MTL - Rebirth Blessed Girl Takes Space To Flee-Chapter 16 advise

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  Chapter 16 Persuasion

   This scene naturally fell into Gu Lin's eyes, like hot oil dripping on her heart, hurting her heart.

  The daughter of everyone, she has a noble bearing and is suitable for both movement and stillness.

  She will never be able to compare. She used to go to banquets without understanding tea art and flower arrangement, and she was often laughed at behind her back, saying that she had picked up a handsome man for nothing. God was really blind, thanks to Gu Jiaerlang.

She thought she could open her husband's heart with her sincerity and sincerity, only then did she realize that the real son of the family is cold and sober, with exquisite thoughts and clear thoughts, cold as ice, the sincerity of smiling at you may not be the sincerity, the coldness is the truth cold.

  With a son, she is still not accepted by the Gu family, even if she has a son.

  It was only later that I found out that the woman had died and had taken her husband's heart. He devoted himself to teaching his son without even looking at himself.

  Why there is only one son, after having Lei'er, he will never come again.

  Wang Lan, Li Yu, and that woman whom I hated but didn't dare to ask, all had such bearing and style, they could slap her red and swollen face without making a fuss, and made myself laughed at by countless people.

   Even if you take him away, even if you become the eldest daughter-in-law of the Gu family, you are still nothing.

  Why does a woman from an aristocratic family need to use a knife to kill people? The comparison is enough to make her be talked about and ridiculed for half her life.

  Gu Lin worked silently, his face was not very good-looking, as if he remembered the past.

  Third Aunt Gu saw that she was too close to the stove, and the flames almost picked up her clothes, so she touched her.

   "Stay away, don't burn you, why are you in a daze."

   "Oh, I didn't notice."

  Gu Lin took a step back.

   "Sister-in-law, do you miss your elder brother? I also miss my Saburo."

  Gu Lin opened his mouth, but didn't deny it. He missed him. He didn't love himself, but he was still a responsible husband.

  He is also very protective of himself, knowing that the Yue family is full of snobbish eyes and frequently posing problems for him, he still works hard to solve them and save face for her.

   But he only doesn't love himself, and if he doesn't love, he doesn't love.

  The Gu family members are all so affectionate and unfeeling.

  Third Aunt Gu didn't wait for her to answer, but spoke on her own, with a calm and powerful voice.

"My mother said, don't love someone too much, the water will overflow and you will suffocate; you either love deeply or don't love, don't give back if you don't love, if you give a response and don't love, it will hurt more, it's better to start Don't expect anything."

  Gu Lin raised his head with a dazed expression, "Why?"

  "If you don't love, the hurt won't hurt. Love is exclusive. Either give me everything, or I'd rather not have a little bit of it."

   "Is that so?"

   Gu Lin muttered.

   "Sister-in-law, let it go, we should all let go."

  Third Aunt Gu raised her head and took a deep breath, a tear fell from the corner of her eye, our husband and wife...the fate of this over.

   "It's okay this time, there's nothing wrong with not putting it down, even after death we may not be able to be buried together."

   Gu Lin's tears fell drop by drop.

  Aunt Gu reached out to hug her, "Sister-in-law..."

   "I know everything, I know everything..."

   Buried in the arms of the third aunt, Gu Lin couldn't bear the grievance anymore, sobbing and crying.

   It wasn't my fault they were forced to separate, I was also the one who was sacrificed.

   "This is fate. They have suffered all their lives just like you. You still have Leier. She has nothing and left early."

  Aunt Gu said vaguely.

   That infatuated woman never married, was the wife of the family, and died of illness early.

  She left, and took away the heart of the elder brother. Gu Dalang only had his body alive, but his heart died along with it.

   "Did I do something wrong..."

   Gu Lin muttered.

   "You're right, it's just that you're late. Sister-in-law, let it go."

  Second Aunt Gu wiped away her tears, turned her head to look at her niece, and saw the grievance and loss in her eyes, as if she was herself when she was young.

Third Aunt Gu whispered in her ear: "Do you want her to repeat your mistakes? Men in the Gu family are all staunch and decisive characters, you know. This is the only child left in her natal family. Do you bear that she will be unhappy all her life? .”

   Gu Lin looked at the third sibling, opened his mouth, as if his throat was being strangled, and wanted to refute but couldn't find a suitable reason.

   At the beginning, Jiji was working as a camp for the high-ranking Hou Mansion and for the family, but now that they are gone, what is it for?

  Third Aunt Gu knows how to stop when enough is enough, "Father is still healthy, now you only have your son to rely on, you know what to do, your son is like your father."

  Gu Lin fell into deep thought and remained silent for a long time.

  Aunt Gu smiled and got busy.

   Meat for dinner, the food is good, Li Yu brought out the wine and allowed the old man to have a drink.

   It’s been a month since we fled famine, and it’s time for everyone to relax, the strings will break if they’re too tight.

   "It's time to have a drink, and it's right to pay homage to them."

   Wang raised her head and took a deep breath, thinking of her second sibling.

   "That's right, come on, let's toast together to commemorate our lost relatives, brothers, lovers and children, do it."

  Boss Li raised his glass and said something for his father.

  Everyone raised the wine in their glasses and spilled it on the ground, thinking of the deceased relatives, with tears in their eyes.

   "There is still a long way to go. We must unite as one to overcome difficulties, otherwise we will all die. We must take care of each other, stop internal strife, and stop causing trouble. We are already exhausted."

  Old man Li sighed and said a few words.

   "You said so."

  Aunt Gu responded immediately.


   Gu Lin also nodded seriously.

   "Take a day off tomorrow, everyone should take a good rest, but you can't leave here, the forest is big, I'm afraid you will get lost and encounter wild animals."


   "It's rare to be able to relax for a while today, let's have another drink."

  Old man Li was held down by his granddaughter as soon as he stretched out his hand, "Grandpa, you are still drinking medicine."

   "Stop drinking for two days, I'm fine."

   "I've taken two courses of the medicine. It's time to rest for a few days before drinking. Let your grandfather drink two cups today."

   Wang thought for a while before speaking.

   "Okay then, two glasses, no more."

  Li Yu stretched out her finger.

   "An extra glass is an extra glass."

  Old man Li discussed with his granddaughter.

   "Then... just three cups. Grandpa Gu, you don't drink too much. Your health is not as good as my grandpa. I will keep an eye on you."

  Master Gu nodded with a smile, "Okay, listen to you, you really look like a housekeeper."

   "Since my wife left, my granddaughter is the most caring. Without her, I'm afraid life would be difficult."

  Old man Li looked at his granddaughter dotingly.

  Li Yu obediently poured wine for the two old men and their father.

   "I'm on duty tonight, so you should drink less."


  Li Yu is considerate to everyone.

   After dinner, everyone cleaned up the dishes together. Li Yu said to his mother, "My father is not drunk. Let him sleep well today. Don't call him. I will be on duty tonight. Go to sleep."


   "How about I stay on duty at night."

  Lin Yue stood up, lowered her head, and spoke timidly.

  She also listened to what the elders said just now. This journey was really difficult. The food and drink was due to the credit of the Li family and the Gu family, and she did not contribute.

   She shouldn't get into trouble all the time, she doesn't want to be thrown out. Apart from her aunt and cousin, she has no other relatives to rely on.

  Li Yu explained with a smile, "There are beasts in the woods, you don't know how to fight, and you can't hear clearly when you are awake. I will be on duty at night, and you go to rest. Get up tomorrow morning and help my aunt make breakfast."


  (end of this chapter)