MTL - Quick Transmigration: Male Lead, You’re Overpowered?-Chapter 1101 Reunion

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Chapter 1101, a reunion

Star world.

Marshmallow moved a small bench, sitting on the ground, holding the chin and looking at the sky.

Occasionally I can hear what he is saying. At this time, there is always a star on the star curtain that is particularly dazzling.

That is the stars in the stars, afraid that he is bored, and find ways to make him happy.

Marshmallow is the son of the stars of the stars, that is the little prince of the stars.

His age is very small compared to the stars, and everyone likes him very much.

Today, it is a planet with a pink nebula that tells the story of cotton candy.

Marshmallow has heard many stories, but this pink planet always gives him some interesting stories that he has never heard before.

Of course, the final outcome of these stories, all without a surprise, is a big reunion.

This time is no exception. In the end, the brave little prince defeated the devil and lived happily with the family.

"Oh--" Marshmallow sighed for a long time.

He frowned like a little adult, sighing sadly: "When can I live happily with Auntie?"

"It's okay now." A voice with a smile rang behind him.

The little body of marshmallow was shocked.

He suddenly got up as if he had been charged, and looked back.

But two steps away.

A pair of tall and beautiful men and women stood there, smiling at him.

Marshmallows stared at it.

The huge surprise made him unable to do any extra moves in a flash, and he could only stand so stupidly.

His big eyes quickly spread a layer of water mist, but his mood was flying like never before.

A Zhao looked at the little guy's stupid look, and his heart was distressed and sour.

She crouched down, and the reddish eyes exposed her mind.

"Marshmallow, let the mother hug..."

Her words have not yet fallen, and the little squad seems to have finally reacted, like a small cannonball rushing into her arms.

A Zhao hugged the soft body of cotton candy and took a deep breath:

"Marshmallow, A Niang can miss you."

Marshmallow didn't talk, and a pair of small hands clasped Azhao's clothes tightly.

His nose was a bit red, and he was still pumping, and there was a large mist of water in his eyelids, but he never saw tears rolling down.

Hey, he is a man, can't cry.

"I also want to kiss my mother." He sucked his nose and said seriously.

A Zhao looked at him like this, and his heart was gone.

Chongli stood on one side and looked at the two warm scenes of the mother and the child.

His whole look was gentle.

The stars of the sky felt his mood, and even the light was dazzling.

Marshmallow just remembered that there was still aunt.

He ran out from A Zhao's arms and ran to Chongli.

He had a reddish nose and a little shyness between his looks, but he still shouted at him: "Auntie!"

Chong Li loved his little appearance, but his face was not revealed, even a look:

"Auntie? I thought, would you call me a big pig's hoof?"

cotton candy:"……"


Is Tucao actually known?

He was a little overwhelmed and looked at Azhao, hoping to get teammates to save.

However, the spicy chicken teammate Azhao only looked at the smile, and did not get the help of his son.

With the death gaze of his relatives, the marshmallow cried and recognized the mistake, with a variety of spoiled and sold, and finally got "forgiveness."

The starry sky has not been so lively for thousands of years.

Marshmallow was held in her arms by her mother and looked back at the pink star.

He thanked her in his heart.

Thank you for your story.

I am the same as in the story.

Since then, the family has lived happily together.



It should be considered complete here.

Honestly, my plan is to write this book to 150W words, but after finishing this little goblin, I can't wait to prevent it [as if I heard the sound of a face again].

There must be some outside.

I don't know how much to write, I try to write a few more.

Fan outside should be... very exciting?

(End of this chapter)

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