MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2331 It looks like a woman's hand ...

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Confused and shocked, the next moment, Huang Xuan seemed to be aware of something, cold eyes swept away, could not help but gently fell on the small white hand tightly holding his big hand ...

This little hand, if it has sebum, is white and flawless, and extremely soft, at a glance, you know that you have not done any heavy work.

Ten fingers are slender, like sheep fat jade.

What shocked Huang Xuan most is that this little hand is so small!

If you say that this young man is thin, it's fine, except that this hand is so delicate and small, the ten fingers are not touched by the spring water, it is not like a man's hand.

It looks like ...

The hand of a woman!

woman! ?

As soon as I thought of it, Huang Xuan seemed to think of something for the next moment, with a shock in my heart, a momentary stun in his eyes, and the eyes that fell on the young man in front of him, full of shock!

Can't do it ...

Compared to Huang Xuan with a shocked face, Ye Mengmeng saw that the man was not talking, but just looked at her with that strange look.

Seeing this, Ye Mengmeng just felt uncomfortable.

This man, good-looking, hell! ?

Otherwise, look at her, why so strange! ?

Even when Ye Mengmeng was wondering and wondering, she couldn't wait for Ye Mengmeng to think about other things. A sound of footsteps suddenly sounded from the outside.

"Report! General! There are reports of things!"

With a rush of sound outside the camp, Ye Mengmeng's face was stunned first.

After that, she didn't wait for her to think about other things, only to feel her wrist loose.

Seeing this, Ye Mengmeng's face was first frowning, then he looked up and saw that the man had turned around and walked towards the desk.

Seeing this, Ye Mengmeng knew that this man was going to handle things.

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng opened her red lips and said immediately.

"General, Primary Six retires first."

Ye Mengmeng said, and then quickly turned around, packed the tableware on the table, and hurried away.

When Ye Mengmeng turned around and left, she never noticed that Huang Xuan, who was sitting at the desk, had always had her deep eyes on her body, her eyes were vague ...


After leaving hurriedly from Huang Xuan's camp, Ye Mengmeng had a lot of thoughts.

Because just now, what happened in the camp, and the feeling that the man gave her, were so familiar.

It's like her brother Xuan ...

Just, is it possible! ?

Although she had thought about it before, her brother Xuan was practicing in this military camp, but at that time, she also felt a little deceived.

Because she didn't know where Brother Xuan was, she chose to give her hope, even if it was just a false hope.

Only now, the man gave her a sense of familiarity.

Is she so lucky again? ?

But just arrived at the barracks, you can meet her brother Xuan! ?

She did not believe that she had such good luck.

Besides, she was actually disturbed in her heart, afraid, and the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

So now, even though the man's feelings and behaviors are very familiar with her brother Xuan, she dare not think too much.

Just worry, the result is not what you think.

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng only felt heavy in her heart, her red lips opened, and a helpless sigh, she gently overflowed from her mouth.

Just as Yemeng Meng lowered her head and sighed, suddenly her back was patted lightly. For a moment, Yemengmen was frightened, but the whole person did not jump from the ground.

When Ye Mengmeng turned around and looked at Qingyu who didn't know when she was standing behind her, she was relieved.

"Brother Qing, when did you come !? Almost scared me!"

Ye Mengmeng said with doubt.

When Yemeng Meng heard this, goodbye Yemengmen looked startled, Qingyu's lips opened, and she said immediately.

"Sorry, Xiao Liu, I didn't mean to scare you on purpose. I just called you several times just now, and I didn't see your response before I shot you."

Qingyu said, her face was a little sorry.

Wen Yan, looking at Qingyu's sorry appearance, Ye Mengmeng's red lips opened, and he kept talking.

"It's okay, Brother Qing, you don't have to apologize to me."

Speaking of this, Ye Mengmeng opened her red lips and said immediately.

"Brother Qing, you have something to do with me !?"

Ye Mengmeng said with doubt.

After all, this boy is a little lieutenant and should be very busy, isn't he? ?

Unlike her, she is now a leader.

Now I am only responsible for the kitchen and three meals a day, so I am very relaxed after finishing the task at hand.

So now, she will be free to steal laziness under the big tree.

Ye Mengmeng thought so in his heart. Qingyu heard Ye Mengmeng's words, and the next moment, she remembered something, and patted her head with one hand, her lips opened, and she said.

"Oh, I almost forgot, let's go! I'll take you somewhere!"

"Ah !? Where to go !?"

Hearing Qingyu's words, Ye Mengmeng frowned.

However, Qingyu didn't answer, just holding her little hand and quickly walking towards the training ground.

When Ye Mengmeng was hurriedly pulled to the training ground by Qingyu, Mei Mei first lifted it slightly and looked towards Qingyu.

"Brother Qing, what do you mean now !?"

"Small six, didn't you say that before, your brother Xuan was at the barracks, but he changed his name. But, if you saw him, would you recognize it? Since that's the case, I will take you here You can slowly recognize them one by one and see which one is your brother Xuan. You know, the soldiers in the barracks will train here every day. As long as your brother Xuan is in the barracks, it will definitely be Appear here. "

Qingyu spoke and explained in detail, Ye Mengmeng suddenly realized.

"Brother Qing, you are so attentive! Thank you!"

Ye Mengmeng opened her mouth, and was touched by the thoughtfulness of the teenager.

After all, at this level, she never thought about it!

Although before, she suspected that Huang Xuan was her brother Xuan, but she was not sure.

After all, she didn't dare to be delusional.

Now, since there are so many soldiers on the training ground, what if her brother Xuan was among them? !!

So now, she still recognizes these people now!

As long as her brother Xuan is there, even if they haven't seen it for years, she will definitely recognize it at a glance.

As a result, Ye Mengmeng's beautiful eyes swept away, and they began to recognize one by one among those soldiers who were working **** the training ground.

Ye Mengmeng took it seriously. Basically, she bought a person's appearance and figure carefully.

However, Ye Mengmeng recognized for more than half a day, no less than a thousand people, but did not recognize who was half similar to her brother Xuan.

In this regard, Ye Mengmeng frowned and couldn't help but frown.