MTL - Rebirth 1983: Starting From Taking Back the Family Property-Chapter 207 Makeup

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 When we arrived at Gu's house, the stylist and makeup artist hadn't arrived yet. Gu Xiuxiu was walking in the garden. She put down her handbag and went to accompany him.

Gu Xiuxiu has recovered from her cold at this time, and she looks very energetic: "Yesterday Mingzhu sent your dress over, you can try it on later."

Lu Jiaxin nodded and said, "I have prepared two skirts myself, and I will wear them for you to show to my aunt. Then we will choose the most beautiful one."

 Gu Xiuxiu agreed with a smile and asked her about things at school: "It's been two weeks since you entered school. How do you feel? Are you getting used to it?"

Lu Jiaxin didn't hide it from her, saying that she thought everything was pretty good, except for the poor music: "The two tutors recommended by Teacher Jin are very good. I kept up with the teacher's progress in just two weeks, and even if I want to get high scores in math, You need to do more exercises. Teacher Jin also said not to rush, but to take your time."

 Gu Xiuxiu was relieved: "I heard from Honggu that you invited two aunts, one to stay at home, and the other to only cook one meal in the afternoon. Why doesn't the meal cooked by the aunt at home not taste good?"

Lu Jiaxin smiled and lowered her voice and said, "Auntie, that's not aunt, that's the bodyguard I hired. Although the school and surrounding areas are very safe, I'm still a little scared to live alone, so I'll hire a female bodyguard to keep me safe."

Gu Xiuxiu felt that she had done the right thing and her own safety was the most important thing. She smiled and asked, "How are you getting along with your classmates?"

In order not to worry her, Lu Jiaxin didn't take the initiative to mention the fight, but now that she asked, she didn't hide it: "We get along very well. He is my deskmate. Due to family changes, he has a dull temper, and some bad students often bully him. She. I couldn’t help but help her, and now she has sued those bad boys.”

Gu Xiuxiu said disapprovingly: "If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you can tell the teacher. You can't stand up for yourself. It's too dangerous."

Lu Jiaxin did not refute, and explained: "I saw that they were all empty-handed before I dared to step forward. Even if they couldn't be beaten, they would suffer some physical pain at most and their lives would not be in danger. If they had weapons, I would definitely call the teacher."

As for Mo Hongwei, it would be a waste of time to call him. She actually wanted to report Mo Hongwei, but she gave up once she found out that this guy was a relative of the principal. But as long as he is caught in the future, he will definitely not be able to stay in school.

 Gu Xiuxiu originally wanted to say that she was too impulsive, but after hearing the explanation, she felt that she acted in a measured way: "You are right to think so. You can help when you see something bad happening, but you have to ensure your own safety first."

Aunt Mei came over and said, "Old lady, cousin, Mr. Pitt is here."

This Mr. Peter was the makeup artist hired by Gu Xiuxiu. The first time he put makeup on Gu Xiuxiu, he felt that it suited her very well, and she has been using him ever since.

Walking to the living room, Lu Jiaxin saw a man with long hair and an artistic look. As a fashion designer, I often interact with makeup artists during catwalks, and I have seen all types of makeup artists, from masculine to feminine to sissy.

After introducing the two people, Gu Xiuxiu said: "Jiaxin, the dress is in the back room. You go and put on the dress first, so that Mr. Pitt can set your makeup."

 Lu Jiaxin returned to the room and saw the hanging dress. It was a lace white princess dress embellished with pearls. Not good, not bad, just average.

Gu Xiuxiu was very satisfied with her clothes and said, "Go and get the jewelry and handbag that Mingzhu sent."

He Mingzhu also gave me a set of jewelry, including a crown, diamond earrings and a diamond bracelet. The bag is also the same color as the skirt.

Lu Jiaxin did not let Mr. Pitt do anything, but she tied her hair up casually, then put on the crown and bracelet, and then put the bag on her arm: "Auntie, what do you think?"

 “Very beautiful, just like a princess.”

Mr. Pitt nodded and said: "It's like a little princess coming out of the castle, very beautiful."

Lu Jiaxin smiled and said, "Auntie, I'll show you the two skirts I brought."

 The banquet starts at 3:30 in the afternoon, which is still early!

"Then go and change!" Gu Xiuxiu was stunned for a moment when she saw Lu Jiaxin changing into a long green skirt. After she came to her senses, she asked, "Where did you buy this skirt?"

 The characteristic of tailor-made is that it avoids shortcomings and presents advantages. Jia Xin's disadvantage is her thick arms, but her advantage is her thin waist and long legs. This skirt maximizes her strengths and avoids her weaknesses.

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "Brother Su asked someone to make it for me. Auntie, I think this skirt looks better than the one just now."

Gu Xiuxiu nodded and said, "It does look better than the dress Mingzhu gave me. Don't you still have another dress? Go and change it and show it to me."

 Three skirts, the green skirt looks the best, followed by the blue skirt. The White Princess isn't bad either, but it's too mediocre to have any special features.

Gu Xiuxiu decided to wear a green dress, and then asked Mr. Pitt to do her hair and makeup.

Mr. Pitt carefully looked at Lu Jiaxin’s face shape and finally gave her a princess haircut: “How about it? Do you like this hairstyle?”

 Lu Jiaxin nodded and said, "It's quite appropriate."

 Gu Xiuxiu felt it was a bit monotonous after looking at it, so she asked Honggu to get a diamond hairpin and pin it on her head: "Jiaxin, you can also wear this bracelet."

Mr. Peter shook his head and said: "Old lady, just put a diamond hairpin in your hair. Wearing a bracelet is a bit cumbersome."

The main thing is that Lu Jiaxin wears a long-sleeved skirt, so there is no need to wear a bracelet, because it is covered and you can't see it at all.

Gu Xiuxiu believed in his vision: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

 A sixteen-year-old girl is at the age of a flower, and wearing heavy makeup does not look good. Mr. Pitt gave Lu Jiaxin a make-up that fit her well. After taking a look at it, he was very satisfied: "Perfect."

Gu Xiuxiu is also going to attend the anniversary celebration, but it is already past twelve o'clock: "Eat lunch first, and then do it after lunch."

Mr. Pitt naturally has no objection.

Gu Xiuxiu prepared a dark green long-sleeved cheongsam. Mr. Pitt knew her preference, so he tied her hair up and paired it with pearl earrings and a pearl necklace, making it elegant and luxurious.

Lu Jiaxin praised: "Auntie, I hope I can be as good-looking as you when I'm your age.

Mr. Pitt thought the girl's mouth was as sweet as his own.

 Lu Jiaxin brought some snacks before departure and ate them when they were about to arrive at the hotel. It’s generally not good to eat well at a large event like this. After being hungry several times in the ancient capital, the feeling of being hungry was too uncomfortable and I didn’t want to experience it again, so I ate in advance to cushion my stomach before entering the venue.

Mr. Pitt thought she was very interesting and said with a smile: "Let me touch up your makeup!"

After touching up her makeup, Mr. Pitt gave her the cosmetics sample: "Take it here, and you can touch it up yourself later if your makeup is worn out. Don't be afraid, I believe you can fix it up yourself."

Knowing that she was going to attend the anniversary celebration, Lu Jiaxin bought a set of cosmetics, but she didn't expect to use them in the end.

 There will be various emergencies at the banquet, so these things should be prepared. Lu Jiaxin took it and thanked her.