MTL - Rebirth in a Perfect Era-Chapter 1795 Global distribution

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The "Flying Tigers" film was unanimously approved by everyone during the internal review.

Li Mu also felt that the full version of the film eventually surpassed his expectations for the film.

I have to admit that Spielberg's ability to make movies is really very strong. The rhythm, lens, color, picture, and even lines are impeccable.

So after watching the movie, Li Mu immediately decided to pass the Makino imagery and immediately submit the film to the radio and television for review.

At the same time, he invited more people to Makino Technology to participate in internal movie viewing.

Including some of his classmates at the National People's Congress, and Zhao Ziqiu who is still studying at school.

The tear effect of this movie is almost 100%. Whether it is male or female, in the process of watching the movie, they will involuntarily move the tears.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the national pride of the Chinese people.

The first time I saw a super-first-rate blockbuster that produced such a sophisticated and huge lineup that reflected the resistance of the people in this country, everyone had a strong sense of national pride.

The film received unanimous praise in the internal viewing, and Li Mu also began to prepare Spielberg for global release.

Generally, if domestic films are to be released globally, under normal circumstances, overseas copyrights must be licensed to overseas distribution companies.

For example, Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood often buys the rights to local movies in Asia and then distributes them in North America and other markets.

The main reason for them to distribute is that domestic film and television companies have no distribution channels and resources overseas. It is as if Zhang San has developed a pepper sauce in China. He has already worked very hard to lay out domestic channels. They are local and have not been exposed overseas, so it is basically impossible for them to sell chili sauces around the world.

Therefore, they have to sacrifice a portion of the profits and sell overseas sales rights of products to local companies or companies with multinational resources.

We buy some imported foods in China. As long as they are imported through the formal channels, all of them require companies in charge of import and export in China. If it is a large company like Nestle, it may be Nestlé Huaxia, which is imported from Nestlé overseas companies. Domestic, and then sold domestically, but if it is a small company, it is generally authorized to a domestic first-tier city trading company responsible.

The import and export of movies is similar to the import and export of commodities.

If you want to sell in overseas markets, you must have local sales channels and sales venues. The vast majority of Huaxia Film and Television companies do not have any theater resources overseas, so they must cooperate with local distributors.

Li Mu himself does not have any overseas theaters, but fortunately, he has a mature online ticketing system. This ticketing system has become an indispensable sales channel for overseas theaters. So at this time, talk to them about distribution and release. Would be much more beneficial.

What's more, there is the help from the film and television industry man behind Spielberg. He has a lot of resources. Helping himself integrate, basically covering most of the developed countries.

Spielberg had already made his own screening plan before his arrival. His goal is to win the first release of several important countries and regions on three continents, including China, Asia, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea; and the four major European countries. The economies are English, French, German, and Italian; the United States and Canada in the Americas.

In addition, other countries are listed in two or three batches.

The reason for the division of different release batches is mainly because the distribution team is difficult to connect to too many countries and regions at the same time, and some countries with relatively small market volume and overall uncontrollable risk of copy leakage.

Therefore, the smaller the market and the more difficult it is to control, the later the release time will be.

Of the first batch of released countries, Li Mu is most concerned about the Japanese domestic market.

In his opinion, this film must be released in Japan, but it is foreseeable that this film will be released in Japan, and it will definitely be subject to certain resistance.

He feared that the film, which described objective historical facts, would be interfered by the Japanese right-wing and the big rich.

Many of Japan's great wealth leaders have an inseparable relationship with World War II. Some of them were arms suppliers at that time, and some of their predecessors were close to the government and the military during World War II.

It's also because these people have been giving money and doing their best behind the scenes, doing their best to distort history and whitewash stains.

Therefore, Li Mu requested to register with Spielberg's distribution company in Japan as soon as possible, and sign an agreement with the Japanese theater as soon as possible on the release of this movie.

In order to ensure that there are enough schedules, Li Mu is willing to sacrifice part of the box office share and use more share subsidies to attract Japanese cinema line bosses to increase the schedule.

However, since the other party has been given a high enough share, the other party must bear a high enough cost of default, which can further ensure the issue of scheduling.

Spielberg has no opinion on this. Japan is also a large overseas ticket property in Hollywood. They have already started operating related resources in Japan. They can guarantee a basic arrangement for the Flying Tigers. Keep the foundation first, then Strive further.

"Flying Tigers" is the first step for Li Mu Investment to release a large-scale production film globally. It is also one of Hollywood's highest investment singles.

Moreover, the total investment of Li Mu's films is about 200 million US dollars, and most of the money is used for filming and production. Among them, the actor's and director's emoluments have saved tens of millions of dollars.

If measured by market conditions, the film's total investment is at least $ 250 million.

Its length of war, although not as ambitious as a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, or landing in Normandy, but its air combat picture has reached the pinnacle of the film industry at this stage, each air station can give the audience a real immersive feeling.

Therefore, Li Mu also expressed his expectations for the film's global performance.

He hopes that the film's box office will create a record, at least also set a record of the box office of the global war film, and at the same time be permanently recorded in the history of the world film.

In this way, in the future, fans all over the world will know this movie, watched it, understand that history, understand the crimes that Japan committed against China during World War II, against humanity, and the people of China who resisted Japanese aggression. Sacrifices.

Because there are many outstanding Jews such as Spielberg, there are so many movies in the history of Germany about the killing of Jews in World War II, so that even Chinese children knew about German crimes and knew Hitler's genocide, knowing Auschwitz, knowing the landing of Normandy.

However, in addition to the Chinese people, how many people in the world understand the sufferings of the Chinese people during World War II?

People in many countries do n’t even know what Huaxia looks like. They even think that the Chinese people ca n’t afford the TV. How can such people know the history of Huaxia ’s resistance to the invaders?

Therefore, the film "Flying Tigers" carries not only Li Mu's 200 million US dollars investment, but also his respect and awe for the Chinese history.

He wants to go all out to make this movie go global.


Immediately after, Li Mu began to prepare for the global release of Flying Tigers.

The first is for Spielberg to connect with the distribution work and theaters of various target countries, and use the online ticket system to discuss as many movies as possible with the theaters.

Secondly, we started to publish "Flying Tigers" related messages on Twitter and YY.

For example, make-up photos, posters, highlights, trailers, theme songs, and interviews with the creators.

The beauty is that Li Mu now controls the Internet traffic around the world. He wants to push anything, for better or worse, at least to ensure that the world will know it in the shortest possible time.

Soon, the first wave of promotion began.

Global YY users and Weibo Twitter users have received personal Twitter ads from Leonardo, Tom Hanks, and Anne Hathaway. These three people have a large number of Weibo Twitter followers. After the promotion, the number of fans exceeded 30 million. Leonardo and Anne Hathaway were very good. The number of fans even exceeded 50 million.

Then all three of them posted their personal insights about the Flying Tigers movie and some detailed photos of the movie on their Twitters.

All of a sudden, through these three people ~ ~, this movie was pushed in front of netizens around the world.

At home, Wei Wei and Wei Liu are also being promoted in large numbers, but because they have no foundation overseas, at this stage they only have a certain influence in the Chinese world.

Immediately afterwards, "Flying Tigers" officially registered on Twitter.

The official Weibo started to release some tidbit pictures, some scattered plot introductions, and some behind-the-scenes production stories on a daily basis. These participating stars have reposted and started to further warm up.

At this time, Li Mu has begun to make video clips.

A few days later, the first highlight video of the Flying Tigers was released.

This video is a video taken by many super pilots personally lining up to take off the old aircraft of World War II at a wartime airport built in a 1: 1 replica.

For the first time, the film's huge production team was shown to the world.

Unlike most previous movies, which used computer effects as much as possible, Flying Tigers uses real shots with special effects whenever possible, so it can make such a powerful visual effect.

I have to say that although the computer special effects in the early 21st century are already very strong, they still have a certain gap with the real scene. The main reason why Tom Cruise's "TopGun" can make a lot of people enthusiastically Rely on the picture of sophisticated weapons.

The fighters actually shot will always have more realistic effects than CG production.

When netizens saw the pictures of dozens of classic planes lining up for takeoff at the airport, or even the sky of Tigers, everyone was shocked by that powerful momentum, which also made them look forward to it. I did n’t know such a large-scale "Flying Tiger How shocking the team ’s real shot is!

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