MTL - Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology-Chapter 17 All repaired

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Minister Feng vaguely remembered that that day Chen Xiao was saying that there was an uncle at home who came back from studying in Germany and would repair the motherboard.

Minister Feng originally thought that Chen Xiao was joking, but did not expect that the motherboard was not repaired, but replaced.

Is Chen Xiao's uncle really so stupid?

Minister Feng said: "Chen Qiang's son said that he has an uncle who came back from studying in Germany and can integrate integrated circuits?"

Wang Xiang glanced at Chen Xiao, who was installing the motherboard, and couldn't help but want to laugh. Chen Xiao is also a thief. Mostly, it was to deceive the trust of the factory, so he made a nonsense about having an uncle.

But Wang Xiang didn't understand it either. Chen Xiao obviously has the strength, so just tell the truth.

Wang Xiang: "This motherboard is produced by our Delong Electronics Factory. It was produced in an expedited manner. We have produced more than ten boards in total, and we have brought them all over."

When Minister Feng heard it, it was indeed the case.

When Chen Xiao said that he had an uncle, he was a little suspicious.

Zhang Biao is also from Jiangzhou, and of course he knows Wang Xiang, the winner of the May Fourth Youth Medal.

During the May Fourth Youth Day this year, the entire Jiangzhou media was covering Wang Xiang.

Zhang Biao was so excited that he walked over to hold Wang Xiang's hand and said, "Brother Wang! I've seen you in the newspapers and on TV! I didn't expect you, Delong Electronics, to be so powerful that you can produce German CNC machine tools. Mainboard!"

After shaking hands, Zhang Biao hurriedly took out a packet of Huazi from his pocket, took out one and handed it over and said, "Brother Wang, I am very grateful to you! I just heard that Director Su and the others have all found an agent in Shanghai Stock Exchange. According to the experts, there is no way to fix it, otherwise my side is really…”

Zhang Biao was very calm on the surface, but in fact he remembered that he was overwhelmed.

Whether it's dealing with people or finding out who's responsible, these are all trivial matters.

The equipment is broken, causing the loss of tens of millions of state-owned assets. This is a major event.

Now that there is a new motherboard and the device can continue to run, Zhang Biaocai is really relieved.

Wang Xiang waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't smoke. You guys, you don't need to leave such a big person, and you still need to find some experts in the Shanghai stock market. Isn't this not looking for distance!"

Wang Xiang went on to say: "Although this motherboard is produced in our factory, but such an ingenious design, all the technicians in our factory, including me, couldn't make it. It was designed by Chen Xiao."

Chen Xiao? !

how is this possible!

Chen Qiang's son, a high school student would design such a complex integrated circuit diagram?

What an international joke!

Does Chen Xiao really have an uncle who came back from studying in Germany?

Minister Feng said, "Chen Qiang, do you really have a brother-in-law who came back from Germany?"

Su Desheng looked at Wang Xiang and Chen Xiao in disbelief. If Chen Qiang really had a brother-in-law who came back from studying in Germany, this is a talent, a top student!

Su Desheng murmured in his heart that if he could study in Germany, he was not allowed to know any leader in the market, otherwise he would disturb the Delong Electronics Factory.

Su Desheng regretted a little. He shouldn't have pushed Chen Qiang in such a hurry just now. It doesn't matter if he offends Chen Qiang. If he offends Chen Qiang's brother-in-law, the situation will be bad.

Wang Xiang's next words shocked everyone at the scene.

Wang Xiang laughed and shouted, "This integrated circuit diagram was designed by Chen Xiao."

what! !

Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, looking at Chen Xiao who was busy with his work, with an incredible look on his face.

Even Su Desheng and Gao Hongze would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than that Chen Xiao would design such a complex integrated circuit.

This is German equipment!

This is an integrated circuit that even the technicians of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Agency can't.

Can Chen Xiao design?

Su Desheng laughed dryly and said, "Director Wang is joking. He is too modest. This is the credit of your Delong Electronics Factory. We must thank you very much! We will pay for the production of the motherboard!"

When Su Desheng said this, he was still a little apprehensive, because he didn't know how much a domestic motherboard would cost.

Chen Xiao sweated profusely, and spent a very short time installing all the main boards of more than ten CNC machine tools.

It's not that Chen Xiao's technology is so good, but the structure of machine tools in this era is relatively simple.

Wang Xiang waved his hand and said: "What is the money? Chen Xiao helped us Delong to redesign the integrated circuit of the VCD, which is a big help for me. The most difficult part of the integrated circuit is the design, and the second is the production. As long as it is designed, we have this ability. , it can be produced, and as for the production cost, these are small things.”

Now, everyone is not calm!

But no one would think that the top student of Shuimu University, the technical director of Delong Electronics, Jiangzhou is the winner of the May Fourth Outstanding Youth, and Wang Xiang would tell a lie for a high school student.

There is only one reason why Wang Xiang said this - the circuit of the CNC machine tool was designed by Chen Xiao.

[Influence +10, cumulative influence 21. 】

In this wave, Chen Xiao gained a full ten points of influence.

Reporter Li captured this keenly, and said to the cameraman very excitedly: "Quick! Go and shoot the motherboard just installed and Chen Xiao! Genius! Really genius! Even the most skilled technicians in our country can't do it. The design that came out, Chen Xiao, came out, this is still a high school student! My God!"

A reporter from Jiangcheng TV also quickly took a camera and took pictures of Chen Xiao.

The reporters are keenly aware that if Chen Xiao can design the main board to replace the original factory of German Demag, it will greatly promote the development of domestic machine tools.

If nothing else, you can at least imitate Demag products, produce one yourself, and buy as few overseas materials as possible, which greatly saves costs.

You must know that all this was actually done by a high school student!

Reporter Li of "Jiangzhou Daily" and reporter Wang of Jiangcheng TV station are going to interview Chen Xiao alone for a while. UU Reading

Chen Xiao drove all the power supplies of the CNC machine tools, and all the CNC machine tools could be turned on normally.

Of course, Chen Xiao moved some hands and feet when designing this batch of motherboards. This batch of CNC machine tool motherboards will have problems in about a month due to the current.

There are some differences between the design drawings Chen Xiao sent to Wang Xiang and the design drawings he mailed to the State Patent Office.

Bullying honest people is not bullying like that.

After picking up a handful of influence, Chen Xiaoshun dug a big hole for Director Su.

"Brother Wang, do you have any results here?" Chen Xiao asked.

Wang Xiang nodded and said: "By the way, I just looked at the circuit here and found that there are two serious problems. One is that the power supply of the machine tool is not connected to the network strictly in accordance with the industrial power supply standards, which has potential safety hazards. When I got to the line marked as factory 41-12, it was replaced. I asked the workers. It was only replaced after it was burned that day. This line is connected to the main line next door. Was there any electrical short circuit next door that night when the machine tool was burned? already?"

"I'm just wondering, this circuit should be easy to check, you haven't found it?"

Wang Xiang said decisively: "The burning of the CNC machine should have nothing to do with the control room, and Chen Qiang is not responsible."

You may not believe what others say. But what Wang Xiang said is basically the truth.

Chen Qiang had seen through all the people in the factory tonight, and he was not afraid of Gao Hongze's retaliation, "Mr. Zhang! As long as Gao Hongze is on duty in the factory, he will play cards next door, and I don't know if it has anything to do with this! "