MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 278

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"This is the wrong thing we did in the past." Mrs. Ye’s voice was heavy, "but I never thought that I would be tired of Ye Family."

There are cards in the hall, and the names are cold and silent.

She walked over to those cards step by step.

"I am jealous of Ye Family's ancestors."

Mrs. Ye was kneeling in front of the tablet.

Heavy hoes.

One, two, three...

Her back is extremely firm and lonely.




In this ancestral hall, everyone had promised a peaceful and smooth wish in the New Year.

At this point, the dull air condenses and the person is overwhelmed.

Mrs. Ye stood up and turned to look at the Ye family.

Her face is old and her voice is calm.

"Everyone goes back."

She stayed alone in the ancestral hall.

Mrs. Ye looked at the dark and cold plates as if she had fallen into distant memories.

Over the years, that wrong thing has been entangled in her mood.

Even if she asks God to worship Buddha, the guilt in her heart is not reduced by half.

The past is like a flood, drowning her.


After Ye Chu went back, he immediately called Lu Huai.

The downpour continued and the sound was heard outside the room.

Ye Chu turned his head and looked at it. The door opened and Lu Huai came in.

Her heart gradually calmed down.

Ye Chu told Ye Huai about the fact that Ye Jia was in the same year. Dong Hongchang’s father died because of Ye Jia. Dong Hongchang changed his name and changed his surname, and he had a new identity.

But he never forgot the goal of revenge, he will get a fairness for the things of the year.

Mo Qinghan's temptation is the first step.

Then, Ji Manqing started with Su Mingzhe and tried to make Su Mingzhe feel addicted.

Su Mingzhe is the successor of the Su family. If he becomes a waste, the 100-year foundation of the Su family will be destroyed in his hands.

The purpose of Dong Hongchang is obvious.

He wants Ye Jia to lose all his help, and there is no way out.

Therefore, the past Ye Family will step by step to perish.

So what about Mo Qinghan?

Did he just deal with Ye Jia at the order of Dong Hongchang?

Still, the two of them have different ideas but have the same goals.

Mo Qinghan was still close to Ye Jia, and he himself tried to borrow the identity of Rong Mu...

The pile parts are all pointing to one purpose.

Mo Qinghan is looking for an opportunity to get close to Ye Family.

He has done this twice, is there anything Ye Ye has to find?

Dong Hongchang has already set a plan to deal with Ye Jia. He had previously complained to Lu Jia because he was competing for Shanghai.

Lu Jia and Ye Jia, both have a hatred with him.

If you let him find the opportunity to win Shanghai, I don't know how many bad things will be done.

The struggle has already begun quietly.

They must not be taken lightly.


Ji Manqing came to Shanghai on the order of Dong Hongchang to threaten Mrs. Ye.

Dong Hongchang said that the hatred of Ye Jia, he will report in this life.

Although Ye Chongnian has passed away for many years, Dong Hongchang wants to let the Ye family fall down.

Needless to say, Ye Chu and Lu Huai have already held an engagement banquet. After the two of them united, Dong Hongchang must stop the trouble.

However, Ji Manqing did not expect that she actually met Dong Yue at the railway station.

In the past, Ji Manqing did not know how much Dong Yue remembered.

If he is still alive and has arrived in Shanghai, why not find a chance to return to Hanyang?

Could it be said that Dong Yue is worried?

The strange thing is that he has not tried to contact Dong Hongchang in these years.

The sky at dusk was vague, as if it had been covered with a thin shadow.

Ji Manqing sat in the room and his brow was locked.

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded in the still room.

Ji Manqing’s body trembled and sweated.

She found that someone was knocking at the door, which was relieved.

Ji Manqing regained his look: "Come in."

It was her men who came here. She had previously asked this person to go to Shanghai to check the traces of Dong Yue.

This person has been working with Dong Hongchang soon. He has never seen Dong Yue, and naturally he will not deliberately investigate Dong Yue.

Therefore, Ji Manqing will hand over things to him.

The man came in and came in: "The master, the person in the photo found it."

Ji Manqing’s voice is calm: “Specific.”

She clenched her hand and covered the chaotic mood, not to be noticed.

The man put down the photo: "This person is Lu Yue, who is currently attending a school on Xijiang Road."

Ji Manqing bowed his eyes and immediately interrupted his words.

She tried to restrain her voice: "His name is Lu?"

She is extremely sensitive to this surname.

Somehow, Ji Manqing’s heart raised a terrible hunch.

Nodded his hand: "Yes."

"Lu Yue and Miss Ye Er are very close."

In his investigation, Lu Yue’s identity seems to have something to do with Lu San.

But the matter was secret, as if it had been covered up, he could not find it.

The results of the investigation were told to Ji Manqing.

The more I listened, the more I was afraid of Ji Manqing, and her hand could not help but tremble.

She never imagined that Dong Yue had contact with Lu Huai now.

Dong Hongchang killed Lu Huai's mother, and Dong Yue left Hanyang under his own design.

If Lu Huai detected the true identity of Dong Yue...

Lu Huai already knew that he was a person around Dong Hongchang, so he would guess the truth about Dong Yue’s disappearance.

Ji Manqing understands that Lu Huai hated her because of Fu Congxi and Auntie.

As long as Lu Huai knows the truth, he will definitely find an opportunity for Dong Hongchang to find out about it.

If Dong Hongchang knows, she will definitely start with her. Then, she lost her last backing and lost her life.

Ji Manqing looked up and said: "This thing, you can't tell anyone."

The man bowed his head: "Yes."

The man quickly left the room.

When the door is closed, there is still a silence.

Ji Manqing's eyes are floating in a stern color.

She wants to stay in Hanyang and stay with Dong Hongchang. The things of the year cannot be discovered.

In any case, Dong Yue must die.

Ji Manqing was so long around Dong Hongchang, and her current men are his former men.

Just because Dong Hongchang wants to do things for himself, they will obey her orders.

Although those people have followed her for many years, Ji Manqing knows that their hearts are always facing Dong Hongchang.

This matter is very important. If you give them to do it, there will be hidden dangers.

Ji Manqing quickly calmed down.

Who should I help?

Ji Manqing thought about it and pulled out a piece of paper from the bag.

Her hand stroked this yellowed note.

There is a number on it.

When Ji Qian helped her to bring Dong Yue out of Hanyang, she gave her a call. If she has something, she can go to his friend to help.

And this number, Ji Manqing only dialed once.

She hasn't been able to contact Ji Qian for a long time, and she called this phone as a last resort.

At that time, Ji Manqing learned that Ji Qian had died. The man only told her that it was an accident.

She did not know that Ji moved to death in the dark cabinet.

Now, Ji Manqing picked up the phone and dialed the number.

It didn't take long for the phone to ring.

The voice of the man was very vigilant: "Who?"

Ji Manqing calmly said: "Do you remember Ji Qian?"

The man felt that her voice was familiar: "You..."

She said: "I am Ji Manqing."

The tone of the man was finally loose: "It is you."

Ji Manqing slowly opened his mouth and calmly asked a question.

"Can you kill me for a person?"


At the end of the winding alley, there is a house.

Here is the place where Ye Chu is looking for a living place.

During the days when wandering around, it was difficult for Ah Yue to get a sense of stability.

He often chooses a retreat for himself. If there is a slight change, he will leave immediately.

The location of the house that Ye Chu found for Ah Yue was hidden, not far from a few lanes.

At this time, Ah Yue is staying in his room.

The lights in the room are still on, and Ah Yue is about to rest.

The night was silent, only the night wind sent the heat, and the humming sound in the courtyard kept ringing.

The thriving summer sun, when it meets the night, also dissipates.

In the noise of the noise, suddenly fell into a strange sound.

Some people crouch in the darkness, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The window was open and the wind blew.

A Yue got up and went to the window, his eyes flicked past the courtyard.

The next second, his nephew shrank, and his hand immediately moved to the switch on the side.

With a bang, the light on the top is extinguished.

The room instantly sank into the darkness.

A Yue’s movement was extremely light, and he closed the window while the light was off.

There is only one shallow gap.

Originally, only the room in Ah Yue was lit by lights in the house.

Nowadays, the lights are out of the sun, the whole house is quiet and unusual, and no one seems to live.

A Yue’s sight fell into the courtyard, and he saw a few black men entering the wall.

Their movements are very light and they come to the night.

Everyone has a gun on his hand and looks gloomy.

A Yue tightened his nerves, and he knew that those people would be directed at him.

A Yue’s room is not far from them, and now there is no chance to escape.

The black men scattered around and prepared to go to each room to find someone.

The silence in the courtyard, only the noise of the hustle and bustle, added a sense of tension to the atmosphere at this time.

The closer they were, the more people came to the room of A Yue.

They were silent and their hands touched the doorknob.

A Yue bit his teeth and immediately turned to the bed.

Wait until A Yue just got into the bottom of the bed.

Oops, falling into the original quiet room.

The door opens at this moment.

The men in black walked in slowly, and they did not turn on the lights in order not to disturb the target.

The cold moonlight poured down and lit up the corner.

There is no one in the room.

The black man continued to walk in, no sound.

When Ah Yue hid under the bed, his line of sight became extremely narrow.

He could only see the door being pushed open, and the bottom end of the door was suspended above the ground and gently slid over.

A pair of feet in black boots stepped into the room.

Moonlight draws a path on the ground without warning.

But when it was about to reach the bed, it stopped.

It is clearly a miserable moonlight, but it seems to burn the eyes of Ah Yue.

He quietly retreated a bit into the inside and hid in the dark.

A Yue’s line of sight looked at the door motionless.

The boots step on the ground, step by step.

A strong sense of oppression came oncoming, and A Yue did not consciously retreat.

The man was far and near and gradually approached the bed.

A Yue retreated all the way until his back touched the cold touch.

There is no way to retreat.

Ah Yue looked back and he had no retreat.

His eyes were put back in the room. I don't know when, the man had already walked to the bed and stopped.

Ah Yue immediately held his breath and was stiff.

The heart beats violently in the chest and never stops.

It has reached midsummer, the air is stuffy, and the space under the bed is narrow and sultry.

The dull air penetrated into the nose of Ah Yue.

The next second, the man had an action, he turned and left the bed, and walked out of the room.

The door was pulled freely by the man, but it was still half open.

When A Yue saw the man coming out of the room, he took a deep breath and he climbed out from under the bed.

If those people did not find him from other rooms, I would have to search them more carefully.

He must leave immediately.

A Yue puts his foot on the door and hides his body behind the half-opened door.

He poked his head and observed the situation in the yard.

At this time, there were no people in the yard, and those black people should have entered the room.

After living in this house, Ah Yue had already investigated the nearby terrain.

In the past, Ah Yue had no way to go to steal things for a living.

When he first started stealing things, he was once caught and suffered a lot.

In order to survive, Ah Yue can only continually escape.

Although he was no longer stealing after he met Ye Chu, he had already developed a cautious temper.

Behind the house is a winding alley with roads connected.

As long as he can enter the alley, he has the confidence to escape the tracking of those people.

When he opens those people, he will immediately go to the Peace Hotel.

Lu Huai and A Yue said earlier, if there is something, go to the Peace Hotel to find him.

If it is difficult for Ah Yue, people there will help.

By then, Lu Huai will save him.

Ah Yue judged the situation and immediately left the door.

He took a light footstep and ran to the back of the yard.

A Yue is still not aware of the black man, and the action has climbed the wall.

When he was sitting on the wall and just wanted to jump down, there was a rush of footsteps behind him.

"He is there, go chase."

The messy footsteps are getting closer and clearer.