MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 464 Quartet to the DPRK

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Long Xuanping settled in Nanxun. After returning to the DPRK, the emissaries of the countries arrived in Shangdu. On the capital of the capital, the Quartet came to the DPRK for a time, and the weather of the prosperous age has already appeared.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th, Pingzhang Emperor Xuan Xuan placed a state banquet in Lingyuntai, banqueting ministers and ministers of civil and military affairs.

In the city of Shangdu in the same day, it is also the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival. The women who lived in the house on weekdays can also go out to watch the moon and enjoy the moon on the streets.

On the Lingyun stage, Junchen came to look up the moon and the stars, and looked down at the night scene. When you look at the eyes, you can see the beautiful woman and dance, Yan Yan is light and soft.

There is a vassal to flatter Long Xuandao: "Your Majesty, the capital of the night, really can be said to be a funeral!"

Long Xuan just smiled and rushed to the court to raise the wine glass.

The name of the dragon and the cold noodles is known all over the world. Although the ambassador did not get the word of the dragon, but he could get the smile of the dragon, he was already delighted.

Seeing the dragon symmetry is not resentful, and the ministers of the countries have begun to praise the dragon.

For a time, on the Lingyun stage, it was full of the emperor of the ages.

"King of the Kings arrived!" When the wine was over halfway, the **** suddenly shouted outside the hall.

In the hall, suddenly singing and dancing stopped, no one spoke again.

Luo Wei stepped into the pavilion. He didn't mean to be late, but Long Xuan didn't let Zhao Fu disturb him to sleep. It was already this time when Luo Wei woke up this day.

Da Zhou’s photo-community Wang Wei, when this person was still the three sons of Luo Xiangfu, was already famous all over the world. Now that he has been in charge of the Da Zhou Dynasty for ten years, this person is now no one dare to take a nap.

"Your Majesty," ignoring the gaze of betting on himself, Luo Wei will go to the center of the temple and stand down, he will give a gift to Long Xuan.

"The cloud is late," Long Xuan has already got up. When he walked to Luo Wei, he smiled and said: "I will punish you for a while."

Luo Wei stepped back a few steps, or squatted in front of Long Xuan, and said that Long Xuan is long live.

Long Xuan raised up Luo Wei with both hands and said, "You don't have to be extra rite, let's go."

When the ambassadors saw this pair of monarchs, they could see the righteousness of the monarch and the minister, but did not see that this was another Sima Qingsha.

Luo Wei sat in the first place of Da Zhou Wenwu, and looked at the people in the temple. He said, "Let's dance, don't because of dimension, it hurts everyone's interest."

Luo Wei’s words, the songs and dances in the pavilion are revived, and I don’t have to say a word again.

Among the people who have never seen Luo Wei, this time I really saw Luo Wei, and I believe that Luo Wei’s beauty is better than the world’s rumors.

Long Xuan will have to look at Luo Wei from time to time. He said that he would punish Rovi’s wine, but he only talked about it. Luo Wei’s current body and drunkenness can’t be touched.

After Luo Wei’s presence, he was completely uninterested in the delicious food in front of him. He looked at the group of ministers and was intertwined with him. He nodded and greeted him. Then he looked at the dancers in the palace, and danced and watched. It is also boring in the eyes of Rowe. He didn't like this, so the palace in the big week didn't smell for a decade. Luo Wei looked down and laughed at himself. He himself couldn't understand what he really liked.

Luo Wei’s boring boring was seen by Long Xuan in his eyes. He turned and said a few words to the blessing who had been waiting at his side. When he was busy, he took the lead and went out.

At this time, some people in the country’s envoys asked Luo Weidao: "The prince of the prince, I heard that the prince is also familiar with the temperament."

Luo Wei smiled and said: "I haven't touched the instrument for many years. How come I am familiar with it? Just listening to a piece of music, it won't be Zhang Li and Li Dai."

"Wang Ye has apologized," said Luo Wei, who could not hear the humility or the irony. Let this make the court busy and start to bow to Luo Wei.

"It's the truth," Luo Wei said, urging the court to sit down and say, "I don't really like these. It's the most boring person, so you don't care about me. Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone must come from afar. Row."

"Everyone, please," Xie said, taking the words of Luo Wei and raising the glass.

"Hey, let's do it first," Long Xuan first drank the wine in the cup.

The atmosphere in the temple was warm again.

When everyone was drinking, they heard the sound of firecrackers coming out of the hall.

"It’s a fireworks," someone said in the night sky outside the temple.

"Everyone," Long Xuan said at this time: "Let's go out and watch the fireworks together."

The people left the room together, followed behind Long Xuan, standing on the high platform outside the temple, watching the fireworks vying in the night sky. The fireworks smashed the light of the stars and the moon in the night sky. On the sky above, there was a lot of human blossoms.

The people in the city, as long as they are in the right direction, can also see the fireworks in the palace. They are all rushing to watch and watch, and from time to time they are making amazement. For a time, whether it is in the palace or outside the palace, it seems that only one thing people can do is to watch the fireworks.

Luo Wei stood at the door of the temple and looked at the sky. Although the fireworks were beautiful, it was just a moment of Fanghua. Luo Wei’s state of mind was empty. Now, anything around him, good can’t make him happy, bad can’t let him Angry. "Zhang Fangfang," Rowe read the word and turned to go under the Lingyun stage. Ling Yuntai, the name of Lingyun Zhuangzhi, a person who has never had the ambition of Lingyun, standing here is always incompatible with the people around him and Jingjing.

"I just walked away," and after Lingyuntai, Luo Wei said to Zhao Fu and others behind him: "You can watch fireworks here."

Zhao Fu asked with concern: "Wang, are you not comfortable and uncomfortable? No, we will return to Yijinyuan."

"I'm fine," Rowe said. "It's rare that I want to walk alone today. You will follow me once."

"Where is the prince going?" Zhao Fu asked without hesitation.

"It’s near here," Rowe said. "I will be back soon."

Zhao Fu listened to Luo Wei and said that he did not go far. This was nodded. He said to Luo Weidao: "If there is something in the lord, he will scream and the slave will be rushed."

"Here are all dark whistle," Luo Wei whispered to Zhao Fudao: "You think that people who are irrelevant can come here? Don't worry, the fireworks tonight are good, you take them." Luo Wei followed. Zhao Fu’s followers said: “Look with these people to watch a fireworks.”

Zhao Fu said: "This fireworks slave is not rare."

"A piece of your heart, do you dare not?" Luo Wei fingered Zhao Fu, and one went forward.

Zhao Fu shook his head, and the mind of Emperor Pingzhang could not be for his embarrassment.

"Wang Ye went far," asked a singer from Yijinyuan, Zhao Fudao: "Do we really have to follow?"

"Just wait here," Zhao Fu looked at Luo Wei and went further and further, whispering to the attendants: "Wang Ye, do you dare not listen?"