MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 19 made a thank you

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Xie said that after going to the study room, he only wanted to go home. He has self-knowledge. Compared with the sons of these royals and honours, he really does not enter these people's eyes.

"Xie Gongzi," Luo Wei has been waiting for the road to go to the palace to see the way through the Xie language, and he smiled and greeted him.

"Luo Sangongzi?" Xie Yu was shocked and stood up. He watched Luo Wei go all the way to him. "What are you?"

"Oh," Rowe said with a smile: "Your Majesty let me go home and prepare for it. I will go to him with him tomorrow. I am here to thank you for your son."

Xie is even more strange. "Wait for me?" Today he already knew that Luo Wei was a sacred pet. So what kind of person is here to wait for him to do?

"Jiangshan Wanli, with a song," Luo Wei said: "Yi Zihong, Fanghua go, only red Yan?"

The respectfulness in the expression of Xie language suddenly disappeared, and the whole person became very proud. "Is the three sons knowing what is going on?"

Luo Wei laughed, this "Xianghe Fu" of the last time when he was a child of the first time, but it was only known at this time. Luo Wei remembers that his father, Luo Zhiqiu, had read this "Shanhe Fu" at home. It seems that the father of Xie Yu had a way out for Xie Yumou. He read this document with Luo Zhiqiu, and Luo Zhiqiu was very appreciative of Xie. It is a pity that in the last life, because of his arrogance, the two people who clearly appreciate each other have become enemies.

"Xie brother, this "Shan He Fu" father at home, but often hangs in his mouth to recite," Luo Wei laughed at Xie.

"Really?" Xie was really excited.

"The wine is not afraid of the lane," Luo Wei said: "Xie brother really thought that no one in the world knows this brother's masterpiece?"

Xie language laughed. When Junxiu’s thank-you retracted his cautiousness, the person’s style was amazing.

"I don't know if you can give a song to this song?" Rowe asked again.

Xie shook his head and said, "I have tried it, but I am not satisfied."

Luo Wei said: "The younger brother is not talented, and he has scored a song. I don't know if Xie Xiong can go to the younger brother's house to listen to it." The last life was a thank-you song for the "Shan He Fu", which was circulated in the mouth and mouth. Countries. Luo Wei knows that he is shameless, but how can he make friends with Xie in this world?

Xie Yu really came to the interest, Luo Wei's reputation is very poor, but the Luo Wei he saw with his own eyes is very different from the rumored bully. Xie is a person who only believes in his own eyes, and now he will return with Luo Wei. Luofu.

Two people went all the way and talked about each other. When two people sat in Rowe's study, Luo Wei's majestic "Shanhe Fu" was finished, and Xie was a long time. After the reaction, he sighed and praised it. This song is what he thought, but it has been Unable to draw a formed score.

“Xie Xiong feels that there is still room for improvement in this song?” Luo Wei just deliberately changed a few subtle tones.

Xie Yu really talked with Luo Wei, two people in the study room forgot to play the piano. Luo Wei is deliberately making friends, and Xie is to regard Luo Wei as a confidant. Although he was a bureaucrat, he was still different from Luo Wei. He did not expect Luo Wei to treat him with courtesy, as a brother, and more importantly, Luo Wei gave him a "Mountain River Fu". The music is almost the same as what he thinks and thinks. It can be seen that this is a person who can communicate with his words.

"Xie Xiong is full of the world," Luo Wei said, playing the music modified by Xie, and said to Xie. "From this "Shanhe Fu", the younger brother can see that the world is the people, this is also the heart of the younger brother. ""

The so-called confidant is hard to find, and Xie Yu only hates to meet Luo Wei too late. Xie is sixteen at this time, and Luo Wei is thirteen years old. But these two people really talked about the rule of the world, and the more they talk about speculation.