MTL - Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology-Chapter 19 Raise high, lower gently

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Reporter Li nodded again and again and said, "Yes, yes! We must not only set an example and report vigorously, but also do a good job of protecting minors, and things that hurt Zhongyong will definitely not happen."

Wang Xiang nodded his thanks.

In the workshop, Chen Qiang said to Wu Wei: "Squad Leader Wu, I have been working in the machinery factory for more than 20 years, and we have worked together for more than ten years. You should know what kind of person I am. Today, Mr. Zhang is in Here, I'm just asking for justice, but..."

Wu Wei was embarrassed. After all, he could offend Chen Qiang, but he could never offend Gao Hongze.

Wu Wei recovered and said: "Qiangzi, it's right to find out the reason for this matter. Manager Zhang is here, and he will definitely investigate and deal with what needs to be dealt with. You go to work and don't think too much."

Wang Xiang took the initiative to invite: "Uncle Chen, if you don't mind, you can come to work in our Delong Electronics Factory. The work here is not difficult and the pay is okay."

Wang Xiang knew about the situation at Chen Xiao's family, and after this time, Chen Qiang would definitely not be able to work in Jiangcheng Machinery Factory, so he could be regarded as deepening his relationship with Chen Xiao by throwing an olive branch.

When Chen Xiao is rich in the future, he will definitely not let his parents do heavy work, but not now.

Chen Qiang can go to work in Delong Electronics Factory, which is the best result so far.

Chen Qiang was a little hesitant. After all, Chen Xiao was about to take the college entrance examination, and Jiangzhou was still an hour or two away by car from Jiangcheng. He would definitely not be able to come back every day or take care of Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao saw Chen Qiang's worry and said, "Dad, don't worry about my studies. Delong's salary in Jiangzhou is definitely better than here. You work hard over there, and I study hard at home."

Chen Qiang didn't agree immediately. He said, "Director Wang, I'll go back and discuss with Xiaozi's mother before replying to you. What do you think?"

Wang Xiang nodded and said, "That's fine, Chen Xiao has my phone number, just call me at any time."

It was very late, and Wang Xiang drove back to Jiangzhou first.

Chen Xiao and Chen Qiang also left the machinery factory, and Lin Hui was still at home waiting for them.

On the road, Chen Qiang rode on the 28th pole, and Chen Xiao sat in the back of the car.

The street lights illuminated the figures of the two men. For the first time, Chen Qiang felt that his son had really grown up.

"Xiaozi, how can you design integrated circuits?" Chen Qiang also suddenly realized that he was still a little unfamiliar with his son.

"It's all about reading, and I'm more interested in it myself, so I pondered and fiddled with it."

Chen Qiang nodded and said, "My father doesn't understand these high-tech things. Anyway, you have to study hard and strive to get ahead. Don't be a coolie in a factory like your father, and you won't be able to make money. You're not promising."

Chen Xiao had a sour nose and said, "Dad, you think too much, you are our pillar!"

In fact, this is a good era. At least Chen Xiao's generation can still see hope after working hard. Decades later, the class is basically fixed, and the opportunities are poor. Even if it is a desperate study, in the end, it is just 996, white plus black, five plus two to work for others. After working for decades, you may not even be able to buy a house. Most of the young people who lost in the reincarnation line had only the arrangement of equal fate.

Chen Qiang said with a smile: "In the future, my son will have a bright future. I will take your mother to the park for a walk every day and enjoy it."

Chen Xiao said silently: "It won't take long, these will definitely come true."

Jiangcheng State Machinery Factory, Su Desheng's office.

Zhang Biao scolded Su Desheng immediately: "Su Desheng, Su Desheng! The company arranged for you to come here to train you well! The factories in Jiangcheng are our main force of production! You are good! In a blink of an eye, ten Several machines were all destroyed!"

Zhang Biao took a breath and said, "Fortunately, the equipment was repaired by Chen Xiao, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell you the truth!"

Close the door and talk.

Su Desheng was able to come to this position, in addition to his own ability, of course, there are contacts, so Zhang Biao was just angry, and he really couldn't do anything to Su Desheng.

"Mr. Zhang! Don't worry. Next time! This situation will never happen next time. I will take Gao Hongze seriously!"

Zhang Biao shook his head and said with a long sigh, "It's good that the CNC machine can still be used. I will suppress this matter and not report it to the top, but your brother-in-law, you must take good care of it!"

Su Desheng hurriedly punished himself with three cups: "I will immediately stop his work for a week and transfer him from his current position."

"But, Mr. Zhang, the media side..."

Zhang Biao nodded and said, "I'm pressing on the media side, and there won't be any reports. It's New Year's Eve, and you are not allowed to leak any more!"

Su Desheng repeatedly said yes.

Zhang Biao suddenly thought of a question: "The motherboard that Chen Xiao designed, I think it is very useful! The long-term purchase of overseas equipment for our machinery factory is a huge expense. The head office has also been aware of this problem a few years ago, so We are working with an electronics factory in Shanghai to develop CNC machine tools suitable for us. We are also imitating the equipment of Demagie, but we have not been able to make breakthroughs in technology.”

"Now the main board in the factory is ready-made. I will take it to the head office. Maybe those technical experts will study it in a flash."

Zhang Biao said very vaguely: "Let's make a contribution to the machinery factory."

Zhang Biao spoke, and there was something in his words, but Su Desheng was also a good man, and he understood it immediately.

If Zhang Biao and Su Desheng donated the motherboard designed by Chen Xiao to the head office for research, if they really imitated Demagie's machine tool, wouldn't it be logical to add various rewards to the officials?

Zhang Biao has always wanted to climb up the ranks, to be transferred from the general manager of a state-owned enterprise to the parent officer of Jiangzhou, while Su Desheng wanted to be promoted to the general manager and become a deputy factory manager.

If this happens, the two of them will definitely be able to achieve their goals.

Zhang Biao said: "Chen Qiang must stay in the factory so that he won't go out and talk nonsense."

Su Desheng said understandingly, "Understood Mr. Zhang! I still have to find a way to get the blueprint of the motherboard."

Zhang Biao waved his hand: "It doesn't matter whether you can get it or not. With the motherboard, it is not difficult for the technical department in the factory to draw a drawing according to it."

Su Desheng understood in seconds.

In the end, Zhang Biao's handling of Su Desheng was still held high and gently put down.

Su Desheng took out a box of tea from the safe: "Mr. Zhang, this is a little local product, you can take it back and try it."

Zhang Biao saw the thick red and green one-hundred-yuan bills in the box, at least 10,000 yuan, so he took it over and said, "I said it all, don't bother with any local specialties, let's not set an example!"

Su Desheng said flatteringly: "Definitely! Certainly!"