MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 277

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During the Tongzhi years, Ye Family has not yet arrived in Shanghai, and Ye Jiashang has settled in Yichang.

At that time, Ye Chongnian was doing transportation business and was responsible for helping people deliver goods. If the goods are delivered in good condition, you will get a piece of money.

Ye Chongnian has a good friend named Lin Zhaoan.

Lin Zhaoan knows a bit of medical skills, but in order to earn more money, he and Ye Chongnian do transportation business together.

The sky is getting darker and the night falls, Yichang enters the night.

Every household has a light, and the light is silent, sinking into silence.

At this time, the dull knocking of the door sounded, breaking the silence of the night.

Ye Chongnian opened the door and stood a stranger at the door.

Ye Chongnian asked: "You are..."

The man looked up at him: "I have a shipment and I want you to go to the dock."

Behind him is the dark night, the face is hidden in the shadows, some are not clear.

Ye Chongnian: "What goods?"

The man's tone is calm: "You don't need to be clear, you just have to send the goods to the dock tomorrow night."

The man promised that after the event, he would give Ye Chongnian a very rich sum of money.

Ye Chongnian thought, after he sent the goods to the dock, he would come back directly. It doesn't matter what the goods are.

Ye Chongnian responded and received the deposit.

At this time, the voice of the man was a bit heavy: "You remember one thing, you can't open the box."

There was a chill in his eyes: "If you violate this one, the transaction will be cancelled."

Ye Chongnian a trip.

Perhaps the goods shipped by this person are extremely secretive, so he does not want to know others.

Ye Chongnian nodded and promised.

Ye Chongnian called Lin Zhaoan and worked with him to put the goods into the warehouse.

The next night.

The sky is darker and thicker, and the dark clouds spread out to cover the moon and the stars.

The air was extremely dull and damp, and it seemed to be raining with the water vapor.

Ye Chongnian and Lin Zhaoan were ready, and there were two black boxes on the carriage.

When they were about to leave, there was a voice behind them.

"Ye Chongnian, your wife is going to give birth!"

It didn't take long for Ye Chongnian to leave his home. His wife had a lot of abdominal pain. After she arrived, she realized that it was an early attack.

When Ye Chongnian was in a stagnation, he turned to look at the man: "My wife is going to be born?"

The doctor said that these days are his wife's expected date of birth, I did not expect to be produced today.

This person who came is Ye Chongnian's neighbor and has a good relationship with him.

The neighbor looks anxious: "The situation of your wife is a little critical. I have already found a stable woman to help."

Ye Chongnian is anxiously stepping, his wife is going to produce, but he will deliver it tonight...

Lin Zhaoan heard that he had an idea in his heart.

He opened his mouth: "I will deliver this shipment alone."

Ye Chongnian glanced and looked up at him.

Lin Zhaoan went on to say, "I will come back when I deliver the goods. You will accompany your wife."

Ye Chongnian said: "Thank you."

Then he added another sentence: "You must be careful."

Lin Zhaoan nodded.

Ye Chongnian and Lin Zhaoan separated. He went to Ye Family and Lin Zhaoan rushed to the dock.

The two turned and went in the opposite direction, and the figure was hidden in the night.

The thick haze is over the night sky, and when I don't know, it will be pressed down to the ground.

At this time, the sky was raining, the rain fell, and the cold wind poured into the carriage.

The carriage was silent, and it was quiet, and the horseshoe was on the wet ground.

The road became muddy, the rain penetrated in, and the chill was deep.

Time passed quietly, the carriage stopped and the pier arrived.

Lin Zhaoan got off the carriage and waited for the person to pick up the goods.

There is a repressed atmosphere in the dark rain curtain, and the pier is filled with dead silence.

After a while, the footsteps of the wet and cold rain curtains rushed.

The heavy footsteps broke the silence, and Lin Zhaoan looked over.

A group of people came up from the dock.

The rain outlines these people.

They were wearing official uniforms and with cold knives at their waists.

Lin Zhaoan was shocked and was actually an officer.

Why did the officers and men come to the dock?

Lin Zhaoan walked up according to the emotions in his heart: "Grandfather."

A headed officer looked at him and said, "What are you doing at the pier?"

Lin Zhaoan said: "I am here to deliver."

The officers and men glanced at the box behind him, his eyes were deep, and he took back his sight.

The officers and men asked again: "What goods are you sending?"

Lin Zhaoan said: "I don't know."

The officers and men sneered: "You are responsible for delivery, how can you not know what the goods are?"

Lin Zhaoan hurriedly said: "The delivery person said that the box could not be opened, otherwise the transaction was cancelled."

"So, I have not opened the box."

The officers and men apparently did not believe his words.

The officers and men said with a blank expression: "Open the box, I have to check."

Lin Zhaoan hesitated for a while: "Grandfather..."

The officers and men stood by his side and said coldly: "You dare not open the box, so concealed, is there a problem with this cargo?"

He violently pulled out the knife on his waist, and on the cold blade, there was a hidden murder.

The icy rain poured down, ruthlessly hitting the ground, and heavy rain covered the night.

Lin Zhao’an’s heart was filled with fear, his hands and feet trembled slightly.

He did not dare to resist, and immediately said: "I will open the box."

He turned to the carriage, stepped into the mud, and the rain splashed on his clothes.

The box was opened and the situation inside was clear.

A piece of cloth was neatly placed in the box.

Lin Zhaoan sighed with relief and turned out to be cloth.

Lin Zhaoan looked at the official: "Grandfather, you see..."

Since there is no problem with things, he can leave.

The officer's brow wrinkled, and he strode forward and pushed Lin Zhao'an away.

His knife stretched out into the box and rummaged through the knife.

The cloth was opened and scattered in the box.

A piece of cloth was removed and a black corner cloth was exposed inside.

Somehow, Lin Zhaoan was a bit uneasy at this time.

His heart has been raised there, "咚咚" jumping, and the flustered emotions haunt him.

He has a bad feeling of faintness.

A few flashes of lightning flashed through the dark night sky, and the sky seemed to be torn.

The white light flashed past and then disappeared into the darkness.

The cloth continues to be removed, the black area is getting bigger and bigger, and finally, it shows the whole picture.

It was a thick, dark black cloth.

The black cloth is covered on the top, and there seems to be something underneath.

Lin Zhaoan’s heart beat faster.

The officers and men's knives cut through the black cloth, revealing the things inside.

Under the cover of black cloth, there is a piece of black block.

Lin Zhao'an's hands and feet suddenly became cold, and the contents of the box...

It was actually opium.

Lin Zhao'an's feet are nailed to the ground, such as a million pounds of heavy hammer.

The officers and men screamed: "You have privately traded in opium!"

The thunder of the thunder rolled in and rang through the dark night sky.

Thunder seems to be close to the ear, and the pressure is approaching Lin Zhao'an.

Lin Zhaoan hurriedly explained: "Grandpa, I really don't know, why is there opium in the box?"

If he knows that there is opium in the box, how can he promise to deliver the goods.

The official did not know what he said: "This person has a misfortune and arrests him!"

The icy sound falls in the rain, and it is very clear.

In one sentence, Lin Zhaoan’s charges were taken.

The officers and men have long surrounded Lin Zhao'an, and they have drawn their swords together. The sharp blade is aimed at Lin Zhao'an.

The white lightning flashed over, reflecting the indifferent look of the officers and men, and the sharp and sharp blades on their hands.

The sound of the wind and the sound of the rain whistle, and the chill of the bones is coming.

The officers and men stepped forward, and the cold locks were applied to Lin Zhao'an's hand, which bound his actions.

His mouth was blocked and he could not make any sound.

The dark and cold night spread.

Lin Zhaoan was taken away, and the officer who led the head looked cold and looked silent.

He has long received news that someone will be on the dock tonight to trade opium privately.

The government sent people to follow the group of people who received the goods and went all the way to the dock.

The group has been arrested, and now, it is Lin Zhaoan’s turn.

This batch of opium, they have other uses, whether Lin Zhaoan knows or not, he must die.

Lightning swept through and the sound became louder and louder. The thunder's situation seems to not stop, extremely embarrassing.

The night wind wrapped in the cold, blowing through the gaps of the leaves, hunting and screaming.

At the other end, Ye Chongnian walked into the Ye family.

Ye Chongnian saw a man and eagerly asked: "How is my wife?"

The next person hesitated to open his mouth: "The lady is still producing..."

Then he said with difficulty: "It seems to be difficult to produce."

Ye Chongnian only felt that his eyes were black, and he almost fell to the ground.

The next person supported Ye Chongnian and comforted: "Master, my wife will be fine."

Ye Chongnian tried his best to suppress the mood of panic.

He looked at his wife's room, the black door was closed, and there was a sound in it.

The anxious voice of the stable woman, the painful voice of the wife, were blocked inside.

The door opened, and the next person took out a basin of blood, and then took a new basin and towel.

The door opened and closed, and closed again.

Even though the door is separated, Ye Chongnian seems to be able to clearly perceive the pain of his wife at this time.

The sky was dark and the rain was so heavy that it was filled with white water.

The shadows of the trees, the deep branches and leaves shaking, revealing a strange silence.

From time to time, the cry of his wife came out in the room, as if he was getting weaker.

Ye Chongnian clenched his fist and his heart became more and more uneasy.

I don't know how long it took, the sky is getting brighter and the rain is getting worse.

The door is open.

Stewart came out and smiled with joy: "Congratulations to Ye Ye, the mother and son are safe."

Ye Chongnian’s heart was completely put down.

Cheng Po went on to say: "Your wife gave birth to a boy."

Ye Chongnian entered the house and held the child in his hand.

This is his first child, he is a treasure.

Ye Chongnian looked at his wife, his wife's face was extremely pale, and his mouth was smiling.

Ye Chongnian was still immersed in the joy of the birth of the child. When he was ready to tell Lin Zhaoan about this good news, he found that something was wrong.

Lin Zhaoan did not return overnight.

Just send the goods, why did Lin Zhaoan not go home?

Ye Chongnian did not dare to think again, and immediately rushed to the dock.

Although the rain stopped, but the haze did not dissipate, the sky is still gray.

There is no one over the pier, and there is no Lin Zhao'an figure.

Ye Chongnian is extremely worried. Could it be that the goods have an accident? Where did Lin Zhaoan go again?

In the next few days, Lin Zhaoan never appeared. Ye Chongnian looked for him everywhere, but he could not find him.

One day, officers and men came to the street and posted notices on the wall.

The notice said that Lin Zhaoan was a reactionary and was now in prison.

Ye Chongnian was shocked.

Lin Zhaoan is his good friend, and he can never do this kind of thing.

Ye Chongnian thought carefully and his heart was cold.

Could it be that Zhao Zhao’s accident happened to be related to the cargo?

Lin Zhaoan went to the dock for delivery and lost his sight. Later, he reported that he was arrested and imprisoned.

So far, Ye Chongnian still doesn't know that those boxes contain opium.

When Ye Chongnian cleared his thoughts, he went to the government.

Lin Zhaoan is innocent.

This list was picked up by him. Even if there is a problem with the cargo, it should not be borne by Lin Zhaoan alone.

When he arrived at the government, Ye Chongnian saw an officer and showed his own intentions.

It was expected that the officers and men would hear Lin Zhao’an’s name and his face would change.

The officers and men were not prepared to listen to him at all. They said: "Lin Zhaoan is a reactionary, and the evidence is conclusive."

The order was put down, and this matter was to be crushed. No matter who brought it up, he drove the man away.

Ye Chongnian wants to admit that he is his fault, but he does not care for him.

The officers and men pointed at the knife and the threat was extremely strong.

Later, Ye Chongnian also came several times and was driven away by officers and men.

Ye Chongnian did not know that this incident was a conspiracy of the government.

In the late Qing Dynasty, opium smuggled wildly. The government is corrupt and wants to swallow this box of opium.

Lin Zhaoan has been involved in this matter, even if he is innocent, he is doomed to go out of jail.

The government has ordered that Lin Zhaoan be secretly executed.

Ye Chongnian returned home and his feet trembled.

He knows that now, Lin Zhaoan is guilty of the reactionary elements, and he is very likely to have encountered an accident.

Lin Zhaoan had a young son, Lin Qin, and his wife died young, and no one took care of the child.

Ye Chongnian and his wife were worried and decided to raise Lin Qin as their own child.

Yichang should not stay for a long time, and several people left here.

Later they settled down elsewhere, and Lin Qin left home when he was a teenager.

He learned that his father was in prison and was related to Ye Chongnian. He hated Ye family in his heart and decided to stay away from them.

Since then, Ye Chongnian has been looking for Lin Qin, but there is no Lin Qin's message.

Ye Chongnian did not know that Lin Qin later changed his name.

His current name is.

Dong Hongchang.

The secrets of the year were all hidden in the stormy night.

The heavy rain buried the painful past, and everything was sinking in the boundless rain, no one knew the truth.


During the Republic of China.

The ancestral hall of Yejia Mansion.

Outside is the heavy rain in the midsummer, and the thunder is rolling. The damp water vapor entered the house.

In the silent ancestral hall, the air was heavily pressed down.

Mrs. Ye began to talk about the things of the year.

The matter has been hidden for many years, and her voice is very calm.

Every Ye family can listen to the score.

During the Tongzhi years, her husband Ye Chongnian and a friend partnered to do business.

On the night of her birth of her eldest son, Lin Zhaonian was arrested for the single business.

Mrs. Ye only knew that Lin Zhaonian was taken away by the government, but she did not know why.

Ye Chongnian did not investigate the truth.

The two of them did not know that the opium trade was rampant in the late Qing Dynasty and the government was corrupt.

In order to seize the huge profits, the late Qing government officials care about human life, Lin Zhaoan is only a poor person who is involved.

"I and Chong Nian left there and went around to find Lin Zhao'an's son."

“Later, we settled in Shanghai and started a jewelry business.”

"So many years have passed," Mrs. Yee shook her head. "There has been no finding the whereabouts of Lin’s son."

The heavy rain outside the window still did not stop, Ye Chu thoughts heavy.

According to the grandmother's words, Ye Jia came to Shanghai from other places.

Ye Chu remembers that when Mo Qinghan came to Ye Jia with the identity of Rong Mu, he tried to ask Su Lan and Ye Jia before.

She knew it was no coincidence.

Ye Chu recalled the past life, and Ye Jia’s step by step retreated, and his relatives died one after another.

That person is everywhere for Ye Family, so that they have no way to go.

But in her memory, there is no man named Lin in the people familiar with the past.

She has another guess.

Ye Chu said: "Grandma, can you remember Lin Zhaoan's wife's surname?"

Mrs. Ye was impressed with the things of the year and quickly blurted out.

"She is surnamed Dong."

At the moment when the sound was heard, a lightning flashed swiftly.

Bright lightning suddenly opened the sky!

Only then was the darkness, and the ancestral hall at that time was reflected, like a white scorpion.

Ye Chu’s heart was shocked.

She felt cold in her hands and feet, and cold sweat had covered her back.

After Lin Zhao'an's son left his hometown, he changed his name to change his name in order not to let Ye family find him.

That person is Dong Hongchang.

Over the years, Dong Hongchang has won power, but he has never forgotten what Ye Family did.

But these years, he has been blinded by power.

In order to get Shanghai, Dong Hongchang has been fighting with Lu Zongxi for many years, even though he has not given up until now.

Lu Huai’s mother, Fu Cong, died because of the innocent people on the beach.

Grandfather Ye Chongnian was stopped by the government, what is the secret of the box of goods, and what conspiracy?

Why did Dong Hongchang’s father, Lin Zhao’an, die?

They can no longer trace the truth of the year, but the situation is now irreparable.

In the past life, Ye Jia was defeated, and Lu Zongxi was assassinated by Dong Hongchang.

Ye Chu’s sight seemed to be thrown into the endless night.

In the dark night, the rain slammed on the ground and the wind was strong.

Gloomy tree shadows overlap, like ghosts.

Throughout the long night, the storm did not stop.

And this robbery, can they escape?