the face was very deep, and he did not know which country’s blood was mixed. Anyway, very handsome, against the sky, there is a pair of light gray eyes.

light grey……

Chen’s eyes were wide, and he remembered that the nerve disease that came out when he bought the spicy strip was the eye of this color.

Is the same person? Not so smart?

There is a lot of space nearby, no houses, no vehicles, and where did this person come out?

Chen is holding a blessing and a small gold, and he is alert.

The man walked to the lake and picked up a small stone on the ground. His upper body shifted to the right, the wrist moved gently, the stone left his fingertips, and he slipped through an arc in the air and fell into the lake. , pulled out three water floats.

This action is quite beautiful.

Chen was eager to try and wanted to compare it, but he resisted it and the person who came was not good.

He also suspected that it was the same one, and he saw the man turning his head and making the same face as the last time.

Chen is inhaling, lying, really you!

The man took out the handkerchief and wiped his hand. He rubbed it carefully, to what extent, one by one, little by little, the so-called metamorphosis.

Chen really didn't want to see a neuropathy and wiped his hands, so he put Xiaojin in his pocket and left with a blessing.

There was a voice behind it, "Intelligence."

Chen brushed back and said, "Who do you say ||Mama||?"

The man frowned and closed his mouth, as if the two words were not sent from his mouth. The gesture was interpreted as "Who is mentally retarded, I will say who."

It’s a great thing to look at the trough, the eyes are light gray, and Chen has thrown the little yellow dog on the ground. “Let’s bless, go bite him!”

The little yellow dog took Chen's two claws and grabbed Chen. The position where the man stood was barking. He didn't dare to go up. He could only do this. He really tried his best.

Chen Zai, " are a stock."

He took the snake out of his pocket and put it on the grass. "Xiaojin, you go."

The snake crawled on the grass, climbed over a small stone, and turned over a dry branch. Chen saw it still crawling. Come back, brother, afraid of your small body, climbed hard and hard. At the foot of the neuropathy, the other person lifts his foot and directly steps you into a specimen.

Chen thought about going back to see the strict, not to talk nonsense with this stranger, and took the blessing Xiaojin away.

The man finally stopped wiping. He squeezed his hand like a white jade and said to himself, "This time I will not succeed, my bonus will be lost and I will be demoted."

"It's okay to drop the job. I can spend some time on performance and then go back."

The man sighed, "No bonus for me, life is better than death."

Chen made another sneeze. In the summer, he still snored. He speeded up his steps. If he didn't pay attention, he was stumbled by his feet. He saw that he had to eat the soil. He stretched a hand behind him and took him. .

This is a ten-mile round. In addition to him, he is suffering from neuropathy. It is better to eat soil.

The man seems to be able to read Chen's thoughts. His hands are loose. Chen falls to the ground, his face is facing down, his mouth and teeth are all in the dirt, and some grass is mixed.

Maintaining the dog's crawling posture for a long time, Chen smirked and climbed up from the ground, licking a few times, Mom, when it came to this neuropathy, there would be no good things.

He wonders, isn't the other person wiping his hands at the lake? How did you suddenly come behind him?

Chen looked back. The legs of neuropathy are very long, but they are not so long. I don’t know how to do it. Is it the embodiment of the grass fairy?

The little yellow dog jumped from Chen and his arms in a critical juncture, and the two brothers were unscathed.

Chen has to go, the man walks up to him, and he wants to stop and say, "In the next surname."

Secretary? Chen also inexplicably remembered the homonym of this surname. 4, OK, I know, just like this, goodbye, no, no longer see, bye.

The man stood in the same place and did not catch up. "Have you listened to the song?"

Chen’s body shape seemed to realize that he was a neuropathy, and he even took the other’s words seriously. He listened to the song “The Fireworks last Winter” and went into the devil.

After two steps, Chen turned back. He looked down and he was gone.

"Laifu, Xiaojin, you help me see, is it a problem with my eyes?"

The little yellow dog and the little snake were knocked down by Chen, aiming at the empty grass behind them. The former did not respond. The latter is also, it is not that his eyes are out of order, and people really disappear.

Chen was still wandering around, standing still at the lake for a while, for fear that the other person fell into the foot, obviously he thought more, he went back, fucked, and did not know what to say, did he listen to the song?

No, it is also a mental retardation.

Mentally retarded, Chen and Emei, a little impression, who is so mad at yourself? He suddenly stopped and did not move.

After a long time, Chen went crazy to the house and threw the blessing and Xiaojin to the housekeeper. He rushed upstairs and ran into the bedroom. "Strictly, I remembered it. Really, I really remembered it. I remember 444, he told me mentally retarded, and said that I am stupid, I still remember you, you said that I am a little liar, you wake up and stern!"

The people on the bed did not respond.

Chen is excited and incoherent. "Mom, I suspect that I saw the fourth child, Mom, he is uneasy here, I want to hurt you."

He held his hand firmly. "I won't leave you one step before you wake up."

After a long period of excitement, Chen’s blood in his body stopped and he calmed down. He began to assume for the second time that the light gray eyes were the fourth, and they were assigned to kill the virus, and they were in the stern brain.

What is the name of the song? Why is the other party not directly identifying him with him? limited?

It’s like a piece of cloth wrapped in candy. Now the cloth has broken a hole. The candy inside has begun to fall down. One or two, more and more, will soon fall out. Chen’s memory is in one. Little bit recovery.

There are limits to the mission world. Is this the real world, will it be there?

Still said that this is not...

Chen immediately terminated his brain hole, the impossible thing, he came back, it is true and true, it must be.

"Old four? Four brothers?"

Unexpectedly, there was no response. Chen was shouting casually. He squinted and resisted his impulses. The tasks were all completed. What do you do? What is important is not now? The past has passed and has become a memory.

Don't think about it, wait until you are awake and say it.

Chen adjusted his emotions and went to fetch water to shave his face and shave his beard. People fell asleep, and Hu’s long was very spiritual.

He took out the ruby ​​that was worn hard, wiped it with a towel, and did not read a spell, but plunged it over, put the ruby ​​into his mouth, and spit it out.

It’s probably worn for a long time, and the ruby ​​has a strong taste on it.

Chen squeezed the water from the towel, rubbed the chest and back, and changed the basin to continue. "I think you can lie a few more days, my dad may be able to loosen it."

He grinned. "But you can't lie too long, I can't stand it."

The fierce mobile phone was not answered. In the morning, Lin Fuxing came over and took a slap in the face. When the two men entered the door and asked the housekeeper, they realized that something went wrong.

“Why not send it to the hospital?”

The housekeeper said, "When the news spreads, the gentleman will be in danger."

Lin Fuxing licked his lips and sternly enemies. If the forces knew that he was lying in the hospital, he would definitely take the opportunity to join him. "What should I do now? Let him fall asleep like this?"

Hu, who has never spoken, said, "When I was a dancer, I fell asleep and fell asleep..."

He did not say down.

Lin Fuxing asked, "What about Chen? Is he okay?"

The butler said, "Not very good."

Hu is frowning, "Chen is taking medicine again?"

The butler shook his head. "There is no mess, but one has not eaten."

Hu Wei took the hand that was open to the eyebrows, and he was shocked. With Chen’s condition, did he take medicine to support it? He didn't talk to the housekeeper, and Lin Fuxing went upstairs. Before he reached the strict bedroom, he heard a huge noise, the sound of the chair falling to the ground.

The two exchanged their eyes and went to push the door together.

Chen stood still at the bedside, and the chair fell behind him. He seemed to be standing in horror. At this time, his eyes were empty, as if he had suffered an unbearable blow, and the whole person was stunned.

Lin Fuxing had a bad premonition. He quickly stepped forward and checked his strict body.

Hu Wei’s voice is tight, “What’s wrong?”

Lin Fuxing was stiff for a while, and it was determined several times before he made a sound. Rao was him, and he was a little shaken. "Li Ge’s heartbeat stopped."

After that, he fell silent and Hu was also.

There are four people in the bedroom of Nuo Da, but it is dead.

I don't know how long it took, Chen moved again. He pulled a part of the quilt up and pulled it up. It seems that he saw two people on the side. "How come you?"

Hu Wei and Lin Fuxing saw that the teenager did not show the color of grief, and did not panic, still laughing, their hearts were cold, and they did not dare to put out any emotions, all suppressed.

Chen Youzhen, "How did the chair fall?"

He lifted the chair, took a drink from the water on the bedside table, and went to the bathroom.

Listening to the sound of the water coming out of the bathroom, Hu’s panic was suppressed and the eyes were red. “Quick, go...”

Without saying anything, Lin Fuxing has already gone out to inform the housekeeper. Several doctors have come over very quickly. The result of the inspection is the same as that of Lin Fuxing, saying that the human life features have all disappeared.

Several doctors were worried and both were shaking.

They have witnessed many people escaping from their lives, and they have witnessed many people being taken away by death. But this time the object is special, and with a finger, their lives will be turned upside down.

The power of the sky is dead and dead.

Looking at the doctors, Chen’s expression was not good. “What is nonsense? It’s very strict. He told me that he will wake up soon.”

Everyone in the room took a breath.

Chen also drove everyone out, including Lin Fuxing and Hu Wei. He locked the doors and windows and pushed the table against him. No one would let in.

Lin Fuxing and Hu Wei went to find Chen Weidong.

After a short time, Chen Weidong was helped to appear at the door of the bedroom. "And again, Dad heard about it."

Chen in the bedroom is sitting in a chair and staring at the person on the bed. "You can't do a few doctors. If you don't have any real skills, you will say, rest assured, as long as I keep watching you, no matter the fourth." , or five or seven or seven, will not be able to take advantage of it."

Regardless of the voice outside, he repeated his own words and fell into a closed situation.

Outside the door, Lin Fuxing said, "Chen Shushu, Chen is so close to the door, it is very dangerous, he has depression."

How could Chen Weidong not know, he thought that there would be no serious problems with Li Yan, and he knew that he would die like this. His son was more than anyone else and he was the most sad one.

Hu Wei asked the butler to call a few more people, and they couldn’t hit the door.

Going closer, Chen Weidong shouted at the door. "And again, people can't resurrect. You don't want to be like this, let Mr. Hu and Mr. Lin say two words to Li Yan."

Chen is annoyed, and he is mad at him. "What do you say, who can't die? Who is dying? He is talking to me, Dad, go back and lie down, go back and see him with him!"

Chen Weidong’s body swayed and his son was crazy.