MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 11

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How pitiful and poor voices sounded, although the tone was not high, but the people in the classroom heard it.

Ye Chumei wrinkled, and the troubles came again.

Ye Jiarou stood for a while and did not come in. Ye Jiarou loves to wear Xiao Bailian, and Ye Chu will not stop her.

Until Ye Jiarou stood with his legs numb, Ye Chu was able to open his mouth.

"Jiarou, what are you doing there? I will be in class later. As a sister, I can't condone you to skip classes."

"No, my sister, I just want to tell you something." Ye Jia softly moved his legs and walked to Ye Chu's table.

Ye Jiarou lifted the rose and watch to Ye Chu, swearing.

"This rose and watch was sent to me by Chen Gongzi, but I didn't want to accept it..." Ye Jiarou was anxious to explain, and seemed to cry.

"If you want to receive it, you can't accept it. If you don't accept it, can you not accept it?" Ye Chu picked up his eyebrows and educated her.

Ye Jiarou stunned and just wanted to say that he was hard to give it to me, and then stopped and talked to him.

"Chen Gongzi was in love with her sister before, I don't want to accept his gift."

"Is that even the money that can't be paid for by the food?" Ye Chu thought for a long time before he remembered his wretched face. "Jiarou rest assured, I have definitely rejected him last time."

Ye Jiarou's tears linger, but in my heart, he smashed Ye Chu a few words, what to install, who does not know that Chen interest far away from you, Chen Yuyuan said to her face to face.

"But what I heard is not like this. I will refuse Chen Gongzi and will not make my sister embarrassed."

"Although I don't see Chen Xiangyuan's poor and sour, but..." Ye Chu hooked his lips. "If Jiarou likes it, then promise."

Ye Chu raised himself and stepped on Ye Jiarou.

Ye Jiarou realized that he did not see his eyes in Ye Chu. She was trying to speak, but was interrupted by a girl.

"Ye Chu, you are really generous. What Ye Jiarou does to come here to explain to you, presumably those words have not been passed to her ear, or how can she blindly join the man?"

Ye Chu’s female students in the front row couldn’t listen, and she had to help her export.

The man opened his mouth and the classroom was quiet for a moment.

Ye Jiarou stunned and kept his mouth slightly open, staring at the man who spoke.

"You don't talk nonsense, or else I..."

The female classmate who originally only wanted to talk to Ye Chu yelled at Ye Jiarou and looked disdainful.

"You, you, you can't say everything. It seems that you usually hook up the Chen Gongzi. You dare not do it, I just said, how are you!"

Ye Jiarou certainly can't make her like this, just a slap in the face.

"Sister, I already knew that Chen Gongzi and you are dating each other, how can you cross the sword and win love?"

At this time, the situation was beyond the control of Ye Jiarou. She turned to Ye Chu and hoped that Ye Chu could help her speak.

At this time, Ye Chu was not busy opening her mouth. She pretended not to see Ye Jiarou's anxiety and continued to listen to what the female classmates said.

When the female classmate saw Ye Chu listening carefully, she immediately came to the spirit, and then aimed at the poor and meticulous Ye Jiarou, and immediately raised her voice.

"You said that I lied? My brother saw it!"

Looking at the interest of everyone in the classroom was mentioned by myself, the female classmates stood quite well, and when it was critical, it was paused.

"Do you know the cultural bookstore at the school gate?"

"Know, is it the one that turns the school about 50 meters to the right." A boy picked up the words.

"Yes, Chen Xiyuan and Ye Jiarou are always in love at the bookstore. The bosses are watching them not pleasing to the eye, saying that it is affecting others to read."

Ye Jiarou was busy explaining: "I don't have it, Chen Gongzi has to follow me."

"Hey, I didn't admit that I had a relationship with Chen Gongzi before. I am anxious now. My brother said that you are close enough. Many people have seen it."

Ye Chu’s heart was stealing music and silently scolding his knife: “Maybe Jia’s gentleness is far from discussing learning?”

"Ye Chu, you can't be fooled by Ye Jiarou. She just wants you to be all right. I like to play tricks behind me."

Ye Chu condensed the god, and said to Ye Jiarouo: "Jiarou, you like to go to Chen Yuyuan, don't care about me, don't look at me in the future, my sister is not that stingy person."

Ye Jiarou didn't know how she got out of the classroom from the eyes of everyone's ridicule. She just wanted to find a place to cry.

A man who refuses Ye Chu and a man who is rejected by Ye Chu, can they be the same!

Even if Ye Jiarou is the heroine of everything going well in the future, she is still young, and although she has a bad mind, those situations are completely unable to cope.

Ye Jia was so angry that he threw the rose on the ground and stepped on the feet to walk.


In the afternoon, the school was put on the weekend, and Ye Chu naturally had a good mood.

After returning home at night, Ye Chu suddenly received a call from Fu Yu, asking her to go to the MGM dance hall tomorrow. The voice of Fu Yan is a bit strange, Ye Chu vaguely guessed what.

In the last life, Fu's father fell in love with a dancer and became a frequent visitor to the MGM song and dance hall. The water-like money was spent on this dancer.

Fu's father has been squatting, and on the surface still wants to maintain his good image. I didn't expect the dancing girl Zhang Xinli to be a big heart. She took the money to pay the family and called the mother who paid for it.

On the phone, Zhang Xinli shook her relationship with her father, and the mother who was arguing with her sentence could not keep the man.

After paying anger, she called Ye Chu and went to the MGM song and dance hall to catch the rape. The result was a disappointment with her father. In the end, Zhang Xinli was even more fulfilled and became a wife.

Although Ye Chu wants to change the previous ending, he does not know how to start.

Xu is because Ye Chu’s wish is too strong. On that night, she once again heard the weird voice.

After the night, Ye Gongguan was very quiet. Ye Chu was lying on the bed and could not fall asleep.

How to change the idea of ​​paying father?

How can we ease the relationship between Fu and her father?


Ye Chu is thinking, surrounded by quiet, but there is a sound.

"Zhang Xinli has been a good person, she is a little sister before her."

Ye Chu suddenly sat up.

"Zhang Xinli swindled the man's life-saving money and fled to Shanghai."


The voice didn't say a lot of words, and then disappeared without a trace.

After the last time, Chen Chu has determined that this voice will not harm her. On the contrary, this voice speaks the truth.

After careful consideration, Ye Chu’s heart already has countermeasures to ensure that Zhang Xinli’s abacus is lost and will never enter the door of paying home.

The next day, Ye Chu dressed very low-key, wearing a black hat, blocking half of the face, to ensure that he will not be found in MGM.

In the evening, Ye Chu stopped a rickshaw to the MGM song and dance hall.

When Ye Chu got out of the car, she saw the men’s clothes in front of the MGM song and dance hall. She looked down and didn’t know what she was thinking.

Ye Chu called out "恬恬", Fu Yan turned his head and walked over to Ye Chu.


The voice of Fu Yan sounded a bit tired, and his eyes were covered with red blood. Ye Chu is very distressed, she has never seen such a listless look.

Fu Yan hugged Ye Chu, his voice was a little stuffy: "My father has a dancer outside."

Sure enough, Ye Chu sighed. Fu Yan said things briefly, and the more she talked, the more angry she was.

In the end, Fu Yan looked firm: "I have inquired, today my father will come to MGM to see the Fox, I will go in and teach them."

Ye Chu grabbed Fu: "Hey, you calm down, so you will get into the grass and start to stun the snake. We are advanced to inquire and see where they are."

Fu Yan took a deep breath: "Achu, I will listen to you."

"Don't be afraid, let's face together."


Ye Chu and Fu Yan walked into the dance hall.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the night was dark and deep. Under the heavy night, it seems that the MGM song and dance hall is magnificent. The bustling nightlife is just beginning.

At this time, a black car stopped at the door and went to the car. It was the car of the Warlord.

Li Wenda’s confidant Xiao Wu arrived at the door early, and saw the arrival of the guests. He was busy with the right color and put away the carelessness of the talent.

The driver respectfully opened the door and a tall man got out of the car.

The night is thick, the breeze blows some people with chills, but the colder than this night is the coldness of the man's body.

Xiao Wu took a deep breath and ran away, his look was very respectful.

"Three less, please here."