MTL - Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man-Chapter 2513 What instrument is this?

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After the business was settled, Chen Jianghai and others planned to leave.

Walking to the door, Chen Jianghai raised his head and looked at the building, his eyes showing some thoughtful colors.

Everyone waited quietly beside Chen Jianghai, they didn't know why Chen Jianghai looked at this building like this.

"Xiao Ma, Jianming, I am looking forward to your ability to become stronger. In the future, this building may not only have three floors as your office base, perhaps, you can buy this building, or even build your own. The building…”

Chen Jianghai turned around and patted Ma Huyue and Liu Jianming on the shoulders.

These inspiring words also inspired Ma Huyue and Liu Jianming's fighting spirit.

Everything these two people have now is given by Chen Jianghai, and now Chen Jianghai has brought them into the industry that is currently in the wind. Of course, they must seize this opportunity.

In the past, they could only live in a small house, watching the computer and eating instant noodles.

Now they have a three-story office building, maybe in the future they can have a brand new building.

It's all impossible to say...

But, the future is bright!

"I'll go first. Regarding your future development plan, give me a detailed report, and I will give you some advice."

After that, Chen Jianghai waved goodbye to Ma Huyue and Liu Jianming.

Yue Hongsheng and Luo Hao also exchanged a few words with them before getting on the bus. This time Chen Jianghai came to Shencheng for another purpose, that is to go to Magotan Medical Company.

Li Xiyan was already waiting for Chen Jianghai.

This trip was supposed to take place immediately after the year, but Chen Jianghai flew to Laomi, so this matter was delayed.

Today, Chen Jianghai finally came to see Li Xiyan.

Li Xiyan's Magotan Medical is far from Ma Huyue and Liu Jianming's companies, basically one is in the east and the other is in the west.

After the deep city was designated as a special zone, the mask of the city is still expanding outward, so it is really not easy to cross the city.

After an hour's drive, Chen Jianghai came to the place where Li Xiyan was.

This is a factory of Magotan Medical, and the office of Magotan Medical is also here.

After Li Xiyan and the others got Chen Jianghai's investment, they changed their office location and simply combined the office building and the factory building, which made it more convenient for them to conduct corresponding research.

Luo Hao had given notice in advance, so Li Xiyan and others stood at the door and waited for Chen Jianghai very solemnly.

"Mr. Chen, here we are."

Not long after, Luo Hao got off the co-driver of the commercial car and helped Chen Jianghai open the middle door.

"Welcome Mr. Chen to visit our Magotan medical guidance work!"

Soon, Li Xiyan came up to meet him, Chen Jianghai got out of the car, looked at Li Xiyan's smiling expression, and couldn't help but stare at the lines on this guy's forehead.

"Mr. Chen, is there something on my face?"

Seeing Chen Jianghai staring at him, Li Xiyan said with some doubts.

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't seen you for a while. I always feel that you have changed a lot. Not only you, but your company has also changed."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

In the past, Magotan was called Magotan Technology, but now it is called Magotan Medical after accepting the investment from Chen Jianghai. The main research and development direction is also medical equipment.

China's economy is developing, and all aspects of the people are gradually improving.

The areas of clothing, food, housing, and transportation are developing with visible improvement, but medical care has fallen into a disadvantage.

Whether a country's medical level is high or not is actually related to the happiness index of its citizens. In life, who can guarantee that he will not suffer from any illness?

The purpose of Chen Jianghai's investment in medical care is actually related to his family.

In the last life, he was confused, but in this life, he stood up again and had things he didn't dare to think about in the previous life, and now the only worry is the health of his family.

What kind of pain it is to have a child who wants to be raised but does not wait for a parent!

Therefore, Chen Jianghai's investment in medical care is also to ensure that his family can get help when they face pain in the future.

"Mr. Chen, our changes have been a little big, but don't worry, our heart for research has always been pure!"

At this time, Cheng Minghe came over and said to Chen Jianghai with a smile.

Both of them are Chen Jianghai's main investment targets.

"Really? It seems that I saw you right."

Chen Jianghai smiled, and at this time he turned around and started to introduce the people he brought.

"This is Yue Hongsheng, the vice president of our Qiuhai Group. This is my secretary Luo Hao. You should have met."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's introduction, several people shook hands with each other. They actually met each other. Li Xiyan had been to Qiuhai Group at the beginning. During the New Year's Day party, Yue Hongsheng made a lot of preparations, and also invited many Qiu Hai. The CEO of the sea department company came over.

This Li Xiyan is also one of them.

It's just that the two sides were not very familiar with each other at the beginning, and now it can be regarded as a re-acquaintance.

"Mr. Chen, let's talk inside, we have always been looking forward to you."

Li Xiyan invited him with a smile, but Chen Jianghai didn't reject it either, he walked in with him.

The main layout of Magotan Medical's current area is still a factory. They are cooperating with the needs of the hospital in Shencheng, and they are specially responsible for providing some medical equipment.

At the same time, the most valuable place in the Magotan medical plant is their R&D center.

Now Magotan Medical has been developing large-scale human MRI machines. This thing was mainly imported in China in this era, and the key technology was still stuck in the neck. It will take a few years for this kind of equipment to appear in China.

However, Magotan Medical has great ambitions. After they received funding from Qiuhai Group, they immediately devoted themselves to developing this new device, and the most important goal was to catch up with international technology and produce 1.5T nuclear magnetic field immediately. resonator.

The last time Li Xiyan called Chen Jianghai, he actually wanted to report the progress of this work.

"Mr. Chen, this is our R&D center. Take a look at our latest R&D results."

Li Xiyan excitedly introduced that he took the person to a clean room, the decoration here was very simple, and there was a one-person-high instrument in the middle.

There are still many professional medical staff standing in this room, all of whom are waiting for Chen Jianghai's arrival.

After receiving the news that Chen Jianghai was coming, Li Xiyan and the others were ready to go, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is ready.

"What instrument is this?"

Yue Hongsheng asked curiously.

"Mr. Yue, this is a similar product we developed based on the old rice NMR instrument. Our main goal at present is to develop and produce an imitation of the old rice nuclear magnetic resonance instrument. Now this product has the corresponding function, and has also passed professional testing.”

Li Xiyan said very excitedly.

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