MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2339 a slap

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Chapter 2339 Slap


Tang Yuhong was so angry that he would immediately reach out to the arm of Yunyun.

Dudu was directly in front of the cloud painting.

"Get out, little beast!"

Tang Yuhong pushed a doodle.

Just at this time, the object of Tang Yuhong, who is distributing cigarettes to the villagers, came over. "What happened?"


Cloud painting directly started, and Fan Yuhong slaps.

Tang Yuhong stayed, and looked at the cloud painting incredulously. After the reaction, she immediately reached out to tear the face of the cloud painting, and the mouth began to cry and curse.

Not far away, Mrs. Tang saw the troubles here, and rushed over.

The cloud painting slammed Tang Yuhong's hair and whispered in her ear: "If you want to sprinkle it, you should sprinkle it. It is best to scatter it with you. Mom, so that you can see the cadres in the city. What he wants is a What kind of rural shrews."

Tang Yuhong is a spirit.

She subconsciously looked at her own object, and when she saw the other person's frown, Tang Yuhong's heart sank.

Her subject is to work in the office, can see her rural girl, because her behavior is more like a city man, if it is really in front of him, this marriage must be destroyed.

"I killed you a little girl, you are a kof..."

At the moment when Tang Yuhong hesitated, Tang Laotian had already rushed over, and the fist slammed his face toward the cloud.

Tang Yuhong quickly took Mrs. Tang and gritted his teeth and said, "Mom, nothing, don't do this."

"Howl is it okay? I saw her slap in the palm of your hand, and you said nothing!" Mrs. Tang was very angry. "Dare to beat you, seeing that I will not tear her face today."


Tang Yuhong was so angry that "Yuan Jie is still here, let people see jokes!"

Mrs. Tang’s wife was not stupid. She immediately reacted and smiled awkwardly. She quickly said to Bao Yuanjie: “Yuanjie, you and Yuhong are rushing in, and this will soon begin to be distributed.”

Bao Yuanjie can't see the thoughts of Mrs. Tang and Tang Yuhong's mother and daughter. When I think about the scene I just saw, he couldn't help but frown. In the end, the rural girl is still a rural girl, and the barbarism in the bones can't be changed.

Cloud painting hit a slap, and the mood was cool. I didn’t pay any attention to the mother and daughter of the Tang family. I took a walk and dud into the compound and waited for something.

"Everything is quiet."

Chen Fushan stood at the forefront and said, "You don't have to say that everyone knows that today is dry. Last night, the hunting team returned with a lot of things. We have already recorded a lot of things in the night, according to the original distribution. The method is divided into 10 parts, and the hunting team takes 80% and then divides it. The remaining 20% ​​is returned to the village, and then the household hair goes down."

"Other things are not easy to divide. After we have calculated it, we decided to give it to the village for 20%. It is a wild boar and 25 fish. We try to pick the weight of the fish. The two households are free. Then divide yourself, after the wild boar is killed, divide it into households."

"For the hunting team, the team leader Tang Jianqiang is responsible for the distribution."

Everything is in the yard, and the wild boar is still not dead, howling, and it will be eye-catching.

"Bronch, so many things, only a few wild boars are given to the village, too little." The villagers were stunned.

"That is, you should also divide the two wild boars and divide the dice."

"Too little, re-point."

The crowd is noisy.

Tang Jianqiang stood up fiercely and screamed: "Whoever said to re-divide, give me a stand out!"

People don't dare to scream, and they can whisper in private, but no one dares to show their heads.

Tang Jianqiang sneered aloud: "Before entering the mountain, I went door to door and asked, let you go into the mountains with the hunting team. You push the three resistances. I am not afraid that this is afraid of it. Now when the hunting team hits something, it will be red-eyed? I tell you. If it’s not for Fushan’s uncle, then the things that are given to you should be halved!”

"I tell you, who has the opinion, come to me Tang Jianqiang! It's lazy to do it, to be afraid of it, and to learn to be jealous? Don't look at your match! Don't think it's too much, go back to the mountain next time!"

"The red flag is built loose, come, let's the hunting team divide things by themselves!"

Tang Jianqiang greeted the members of the hunting team to the side and listed all the 12 items.

"The pig can kill the meat and can score. Other things are not good. There will always be more points. Generally speaking, I have divided the points. We don't have many people. We will catch the cockroaches, which ones we want to catch, and eat some losses. Do not touch the light, can't you?" Tang Jianqiang said.

Everyone nodded.

Chen Hongqi raised his hand and said: "Captain, I think it should be divided into 13 points, Lin Zhiqing takes two copies, and the remaining 11 copies are divided equally."

Tang Jiansong also nodded. "It should be like this."

Others have nodded. "If there is no Lin Zhiqing, let's not say that I have hit so many things, I am afraid that I will not live out! Lin Zhiqing should get more points. Besides, we are all family, Lin Zhiqing herself. It’s not good to bring the two dolls. We don’t have any opinions.”

Cloud painting smiled. "Thank you for your kindness. I don't have to give it to me. I have a point. But I have a suggestion. We have a wild boar that is the size of a small shop. It may be just a grown-up, or a head. Pigs can be used to breed pigs with domestic pigs, so that pigs born will be more resistant, less susceptible to illness, and well fed."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Tang Jianqiang immediately nodded: "I am looking for a pig to ask! Then we will remove this wild boar. For the subsequent production of this pig, we will allocate it separately. First separately."

Although the cloud painting requires a split, Tang Jianqiang is still with everyone, dividing things into 13 copies, taking two copies of the cloud painting, and the remaining one.

Probably afraid of the cloud painting deduction, after killing the pigs, Tang Jianqiang also directly sent the two copies of the cloud painting to her home.

Everyone in the hunting squad is well harvested.

The villagers are very red.

Before I pushed three obstacles, I didn't want to enter the hunting team. This is good. I just finished the meat and didn't eat dinner. I went around the big captain Tang Jianqiang and asked the hunting team to avoid people. mountain.

The hunting team must still be human, but not everyone.

The old, the weak and the sick will definitely not work, and the young and strong laborers will only have one. After all, there is no way to guarantee the things going into the mountains. If there is an accident, the family can stay a strong labor, and there is still hope.

Cloud painting does not care about how to arrange Tang Jianqiang.

She wants to make a toot and make a cake.

This year, making cakes is not an easy task.

Do not say anything else, it’s going to be exhausted by the light.

Egg white and white sugar are constantly moving in one direction, it is really a hard work.

When the cloud paintings beat the egg whites, her arms are about to be scrapped.

The cloud painting is to steam the cake. After the egg white with the white sugar is added, the flour is sieved and finely added to the beaten egg liquid. It should be added with low-gluten flour, but now the flour is good. Where is the low-gluten and high-gluten.

The cloud painting uses the first grade powder and sells the most expensive flour.

After the addition, stir evenly, and then there is no other mold. There are several enamel jars. It is the rice bowl of the mother-in-law. Brush the oil and pour the thick egg liquid into the three enamel jars. Large half of the tank, then steamed on the water.

The earth stove is very hot and steamed up very hard.

In twenty minutes, the cake is steamed.

The cloud painting took out the enamel cylinder, and before the liquid was poured into the cylinder, the oil was brushed. It was not difficult to pour the formed cake at this time.

After the cake was poured out, it was very fluffy and soft, and it smelled like the sweet smell of the cake. It was simply awesome.

Even the cloud paintings are a bit embarrassing.

Dudu and gazing at the golden fluffy soft cake in front of me, the saliva is flowing out, and the throat is constantly rolling up and down.

"Try it first."

The cloud painting tore off two pieces from the hot cake, stuffed into two small mouths, and she also tasted herself.

Sweet and sweet, it is delicious.

Dudu and laps have never eaten such delicious pastries, which is better than the cakes that my father brought back from the supply and marketing agency!

"Give, eat."

Cloud painting divides the cake into two halves, making the two small ones first enjoyable.

Then she dumped the remaining three.

There was no packing bag in this year. People used a lot of newspapers and it was too dirty. The cloud painting made two small bananas, washed and dried, and the food used for eating was very clean. .

In total, I made 4 cakes of enamel jars. I first gave them a doodle and a pocket, and the cloud paintings were wrapped up again. I sent them to Tang Jianbing and Chen Ying. There are also two children there.

Cloud painting was packaged again, and Dudu was sent to the village branch secretary Chen Fushan.

This leaves only one.

"If you want to eat, my mother will give it to you every week." Cloud painting said.

Now that the materials are scarce, the children will eat too much, and they will be embarrassed. Since she has the conditions, it can fully satisfy the children’s little wishes.

Who knows, the two small ones are shaking their heads.

"Mom, let's eat again in the New Year."

Dudu nodded.

The cake is very delicious, but the mother is too tired to make the cake. After the egg is cleared, the mother’s arms can’t be lifted, and the mother can’t be too tired!

The things that are handed out must be dealt with, otherwise they will be bad.

The things that other hunting team members in the village have assigned are either counted as money to other homes, or they are secretly taken out for sale. They are definitely not willing to leave their own food.

Cloud painting is not short of money now, or that she is not too anxious to make money, these things, selling must be to sell a part, let Chen Ying deal with the sale of thin monkeys.

But she only sold a little, most of them were left behind. The children were too nutritious. Instead of selling them, it was better to deal with them and keep their own food, especially wild boar.

Cloud paintings are made of bacon, which can be preserved for a long time and can be eaten in summer.

Hunting is not always possible every day. The weather is getting colder and colder. Once it starts to snow, it will definitely not be able to enter the mountain again.

When killing pigs, pigs are also hot-selling, pig liver and pig lungs. Although people do not eat well, but it is not good to eat meat, there is no waste.

Only the pig's large intestine is really difficult to handle, and people don't love it.

Cloud painting requires the pig's large intestine, washed and rubbed repeatedly, not only with salt washing, but also with flour, and it seems to be a little distressed.

Then there is the enema of the meat.

The sausage is filled with bacon and then smoked.


Seeing that the weather is getting colder, Tang Jianqiang came to find the cloud painting and prepared to enter the mountain for the second time.

There are more people coming into the mountains this time.

"So many people, if you act together, it will not be very efficient?" said the cloud painting. "I suggest splitting into two teams. You lead a pair. You also take the road we visited last time. I bring another one. Team, take another road."

Tang Jianqiang hesitated, "Is it safe?"

"I can't guarantee it." Cloud painting said faintly.

Tang Jianqiang thought about it, or shook his head. "No, no, no team, safety."

Cloud painting looked at Tang Jianqiang and nodded.

Anyway, this case, Tang Jianqiang, the captain of the team has the final say, she does not have to care too much, it is nothing more than the result of the second time after entering the mountain, not the first time, or the same as the first time.

Chen Fushan also supported Tang Jianqiang: "You don't know how powerful this doll is. It is secondary to how many things you hit. If someone has something wrong, then the problem is big."

Cloud painted and laughed, "I know, I listen to you."

The second time I entered the mountain, there were 35 people together.

This time is different from the last time. The last time was almost silent. The people who went there were also under the shadow of a worry, but this time everyone was very excited.

Cloud paintings are too lazy to manage so much. Everything has the captain of Tang Jianqiang.

This time I entered the mountain, it was only three days before I came out.

This time I hit more prey than last time, but I didn’t have much more.

This is a very normal thing. If you continue to go deeper, it is possible to hit more prey, but it will be even more dangerous.

The villagers were very happy and excited when they saw so many things.

But when it comes to dividing things, it is not very happy.

"This time, the score is much less than what you got last time."

"You are still very embarrassed to say that you have so many people coming in with us this time, and as a result, there are not many things to play out!"

"The things that were originally divided by 12 people are now distributed to 35 people, which is less than half of the last time."

People are like this, interest, greed, all kinds.

Chen Fushan and Tang Jianqiang pressed, even if these people complained in private, they would not dare to do anything.

Cloud painting is too lazy to manage too much.

However, after this good thing, the cloud painting directly told Tang Jianqiang that if you go into the mountains again, don't call her, she will not pass.

Tang Jianqiang hesitated. "Lin Zhiqing, why don't you want to go? Now how many people in the squad are there, you don't have to do it when you go..."

Cloud painting understands the meaning of Tang Jianqiang. Now there are many people in the hunting team. Lin Yun’s paintings can follow the command, and they don’t have to work. They can get a share when they come back. If they don’t go, they can only follow the village. What is the difference between the village and the village?

"I am a little tired."

Cloud painting does not find other excuses.

Tang Jianqiang had to give up.

(End of this chapter)