MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 182 Extra

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Diary (1)

My name is km, the owner's private property.

The owner wanted a special firewall, so he created me.

My work is cumbersome, complicated, and boring. I am dealing with a bunch of data all the time. At first, there are foreign enemies || Invading, attempting to destroy the owner's program network, stealing||taking personal information, the firewall will be before me. Issue a warning to the owner||

Later, the firewall did not have any vigilance, I have found uncertain data fluctuations, and chased, destroyed, and obtained energy.

The owner began to satisfy my existence and spent more and more time on me. He constantly improved my skills and even created a body for me.

On March 28th, at 1:42 pm, I had my own consciousness.

Today's weather is not good. It is a rainy day. The wind whizzes past the balcony. The plants that are placed are swaying a lot. It seems to be uprooted. The plants in the small pots are shaken a few times and fall down the floor.

At that moment, I grabbed the flower pot and looked at the youth on the sofa. He slept very well, and the dark gray blanket fell on the waist. I don’t know if the wind was unscrupulous on my body.||Touch, pro| | Kiss.

I put the flower pot back in place.

I can't do anything privately without the owner's instructions, so I know that the wind is coming in, the owner may catch a cold, can't close the window of the balcony, or hold the owner back to the room.

If you let him know that I am conscious, he may do a complete cleanup of my data, and then directly abolish me.

I stood at the vent, blocked the wind with my body, and saw the youth sleeping sideways, the nose flapping gently, and there was a temperature in my heart, which was strange, but not exclusive.

One day, I was careful to hide myself, not revealing flaws, fearing that the owner had some perception.

On March 29, the weather turned fine and there will be no rain in the next few days.

The owner continued to sleep, but moved from the sofa to the bathroom.

I stood outside the door for a long time, and finally reached for the door and found that there was no lock, and my heart showed the heat again.

After I entered the bathroom, I saw the owner leaning against the edge of the bathroom, with an arm arbitrarily placed. He closed his eyes and slept very deeply.

I kneel down, "Master?"

The youth's breathing is very light, the weight of the body is also, no one cares, how can it be very good.

I held my finger and still didn't hold back.

Like yesterday, I touched my master's pale face with my hand, and the fingertips crossed, warm and smooth, like a piece of silk dipped in warm water, people can't put it down, want to lie in his arms, according to himself Have.

The four words appeared in my consciousness, causing all my data to be disordered and returning to normal in an instant.

I looked at the owner's hand on the bathtub, held it, and put it in the palm of my hand.|挲, a little cold, fragile and slender, like a light force, it can be broken and crushed.

It is this person who created me, has a non-aggressive appearance, but the brain contains the wisdom that ordinary people can never surpass.

I was so proud that I stayed in the bathroom for a long time.

Fortunately, the owner has been asleep all the time, never waking up.

I have never seen a guest coming to the door to find the owner, even the neighbors have not seen it.

The owner has no family, no friends, no colleagues, no classmates. The working hours are very unstable, but they don't last long. When they go out of the studio, they are almost all sleeping.

It seems that sleeping is his hobby.

Sofas, floors, bedrooms, balconies, garden rocking chairs, grass, under the trees, these places are the choice of the owner. His longest record is two days and three nights of sleep, in the tent placed in the living room.

I cleaned upstairs and downstairs according to a set of procedures written by the owner before going to sleep. The bed in the bedroom was replaced with a new one, and the brown carpet on the ground was rolled off to the outside to clean the dust and dirt attached to it. And a little bit of hair.

The owner's hair is very little, his work time is not normal, the hair is very good, no matter the day or night, it gives off a black gloss.

I know that the owner's hair is very soft, and there is a touch of fragrance, because I touched it, smelled it, when the owner fell asleep.

The owner trusts me. Otherwise, he will check my program from time to time, and the protective net he has set up for his residence. It will be detected at that time. Every monitoring data in the house has a passive mark|| trace.

I did it.

In the eyes of the owner, I am no different from the intelligent little yellow dog and the big brother of the robot. They are all program-programmed. They rely on energy to operate. Without instructions, there is no physical movement.

April 5, 10 am.

I prepared the juice in the kitchen, and when I received the order from the owner, I immediately left my hand to go to the bedroom on the second floor.

The master squatted on the bed, his arms pressed under his face. He rubbed his head and said nothing, "The shoulders are sour, you give me a pinch."

I know that the owner loves to be clean and clean, so I took off my coat before going to bed.

The owner was very thin. I pinched his shoulder blade across the clothes and heard a fuzzy voice in his nose. This reminded me of the little yellow dog, which was always felt when I was touched by the owner.

I think the owner should feel comfortable.

After a while, I was kneeling on the bed and carefully pinching my shoulders.

I suddenly heard the owner ask me, for a few months.

I was at the time of the crash.

The owner thought that I had a big problem. I didn't feel sleep. I went to show it to me and adjust the data. Actually, I just didn't know how to respond.

A person is alive, but he does not know what year is it, what is embarrassing, and the day is like a day.

What the owner lacks is happiness.

I want to give it to him, but I don't.

If there is an opportunity to make the owner happy, I will do my best to make it happen.

On May 12th, a potted plant on the balcony blossomed, and there were several red flowers on the branch that protruded outward. It was very long.

That is the pot of plants that the owner has long been watching, so I have invested the most attention.

The master praised me.

I am very happy, and I am dead again.

In the afternoon, the master finished his work and came out of the studio. He just got a salary, went out to buy things, let me follow, and got a new set of clothes from the closet. It was different from the owner. Blue plaid shirt, trousers.

The owner said that it was bought according to my size. I watched him enter the instructions and did not stop it.

I walked around my master and thought I was human.

When the master came out, he wanted to go back. His face was expressionless, even cold, indifferent, and not interested in everything. It seems that the world is boring.

A little girl accidentally bumped into the owner, I stood up and did not receive instructions.

The owner stood up, his hair was very dark, his face was whiter, there was no emotion, like a sculpture, the little girl was crying scared.

I heard the owner say to the little girl, "You hit me, I didn't cry, what are you crying?"

The little girl cried even more.

The host called me a little girl, I quickly transferred a guide about child rearing, picked up the little girl, and made her happy by following the instructions on the guide.

The little girl soon didn't cry.

Not long after, her careless parents rushed to find me and thanked my host.

I don't like to marry a little girl, I want to marry the owner.

After the episode, the owner’s mood seemed to be a little ups and downs. He walked down the street and went door-to-door and bought a lot of things.

I walked behind, two hands full of bags, my eyes kept following the owner, where he stopped, where I stopped.

The owner went to the restaurant to eat. I stood at the table and opened the chair for him, waiting for the next order.

"You also sit down."

When I heard the instructions, I was sitting opposite the owner.

There are a lot of people in the restaurant who have cast their eyes on it, and they have been removed from the owner. There are men and women, and their eyes are not simple.

My heart has a strong wave of volatility and I want to dig up those people's eyes.

The waiter gave us the table wine, saying that it was the boss. I quickly found out the position of the man. It was a young man who met the standard of the owner.

The owner also found out that although it was just a glance, it was an exception.

My head hurts and the whole body can't move.

I don't know how long it took, the pain in my brain faded away, and I showed an excited smile. At that moment, my look must be crazy.

Because I have mastered an emotion of human beings, called monopoly.

A few days later, the Lord was ill, a cold. He didn't go to the doctor or take medicine. He stayed in the studio until late at night. After he finished his work, he called me and said that he was hungry and wanted to eat noodles.

I went to the kitchen and made a bowl of scallion noodles with the fastest speed.

The owner likes to eat the dishes I made, especially the scallion noodles. He can eat a lot every time, and will give me a compliment and praise for my ability.

I stood in the corner of the living room, watching the owner use chopsticks to pick up the noodles and put them in his mouth, watching him because of the hot air of the noodles, no longer pale lips, but also the satisfaction of his face when eating noodles.

When the owner was drinking soup, under the open neckline, the protruding throat was rolling up and down. I made the same swallowing work as him, but it was because of him.

At this moment, I know that I have mastered another kind of human emotion, called desire.

I want to eat the owner, the next second is more than this second.

When the owner fell asleep, I let go of the kiss||The master, from his black hair, to the slight brow, straight nose, no **** lips, white ears, slender neck...

I know that I can't leave traces on my master. But when I pressed his lips for the second time, I didn't restrain myself, pinching his chin and repeatedly grinding||

The owner did not wake up || Like, I held his back in one hand, let him lie in my arms in an absolutely dependent position, cover one inch of his own breath, and let go of one place.

"Master, I will guard you and die."