MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 16 family dinner

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   Chapter 16 Family Dinner

   On this day, Gu Song took Gu Tong and Gu Bai to his own class first. Gu Tong and Gu Bai, who was sitting under the stage, admired Gu Song and felt a little weird in his heart. He felt that his lectures were more interesting than his at home, but he listened with great interest.

   After finishing the class, and leaving them in other classes in mathematics and English, Gu Song got into He Qingwei's office.

   "Brother He, go to my house for dinner at night, a family banquet."

  He Qingwei looked at him: "I have assigned a teacher for you in your afternoon class, and tell me honestly if you are going to leave me alone."

   "How can I do it? My younger siblings have just arrived here. I have to help them get used to it. However, I think you have to think about it. I don't bring so many classes."

   "Sure enough, you don't care about the cost of class hours."

  Gu Song laughed, now that the tuition fee of three or four hundred per class is a bit inefficient. He said: "I mean, the role I can play should not only be teaching classes. Why don't you think about it, brother He, and let me invest in a stock?"

  He Qingwei fell back on the back of the chair, shook his head and said, "Let the wolf into the room!"

   "Brother He, don't make trouble. I will definitely do something in the education industry in the future. I think I should do it anyway, so I might as well follow you."

  He Qingwei glanced at him sideways: "What you think in your mind is that if you want to do it anyway, why don't you bring Lao He along by the way? I thank you."

  Gu Song is happy, let alone what he really thinks.

  He Qingwei kept waving his hand: "Okay, okay, I'll think about what to do, and I'll tell you later at night."

   "Okay, I'll come to you when I'm done this afternoon."

   In the afternoon, Gu Song took Gu Tong and Gu Bo for a big shopping.

   At this time, Yongning City has not yet built the common big shopping malls behind it. Now it is named Yongning Big Shopping Mall, which is similar to the wholesale market, but it is not as low-grade and crowded as the market where Lei Chunhong is located.

  Gu Tong went shopping with two little guys, they were both curious and restrained. At home, Gu Tong, who is still flattering at Gu Song, is not much better than a quail outside. She has reached the age of beauty, and her eyes are spinning on all kinds of beautiful clothes.

  Before the conditions at home were not good, the two of them didn't have many new clothes. When they were children, they all wore Gu Song's old clothes, and Gu Tong, who grew up a little, was deeply ashamed.

   Seeing a light and refreshing red dress, Gu Tong couldn't help but touch it, imagining himself wearing it.

   Maybe the clothes Gu Tong is wearing now are a bit old and the style is old; maybe it's because the three are children and no adults bring them with them. The shop owner said rudely and coldly: "Don't buy it, don't touch it!"

  Gu Tong shrank his hands in fright and hid behind Gu Song.

   is really speechless. When I read novels before, I thought there were so many slapstick plots. In fact, it's not that you want to slap your face on purpose, but you will inevitably meet all kinds of people, but if you don't have the strength, you can't slap your face.

   But now Gu Song is too lazy to slap the owner in the face, he despises the style of this shop. After all, he was fascinated by various exquisite clothing designs in later generations, and he was really disappointed with the clothes in this big shopping mall.

   "Let's go, Gu Tong, let's go to the third floor."

   The shopkeeper showed a disdainful expression. The third floor is full of big brand clothes, and the price of one can buy seven or ten pieces here. The three and a half boys are still pretending to be in front of her.

  Gu Tong felt a little aggrieved: "That dress is very beautiful, are you reluctant to buy it for me?"

   Where is it? Gu Song said helplessly: "That woman is fierce. If you don't give her money, let's buy something better!"

   On the third floor, it is a little bit like going shopping in the future. The store is much wider, and the design is more convenient for customers to choose styles. At this age, Gu Tong can already buy some girls' clothes in small sizes, but Gu Bo can only buy children's clothes.

   This time, Gu Song took the lead. He picked a store with a good style and walked in first, and said in a commanding tone, "Help my sister recommend some clothes."

   Once he speaks and does things, he naturally shows composure. The little girl of the shopping guide didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly took Gu Tong to see the style. Gu Tong hasn't tried being held by a stranger like this, and he doesn't dare to let go, standing there obediently at the mercy of others.

  Gu Song said with a smile: "If you like it, go and try it out. What are you afraid of?"

   Trying on new clothes is to make girls happy. Gu Tong quickly entered the state, trying on sets of clothes, all of which he wanted.

   After all, Gu Song has experience and vision beyond the times, so he helped Gu Tong choose three sets of clothes with very good styles. Seeing Gu Tong reluctantly looking at the other clothes he tried on, Gu Song grabbed her face and said, "Winter is coming soon, so I'll buy winter clothes again. What are you buying so many autumn clothes for? There will be new styles next year."

  Gu Tong just turned the corner. For the sake of buying three new sets of clothes, he didn't care about Gu Song and grabbed her face again. She just wore one of her favorite clothes and didn't change it. Gu Song saw that she suddenly became a lot more spiritual, and he was very happy.

  The female clerk is also happy, she is really not messed up, she is a master who can pay. It's faster to sell clothes in this way, take all the clothes you like, pick three sets and pay for it immediately after trying it once. It's always better than trying some clothes for a long time and finally buying only one.

   She was also more attentive. Hearing that the older young man said that he had to buy winter clothes, she specially left his phone number and said that if you get a card, you can get a 10% discount later.

   After paying the money and getting the card, I found a special children's clothing store. Gu Bo was a little embarrassed, feeling that he was no longer a child but couldn't resist. When it was his turn, it was Gu Song who made the call, and he directly picked two sets. Gu Bai, who put on a new suit, also made people's eyes shine, and the little guy who was very delicate in itself was more handsome and cool.

   Along the way, one person bought a new schoolbag. When they arrived at the district experimental school, Gu Song didn't want the two of them to look worse than others because of their equipment, and they came from the countryside to feel inferior.

  The two new people also jumped up and down, no longer just following behind Gu Song, walking down the mall before the fight. Going out and passing by the store on the first floor, seeing Gu Song's two children in front of them carrying big bags and small bags in new clothes, the owner of the store opened his mouth wide and was a little stunned.

  Gu Song didn't even look at him, he took Gu Tong and Gu Bai back to the training school. He Qingwei was dumbfounded by the situation, and said to Gu Song speechlessly, "As for buying so much at one time?"

  Gu Song shrugged: "Have you ever been willful when you first got rich?"

   This sentence amused He Qingwei, he said: "Then let's drive."

When the car drove over, Gu Song pretended to be surprised: "Oh, it's amazing, Brother He, I didn't expect to see a Passat now in Yongning!" As a classic model of Volkswagen, Shanghai Volkswagen officially put the Passat on the market in 2000. , can be regarded as the high-end goods in the domestic car at that time.

  He Qingwei was speechless: "Are you a jerk? There are many better cars on Yongning Street than this one."

   After getting in the car, Gu Tong and Gu Bai started to be a little cautious in the back seat. These two little guys had never been in a car before. Gu Song suddenly got itchy hands on the passenger side. After the accident, he never thought about the car, but he will often go to Wuhu in the future. Having a car is too convenient. He asked, "Brother He, is there any way to get a driver's license?"

  He Qingwei didn't look good today: "If you want to drive to school seriously, get a driver's license."

  I'm a good driver for many years, and most people can't keep up with the car!

  Gu Song had to say: "A friend taught me before, and I learned it for a while. Driving is not a problem. Besides, I'm so busy now that I don't have time to go to the driving school to learn one lesson at a time."

  He Qingwei looked at him suspiciously: "Really?"

   "Really! If you don't believe me, you'll come to my house and I'll show you."

  Gu Tong and Gu Bo felt that Gu Song must be lying.

  The yard that Gu Song bought was introduced by He Qingwei to a friend, but he never came. As soon as the car drove into the family home of the old administration office, He Qingwei shouted: "Fuck! F*ck!"

  Gu Song was speechless: "Be civilized, there are still children in the car!"

   From the outside, I thought it was an old community. Only when you enter along the mountain road can you feel the charm of the tree-lined, single-family house.

  He Qingwei, a local, already owns a house, but now the real estate has not started to explode. He has not yet had the awareness of investing in real estate. The money he has earned over the years has been continuously invested in the expansion of the gold medal training.

   He always felt that the house he lived in was quite nice, with a large area and exquisite decoration. But when I got out of the car and entered Gu Song's house, I immediately felt that it was comfortable to live in this way.

   It was not the first time for Gu Dingshen and Lei Chunhong to see He Qingwei. The first was to thank He Qingwei for his help. After the warm greeting, Lei Chunhong immediately got into the kitchen to cook. Gu Dingshen wanted to accompany He Qingwei by himself, but Gu Song said, "Dad, I'll talk to Brother He about something." He carried two chairs and walked into the courtyard.

  He Qingwei sat on a chair, swayed and swayed on the ground with two chair legs, and said comfortably, "You still know how to enjoy it. It's much more comfortable to live here, it's quiet, and the air is good."

  Gu Song said with a smile: "Thanks to your friend's introduction, how about it? Do you want to build a yard here too, let's be neighbors."

  He Qingwei nodded, he can go and look for it, is there any yard to change hands.

  Gu Song asked him: "What do you think about what you said in the morning?"

  He Qingwei sighed: "If you give too little, I'm afraid you won't like it, but if you give too much, I can't bear it."

  Gu Songshi smiled and said, "It makes me seem like I have a big appetite. I will go to Yanjing in more than a year. But the main thing is that my wisdom can't be given to you for nothing."

He Qingwei said seriously: "To be honest, your rover, I only gave you 100,000 shares and you gave me 10% of the shares. I took a big advantage. For the gold training, I can give you 30%. In terms of price, It's just 600,000 yuan."

  Gu Song didn't expect He Qingwei to be so bold: "A chain training school as big as you makes at least two or three million a year. You give me such a low valuation, so you want me to repay this favor."

"The big brother doesn't talk about the second brother, in fact, I may have made a lot of money. When the three brothers started a business together, one of them quit, and the other little rich even stopped helping me, so he took 10% of the shares every year. Red dot. After listening to you talk about the last National Day supper, I thought to buy back the shares in his hand and let you join. I want to go to Wuhu first, but I don’t have the real skills to fight in Wuhu. If the situation is not open, it will depend on you to give some ideas."

Gu Song nodded: "I must go to Wuhu first. In fact, when we go to Wuhu, the resources are better. There are so many famous universities in Wuhu, and the source of teachers and the quality of training lecturers are not a problem. The question is, do we have a lot of An effective set of operations.”

"I know and I've been researching it, but I haven't been able to figure out what to do. With years of accumulation, I've slowly become the boss of Yongning. To be honest, I kind of want you to control it, and I always feel like you've done it. After training for many years, I have a deeper understanding than me, and the gold medal training needs to make a breakthrough, maybe you are more suitable to lead the way than me." He Qingwei stared at his head with emotion, wondering if his comprehension is so poor that he can't compare to a student ?

Gu Song shook his head: "Even if you want to hold a controlling stake, it's not now. In fact, Brother He, it's not that you have no ideas or ideas, it's because Yongning lacks talents. If you stay in Yongning, you will never be able to break through. The gold medal training has to go far, or you can do it well. Management should set up a platform to attract more capable and attractive lecturers to join; or we must do a good job in teaching and research, and do a good job in courses, without relying on the personal performance of lecturers. In short, we must be able to teach something real.”

"Everyone's ability is limited. When Yongning develops to a higher level in Wuhu, Brother He feels that he is really unable to master it. If I have greater achievements then, I will take Brother He again. Buy the shares and make a lot of money for you. You can save some shares for dividends, and we can do something else together with more time. "

  He Qingwei squinted at him again: "I'm just talking, you think I really let you control, besides, in your eyes, brother He's ability is so limited? In Wuhu, you can't do what you want?"

  Gu Song raised his hand and surrendered: "I was wrong, Brother He is mighty! I still want you to fly with me."

  He Qingwei laughed dumbly.

   In the room, Lei Chunhong shouted, and the two entered the room and sat down.

   Today's family dinner is still very rich. Gu Dingshen and Lei Chunhong also thanked He Qingwei for helping introduce the two children's transfer, and also thanked He Qingwei for taking care of Gu Song. Gu Song also sincerely and sincerely toasted a few glasses of wine to He Qingwei. He was really the first noble person Gu Song met after his rebirth.

  He Qingwei sighed with emotion. He did not expect that a risky decision at that time would bear such fruit in two months. Even if he has traveled for many years and knows countless people, Gu Song has completely exceeded his original judgment.

   was a little speechless. At the dinner table, Gu Song called Brother He, Gu Tong and Gu Bai called Uncle He, and Gu Dingshen and Lei Chunhong called President He. Their seniority was completely messed up.

   If the little brothers and sisters like this book, please also recommend the ticket collection to help raise them together (*▽*)



   (end of this chapter)