MTL - Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan-Chapter 191 The husband is too crazy

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After returning to the space, Gu Jinyu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief! But there are some strange questions. "Do you mean that I want to control the virus? But I found it, but I don't think I have done anything! The matter is solved like this? What is going on!" ”

"Host, I have a good news and a bad news here, which one do you want to hear first."

"How do you play this! If this is the case, then I will listen to bad news first!"

"The bad news is that we know where the virus is now, and even if you enter a different mission world in the future, the virus will only enter one of the people."

"One of them, wait, you should not want to say that this virus will enter my lover's body in the future!" Gu Jinyu said with amazement, after all, the last world is in his own lovers!

"Sure enough, I am a person who looks at me! It is smart. I want to host what you think."

"But why!"

"Because your lover is an unstable factor, it is a bit simpler if the virus wants to invade. And more importantly, your morph's metamorphosis is actually integrating the virus. So now even There is no way for a virus to enter other people!"

Gu Jinyu said that he was so speechless and said, "So good news!"

"The good news is that we have found a way to solve this virus."

"Oh! Any way." Gu Jinxi said with an eyebrow.

"Love, anyway, you have to attack your man, so this virus should be a piece of cake for you!"

"Oh, a piece of cake! Do you know that my last mission was almost dead!"

"But the host you are not dead yet! Then, your man is stalking you, you two are so tired that even honey must let you do it! I feel around you in the space. Braiding a pink bubble!"

Gu Jinxi recalled the life of the last world, and immediately smiled happily and said, "That is, my lover does not hurt me who hurts!"

"Host, you are recruiting hatred!"

"Hey! That's because you are narrow-minded. Ok, let's talk about how my mission is done!"

"Okay! Although the mission of Shangxian said that the main task failed, but your hidden mission was successfully completed, so the reward points 4000 allocated 5 points and the animal communication device. You can also say the punishment task of the last world. It is perfectly finished, so reward points 5000, distribution points 10 points, how the host allocates."

"Intelligence plus 10, appearance plus 5." After all, this world is still the world of looking at the value!

"Good, Name: Gu Jinxi

Gender: Female

Look: 55

Intelligence: 55

Physical strength: 49

Charm: 45

Mental strength: three levels

Distribution point: 0

Points: 9000

Skills: Mary Suguang, a smile in the city, one eye and ten lines, beautiful and moving, martial arts cheats, superb performance, free gold medal, advanced medical skills, wash marrow Dan, animal communication. ”

"Hey! Wait, how does my mental power become a third level? You don't mean that I have to do at least ten tasks to get one level?"

"That is because the host has completed the hidden task and the penalty task. It is not easy to trigger the hidden task, so the mental strength will be increased accordingly. In addition, the penalty world can be said to be an upgraded version of the ordinary world. It is possible to offset five common tasks."

"This way!" So as long as you are completing a few penalties in the future, then your mental strength will not be...

"Host, remind you not to think that these are not there. After all, you are not so lucky every time you host. And you should not forget that if you fail three times, then you will be systematically obliterated. And the punishment of the world will be corresponding. Adding difficulty. Besides, everything in the world of punishment is unpredictable. So it is more reliable to say that the host is step by step. Otherwise, if you die unfortunately in the mission, then everything is finished."

"Okay! Ok! I know, I know, I don't think about it!"

"I'm just reminding you to host it. For those unrealistic ideas, it's better to host you." Will the host have a break?"

"Have a rest! Wait until I wake up and say."

"it is good."

After Gu Jinyu had enough rest, Mao Mao sent Gu Jinxi to the mission world.

Gu Jinyi still didn't wake up and heard a burst of crying from his ear. Some impatiently opened his eyes and looked at the person next to him and said, "Cry and cry, I haven't died yet!"

"Hey! Queen, Queen, you are finally awake!"

Gu Jinxi has not returned to God and there is a man who has plunged into his arms. Gu Jinyi looked at the man in the arms of the little bird, and please, man, what are you doing? You a big man fell into the arms of a woman, although you are a little sissy, but this does not mean that you can fall into the arms of others like a woman!

"Penny, it's not coming down, the Queen is just right, it should not be overworked." This is a man in blue wearing a side.

"Mei, I. The Queen is not a good minister."

Gu Jinxi heard a man who actually said that he was a courtier. Suddenly the whole person was not good. He said, "Cough, you should go out first! I want to be quiet first."

When everyone saw it, they could only go out for a ceremony and they went out.

After all the people had finished, Gu Jinyi quickly accepted the information, no way! No data is not safe!

After reading it, Gu Jinxi only wants to say dizzy. This is an era in which women are respected and male, and can also be called the age of women! She has always been a woman, and she happens to be the queen of this dynasty.

Don't think how powerful this queen is! Because this empress is simply not a real power, and where is the real power going! Of course, her sister is also the woman's hand. In fact, to be honest, the original Lord is just a slap in the face of the female host.

The mother of the original master has always loved this little daughter very much, but in the end it was surprising that the emperor was handed over to the original owner, but what everyone did not know was that the mother emperor gave the soldier something to the woman. the Lord. So ah! The original Lord was only a shield for the woman, which also destined the last tragic ending of the original Lord.

There are actually four males in this world, and these four men are the masterpieces that the female lord sent to the palace. It can also be said to supervise the original master's every move. But the saddest thing is that the original Lord paid the true heart for the four of them. The result is that they died because of the four of them. This is the so-called, I will not kill Bo Renboren but die for me!

You must know that the original Lord can be honest with each other, but he did not expect the world to be impermanent! But to be honest, these men are not tempted by the original Lord! After all, when the original Lord was finally thrown into the chaos by the female host, it was the four of them who had pooled the money to bury the original owner. And the original heart did not seem to hate them all four.

But also true, the original Lord is so good to them, if they do not do so, it is simply a wolf, a pig and a dog are not as good.

Speaking of the world's female host is really a sly character! At the expense of everything you want to achieve what you want. Obviously know that the four men loved her heart, but they used their feelings to achieve their goals.

However, even after she got into this position, there was no good end, and she was lonely for a lifetime. why! Of course, the male master saw through the essence of the female lord, and decided to become a monk. This kind of male owner is really unique! But no matter what, it doesn't matter to her, she only cares about one problem.

"Mao hair, hairy hair."

"Host, is there anything?"

"There are four men in this mission world, what should I do? You shouldn't want me to take them all!"


"Hey! What kind of hair you are joking! That's four people! I am very loyal to my man, I will never do that."

"Host! Actually, the four people are men in your family."

"Are you kidding? One person is decorated with four corners! Besides, although I have not seen it all, the two men who are just looking for a character or something are not the same!"

"Host, I am not kidding. They are indeed the avatars of your man, but not the full character of your man."

"But, but that's not one or two, it's four people!"

"Oh, I believe that you can definitely complete the task perfectly."

"Oh, you believe me, the problem is that I don't believe in myself!" When I think of four people, Gu Jinxi has a headache! Sometimes I can't afford to attack a person, let alone four, then I am not even more finished.

"Host, if you don't do it, your mission is very likely to fail! You have come back from punishing the world, you will never want to go again! Again, those four are your home. Man, you are still shy about anything! Anyway, one is the Raiders, and the other four are the Raiders!" Mao Mao encouraged.

"This, okay! Four is four!" She didn't want to punish the world for another round. If you really encounter something, you will definitely die very badly! Besides, Mao Mao is right, the four are all men, what is she shy!

"Oh, the host is cheering! I will come to you soon."

"okay, I get it."