MTL - Quick Transmigration: Seducing the Wolf Boss-Chapter 2 818 That cold and overbearing ascetic brother

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These messages appeared so quickly that even if the Xia family wanted to suppress it in the first place, it would not help.

Moreover, there was another explosive news that was also exposed at the same time: Xia is not Xia Zhengming's daughter at all, Yu Xue is Xia Zhengming's biological daughter!

The news came out, and everyone was waiting to see the show.

Having read the news, Xia ’s father who was disappointed in Xia Kui immediately sent his family doctor to DnA verification for Xia Kui and Yu Xue.

The verification results also show that Xia is indeed not Xia's biological daughter, Yu Xue is his real daughter.

At the end of the matter, Xia was swept out of Xia's house, and Yu Xue was taken home by Xia's father.

Originally, this matter should come to an end. After all, the counterfeit goods of okra has been swept out of the house, and Yu Xue has also been picked up, the two have no intersection.

However, Yu Xue and Zhou Qing both kidnapped the okra who had been swept out of the house. They also bought several lumps and locked them in a room with okra. To death.

Zhou Qing and Yu Xue also said in their names that it was to take revenge on them for the years of humiliation. Since Okra is so hungry for men, they are as good as her ...

"This is too human!" After Xia Yichu read the information in her head, a strong sense of anger rose from her chest.

"Host, please be calm. The goal of your mission this time is for Zhou Qing and Yu Xue to get the revenge they deserve. At the same time, you also need to rely on your own strength to win the title after the film." The human voice sounded in Xia Yichu's mind without panic.

"Well, I see." Xia Yichu nodded, full of fighting spirit.

She is Xia Yichu, originally a modern rich lady, but after studying abroad for eight years, she was hit by a car at the airport gate when she returned home for the first time and died on the spot.

Had it not been for the system to have found her and bound her soul, I'm afraid she would have died out and would not exist in this world.

After the system is bound to her, what she wants to do is also very simple, that is, to help people in each world to complete their wishes, or to go to the broken world to complete the rescue or push the task.

And every time the task is successfully completed, the system will give her a reward, merit and points, and there will be various other things.

Among them, the amount of merit and points are currently the most favored by Xia Yichu.

Points can be exchanged in the system mall, and the amount of merit can be selected after you have collected a certain amount, and you can choose the world you want to go.

And Xia Yichu would choose to agree with the system at first, just to see the use of merit. Now Xia Yichu's only wish is to return to the world where she died, to find out who killed her!

Although Xia Yichu had no evidence, her instinct told her that her death was definitely not an accident ...

Xia Yichu's eyes were deep and faint, and he blinked, suppressing the deepness that couldn't be turned away.

When she comes to Japan, she will always collect her merits and return to her original world.

The most important thing now is to think about how to accomplish this task.

The time that Xia Yichu traveled through now is precisely when Zhou Qing has been in the entertainment circle and is about to win the title of film emperor, and Xia Kui also discovered the existence of Yu Xue.

Okra went angrily to Zhou Qing and asked, but got Zhou Qing's perfunctory answer.

Earlier Yu Xue's glorious gaze was lingering in her heart, so she would run home in a huff, hunger strike, and refused to eat.

And the woman who just persuaded her to eat was the servant of the Xia family, Zhang Ye.

Xia Yichu carefully considered in his heart the current situation and the wish of the original owner, Okra.

There are two wishes of the original owner, Okra. One is to have Zhou Qing and Yu Xue get their due retribution, and the other is to enter the entertainment circle and become the film.

For Xia Yichu, the first wish is actually very simple. After all, Xia Yichu has not been hacked yet, and Yu Xue's true identity has not been revealed. As long as she does not help Zhou Qing and Yu Xue now, by the way, she will use her Xia Jiada again. The status of the lady has caused some trouble for these two men and women. In this entertainment world that is deep in the sea, the two people without the slightest background must not be confused.

However, it is difficult to find the second wish of the original owner, Okra.

After all, Xia Yichu never learned to perform. Wouldn't she know anything about acting, let alone rely on her own strength to become a film actor.

And when Xia Yichu was depressed, the system sounded in her mind: "Ding! Due to the need of the plot, in order to make the host complete the task more smoothly, the host is given" memory "," unparalleled acting "" look " "Three skills, please host to work hard to complete the task." The system said, paused, and continued: "Come on, why not."

After the system was finished, I was stunned, leaving Xia Yichu alone sitting on the soft big bed and getting help from the system. Xia Yichu was in a good mood, and his stomach happened to make a "cooing" sound at this time. Xia Yichu looked at the steaming table. Meals, just go out of bed and eat with satisfaction.

After eating a full meal, Xia Yichu looked at this strange and familiar room, and then set his eyes on the mirror in front of him.

The girl in the mirror is about twenty years old. She has a round goose egg face, black eyes, and a little godlessness. The girl's skin is fair and flawless, and her long hair is a little messy like a waterfall. Splash behind.

Although the girl in the mirror is beautiful, she lacks a touch of vitality.

Xia Yichu patted his face with his hands, and when he opened his eyes again and looked into the mirror, the girl in the mirror was still that face, his cheeks were flushed, and he had a round goose egg face, but he had a pair of beautiful and eye-catching eyes .

From the corner of the eye to the end of the eye, the lines in both eyes are extremely clear and smooth, like the ink lines drawn by freehand brushwork, soft and gentle.

Clear black and white eyes, clear and mottled.

Although the eyes are large, but there is no feeling of water shining, it is the unusualness of the black and black, it is almost to **** people in.

There is a touch of charm in the purity, which is simply a stunner.

Xia Yichu looked at herself in the mirror. Although she was not a face-lifter, she was also attracted by her hooky look.

In her memory, although the old okra was pure, but it was a pure little fresh, but not so charming, and still felt a touch of demon. Could it be that this is the effect of the system on adding her looks?

Xia Yichu could not help covering his face silently.