MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 982 Longyuan Shengxue

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Li Yundong’s words angered almost no Japanese and almost all the Japanese in front of the TV. Su Shi, Shion, Zhou Qin, Shen Wancai and Shen Hui felt the tremendous changes that had come around for the first time.

Especially Shen Hui and Shen Wancai, she is different from Su Shi, Ziyuan and Zhou Qin. She is just an ordinary person. Although she is a well-deserved second generation lady, the scene of the big wind lang has not experienced much. Shen Wancai Although I have experienced a lot of big winds, there are many tea ceremony masters and leaders in the practice circles. The pressure of so many people is that he is a business giant and can not bear such strong pressure. The chest is stuffy, as if the body has pressed a thousand pounds of boulder, the gas can not breathe, the aloe is even more unbearable, the pretty face rises purple, or the side of the asters stretched out on her shoulder, she was relieved.

Su Shi and his entourage were only allowed to enter the non-examination, and they were far away from the entrance of the entrance. They only saw Li Yundong sitting cross-legged in the lobby of the unruly, motionless, but Qian Qianzhi was leaning forward slightly and looked angry. Said: "Mr. Li, I think this should not be the way of etiquette in China?"

Li Yundong smiled and said: "The so-called etiquette, the most basic premise is frankness, and treating each other with sincerity is the way to treat others. I am just openly speaking my inner thoughts, and where is the rude statement?"

This is very sincere, but it seems to be like pouring oil on the fire. It has provoked many Japanese people to scream, and the Japanese people’s national self-esteem is sometimes very fragile. It’s so excited by Li Yundong, it’s true that many people are immediately Jumped up, and even some tea ceremony masters couldn’t stand it, and they screamed.

Shen Wancai and Shen Hui looked worried at the side. I don’t know how Li Yundong would fight tea in such a hostile environment. But Su Shi, Ziyuan and Zhou Qin were both at the same time, and then they were happy. Shen Hui looked in her eyes and couldn't help but ask Zhou Qin: "Zhou Qin, what are you happy? I am scared to death!"

Zhou Qin lowered his voice, for fear of letting the people around him hear it. Xiaoqu: "This is Master's radical method. The Japanese tea ceremony pays attention to the four words of respect, respect, clarity and silence. Only these four words can be achieved. It is the real Japanese tea ceremony. Look at the way Qian Qianzhi is now, where are the four words of peace and silence?"

Shen Ai suddenly stunned, screaming, she whispered with some excitement: "Is Li Yundong a big chance?"

Shen Wancai turned his head and glanced at his daughter, whispering: "No rude, how to call someone?"

He himself, a gray-haired old man, must call Li Yundong as a master, but his daughter would call his name. This is the truth of the door.

Shen Hui spit out his tongue and licked his head, looking at Ziyuan and others.

Aster nodded slightly, whispered: "There is a theoretical way... But I think that Qianzheng will not be so simple in this way, otherwise...he is not qualified to be on the peak of the Japanese tea ceremony."

After the words of Aster, Qian Qianzhi slowly sat up straight, the anger on his face disappeared little by little, and slowly nodded, saying: "Since Mr. Li is so frank, I will understand. I will do my best to defeat you, and this is also my candid approach."

Li Yundong smiled and smiled and reached for a gesture: "Please!"

His movements are relaxed and natural, as if he were in his own home, and he is not like a wolf in a hostile atmosphere.

Qian Zhengzhi took a deep look at Li Yundong. As a semi-cultivator who has close ties with the practice world, he naturally knows the terrible thing of this man.

After he was seated, he took a deep breath and his anger slowly subsided. The breath was as calm as a well, but at the same time he was almost stunned.

After Qian Zhengzhi made a requesting posture, he stood up and walked to the door, paying tribute to the lobby, the surrounding area and the direction of the camera position.

This moment, quietly down without review, this place represents the holy place of the Japanese tea ceremony. When the 16th generation descendants of Qian Lixiu are going to fight tea, the angry Japanese can also feel the body of Qianzheng. And respect the silence of the gas field.

After Qianzheng’s shackles, he walked into the couch, and every step was light and light. It was like a dance. It had a strong sense of rhythm and a sense of fluidity. Su Shi and others saw that Qian Qian’s is a man who is over half a hundred years old. Among them, there is an extremely elegant aesthetic that is pleasing to the eye.

Qian Zhengzhi came to the tea table, finely lit a charcoal fire, began to boil water, this time his movements are not many, just waiting quietly waiting for the tea to boil.

Shion eyes stared at the field, suddenly whispered: "No, we are still a very critical thing."

Shen Wancai and Shen Hui turned their heads together: "What?"

Su Shi and Zhou Qin are somewhat aware at this time, and whispered together: "Tea?"

After all, Shen Wancai was the person who had seen the big world. He was a big expert in the collection. As soon as the Aster was light, he understood it and his fist slammed his palm: "Damn! How can I forget this?"

Although Shen Hui still does not know the specific situation, she is smart and vaguely guessed a bit, tentatively said: "Is it different from the different blisters?"

Aster nodded and whispered: "Yes, in ancient times, the royal family sometimes used to make a pot of good tea, and even to collect water from a place thousands of miles away, or to filter the water from the millennium." After brewing as tea," she looked at the tea in front of Qianzheng, and whispered: "I don't know what tea they are preparing for this fight."

Their group whispered whispers on the side, but many people turned their heads and glared at them. It was obvious that they were whispering and indignant when they were showing tea ceremony at the grandmaster of Qianzheng.

Just as Shion and others whispered, the tea in front of Qianzheng had gradually emerged with heat. He slowly opened the tea box in front of him and took out a black cake from it.

As soon as the small round cake was taken out, it was not a low-pitched exclamation. Many tea ceremony masters who had been arrogant and had no provocative words before Li Yundong could not help but lean forward and widened their eyes. .

Shion stared at the little black cake in the hands of Qian Zheng, and said, "This is impossible..."

Shen Wancai couldn't help but ask: "What is this?"

Asters was shocked and said: "This is the dragon and phoenix tea group... Longyuan wins snow!"

"Dragon and Phoenix Tea Group?" Zhou Qin and Shen Hui asked inexplicably. "What is the Dragon and Phoenix Tea Group? Is it rare? It is even rarer than the mother tree Dahongpao? What is Longyuan Shengxue?"

Su Shi also looked at Ziyuan with some incomprehensibility. As a practitioner, she has seen the magic weapon of Tianyin, and there is something in this world that is so shocking. Asters is also a well-informed person. Although I have never seen Fan Tianyin, the magic weapons such as Shenxian pen and Yao Ding are also seen all day long. As for a dragon and phoenix tea group, I was surprised.

Ziyuan saw them puzzled, and secretly smiled in her heart. She whispered: "The Dragon and Phoenix Tea Group is the king of tea. It has been lost for five or six hundred years. The tea we drink now is actually loose tea. It was made from the picking of tea trees and processed by tanning. In the Han Dynasty, Zhang Wei’s "Guang Ya" proposed to process tea leaves and proposed to make tea into tea cakes. This situation was until the Song Dynasty, the country was rich. The whole country is keen on tea ceremony, and the production of tea group has reached its peak. Among them, the dragon and phoenix tea group is the most famous. This kind of tea group is extremely rare, and it has always been dedicated to the emperor. Even the royal family has been to the emperor, and the emperor is reluctant to give it. Even when I was drinking, I was reluctant to drink. Only when I was worshipping in the ancestral temple, I was willing to take out a little bit. Ouyang Xiu was in the DPRK for 20 years, and this was the reward of Song Renzong, and I got a dragon and phoenix tea group."

Ouyang Xiu was then the Shangshu Shangshu and the Military Department Shangshu. This position is now equivalent to the President of the Supreme People's Court and the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Minister of Justice and the head of the Legal Interpretation Committee and the Director of the Defence Constitution Committee, as well as the Minister of National Defense and National Mobilization. Director of the Committee and leader of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission and Commander of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and Minister of Public Security!

Such a position is called a high weight, and it is extremely important. Even if it is such a status, he has never been willing to bring this dragon and phoenix tea group to drink. Only when he comes to the guest, he will come out and see it. At a glance, show off.

Shen Wancai’s ancestors were all peasants. It was only when he was a generation that he made a home. When he passed the day of Jinyiyu food, he naturally knew the truth of the sentence of "three generations for the official, knowing how to dress and eat."

In the old saying, three generations can cultivate a noble family, referring to the long-term accumulation and accumulation in the daily life of eating and drinking. The slow habits of life become a kind of aristocratic culture, which is far from being a nouveau riche and a monkey can learn. s things.

Shen Wancai knows that his roots are shallow, and he wants to become a nobleman, and he has created an aristocratic family with a long-lasting incense. Therefore, he is very particular about his residence. But he can hear it at this time: Emperor Laozi gets a piece of dragon and phoenix tea group. I am reluctant to drink, only to take it out when the ancestral temple is sacrificed! Ouyang Xiu’s high power is still not enough to drink. The guests are only coming. Everyone has a look, as if painting a cake to fill the hunger.

Is this the concept of God horse? !

Su Qin, Shen Hui, and Zhou Qin, who were born in the second generation of the official, all eyes wide open and shocked. Su Shi said, "What is the dragon garden win snow of this dragon and phoenix tea group?"

Shion shook his head and looked unbelievable. He continued: "In the Northern Song Dynasty, China's fighting tea reached its peak. According to Xiong Fan's "Xuanhe Beiyuan Gongcha Record", the Chinese Tea Tea Group from Purple The bamboo shoots were replaced by Gyeonggi, Shiru and Bairu, and were replaced by the Great Dragon and Phoenix Group. The Great Dragon and Phoenix Group was replaced by the Xiaolongfeng Group. The Xiaolongfeng Group was replaced by the Miyunlong Regiment. Ruiyun Xianglong replaced, Ruiyun Xianglong was replaced by white tea. Until the end, in the second year of the Northern Song Dynasty Xuanhe, the trough Zheng Kejian created the dragon garden Shengchao in the history of tea!

Aster turned his head and looked at the dragon in the hands of Qian Zheng, and he muttered: "Zheng Kejian made Longyuan Shengxue, only using 'silver silk water buds', in "Beiyuan Bilu", tea Divided into three categories: purple buds, medium buds, small buds, Longyuan Shengxue does not need to discard purple buds, only the small tea tips of the best new tea, only shaped like a tongue, like a talons, as small as a needle, so The tea tip is called water bud. In Xiong Fan’s "Xuanhe Beiyuan Gongcha Record", it is believed that the medium buds and small buds are rare and rare products. As for the water buds, the ancient buds are also unknown. 'You see the dragon garden wins snow in the hands of Qian Zheng, which is made from this unseen water bud, and steamed first in the production process, after the steaming, 'removed the picked ripe buds, only Take a look at the heart, use the treasures to store the clear springs, bright and clear, if the silver is the line, its system is new, there is a small dragon on it, No. Longyuan Shengxue '!

Asahi explained this, Shen Wancai, Shen Hui, Su Shi, Zhou Qin were all stunned, and Shen Hui looked down at the best mother tree Dahongpao held in his hand, stuttering and asking: "The big red robe in my hands, How many dragon parks can you win?"

Aster erected a finger, Su Shi could not help but ask: "One? Ah, impossible, half?" Zhou Qin said: "It will not be a small half? Is it not a small half? No? One money? It won't be a thing!"

Ziyuan shook his head, and finally said slowly: "The mother tree Dahongpao I saw before, can qualify to do the dragon garden wins snow, only one tea! And this tea has to take only the tea tip After steaming, you can decide not to use it!"

After saying this, Su Shi and others all stayed in the woods. Before Shen Wancai felt that he could get this mother tree Dahongpao, which is several times more expensive than gold, it was a very sloppy thing, and he was a little proud of his heart. When I look at this mother tree Dahongpao, I suddenly feel like dirt, it is really "people are more dead than people, goods are thrown than goods!"

Su Shi and others looked at the Qianzheng slowly to peel off the dragon garden Shengchao, grind it, and then make tea. They couldn’t help but think: How much manpower and material resources it takes to do Out of such a small piece of Longyuan wins snow? Ouyang Xiu got a piece of dragon and phoenix tea group and was already "happy and ecstatic. He thought it was a strange play, he didn't dare to try it himself, there was a guest, and he played it."

This is more than the Longfeng Tea Group, the Longyuan Shengxue, and what kind of tea is the holy product?

I just can't imagine it!

For a time, this is not silent, the needles are audible, only the tea is gently boiling, and Qianzhen’s elegantly puts the crushed tea into the famous tea set, and uses boiling water. A bubble, when the time is not examined, the white gas is transpiration, and the mist is faintly visible.

This mist is white and diffuse, and the fragrance is fragrant. It is really the dragon garden wins the snow, the dragon flies and dances!

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