MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 15 provocative

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The temperature of the pool was supposed to be perfect, but now it was getting a little hot.

When Cheng Jinzhi hugged Rong Si, Rong Si visibly froze. The kiss just now was very intense, and Cheng Jinzhi's lips were a little red.

After a pause of two seconds, Cheng Jinzhi came back to his senses. "Um…"

It's embarrassing, the fake show is real.

"Your kissing skills seem to be proficient." Cheng Jinzhi wanted to ease the embarrassment of such staring at each other. But as soon as the words came out of her mouth... ah, what was she talking about! ?

"Do you want to continue?"

"No need..." Cheng Jinzhi saw that Rong Si's expression was approaching rationality, and felt as if he had completed some task.

Rong Si picked up the bathrobe and handed it to Cheng Jinzhi.

The two put on their bathrobes calmly. After putting it on, Cheng Jinzhi took several breaths. As an adult, it is inevitable that the gun will go off, which is not surprising, calm down.

She turned her head to look at Rong Si, Rong Si's back was facing her, her fair back was soon covered by the bathrobe. She brushed back her long hair, which was already wet. Cheng Jinzhi quickly looked away again, for fear that Rong Si would see him peeking at her. In retrospect, the atmosphere was so good just now, and I almost did the whole thing. As Cheng Jinzhi thought about it, Rong Si froze for two seconds. In fact, Rong Si still repulses herself very much in her heart, and yes, Rong Si is not a lesbian.

"Do you want me to carry you up?" Seeing Cheng Jinzhi's limp look, Rong Si asked.

"No... I have strength in me."

Even though Cheng Jinzhi said so, Rong Si still reached out to support her. "If you soak in the pool for too long, you will lose your strength."

Cheng Jinzhi didn't speak, she raised her eyelids to look at Rong Si's profile. This angle reminded her of Rong Si's military training a few days ago. There were so many people, crowded and pushed, Rong Si insisted on bringing her out.

Rong Si is indeed a person who makes people feel safe.

"You sit on the sofa for a while, I'll get you some hot water." Rong Si held a large towel and gently rubbed Cheng Jinzhi's long hair.


Cheng Jinzhi looked at Rong Si's back. She is so much younger than her, yet she is so good at taking care of people. Rong Si took such good care of her, if it wasn't for her stiffness just now, Cheng Jinzhi would have thought that Rong Si was really nice to her. The two of them, one lustful and the other seeking money, can't really talk about their true feelings.

Soaking in the bathtub, Cheng Jinzhi put a mask on himself. She began to think about Rong Si's demonstration just now, and after thinking about it, she thought about the later "accident". After living for so long, I was too disappointed, and was hooked by Rong Si's performance. Not only was he hooked, but Rong Si pushed back, and the most embarrassing thing was that she yelled to stop. A few days ago, Rong Si seduced her a lot, Cheng Jinzhi felt weird, why do you keep seducing me because you dislike me. I know why you keep seducing me for money...why do you keep seducing me...

The next day, Cheng Jinzhi and Yi Yi reported the situation, and Yi Yi asked the scene manager to arrange the venue for a new shoot. The early stages of the scene went as smoothly as ever.

Cheng Jinzhi bit his lip and let out a groan. "Miss, uh..."

Cheng Jinzhi didn't sleep well last night, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt suffocated. Today, when she takes off her clothes in front of Rong Si and shoots passionate scenes with Rong Si, she has the meaning of "provocation". Cheng Jinzhi deliberately rubbed against Rong Si, panting in Rong Si's ear.

The scene didn't last long, and Yi Yi never stopped. He tapped the palm of his left hand with his right hand and took a long shot. When Cheng Jinzhi was about to sit on Rong Si's body, Yi Yi clapped his hands. "Crack."

After parting, Rong Si's face turned a little blush, and she didn't know if it was because of the heat from the pool. She didn't help Cheng Jinzhi wrap his clothes calmly like before. Cheng Jinzhi pulled off her clothes and wrapped herself up. She took a look at Rong Si and went ashore by herself. Walking a little proudly, pacing her kitten. Rong Si turned her head and looked at Cheng Jinzhi's back. Cheng Jinzhi pulled back his long hair and lazily tied a string, his wrists were white and slender.

When the work was over at night, director Yi Yi still looked at the long shots shot during the day with some aftertaste. "Miss Cheng, your savvy is so good, it's only been one night."

At this time Rong Si also came over, Cheng Jinzhi curled his lips proudly. "where."

"Miss Rong is also in good condition today." Yi Yi said again when he saw Rong Si. "The next two days, the shoot will be a little intense."

"Well, I'll ask for leave from my senior." Rong Si nodded.

As a freshman, Rong Si must not have a good impression on the teachers if she always asks for leave.

After dinner, Cheng Jinzhi felt that it was necessary for him to give a few "talks from experience". "Courses in the university have normal grades, and the teachers give them by looking familiar. If you go on like this, you will definitely not be familiar. I suggest you find a teacher to eat or something. It is best now. It is definitely not the end of the semester. You can find it at the end of the semester." There are too many people. The teacher wiped his mouth, so he doesn’t know who you are.”

Cheng Jinzhi is really experienced. Those who come to "Jingying" to study are indeed rich, but those who teach in Jingying are not bad. It’s okay to meet a teacher who is easy to talk, but a score of 59 who is not easy to talk will get you stuck. If there is no make-up exam with the usual score, it is all fate. If you hit the "Four Famous Make-up", retake it and see you again.

"En." Rong Si responded.

You must know that at the end of the semester, Rong Si's score in the test plus the comprehensive test was the first in the whole year, so she didn't say such things that exposed her as a scumbag. This feeling is so shameful that it can rise to the point of revealing a flaw in IQ.

Rong Si asked for leave from the school, passed the grades quickly, and came to the set early the next morning. Cheng Jinzhi had a night show at night, so he didn't go back. In the morning, he was still yawning a little. The weather is a bit cold now, especially in the morning, when Rong Si sees Cheng Jinzhi sleepy with a cup of coffee in his hand, his ears are a little red.

Sleepy and cold, Cheng Jinzhi took a sip of his coffee. At this time, she saw Rong Si walking over. "Morning."

"Morning." Rong Si brought cat ear muffs and put them on for Cheng Jinzhi.

"Huh?" Cheng Jinzhi raised his eyelids, as if he wanted to see the cat ears on his head. "Whose is this?"

"The roadside stall outside." Rong Si said.

"It's so ugly, I don't want to wear it." Cheng Jinzhi tugged at the cat's ears, as if trying to tear off the earmuffs.

Rong Si held the cat's ears and Cheng Jinzhi's head in both hands. "Your ears are red from the cold, so it's not easy to be photographed."

Cheng Jinzhi held the paper cup and didn't move the cat's ears, but his tone was still very disgusting. "It's so ugly, can't you pick a nice one?"


"What are you talking about?" Cheng Jinzhi saw Rong Si's reticence, and knew that she didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"I think it's fine."

"What can I do?"

"It's fine for you to wear it."

"..." She probably didn't sleep, her mind was in a daze, and when Rong Si walked away, she still couldn't tell whether Rong Si was praising her or not.

The two-day drama was quite passionate, and Ms. Jia wanted to besiege the city for the first time. The besieged city here has already come to the Shuai Mansion to sing operas, and Miss Jia's father has even stayed overnight.

"It smells so good." Miss Jia, played by Rong Si, opened the door and entered the room surrounded by the city. She put the gun in her hand on the dressing table, pulled out her belt again, bowed her body and said in Siege's ear. As he spoke, he stuck out his greedy tongue and licked Siege's ears. "Unfortunately, tonight, my father went back to his room drunk."

Siege, played by Cheng Jinzhi, has taken a shower and is doing makeup in front of the mirror. "There is ample time."

Before this scene, there was another group play. At the banquet, Siege teased Miss Jia, which made Miss Jia feel itchy.

In this scene, Siege and Ms. Jia's words are very frivolous. Yi Yi nodded from time to time, this scene can be radioed live. Originally, he wanted to find someone to dub Cheng Jinzhi, but he didn't think that Cheng Jinzhi could perform well, and he was quite brilliant in some places, so he gave up the idea.

"The days ahead will be long, I will 'serve' for my father tonight." Rong Si whispered, suppressing the voice in her throat.

pretty. Yi Yi's wrist moved unconsciously. In terms of script skills, Yi Yi felt that Cheng Jinzhi was better than Rong Si. Cheng Jinzhi had received professional training, while Rong Si had just entered the showbiz. During the time when the phone was turned on, Yi Yi also asked Rong Si to talk about his lines. Rong Si's words were too formal, while Miss Jia's words were a little sloppy. Now it seems that Rong Si is really a born actor, she got rid of her usual way of speaking and habits so quickly.

Coming down from the camera, DC also ran over with a hasty look on his face. "boss…"

"Jin Zhi..." Before DC finished speaking, a familiar female voice sounded. Cheng Jinzhi looked over. Gao Yi was wearing a fluttering white dress, with a white belt that made her waist look particularly slender. Her manager followed behind and held up her skirt, for fear that the costume would get dirty. Gao Yi is also filming here?

The author has something to say:

The gold master proudly licks his paw

Writer: Gold Master, if you do this again, I won’t be able to keep you

Funder: What?

Writer: ... You may be caught by a Tibetan mastiff like this... Oh, stop, Tibetan mastiff! It's my birthday today...what's coming at me! ! (shame)