MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2357 Champion

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Chapter 2357, the No. 1 pick

The college entrance examination results came out.

The county directly went to the village to send a happy report.

“We have a provincial champion in the county!”

"Not only the provincial champion, the first two are in our county!"

"It’s all about the village of Xiaheshu."

"This is really a literary star, and it is incredible. It is incredible."

The main leaders of the county also came to Xiaheshu Village to send a good news.

Of course, the leaders of the commune have to keep up. They came to the village to find the village party secretary Chen Fushan, and the leaders are beaming.

"Old Chen, you can’t really go down to the river tree village. It’s the first two in the province! The first and second are all you’re going down the river tree village, oh right, there’s a province’s tenth. It is also in Xiaheshu Village! The top ten in the province, your village has three, which is really a leader!"

"You lifted me too much, it is the educated youth who work hard, and it is also the leadership education in our county." Chen Fushan did not dare to take the merits, and quickly said.

We must know that cultural education is also a kind of political achievements. The province’s champion is in the county. Three of the top ten in the province are in the county. This is a great honor for a small county, and it is the leader of the culture. Said that this can be a real achievement.

"The two screaming, the leader has not said yet." Chen Fushan asked.

In fact, he can guess without asking, just to confirm.

"The manor is called Bo Siqing, the list is called Lin Yun painting, and the tenth is Xie Qingling. I remember it clearly." The leader said, "It’s really awful! Yes, I read the information, the second place is Lin Yun. The painting and the tenth place of Xie Qingling are all educated by the countryside, and the champion is not."

Chen Fushan quickly said that he changed the name of Bo Shiqing.

"The whole thing is like this. He changed from Tang Jianqing to Bosiqing." Chen Fushan said.

The leader frowned. "His situation is a bit too wrong."

Chen Fushan suddenly jumped in his heart. "Leader, he broke off the relationship with the Tang family, but the Tang family took the initiative to mention it. The words that broke the relationship and did not come and go were also placed in my place. This is not to blame others. ”

Several leaders exchanged their eyes. "This Tang Jianqing was originally a farmer's child. He was a self-taught student who took part in the college entrance examination and took the provincial champion. How good is this? It proves that our farmers are also very promising. Although he is not a Tang family, But in the end, Tang Jia raised him so big, so he broke off the relationship, how to look at it has been more sloppy, and it is not good to pass it out, people will say that he is ungrateful, this is talented and not good."

Chen Fushan’s face has become a bit ugly. “Leader, this thing doesn’t blame him, the Tang family’s side is so entangled...”

"Okay, this matter will be asked later, ask how good Tang Jianqing, what name is changed, even the surname has been changed, Bo Siqing, this surname is not good, it sounds like a fuss." .

Even if Chen Fushan doesn't agree with his heart, he doesn't dare to scream again. Besides, that is to blame the leader.

The happy newspaper has been sent to the yard of Bo Siqing and Lin Yunhua.

"Is these two still a couple?" The leader was a little surprised.

Chen Fushan nodded. "Yes."

The leader frowned. "The enlightenment of these two sons will not work. Parents are old. Sometimes they are tolerant when their children are changed. They are intellectuals, a provincial champion, a provincial leader, and a virtue. Degraded? If you can't make it, you have to call them reconciled, so there will be no loss in private morals."

Chen Fushan calmed his face, but there was no response in his heart.

"Lin Zhiqing, are you at home? The county leaders came to send you a good news!" Chen Fushan shouted.

There are already many people in the village who are keeping up with the fun.

"I heard that Tang Jianqing had taken the provincial champion? Is he so powerful? Didn't he even go to junior high school?"

"He didn't go to junior high school, but people taught themselves. When they didn't see the time before the college entrance examination, the educated youths of the educated youths went to ask them questions. They also said that Tang Jianqing's lectures were very good."

"This is really amazing. The old Tang family ancestors smoky, and they can make a champion. Oh, it’s really awful."

"You can make a mistake. The old Tang family is not a grave of the ancestral grave. It is the grave that was digged by the ancestors. If it is really smoked, the people who are now admitted to the champion are Tang Jianqing, not the thin sergeant." ”

"Hey, I have never seen such a kind of eyelids shallow. For thousands of dollars, I push the son-in-law who has such skills to the outside. Some people want to think about it, and the old Tang family simply does not. Really."

"The old Tang family is now repenting in the intestines."

"That's not, how many regrets are not enough for them to eat."

The villagers are watching jokes.

Cloud painting opens the door.

"Fukuyama Uncle." She smiled.

Chen Fushan quickly said: "What about Jianqing?"

"A Qing went to the county." Cloud painting smiles, the tone is not slow, the attitude is dignified and elegant.

Chen Fushan hurryed: "This is the case. I will introduce you to you. This is the leader of our county. This is the leadership of Wang. This is the leader of the song... The leaders are coming today to give us a good news!"

"What good news?" asked the cloud painting.

Chen Fushan just wanted to speak, and has been preempted by the leader of the king.

The leader of the king said: "This is the case. Where is Tang Jianqing? Hurry, he called back. This is a happy event, how can he not be there."

"He went to do his job, and there is something to say to me." The cloud picture is faint.

Wang’s leadership is not too happy. “How can this be the same?”

Cloud painting raises his eyes: "If the leader is willing to wait, then wait, I don't know when he will come back. Sometimes he will come back one day, sometimes not coming back in two or three days."

"Leader, this does not know when to wait until you see it or not... or it is the same with Lin Zhiqing." Chen Fushan played round the field.

After waiting for an hour, the leaders did not see the thin back, and the leaders were quite dissatisfied.

"That's it, just announce it."

"Our leaders are here to send you a good news. Warmly congratulate Comrade Bo Siqing on taking the first place in the province in this year's college entrance examination and become the provincial champion! Hope to make persistent efforts!"

"Congratulations to Comrade Lin Yunhua for winning the second place in the province in this year's college entrance examination..."

The good news has been sent out.

There was a smile on the face of the cloud painting.

Sure enough, there is a gap between people and people's IQ. How she works hard can't keep up with Bo Siqing.

A first, a second, um, very good match.

"Leaders please drink tea." Cloud painted smile.

The leader of the king smiled and sat down. "The news has been sent. Let's talk a little more. I heard that we are the comrades of the champion, who have fallen out with the family? Which one is awkward, what is it? Why bother so absolutely, which It’s too much to accept the severance of the relationship. It’s too unacceptable. It’s not good to pass it out. So, let’s talk to the comrades in the top, and your little couple will apologize to the aunt, the family and the temper, How good."

The leader of the king said, and lowered his voice: "Private people can't pick up faults. This is also helpful for your future development. Don't break your own future for this matter. Do you understand?" ?"

Cloud painting laughed. "Leader, this is our own thing. We can solve it ourselves."

"You are young and young, temperate and easy to be impulsive. I don't know how to deal with such things. If one is not handled well, it will really affect your future."

Cloud painted nodded. "We will be responsible for all our decisions."

Wang’s face is quite ugly. “Why don’t you listen to it? You said that the comrades in the No. 1 situation broke with the family. What is going on? You are his lover, you should persuade, home and everything.”

The cloud painting suddenly caught my stomach and my face was very unsightly. "Sorry for the leadership, you sit, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, I have to go to the cottage."

After she finished, she left.

The leaders of a yard were all aired.

Chen Fushan is also very embarrassed, he is embarrassed for these leaders.

Lin Zhiqing's personality, how could it be impossible for the leaders to bow down and listen to what is impossible.

Now, everyone is not coming to Taiwan.

"Wang led, do not go to our home first, Xie Qingling of the tenth is my son-in-law." Chen Fushan laughed.

Someone is relieved, and the leaders are not fools.

The leader of the king quickly smiled and said: "I have heard about it. Lao Chen, this son-in-law is really amazing. The tenth place in the province! It's not bad, it's really good. Let's go, the champions and the second-placed newspapers have already read it, then It’s your son-in-law."

A group of leaders went to Chen Fushan’s home.

The atmosphere at the Chen family is much better than here.

Although Xie Qingling is not good at words, but the leaders can say anything, he can also accept it, but it will not be cold.

The leaders are drinking tea in the spring, this is the correct way to meet the leader. The Lin Zhiqing is too ignorant.

Just then, outside the courtyard of Chen Fushan, there was a cry.

"The old man, you can give us the master--"

Upon hearing this scorpion, Chen Fushan’s face changed immediately, and the old lady of Tang’s family came to trouble!

I am really afraid of you.

The voice of Mrs. Tang’s voice is particularly loud, and it is impossible to pretend that it has not been heard.

The old lady was crying outside and shivering, and the leaders could only come out to meet people.

"Auntie, you are embarrassed, get up and say, cry, what is the leader here, the leader will give you the title."

"The old master of Qingtian, we have worked hard all our lives, and we have a handful of urine, but we have raised a white-eyed wolf." Mrs. Tang cried in tears. "Tang Jianqing, the white-eyed wolf, let us take it from the snow and the snow." He came and gave him a raise, and he turned around and didn’t recognize our mother..."

The faces of the leaders are all dignified. "Auntie, you slowly said."

Mrs. Tang’s wife immediately came to the end and began to complain in tears of the sinful crimes of Bo Siqing and Lin Yun’s paintings. In her mouth, Tang Jianqing and Lin Yun’s paintings were completely evil.

"Leader, you have to give us the master, we are not his own parents, but also have the kindness to him. He doesn't even recognize us..."

(End of this chapter)