MTL - Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan-Chapter 185 Punish the world

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"Hey!" I don't know why, she always felt that Rong Hengyi seemed to have something wrong with him, but he couldn't tell where it was.

Gu Jinxi held the chin with one hand, and the careful Rong Hengyi smashed it.

Rong Hengyi had some helpless put down the pen, and Gu Jinxiao, who was looking at the information, smiled and said, "Jiner, the information is reversed."

"Ah! Got it!" Gu Jinyi quickly adjusted his tone, but looked at the book in his hand, not angry, saying "Really, is it fun to play me?"

"Oh, I don't have to play with you! Jiner, if you want to see it, you don't have to sneak a sneak peek. If you want to see it, it will be fine. Anyway, I will not charge you."

Gu Jinxi was dismantled by Rong Hengyi, and the face suddenly became red and said, "Hey! You said me! If you don't look at me, how do you know that I am watching you!"

"Well, I really look at you!"

"You, why don't you play cards according to common sense! You shouldn't refute it?"

"Retorted! Why should I refute, what you said is true! I am watching you, how to drop."

"Not very dripping. Besides, you are the president of the company. How can you make a difference when you work?"

"Hey, my company, I love how to do it."

"You are so defeated!"

"Do not worry! Even if I don't work, I can keep you safe for the rest of your life."

"Hey! I don't want it! I want to know that I am a woman with great ambition."

"The ambition is great! Then ask the lady what your great ambition is!"

"This is it! Secret." Gu Jinyi sold off the laughter.

"Oh! Secret?! Can't I even know?"

"Well, this is it! Ok! Then tell you. My ambition is to earn enough money to take care of you and let you be my little white face." Hey! Who told you to tie me at first, see if I don't play with you.

"You want to support me!"

"Well, yes, I just want to support you."

"Okay!" Rong Hengyi handed out a black card and handed it to Gu Jinxi.

"this is?"

"Black card! This black card is indefinite, you can use this black card to support me."

Gu Jinxi looked at Rong Hengyi's proud appearance, and suddenly did not know what to say and said, "No, I don't want your money!"


"I want to support you, of course, I want to make money for you!"

"Okay, since this is the case, then I am waiting for you to support me."

"Don't you be angry?"

"Is angry? Why?"

“When a man hears a woman saying that he wants to support him, he is generally angry. Isn’t it that the man is not masculine?”

"Oh, that's because you are not the woman! You are my woman, my woman wants to support me, I am willing to do it! Besides, if you really support me, then everything will be You are all, and everything about you will be for me."

"Ah! Why?"

"You have taken care of me! Since you have covered me, then should you take care of all my responsibilities!"

"You, hey!" Really, whatever you say, he is! This feeling of grievances is really depressing!

"Oh." Rong Hengyi looked at Gu Jinxi's dissatisfied expression and suddenly laughed. "I am waiting for the coming of that day!"

"You, Rong Hengyi, I will definitely do it."

In the next few days, Gu Jinyi has been working diligently to do his own work. what! It’s weird! How did Rong Hengyi not come today! To know the usual time, he should have arrived already!

Gu Jinxi took out the character tracker and looked at it. He immediately picked up the bag and rushed to the destination. I don’t know why there is always an ominous premonition in her heart!

When I came to the Splendid Villa, Gu Jinxi heard the scream from inside. Immediately, I realized that something was wrong, and I didn’t care about anything. I went straight into the wall.

Gu Jinxi saw a woman full of blood in the living room and quickly went over and said, "This is what is going on."

"You, who are you? How did you come in." Shu Wenyun looked at Gu Jinxi with a flustered look.

"Don't say this, what the **** is going on here."

"Upstairs, upstairs."

Gu Jinxi looked at the woman's panicked appearance and knew that she couldn't ask anything now. She could only walk quickly. When I opened the door, I smelled a strong **** smell! And blood flow from the bathroom. Gu Jinxi directly smashed the door with a flying leg.

When I saw it falling on the floor, and the hand was still flowing with blood, I couldn’t help but feel helpless, but she kept telling herself, calm down, calm down, it would be fine, it would be fine. .

what! By the way, my last task seems to have a pill that is not used! Gu Jinxi quickly put the pill into Rong Rongyi's mouth, but looked at Rong Hengyi's little action, and suddenly he was anxious, forget it. Just kiss the mouth of Rong Rongyi and send the pill to the throat of Ronghengyi. When I finished feeding the pills, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Call now! "Hey, 120? This is the brocade villa ** of ** Road."

After the phone call, Gu Jinxi rushed to bring a towel to block Rong Hengyi's wrist. Waiting for the arrival of medical staff.

Rong Hengyi was sent to the hospital very soon. Although he already knew that Rong Hengyi should have no major problems now, Gu Jinyu was still very nervous!

"Doctor, doctor, how, the patients inside are okay!"

"Don't worry! It's okay, I really can't think of this person's life is so big! There is no danger of running so many blood, it has been sent to the ward, you can go and see."

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor!"

Gu Jinyi rushed to the ward and saw Rong Hengyi, whose face had been eased. The big stone in his heart finally landed. But what the **** is going on here! Good end, how can it happen! That's right, that woman.

"you are."

"Well, hello, I am Shu Wenyun."

Shu Wenyun, isn't that the female owner? "This, what the **** is going on."

"This, I am not very clear. I only know that this day of the month, Rong Hengyi will always shut himself in his own room, not coming out one day, and not letting people in. So say."

"But when I came, how could you be full of blood!"

"That was when I passed through Rong Hengyi's room and found that water was flowing out of the room. I thought it was... but I didn't think of it. So I was very flustered, but there were no other people in the villa, so I said. ”

"Are you sure that since you found blood in the room, shouldn't you call the police or call 120?"

"This, I don't have the key to the room, and then I said, I have a girl who is in this situation, of course I will panic. So I forgot it when I was in a hurry."

"Hey! I don't think you forgot it, but you want to kill it! If it weren't for me, I am afraid that Hengyi has already reported it! Your heart is really embarrassing!"

Shu Wenyun saw that he was debunked and tore his face and said, "Yes, I just want him to die. If it weren't for him, how could I break up with Ang, because he kidnapped me, and now Angol is already missing. I hate him, I can't wait for him to die right now."

"Wait, you are saying that An Wenyan is still missing."

"You, how do you know Angola, have you seen Ango."

"No, no. Actually, I think you misunderstood the constant overflow. It is your brother who sent you on the side of Hengyi."

"No, you lied to me, An brother will not do this! An brother has hurt me the most from childhood, how can I hand over to others."

"Oh! I am afraid that you don't know what your brother is doing until now!"

"You, what do you mean. Angge is not the president of the Ans Group."

"Oh, what you said is on the bright side, don't you know that your brother is also the young master of the underworld boss?"

"This, how is this possible, you lied to me."

"Oh, I haven't lied to you. When your brother returns, you can't know if you ask your brother. But you dare to hurt Hengyi, you are unforgivable." Gu Jinyi thought If you don't go, your lover will die like this, and there will be a burning fire in your heart!

"I, I didn't hurt Rong Hengyi. What I said is true. I just don't want to go to the police to call 120. Others, I have not done anything." Shu Wenyun, she is not stupid! Although people have kidnapped themselves, but because of this crime, then it is not worth the loss, and then she said that even if she has this heart, there is no such courage!

"Okay! I will believe you once, but you can no longer live in the Splendid Villa. This is the address. You will move me out today. I can rest assured that someone can take care of you."

"That, that, do you know where Ang is now?"

"Don't worry! Your brother is very good now. As long as your brother is done, she will come to you."

Shu Wenyun saw that Gu Jinxi didn't want to say anything more. He was afraid of how much he was, and he was angered by Koi. After all, she felt the hostility of the woman opposite to her! So I left with interest.

Gu Jinxi looked at Shu Wenyun's back and felt a sigh of relief. After all, Rong Hengyi looked at Shu Wenyun and Gu Jinxi's looks and gradually fell in love with her. It turns out that Shu Wenyun started out because An Wen said that he would take care of her! It seems that it is also a long time! Now she has broken this line and sees how they are together after the two.