MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 17 share the same bed

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After speaking, Cheng Jinzhi immediately hung up. Deterring others, saying less yourself, can also make others think more and worry more. That's how people are, the harder you talk to her, the more she goes in one ear and out the other, and when it's over, she will ask you where you were. You just say one thing, let her touch the rest, and she will be more active in handling things because she is frightened by your attitude.

Sure enough, after a while, the front desk led a master to come. "Miss Cheng is very sorry, there has been a big show in the past few days..."

"Why are you telling me you're sorry?" Cheng Jinzhi squinted at the front desk.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The receptionist clasped his hands together and said sorry twice, before turning to Rong Si. "I'm very sorry Miss Rong, you may have to wait for a while, I'll let the master..."

"You won't let Miss Rong wait and sleep in your crappy room, will you?" Cheng Jinzhi interrupted.

The front desk showed a troubled look. "Several film crews have come, and the surrounding hotels are almost the same... How about I call someone to send Miss Rong to a hotel in Yanhai District? It is also under our company, and the environment is absolutely..."

"Yanhai District?" Cheng Jinzhi rolled his eyes. "Do you know what district this is? After you send Miss Rong there, will Miss Rong still sleep?"

"I'm very sorry..." The front desk was too busy and dizzy.

"Miss Cheng, it seems that your room can sleep two people." The master who was holding a washbasin to shovel water said.

It was quiet, and Cheng Jinzhi also shut up. She glanced at the master who poked his head out of the room. As long as you talk too much, Cheng Jinzhi quickly rolled his eyes.

"Miss Cheng, how about..."

I also blame myself for being too busy. Without even thinking about it, Cheng Jinzhi opened his mouth and refused. "The room is so small, it's not enough for me to sleep alone."

"Miss Rong, please wait a little longer... I'll go and see if there is any unsubscribed room..." The receptionist said to Rong Si, Rong Si had already rolled up her sleeves and was shoveling water with the master.

After the receptionist left, Cheng Jinzhi also turned his head and went back to the room. After taking a bath, she applied another mask to herself. Lying on the bed, she raised her hand again, touched the pads of her fingers, raised her fingers and tapped her pads again. Cheng Jinzhi took off his mask and threw it into the trash can.

The door of Rong Si's room was still open, and the floor was still a little wet, so Cheng Jinzhi entered on tiptoe. Rong Si is in the bathroom now, her sleeves are rolled up, even her trousers are rolled up, her feet are bare, showing her slender ankles. Seeing Rong Si like this, Cheng Jinzhi was stunned for a moment, and then pulled Rong Si out. Rong Si seemed a little dazed, and she was still holding tools. Cheng Jinzhi took the tool from her hand and threw it into the toolbox. "Master, your hotel is so big, how can you be so petty about repairing something, and ask customers to bring you tools..."

"Hey..." The master looked very dull, and he smiled embarrassingly.

"Don't blame Master Tao, I said to help." Rong Si said.

"You are also a female star, you..." Cheng Jinzhi pulled Rong Si away, and took a cotton mop for Rong Si to put on. Cheng Jinzhi wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"It's okay." Rong Si put on cotton slippers.

The more Rong Si was like this, the more difficult it was for Cheng Jinzhi to say anything. She looked at Rong Si, Rong Si's clothes were a little dizzy, and there were spots of black motor oil on them. After thinking for a while, he grabbed Rong Si's wrist again and pulled her to his room. I took the bathrobe from the closet. "Go, take a shower and change your clothes."

Rong Si looked at Cheng Jinzhi, and silently took the bathrobe.

Cheng Jinzhi sat on the sofa, she turned on the TV, it happened to be the Food Channel, and she felt a little hungry watching it. She scanned the room and opened the refrigerator in the room. There was a wide variety of food in the refrigerator, and Cheng Jin saw instant noodles at a glance.

After the instant noodles were soaked, Rong Si also came out, and she was drying her hair. Under the large towel, her face looked extremely small. You said that Rong Si is also miraculous, her face is so three-dimensional and delicate, and she is still so small, she can completely stand up to the big screen. Like Cheng Jinzhi coming down from the camera, others will be surprised when they see her. "Miss Cheng, your face is so small."

So in their impression, how big is their face?

At this time Rong Si came over, she looked down at Cheng Jinzhi who was holding instant noodles on the sofa. The instant noodles were almost soaked, and Cheng Jinzhi was drooling with a spoon in his mouth. Rong Si reached out and took the instant noodles in Cheng Jinzhi's hand.

"Mine." Cheng Jinzhi was quite protective of the food, and seeing her posture, she almost hugged the instant noodles.

Rong Si was stunned for a moment, and quickly snatched the instant noodles from Cheng Jinzhi's hand. "hungry?"

"I'm starving to death." Damn, if I knew it, I wouldn't have called Rong Si over. You put on my bathrobe and snatched my instant noodles, Cheng Jinzhi was about to cry.

Rong Si put the instant noodles on the Nakajima console, took out a sandwich from the refrigerator, warmed it up in the microwave, put the sauce on a porcelain white plate, and handed it to Cheng Jinzhi. "Cush your belly, you'll be fine later."

The room has its own kitchen, a western-style kitchen, and Rong Si seems to be able to handle it with ease. She took a serving of beef from the freezer.

Cheng Jinzhi hugged the back of the sofa, biting a sandwich and looking at Rong Si not far away. Rong Si was very meticulous, with slender and fair fingers, she was frying the steak and was about to catch up with the gourmet show. In the middle, Rong Si also gave Cheng Jinzhi a salad, in case Cheng Jinzhi would be hungry while waiting for the meat. It's obviously a well-made sandwich, but I don't know what kind of processing Rong Si made, it's so delicious. Cheng Jinzhi finished eating in a few mouthfuls, and took the salad Rong Si made in his mouth. The bankruptcy in the previous life still had a lot of influence on Cheng Jinzhi. For example, when she opened the refrigerator and saw a pile of food, her first thought was to make instant noodles. Easy and convenient. The effects of preservatives and miscellaneous harmful beauty substances are completely ignored. She also said that Rong Si should pay attention to being a female star, as a female star, she actually eats instant noodles in the middle of the night.

Reviewed for two seconds. Cheng Jinzhi quickly rolled around with the salad in his arms. When he was hungry, everything was delicious.

After eating the salad, Cheng Jinzhi sat at the dining table and waited for the steak.

The steak was seared to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. Cheng Jinzhi has always felt that whether it is Western or Chinese cooking, the chef needs to be slow and slow, the technique can be fast, and the fire can be turned on fiercely, but he must be slow and wait for the fire.

"Rong Si, have you ever thought about learning how to cook?" Cheng Jinzhi was still able to put a napkin on himself in a leisurely manner after puffing his stomach before.

"No." Rong Si wiped her hands.

"I think you have this talent." Cheng Jinzhi took a bite and thought about it. "Yes, you are talented in everything."

"No talent."

"Rong Si, you can't do this. Talking is too boring. If there is an interview in the future, it will be a topic killer." Cheng Jinzhi said.

"Well, what do I do then?"

Holding a knife and fork, Cheng Jinzhi said in a good mood: "You want to be a gimmick, you want to be a gimmick. If you are an entertainer, you must have an entertaining spirit."

Cheng Jinzhi is too "entertaining". In his previous life, in the promotion and interview, every sentence was a joke, which made people "talk about it". When Cheng Jinzhi was in the limelight, the fans of the two heroines in the movies he participated in couldn't get enough. In the end, by scolding Cheng Jinzhi, the fans of the two parties reached a "Jinggangshan meeting" in terms of opinions. Cheng Jinzhi was also unpopular among his peers. No one wanted to be robbed of the limelight. Everyone just scolded Cheng Jinzhi, and he was robbed before he even had an advertisement shot. That's how the reputation of crushing his peers came out, and he added this sentence. "There is no meat on the face, and the work is less poisonous."

Cheng Jinzhi was embarrassed to rush Rong Si to the next room because of his soft mouth. Thinking about it, he asked someone to bring another quilt.

While Rong Si was washing the dishes, Cheng Jinzhi stood aside. "Well... This room can still sleep two people."

"It's okay, the master should be repaired soon."

"The room leaked like that, so there must be a lot of humidity," Cheng Jinzhi said.

Rong Si took a look at Cheng Jin. "Well, then I'll sleep on the sofa."

"You don't want to sleep with me?" With Cheng Jinzhi's character, she felt uncomfortable when others pinched her.


"I won't do anything to you." Cheng Jinzhi blurted out. Hmm... It seems that two days ago she almost put Rong Si...

"Well, you go to bed first, I'll come over later."

Cheng Jinzhi climbed onto the bed, and saw that the TV was still on, and now it was showing Animal World.

"I turned off the lights."

"it is good."

Rong Si went to bed lightly, and her movements were very light.

Suddenly Rong Si's movements stopped, she seemed to be looking at the TV screen, Cheng Jinzhi also raised his eyelids, it's okay if he didn't look at it, when he saw it, Cheng Jinzhi choked on his saliva. Animal World is now broadcasting canine mating, very vivid wild mating.

Then, the painting style of the animal world became more and more strange. The host said in a serious voice: "This is a pair of lovers from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Compared with the same race, they are so special. Reproductive isolation does not seem to prevent Their love, this is a Tibetan mastiff from Shigatse, and its partner is a Braddor cat..."

"..." Cheng Jinzhi didn't know what to think of, and quickly turned off the TV.

...It's all Xia You's fault, ever since she called Rong Si a Tibetan Mastiff. The word "Tibetan mastiff" got into her head, and she still remembered it from time to time when she looked at Rong Si. Cheng Jinzhi looked at Rong Si with a guilty conscience, Rong Si had already fallen asleep.

Cheng Jinzhi paused, and suddenly remembered the day in the dark. During the day, many people were snickering, they should know something about themselves and Rong Si. He just left with Gao Yi, probably Rong Si also heard a lot of gossip. "Don't take it to heart, Gao Yi and I... Forget it, you probably aren't interested either."

Rong Si didn't express any opinion, but just stretched out her hand and tucked Cheng Jinzhi into the quilt.

Cheng Jinzhi lowered his head, feeling bad all of a sudden, even after eating too much. "Well, I fell asleep."

Can't sleep, okay? After half an hour, Cheng Jinzhi turned over again and lifted the quilt. As soon as he lifted the quilt, he was grabbed by a pair of long hands. The owner of the long hands put his arms around Cheng Jinzhi, as if trying to appease Cheng Jinzhi's restless mood. The voice is very soft. "Go to sleep."

The author has something to say:

The gold master pursed his mouth with tears in his eyes: I won't do anything to you

Rong Si sighed: I am afraid of what I will do to you

Writer: What fun things are you going to do? Add me and add me

Readers: Get lost (this script has a lot of handwriting)

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