MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Villain Is Delicate and Soft-Chapter 240

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The next morning, when the program was broadcast, the text and Nanxun also searched for hot iron.

Many netizens began to revisit the old things, and they gave Nanxun a slap in the face. She was so easy to regain her reputation that she would be destroyed.

Yang Jie has already written a manuscript and is ready to turn the tide.

However, at this time, the film king Horson Wood suddenly sent a microblog.

With the text: Believe me, the second issue will make you stunned.

This ambiguous words made the netizens feel a little confused.

"Huo Yingdi, this is what you mean? Isn't the iron armor in Xia Nannan's hands all black horses?"

"It’s impossible. Look at the ‘small pepper’. It’s just come to be funny. Just made it, without any actual combat, where can I go?”

"In the back of the ten-second notice, it seems that the game is very fierce, the little peppers are quite overbearing, and there are telescopic arms, you can look forward to it."

"The show has been recorded, the male gods have said this, indicating that Xia Nannan's armor is a bit interesting, everyone is watching, don't fight again! The country's armor is not necessarily lost to foreign countries!"


Lin Zhi soon forwarded Huo Senmu's Weibo and wrote: Nan Nan sister is the armor goddess ~ [love]

Because of the two people's Weibo, the heat of the "Tiejia Battle" was ignited, the program group did not blame the two for spoilers, and even at this time with the release of a long version of the next notice.

The trailer is a picture of the armored melee, as well as the facial reaction of the star manager. In addition to calming the calm Nanxun, the other three are shocked.

Under the expectation of netizens, Nanxun’s Weibo has finally moved.

Xia Nannan: Hey, I can, don't worry about armor, they are very young, but very strong.

The picture is that she is standing in the middle of the armor repair warehouse, next to her choice of mech.

Her fans continue to support her, blowing a variety of rainbow farts against her face, the water army and the spray are still not rude.

Her Weibo fans are constantly climbing in such situations.

Four managers, three have already spoken, and the text is naturally embarrassed to be silent.

Calendar: Call for iron armor!

Her Weibo didn't involve anyone, but it only played a promotional role.

In a word, it doesn't seem to be a big problem, but savvy netizens smell an unusual atmosphere.

Both Huo Senmu and Lin Zhi are talking to Xia Nannan, but the text and text obviously do not have this meaning. After the ulterior motives of the big v will be said, the micro-blog of the text will have a lot of sprays.

Fans of the literary and cultural revolts resolutely defended their goddess, but unfortunately, her fans were too impulsive, and they immediately slammed the three managers, including Hossenmu, and said that he and Lin Zhi were both seduce by Xia Nannan. Only then did she speak for her.

The text is not stupid, and quickly came out to stop his fans, but the fans of Hossenmu and Lin Zhi were angered, and they directly slammed her on the hot text.

Hossenmu has been debuting for more than ten years, fans are several times as many as the texts, and Lin Zhi’s girlfriend’s powder combat power is even more terrible. The text’s Weibo’s next time is a chicken jump, and the comments are unsightly.

However, Nanxun got a moment of silence in the cracks. Her fans were the least, and the fighting power was not enough. At this time, they were wise to eat melons.

Later, the behind-the-scenes staff of the Ironclad program group anonymously revealed that the text was rejected at the beginning of the recording, and later did not know why it was suddenly accepted.

The netizens opened a post and the two men competed for the past events of the historical city. The Nanzhao secretly promoted a wave of help, and expounded the story of the outstanding young people in foreign countries.

The text of the text is a bad child. Since she was surprised when she was a child, she was only close to the people who had strong luck.

Speaking of it, the text and the original master still have some origins.

When they were young, they all lived in the Sunshine Orphanage. Every day they waited for someone to come and adopt them.

After the literary text had a golden finger, it was discovered that the original owner suddenly had a strong gas, and she secretly heard the original adoption, so she locked the original owner in the dark room and dressed herself. Go to see the family...

Yes, it is the Li family who is going to adopt the original owner. However, the dean can't find the original owner for a while, and the text is extraordinarily well-behaved. Therefore, Li Jia adopted her and gave up the original owner.

The historical text also found through this matter that a person's air transport can be changed and plundered.

She can be close to the people who are strong in gas, and then gradually change their own destiny through them, and enhance their air, so she habitually hangs several men who pursue her.

Even now she is with the Licheng, she is still out of the circle with a few men still have a relationship with the lover.

Nancy broke her black material this time because she didn't bother to spend it with her. When she recorded the Battle of Iron Armor, she tried to find her trouble several times, and now she is trying to spray all kinds of water. Pull her down.

Nanxie was too lazy to cope, thinking that it would be better to step her on the muddy ground.

Zero 99 said that after the gas flow of the text was exhausted, her golden finger would disappear.

She would have to look at it, and when her golden finger is gone, how can she be arrogant?

This post is related to two recent active and contradictory actresses, so it quickly became popular.

When Li Wenwen saw this post from the agent Rebecca, it almost collapsed.

She realized that she had an unprecedented crisis. She couldn't see her own air, but recently she had come from Xia Nannan, so she was more jealous and hateful to her.

"Quickly let people delete it! How do you do things? What are the ridiculous posts left to do?" She shouted at Rebecca.

Rebecca had never seen her make such a big temper, stunned, just wanted to ask something, Licheng pushed the door and came in, she could only give a private space for the two.

The literary and art also knew that she was out of order. She calmed her mood and showed a fragile smile toward the city.

"Brother, have you seen the post right? I suspect that Xia Nannan did it. She hates me, it will be so black."

The calendar city complex is complex, he did read the post, the landlord just analyzed the grievance between the essay and Xia Nannan, but there is an anonymous account in the post that broke the text of a multi-ship, and there are pictures evidence.

"Written, you honestly tell me, those men, is it true?" Licheng will ask this because she thinks of her special abilities, she can see the gas of others, she also said that his Air transport is the strongest.

After seeing the post, he suddenly thought that she would be close to him, is it because of his air, before she, she has also been exposed to a lot of people who are not bad luck...

When the text heard him asking, the look on his face collapsed instantly. "Licheng, you are also skeptical about me? I gave everything to you, I told you my secret, but you Is that true to me? You don't have a little trust in me?"

Her pale face made the city a bit distressed and guilty, but the photos in the post were so clear, and his trust in her had already been shaken.

The tears of the text and text fell down, and looked pitiful. "You know, I have a lot of friends, they are all my good friends, and I occasionally meet for a meal. I am clear with me." Kissing cheeks is also out of etiquette, I will pay attention to it later."

Most of the people she met were male, so she could only approach them by means.

Of course, Xia Nannan is an exception.

After she met her, she not only did not want to approach, but also wanted to ruin her, just like fifteen years ago.

Licheng will hold the text in his arms and open his mouth for a long while. "Okay, I believe in you."

The face of the text has slowed down. "Brother, Xia Nannan, who you know, this is definitely her black, my brother, what do you say I should do?"

"文文, this is the case."


"Written, in the past few days, did you not buy a water army to attack her? Why do you want to do this?" When it comes to this matter, Licheng’s voice is so heavy that he does not understand why the text has to participate. That show, she was not optimistic before, but after knowing that Xia Nannan participated, she decided to participate.

He can see that she wants to force Xia Nannan out of the entertainment circle, but in his opinion, there is no such necessity.

The literary essay was a bit stunned by the deep eyes of the city. "Brother, but she knows my secret, I am afraid she will..."

Her words were not finished, but it also made Licheng frown slightly.

"Those things, even if she said it, no one will believe, you don't have to worry."

"But I am afraid that there is a case, if I am caught studying, I... I am afraid..."

Licheng did not know how to comfort her for a while, but only silenced.

The literary essay was buried in his arms, biting his lips, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

She recently checked Xia Nannan's information. Before she became an adult, she always lived in an orphanage.

The orphanage...was still lived before she was adopted as a child.

What made her most unacceptable was that Xia Nannan would be the girl, the first person she met with excellent luck.


That post was quickly deleted, but the hot search could not be removed at once, probably someone else secretly operated.

This has a negative impact on the well-behaved image of the text.

The biggest blow to the text is that her male pursuers also have opinions about her.

They are the elites of all walks of life, their brains are not stupid. She used to hang them from the ground, but after breaking the news, they realized that they were just a toy when she was free, so she broke her with no hesitation. Contact.

Therefore, the texts and texts are even more hated for those who broke the news.

However, Licheng did not feel very good recently, and she did not dare to ask for the matter of Xia Nannan.

From small to large, some things she wants to do will be helped by her. Now she is in the entertainment circle, there are not many people who can rely on it. She can only seize the city, the pride of this day.

She believes that Licheng can take her back to the peak of gas transportation.

After the two managers of "The Battle of Iron Armor" stayed on the hot search several times, the broadcast volume of the first program quickly soared.

When the second broadcast was broadcast, the netizen opened the video with great expectation and curiosity. The barrage was also full of picky tricks until the armor of Nanxun won in the first round.

At the beginning, the netizen can still say that Xia Nannan’s luck is good. The iron armor that he chooses looks so weak, and he did not expect the explosive power to be so terrible!

But when it comes to the latter game, when she wins again and again, the netizens are even more excited. Are these teams in the country so strong? A newbie can actually give the opponent the long-term championship to ko!

Although the text and text know the results of the game, but did not know the effect of the program group after editing, so she also went to see.

Xia Nannan has a lot of shots because her armor strength has crushed them.

The second phase is almost always in the game. There are not many scenes for the manager to repair the warehouse. After all, they don't understand this. Only the players are busy.

However, Xia Nannan's maintenance warehouse painting style is very different. All the players take her as the center and listen to her explanations as if she is hungry. She even knows the armor!

When her teammates were interviewed, each one was very excited and praised her.

“I was surprised, she is not a star? But she is no stranger to mechanical theory, and she can find me more suitable materials to strengthen!”

"It takes five seconds for my armor to start completely, but the captain she has proposed a way to solve this problem, and I have personally helped me improve it! My God, she is hidden, I am glad that she chose I!"

"My armor shells have all changed, it is very resistant to blows, whispered, the captain is a local tyrant!"

"In a word, Nan Nan is my idol."


After watching the second period, netizens squandered the program group to make a fake. Xia Nannan, the genius of the ironclad genius, was too embarrassed.

Nanxun's Weibo rushed down a large number of water troops and sprays, clutching her education, and finished her program.

The company has long anticipated, so I have already prepared the marketing manuscript, and bought the water army to fight, so "Xia Nan Nan" once again on the hot search.

"Look at the hot search, a little curious about who the owner of Xia Nannan is, so that the island has spent so much money and energy on her!"

"I was very fond of Xia Nannan, but is this genius that is hard and concave? Is it too embarrassing? It has worn off my last good feeling!"

"It’s Xia Nannan. Is there only one person left in the whole entertainment circle? Get rid of everyone and don’t discuss this black and red flower again?”

"I feel that the other three managers are very miserable. They have all set off by Xia Nannan. I seriously doubt whether this program is specially designed for Xia Nannan!"


The program group is not afraid of such criticisms. After all, they have no shady scenes, and they are not able to ask for the hot topic of Xia Nannan.

At this time, Yang received the above instructions and announced that Nanxun had participated in the research and development of intelligent robots in "Future Technology".

Miss Yang: When Nan Nan disappeared, what was he doing? @future technology

The future editor of the science and technology official blog is also naughty, directly forward the reply: doing robots~

However, in a few minutes, the comments brushed up and it was more horrible than ever before.

"My God, my goddess is yo, this talented person can't run away! Future technology is the largest robot manufacturing company in China!"

"The trough, really fake, Xia Nannan still has this talent? I suspect that she and the future technology CEO have some inexpressible relationship!"

"There is an IQ, the goddess race! No wonder you can easily get those armor!"

"Shocked, if this is true, why did Xia Nannan come to the entertainment circle!"


After Yang’s staring at the dynamic day on the Internet, she was calmed down.

Although most people are still questioning, the overall impact is still good.

After the third edition of "The Battle of Iron Armor" was updated, Nanxun's performance in the program was perfect. The star manager manipulated the player's armor competition. Her operation won the praise of the players and won, and this is even The program group could not help her cheating.

This time, the spray and the water army want to black, she does not know how to start.


Future Technology Research Office.

Nancy looked at the robot standing in front of her and made it for a while.

This robot code is c11, male, his face is made according to the current aesthetic, tall and long legs, handsome and unusual.

"c11, how do you feel now?" she asked.

"C11 feels good." The movement of c11 is still a bit stiff, but when he laughs, it makes her feel the familiar warmth.

"Nan Nan, you talked to c11 for almost half an hour." A colleague next to her reminded her, and she felt funny at the same time.

Although c11 is a handsome face, but she is a mixed entertainment, what kind of handsome guy has not seen, now how to see a robot are watching?

Nanxuan returned to God and chuckled and replied, "I am just very excited."

At the current level of technology, the intelligent robots produced are incomparable to the world.

[Hey, are you thinking about eleven of them? The sound of zero-nine nines sounded in her mind.

Nancy did not respond to zero-nine-nine, but the mood was obviously a bit low.

After a while, Zero 99 was open again. [Hey, there are additional tasks, do you want to pick up? 】

[What additional tasks? 】

[killed a thousand lessons. 】

【what? 】 Nanxun is extremely surprised, [Why is there such an additional task? 】

She barely refused to attach the task, but now it makes her unacceptable.

If she remembers correctly, she still asked her to take a step before zero-nine-nine-nine. How can she issue such additional tasks now?

[random task. 】

[Do not pick up. 】 Nanxun did not hesitate, and then asked the sentence, [Zero 99, has not been in contact with the main system? What should I do if my level has been cleared? 】

[I will have a record, then I will be able to recalculate the level after contacting, rest assured. 】

Nan Yan listened to it, but her heart was a bit embarrassed. When she left the world, she still stayed in the rest space, so that she would be busy when she was free.

When Nanxun was in a daze, the inside phone rang.

"Nan Nan, your agent came to the company and said to see you."

Nanxun packed up and went to the front desk of the company, and she saw Yang sister.

"Sister Yang, how come you?"

"You can't get through the phone, I will pick you up. You shouldn't forget to participate in a variety show today?" Yang said, glanced at the c11 behind Nanxun.

The man is wearing a suit, with sunglasses, looks beautiful and beautiful, the key is that the temperament is quite good.

Yang did not respond for a moment, and asked awkwardly, "Nan Nan, who is this?"

Isn't she a relationship with her boss? Why is it so bright and straight with a little handsome guy? Not afraid of the boss angry?

"This is my assistant, small... eleven." Nan Yan explained.

"Hello, Yang Jie, I am a small eleven." c11 extended his right hand.

Miss Yang snorted and shook it up, and then it felt a little weird.

She pulled Nanxun aside. "Nan Nan, you want an assistant to tell me, what is the relationship between this little eleven and you? Do you know what it would be like to go out with him? They don’t care if he is Your assistant will only think in the negative direction!"

Nanxun looked at the quiet figure of c11, sinking for a long while, and said, "Sister Yang, Xiaoyi is a robot that has just been developed. I am giving him a test, so let him follow me."

She needs to record c11 every moment, so that it can be improved in the future.

Yang Jie: "!!!"

"What the hell?"

Yang Jie’s voice is not louder.

Nancy explained it in a low voice, but Yang did not understand it at all, and did not want to listen. She was shocked to get in front of c11 and reached out and waved.

"Little eleven? Are you a robot?"

"Yes, the little eleven is a robot."

Yang Jie swallowed, "Can I touch you?"

C11 hoe, the face with sunglasses turned to Nanxun, "need to pass Nannan to agree."

Nan Yan shook his head. "Not allowed to touch."

Yang Jie: "..."

Nanxun is really a stingy ghost. Yang sister wants to sit with c11. She doesn't allow it. She is afraid that she will take advantage of him.

"Nan Nan, I will record it with the texts and texts later. This is the program flow. Let's take a look." Yang Jie returned to a serious topic.

Nancy took it and probably looked at it and asked, "Is the program group actually arranged for me to interact with the text?"

"This show, you two are a show, how can the director let go?"

"Well, I know."

Recently, she and the text are black, red and black.

After arriving at the TV station, the rehearsal was about to begin, and Nanxun was late.

The other three of "The Battle of Iron Armor" have arrived. According to the arrangement, she should be playing with Huo Senmu, so she went directly to him. Who knows that the text is just with him.

"You came too late, the process has changed, I played with Mr. Huo, you should be with Lin Zhi, he has not yet arrived." Li Wenwen smiled and spoke.

Hossenmu smiled helplessly toward the south. "It’s a pity."

"Then I will go first, you are busy first." Nan Hao shook his hand.

The text was obviously not very satisfied with the response of Hosenmu, which caused a bit of awkwardness.

However, she concealed very well. She glanced at c11 and showed a curious smile. "Hey, Nan Nan, you brought a friend?"

She is not very clear about other air traffic now, and this panic has already afflicted her for several days.

Naturally, she will not let Nanxun better.

"My assistant." Nan Hao returned three words.

"Assistant? Your assistant is really good, so envy."

"If you like a good-looking assistant, even if you can fire your home first, the job notice will come out, what can't you find?"

When Nanxun finished, Ho Senmu smiled implicitly, and then he should say, "Also, there is no shortage of good-looking people in this world."

"I am joking, I have a small enough." Although the text is so dark, her face is dark, and her little assistant is also a bit poor at this time.

Nancy was too lazy to talk to her, turned and went out, and asked in her heart.

[Zero 99, the golden finger of the text has not been lost yet? 】

[Index 29, fast, so she is in a hurry, so many people here, in addition to you, Huo Senmu's air transport is relatively strong. 】

Nan Xiao chuckles, if the text is clever, she should come to be friends with her instead of looking for Hossenmu.

Of course, even if she kneels down and asks her, she won’t want such a friend.

The recording of the program was quite smooth. After all, it was under the lens, and there was no chance for the text to be used.

However, the three games in the program, her team lost, and Nanzhao three-game winning streak, also won the final prize: the program official blog to help promote the upcoming "Allure".

The essay and text also revealed the release date of "Wait for Me", and it was only two days away from "Allure".

She probably smoked her mind and also revealed that she had a willingness to marry with Licheng, and she also chose what to marry.

After she finished, the audience was silent, and even the clever host was paused. Everyone looked at Nanxun tacitly.

Who did not know that she had competed with the historical and cultural texts in the historical city. Although they recorded the program together, they did not mention anything about the love of the triangle. I did not expect that the text would be a mouthful.

The directors group under the audience looked at each other and their eyes were far-reaching. This literary text is not as harmless as it is.

The general director wrote a sentence on the tip board, "Continue the process."

The host skipped this topic directly.

Yang Sister looked at the literary and artistic texts on the stage and pondered the molars, but she felt relieved that her artist had not heard it.

Fortunately, when signing the contract, I told the director that it was not allowed to involve the triangle love problem.

And even if this paragraph really aired, she was not worried. The reaction of her own artist was very good. Everyone would feel that the text was clear.

In fact, Nanxun was so sleepy at this time that his mind was no longer on the stage, just waiting for the host to finish recording.

At half past one in the morning, Nanxun returned to the background.

C11 has quickly helped her to clean up, followed her and Yang Jie out of the TV station.

Yang Jie turned back one step at a time, and her eyes didn't stick to him.

"Nan Nan, it’s really violent, and the little eleven can be a star and be held!"

After Nanxun got into the car, he waved c11 to his side and said, "Yang sister, Xiaoyi is just following me for a while, and he will give back to the future technology in a month. He will have a bigger stage."

"So, he is by your side, internship as a person?" Yang sister asked.

"You can say that too." Nan Hao nodded and finished looking at c11. "Small eleven, the first day, how do you feel?"

C11 mechanically turned his head, took off the sunglasses, and the darkness in the compartment could not conceal his slightly glowing eyes. "Humans are wonderful, I have learned a lot, I like to be a human being."

His voice is as warm as jade, and he doesn't have much feelings, but he has a feeling of tears in Nanxun.

Yang Jie is also very excited. If it is not a big thing, she really wants to make friends.

Before I arrived at the hotel, Nan Qiang did not hold her eyes. When the phone vibrated, she was confused and put it in her ear.

I heard a male voice coming over there. "Is it Miss Xia? Can you come to Renhe and the hospital? Mr. Step is seriously injured in a car accident..."

The author has something to say: ask for comments and don't disappear! ! ! ! The author is thick and long! !

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Yingying 1