MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2358 Catastrophe

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Chapter 2358 Breaking the Law

Mrs. Tang came over and made trouble.

Leaders don't look good on their faces.

However, Lin Yun's paintings were ignored at all, which made the leader not come to Taiwan.

"Lao Chen, I have to seriously criticize you about this matter. How can I let comrades have such a big voice in their minds? You must promise me to do a good job in the thought work of Tang Jianqing and Lin Yunhua." The leader said seriously. "You tell them that there is no conscience without knowledge. It is not a long-term journey! The university should not have a talented person!"

Chen Fushan’s face is very ugly. “Leader, this matter is still their family affairs. It’s the Tang family’s public statement that Tang Jianqing is not their own. They want to sever the relationship and deduct the wages of Tang Jianqing over the years. I owe it. This time it’s noisy again. It’s awkward? It’s not a word. Isn’t it a count of the future? This is still the leader of the county and the leader of the commune, in front of the whole village. This can be counted, but I really don’t know what to do after that."

The leaders are not too angry: "I see you are eccentric to them, to cover them! They have problems with their style of thinking. This is a problem at the root. If it is not corrected, it will bring greater and worse influence to society in the future! Never allow such people to go to college!"

Chen Fushan’s face was blue, but he couldn’t say anything.

Obviously, his little village party secretary has no right to speak in front of the county leaders.

"Things are fixed. You give them a couple of thought work, and ask them to go to the office of the county to go to the office tomorrow. If this is not resolved, they will be on the university."

The leaders are gone.

Chen Fushan squatted at the door, slamming the smoke, and frowning.

The educated youths in the village heard that this was not mad at them.

Since Bo Siqing, Lin Yunhuan and Xie Qingling were the top ten in the province, there was a good news, the county will get the news so quickly, and the scores of other candidates have not been released.

Therefore, the educated youths in Murakami do not know how they are doing, but in any case, after the notice of resuming the college entrance examination, Lin Yunhua and Bo Siqing have been helping them make up the lessons. Everyone remembers this friendship.

Of course, the more important point is that Bo Siqing and Lin Yunhuai took a test, and they took a provincial champion and a second place. These powerful people can't be overjoyed, and how can they be offended.

Of course, some people think that the leaders in the county are so tough. If the thin board and Lin Yun painting really can't solve the family's affairs, then they will be the provincial champion and the second-place, and the university will think about it. If the information is not sent out, or if you write a note on your personal file, the university will definitely reject the student!

At this year, if the file is tainted, it is a very serious sin.

Therefore, many people think that Bo Siqing and Lin Yunhua will eventually compromise with the Tang family for the future. Even if they only compromise this time, they will have to give the university.

Chen Fushan came to Lin Yun painter with several educated youths.

It was too late, and Bo Siqing was back, and the family was eating.

Baked steamed buns, as well as pork stewed noodles, and a dish of pickled radish, the taste is not too fragrant.

"Have you eaten? Eat some together?" The cloud painting was a polite one.

This year, who is willing to go to other people's homes for dinner.

Chen Fushan waved his hand. "You should eat it first, then say it later."

Cloud painting and Bosiqing eat fast. When the two children have not finished eating, let them take the rice to the partial house to eat.

Cloud painting poured tea on Chen Fushan and several educated youths.

"Fukuyama Uncle, is there an anecdote?" asked Yun.

In fact, she already knew that the leaders in the county had gone through the nails from her, and went to Chen Fushan for a long time, and gave Chen Fushan a task.

"It's still the case."

Chen Fushan sighed, "Jianqing, Lin Zhiqing, I said otherwise you will lower your head first, wait for this to pass, so you have to go to college first, you really went to the city, the Tang family can't take you anymore. No. There is no need to hit hard at this time."

The cloud painting looked at Bo Siqing.

Bo Siqing’s eyes are very light: “What did the leader say?”

Chen Fushan sighed and said the threats and orders of the county leaders. "It’s not that. I know that the Tang family can’t live with you, but at this time, if the county leaders really want this. Hold your files, or add something to your files. Do you still go to college in the future? It’s not worth it to put this breath."

Bo Siqing looked at the cloud painting. "What do you say?"

Cloud painting hooked the lips, "I listen to you."

Bosi Qing nodded. "Do not worry, I will solve this matter. I will go to the county tomorrow."

Chen Fushan thought that Bo Siqing had figured it out, and suddenly he was relieved. "This is right. People, it’s hard when it’s hard. When you look down, you have to bow your head. After all, it’s not as important as your future. You They are all good children, and they will all have a big future. Don’t be a little thing on this little thing.

As I said, the old lady of the Tang family outside the door took her eldest son, Tang Jianguo, and her daughter-in-law, Bai Xiumei, again.

"Jianqing, today you are not at home. You have not heard the words of the leaders. I will tell you. If you don't respect the aging mother, you will think about it." Tang Jianguo said directly.

The old lady of Tang’s family also said with conviction: “The leader told you to admit your mistakes. If you recognize the mistakes, we forgive them. This can be regarded as a family.”

Chen Fushan said with a sullen face: "You are noisy here at night!"

Mrs. Tang said: "This is the direction of the leader, asking him to admit his mistakes, otherwise he will not be able to do so."

Chen Fushan gasped his teeth.

Bosi Qing smiled. "You said, what should I do wrong?"

He looked good and looked good. He smiled like this under the dim light. He almost didn’t quit the soul of the cloud painting. This man is really stunned!

Mrs. Tang’s wife only said that when he was soft, he immediately said, “As long as you respect the maiden maiden, you will still be a family. First of all, how can you live in a new house, how do you live in a new house? Mother live!"

Bosi Qing nodded. "The house is vacated and let the mother live. Where do we live?"

Tang Jianguo hurriedly said, "Where did you live, where are you still living? The house on the other side of the old courtyard is for us."

Bosiqing nodded again. "The first requirement of yours is that our house is for the mother. The old house is on the side of the big house. The other side is the second room. How do we live in a barn?"

"This... I didn't live like this before. It's true that filial piety should be like this. How can I enjoy the sins of my mother?" Tang Jianguo said, "Moreover, if you go to college, you will not be able to live for a few days. It will be over."

Bosi Qing smiled slyly. "The first thing is to let the house, is there?"

Mrs. Tang also said: "Hey, you are older than you, you can't do it. You have to raise them. If you don't say much, you have to give us 300 yuan a year to live. You are here. In four years, you have to give 1200 at a time. After you graduate, you will give it later."

Bosi Qing nodded again. "Second, before we go to college, we will give you 1200 living expenses. Is there?"

Mrs. Tang looked at Tang Jianguo, "Founding a country, what do you say?"

Tang Jianguo turned his eyes and said: "You have to ask Jianqing to find a job for me. I think the work of the transportation team is very good. Call Jianqing to get me into a formal job!"

Mrs. Tang’s wife slaps, “Yes, that is, to find a job for the founding of the country, nothing else. The family, is not to help each other.”

Bosi Qing smiled and nodded. "So the third one is to give Tang Jianguo a job in the transportation team, if the iron rice bowl is officially working."

"Yes!" Tang Jianguo said with conviction.

"Is it all?" asked thin board.

Bai Xiumei quickly said: "Let Lin Zhiqing buy a pair of gold rings for the mother! Then buy a watch! Mother is so old, has not worn a ring watch!"

Mrs. Tang also looked at her eyes and nodded.

Bosi Qingxiao: "The fourth article, buy gold rings, watches. Do you want a bicycle? Do you want a sewing machine?"

"If you want it, you have to!"

"You still have to be shameless!"

Chen Fushan is really going to be blown up, pointing at the nose of Mrs. Tang and his son-in-law. "I have never seen you shameless! I want a house to ask for money, but also a gold ring watch bicycle.屎 Do you want it! Don’t you call Tang Jianqing a big official for you!”

"Fukuyama Uncle, this is our family's business, you manage so much cognac." Tang Jianguo said unhappy.

"Don't ask me to take care of your family? You get out of the river tree village! You don't have such a shameless people in Xiaheshu Village! I will go to your Tang family, wherever you are, your Tang family is Not all are so shameless!" Chen Fushan was really angry.

He looked at Bo Siqing again: "You don't have to accept them when you build them! Let them roll! Look at your nose and look at your face."

Tang Jianguo did not dare to talk to Chen Fushan, but pointed out that Tang Jianqing said: "No matter what, if you do not agree to these conditions, then wait for the reputation to be corrupt, I want to go to college, and ask you to sleep in this countryside for a lifetime!"

The old lady of the Tang family also said: "That is, you are a bad conscience, I want to tell you at the leadership, that you will not be able to learn in the future."

It’s really vicious to get home.

The educated youths who came over were not angry enough, and they were so angry that they confronted the old lady of Tang.

When I didn't finish eating, I went to the side of the cloud painting and whispered the hand of the cloud painting: "Mom, dad really want to give the house to the grandparents and the uncles? Give them money?"

It’s impossible to go out of your way.

Cloud painting touches the head of the bag. "What do you think?"

"I don't want to give it." He said, biting his lip.

Cloud painting squinted at the eyes. "But Mom and Dad have already gone to college. After that, our family will go to the city. This house has no one to live in."

"You can live for the second uncle! I just don't want to give grandparents and uncles!"

Cloud painting smiled.

I went around and said, "The house of the family is the mother. You worked hard to build it up. I don't want to give them to my grandparents! The money of your family is also hard earned by you. Don't give them! Dad has never covered them. The house, he didn't know how hard it was to build a house. If he dared to send the house out, I... I... I don't recognize him!"

The cloud painting was teased, and my heart was really touched.

She doesn't know how to explain it.

At this moment, Dudu swayed over and poked a pocket. "You can rest assured, our stuff, Dad will not give them a little bit."

I took a trip and said, "But... they said that if Dad didn't agree, Mom and Dad wouldn't be college."

Cloud painting also looks at Dudu. "Dudu, do you believe in Dad?"


"Then, what do you think Dad should do to not give them something, but can continue to go to college?" asked Yun.

Dudu thought for a moment and whispered: "Because there are too many places to take the college entrance examination, if you don't give it here, change it. Just wait another year."

Take your eyes wide open, "Do you?"

Cloud painting laughed. "Of course, the household registration management is not so strict. It is very simple to take the exam. There are no special requirements. If it is not rare in the province, the first and second places are more. Rare."

In fact, there is another fundamental reason is that she and Bo Siqing's results are too good and too dazzling.

Such achievements cannot be ignored at all.

If Bo Siqing and her did not test the first and second, and the tenth was later, the county leaders said they would like to get stuck, and they could really get stuck, and no one would ask too much.

But they took the first and second place in the province. If their files are out of order, the leaders in charge of culture in the provinces and counties may be unlucky. They will make trouble again, saying that there is no reason in the province and the county. Card them, suspect that someone is going to pretend to be their achievements, then things will be completely noisy, the county and the province will not be able to eat and go...

Therefore, the county leader is just thinking that cloud painting and Bo Siqing are ignorant. He is a leader. When he usually speaks, the following people are scared of the six gods and they dare to make such an order.

In fact, the initiative is never in the hands of the leader!

The next day, Bo Siqing went to the county town to see the leader.

Cloud paintings and children are at home, why should they do it, of course, the main job now is to prepare for entering the city. Now that there is a shortage of supplies, there are many things that can't be bought in the city, so it's time to take advantage of it now.

At this time, the conditions concerning the Tang family and Tang Jianqing in the village have already spread.

The whole village people poke the backbone of the Tang family.

This is to reconcile, this is simply to enmity!

It is only necessary to live in a house of people. Anyway, Tang Jianqing did not live in the city, and the house was empty and empty. However, people still have to pay 1200 yuan for living expenses. This is not to be a human life!

This year's 1200 yuan, that is the price!

The three lobby houses covered by Lin Yun’s paintings, the blue brick and tile rooms are not good enough to spend 1000 yuan! That is the pension for Tang Jianqing.

Now Lin Yunhua and Tang Jianqing, where can I get 1200?

(End of this chapter)